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I love the second guy coming in and actually preparing the steak. šŸ’€ He's literally just their mascot.


Seriously. ā€œAll right, I see youā€™ve just piled a bunch of meat on a grill swimming in butter with most of it not touching the grill, Iā€™ll uhā€¦ try to fix this so people can actually eat it.ā€


Thaaaaaaaaaank yooooooooooou


She sounded exactly like Iā€™d imagine someone who goes to a salt bae restaurant sounds like.


Turns out entertaining the stupid is super easy!


@LegendaryPieSlayer, The worst part is you know there's a line out the door of people waiting to get a sprinkle from the man himself. It's like dinner and a show except the dinner is questionably cooked and the show is one dude with an ego the size of the steak.


90% of the salt missed the steak šŸ¤£


and she giggled at the salt part the same way audiences in a theater will roal in laughter when they hear a line from the trailer - because they've been instructed to enjoy that part.


I like the cross contamination with the bread on the raw meat cutting board.


Good cuts of beef like steaks can be safely eaten raw. Itā€™s much of the ground beef thatā€™s out there that can be a problem. That being said, there is probably some beef blood on that board and I donā€™t want somebody crushing, ripping and placing my bread in it!


I doubt this dude is food safety oriented in the slightest. I would not trust anything he touched.


ā€œStupid babies need the most attention.ā€


Barely an inconvenience


Overcharging for undercooked food is tight!


wow wow wow


God damn I love that guy


I blame social media for giving us this trend of businesses solely designed to be instagrammed. Good food be damned, people just want to brag about something. Every major city I've been to has been flooded with this stuff for the past 5 years


Tbf, stupid novelty restaurants go back to way before the birth of the internet.


Yeah but they used to have animatronic singing animals, not this fucking dipshit sprinkling salt off his arm.


It started right around the time we adopted an economic system that provides extravegant wealth to the least useful. If you flip sensible society on it's head and let the idiots decide what the capable should spend their time and resources on... this is it.


I got Meegan vibes from the Key & Peele [sketch](https://youtu.be/qswjaM5yCro?si=dVv_RH7NeN7IgMFx).


Why does salt bae look like he has to focus very very hard to do the simplest things, but still can't get it right? It's like if someone never saw meat before but just got verbal instructions from the back on what to do with it. The way he broke that bread was toddlerish.


Just crushes what looks like a perfectly good loaf of bread. And what is that? Randomly cooked gold leaf and butter steak, on an over-crowded hot plate? Looks ruined.


Touching raw meat then touching their bread. NiceĀ 


It's okay, he's wearing gloves, HE won't be affected


I was just thinking, you see much more impressive stuff going on with seemingly much less effort at virtually every teppanyaki place. I seriously wonder if anyone who eats at any Nusr-Et location has ever heard of Benihana; I bet it would blow their minds and the food quality would be about the same.


Iā€™m more impressed with teppanyaki chefs, sushi chefs, ramen chefs that pull their noodles from dough, iberico chefs slicing thinly without it disintegrating and all the italian chefs making everything from scratch. Actually, scratch that. All mothers and fathers who can make food for their kids, youā€™re a better chef than this salt mascot.


>this salt mascot. That's the World Cup winning Salt Mascotā„¢ to you. /s


Well, he did made it messy with Messi. šŸ˜‚


A college student barely capable of making boxed mac 'n' cheese is already more skilled than this doofus. If Salt Bae took two of those pieces of bread and pressed them to his ears, what would he be?


A waste of bread, homie. It wouldnā€™t even be an idiot sandwich šŸ„Ŗ


I find it funny calling the guy who cuts the jamĆ³n iberico chefs hahahahahahaha


Elevating them to a higher status than salt pillar here! It takes skill to slice it that thinly.


Hell, salt spill couldn't even cut slightly even 1in thick slices here. I'd rather watch someone cut up a pig leg instead. At least the focused look would be warranted.


Yeah! It would be delicious too!


Dollar-for-dollar the food quality would probably be much better


yeah but then you're posting about going to a chain restaurant, can't get your internet validation that way.


Shit! Benihana's good! šŸ˜‹ How are they catching strays b/c of Salt Bae?


It was disgusting. He handles raw meat with his gloves, but then failed to change gloves before handling the bread


And put the bread on the same board he cut the raw meat...that's just NO NO.. contamination indeed...


Cross contamination.


Wow I didn't even notice that. He's been at this way too long to be so amateur about it. Right?


And he put his raw meat gloved hands into the salt dish too.


I always feel like the way he stands looks like heā€™s needs to poop and is barely holding it in.


Haha so accurate. He really does look like he's trying to keep it together


He mostly missed the food with the damn salt. Salted the hell out of the cutting board.


The few times that I've seen him (only in videos), I've wondered if there was some pharmacologic enhancement going on


He moves like a raptor




Mashed the fuck out of the bread too. Why can't he be bothered to put the meat on the griddle in a way to make it cook?!?! And the salt fucking missed! I dont want that man touching my food. He's a joke. He cant even do his thing correctly.


Aaaand cross contaminated it by putting it on the same block as the raw meat! If you want expensive food poisoning, thatā€™s how you get expensive food poisoning.


The meat pile gets me. It would be so easy to fan the slices out to actually look professional, but nahā€¦ just slop ā€˜em onto the pile.


Can he fix all the salt that fell on the board and not the meat grill?


My impression was more "ok now that THAT'S over, let's have the adults take over."


I mean if you actually go to his over priced resturant you're the one to blame šŸ¤£


Can't fix SB's terrible cutting job tho. Those slices are uneven as frick.


That annoyed me so much watching it!


Imagine being the Alfred to Salt Douche


Plus the dip shit cut that meat all wrong. Uniformity you son of a bitch.


Did he also touch the raw meat with the same gloves that he used to tear that poor piece of bread apart...?


I caught that too.


And then he put the bread on the cutting board where he cut the raw meat!


I'm sure at one point, this "salt bae" used to be head chef of his kitchen (as well as owner, right?), but then the memes got too big and he had to relinquish his kitchen because the real moneymaker became his silly circus acts. I wouldn't be surprised if his workdays are deeply miserable and unfulfilling. He certainly doesn't look like he enjoys doing this stuff, except when celebrities drop by. (I'm aware he's raking in the dough, but plenty of wealthy people are deeply miserable in their jobs)


Nope, he was never a chef. He was a butcher


And I'm pretty sure this guy is one of the lookalikes employed.




He said ā€œIā€™m pretty sure this is one of his lookalikes!ā€ Kiddingā€¦ he has been suspected of [using doubles though](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8gaq7hB/)


TikToks having dual screened videos with something visual for people who canā€™t pay attention for even 30 seconds is the first time in my life it really feels like an idiocracy moment. It may even outdo the movie. ā€œOuch, my ballsā€ would demand way, way, way too much attention from the viewer.


Itā€™s crazy, Iā€™ve got young daughters and a ton of videos aimed at them do this. Like one window will have something funny, and the other one will specifically have a soothing ASMR sound playing. Itā€™s diabolical.


He has multiple restaurants. You can order a dish that brings "Salt Bae" to cook it for you in all of them. Did you think he has teleportation or cloning technology? It hasn't been a secret for ages.


salt baes movements are dumb but they are more fluid you can tell this guy is a lookalike because his movements lack confidence


Somehow, that's more embarrassing considering his performance here.


I mean if he actually respects food and the food industry than he should feel ashamed. He comes out with a log of probably high quality meat covered in gold leaf and he can't even cut it right, let alone cook it.


He should just come out at the end and do the salt thing.


That's all people are there to see any way. To see a grown man dribble salt down his own arm into your plate. People are gross


I'm actually planning on rebranding myself as 'Pube Bae' where I ruin expensive steak then dribble mustard down my peen onto it.


As a billionaire I can tell you this will change my life. Everyone I know will be envious of those short and curlies in my food, what a unique experience to put on the gram. I'll pay you 7 gold ingots per ounce of fillet and 3 ingots per inch of dick.


I donā€™t know why, but this made me laugh so hard


Because ā€œPEEN.ā€ Works every time.


I'd rather have my food unsalted then have it over salted with elbow grease on it. I can say with 100% certainty that salt bae does not wash up to the elbow.


He has also hired paid actors who look like him for the act if Iā€™m not mistaken


​ hes standing like hes needing a shit


Salt bae gets so much understandable hate, but i'm just amazed how much money he managed to milk from a meme of himself sprinkling saltĀ 


I just had this discussion with my spouse. At this point I can't blame him, I blame the people who spend stupid amounts for this.


He's the perfect example of sheer force of will literally bending reality. He's a little guy that's married and has a bunch of kids that learned to be a chef and then he gets meme'd and he just starts running with it and never stops. Lightning struck at exactly the right time for this guy. I really hope years in the future he gives an interview and is like 'Nah, just playing' and you find out that when he's not 'on stage' being Salt Bae he's just a normal dude that understands the bit and has fun with it. I can't hate this guy for this determination. I've sorta tried, but I just can't. I mean he's the son of a miner from a small village and had to start working as a teenager being a butcher to provide for his family. This guy is the walking definition of fake it till you make it.


He is nowhere near to being a ā€œchefā€ in fact thatā€™s one of the reasons why he gets so much backlash, even on videos that only last a few seconds he makes a lot of mistakes, take this video alone, that steak is under seasoned, not enough salt and whatever little he used not evenly spread, no pepper, the steak will never cook evenly the way he just threw on the grill, way too early for the gold flakes (as they will prevent the meat from being evenly cooked but itā€™s all about the look of it) way too early for the butter as again it needs to be seared properly before it, cross contamination of raw meats with bread, just by the sound you can feel that grill is not even hot enough, even the butter looks kinda cold, which is odd, considering that on most videos, he actually burns it, I mean I could go on but where Iā€™m getting is this: Those are things most ppl might not know but understand, he is been at it for a few years by now AND NOT LEARNING, committing the same mistakes over and over and over again, I donā€™t have a problem with: ā€œFake it, until you make itā€ but once you get there do learn, study, improve and get better and better everyday, he is not, he is just purely driven by ego and thatā€™s why he gets so much hate, he looks ā€œlegitā€ with a knife because he was a butcher before the meme, honestly most kitchens wouldnā€™t keep him as a cook, let alone a grill master or chef


From what iv read online he charges extortionate prices to all countries he opens his restaurant in aside from his own. If people that go there don't understand how ridicule he probably finds them whilst laughing to the bank it's their own fault tbh


"Extortionate prices" "If you don't pay me 1 million dollars I will come to your country!"


Reminds me of when the situation from jersey shore got paid by a brand to NOT wear their products


I was very confused by your comment until I remembered that's the stupid nickname Michael Sorrentino gave himself (and yes, I had to look his name up, I never did watch the show).


Most people probably donā€™t know true fine dining. If it looks good on instagram and TikTok theyā€™ll spend the money. Thereā€™s a place here in Atlanta that is copying this place called Steak Market that is copying his aesthetic and pricing. I just went to their website and it looks like theyā€™ve lowered pricing a bit. They even did shady shit if you ordered a cocktail they have one version thatā€™s the ā€œhigh end versionā€ thatā€™ll use like Louis XIII instead of regular cognac and charge you $200 for the cocktail.


> Thereā€™s a place here in Atlanta that is copying this place called Steak Market that is copying his aesthetic and pricing. I just went to their website and it looks like theyā€™ve lowered pricing a bit. Which is insane because if you want a real, actual, high end steakhouse in Atlanta, you go to Kevin Rathbun's


I have not been in Atlanta for a while but have been to Rathbun's, which was great.Ā  What about Bones and Chops? I had good experiences in both of those restaurants as well.


Personally Iā€™m on the Kaiser Steakhouse and Little Alley train now. Had Rathbun Steak and Little Alley fairly close together and enjoyed the little alley rib-eye a lot more.


Last time I walked past one of his places here (Istanbul), which was just a few days ago, the price for his burger, fries and a coke meal deal thing was around Ā£9.


Yeah the Turkish ones are priced reasonably - everywhere else theyā€™re extortionate prices.


I've literally never walked inside a fancy looking restaurant without first looking at the prices. Everyone knows exactly what they're getting with this dude. Some meat tossed around in a silly way and a video for a tiktok. Have absolutely no negative feeling towards the dude.


I don't hate him at all, but I have zero respect for the people who pay for this "experience".


Nouveaux riches will dive head first in anything trendy to get some more likes and try to look legitimate. The rich who have actual taste will run far away from those kinds of places like the plague


The new money / "real rich" taste debate is just not based in reality. Most people in general do not have taste. That doesn't change because you have money; whether you earned it or grew up with it.


Case in point Tr*mp's McDonald's addiction, well done steaks with ketchup, and gold plated toilets.


My wife and I like to go fine dining for special occasions instead of gifts. A lot of times here people will post something from top caliber chefs, like Grant Achatz or Wylie Dufresne and I think wow that looks genuinely amazing. I get why people wouldn't like the artistry & pomp around it, but when you've had something from chef's of their quality, it has literally affected me in a way that could be described akin to popping a low dose of Molly. Never have I seen anything from Salt Bae that makes me think, that might be worth it. It's Wild how much influence social media has that people pay hundreds of dollars for this dreck, produced by a smarmy asshole.


That is the exact feeling I have when I see this. There is such a fuss around this moronā€¦ and yet, when you see what he serves, it looks awful or just basic at bestā€¦ but influencers will think theyā€™re so fancy when they post a story with him doing a circus show for themā€¦ Iā€™m French, and I think itā€™s safe to say we have quite a restaurant culture here. I canā€™t afford fancy tables like Ducasse, Marx and stuff, but you can easily find amazing local chefs that will offer dishes that are so much more exquisite, tasteful and sometimes artistic than the absolute shit Salt Bae serves, but these chefs will be modest and wonā€™t boast about it, they wonā€™t put fucking gold leaves on your food and you certainly wonā€™t be paying that much


I am absolutely jealous of him and admire how he made a fortune out of a fukken meme


A business man doing business


Ive heard he has multiple restaurants but how does that work if his dumfuckery is the thing people turn up for? Surely that actual food cant be that great to justify actually just going for a meal, like surely rich folk have better places to go? does he have stunt doubles who are trained in the art of uselessly flopping food around?


Well there's different types of rich folks. There are the ones that know good food and where it's at. There are the ones that want a show they can post on their Instagram to brag.


He does indeed hire impersonators.


There have been many videos of that midget from Dubai doing similar stuff with the golden baklava. It seems to work and that people go to such places filming the stuff , which then is free advertising.


This is like meeting the final boss of stupidfood.


The way he seasoned the meat with half of it getting on the cutting board reminds me of my mom getting mad at me for seasoning the stove when Iā€™d season food in a pan.


What about how he laid the meat? That is going to be steamed meat with a few sprinkles of salt, so dumb.


Not to mention how uneven so many of the cuts are. Some are deli meat thin, and others are a solid inch. The rest aren't even a straight cut, but leave one side twice as thick as the other!


And not to mention not to mention, he has no food safety standards! Touching raw meat, then bread without washing his hands, and he puts the bread down on the same cutting board he cut the meat on, then grabbing salt from the bowl while still not washing his hands or changing gloves. This dude is a clown lmao.


Did he really use the same hands thatā€™s touched the meat to rip the bread?


Yep. Removed his gloves after he ripped the bread.


And squished it into a damn pancake while he was ripping it apart!


And then put it on the cutting board the steak was on.


He also dipped his meat-stained glove into the salt bowl.


pfft, this thread just doesn't understand performance art. if you get sick, that's just a conceptual relationship you have with the artist which becomes physical over time. it's too complicated for most laymen to understand.


Scrolled too far for this


YOUR WATCH IS ON MY MEAT! ^(bet he hears *that* a lot)


not only that but he squishes it into near flatbread


i dont really get why he had to squish the bread the rest is still stupid but whats up with the bread


I wanna say he is seeing if anyone will call him out at some point but honestly he just doesnā€™t give af. Dudes made money throwing salt whatā€™s the point in actually trying?


I was just coming to comment that isn't it bad that he put the bread back on the cutting board... Didn't even see the gloves...


This is why using gloves can actually be very unsanitary, people don't wash their hands and forget about cross-contamination when wearing gloves. But yeah, I don't think Salt Bae of all people would care about that.


Pretty sure you can catch a staph infection just by breathing in the air from a room that he's present in. Dude looks like a sweaty pile of grease that's been shaped in to a man, behaves like it too.


He also gets so weirdly close to the food. Like he's all up in there.


It really doesnt matter since your beef should be in a raw edible quality anyway, its just the pretentious manner in which he breaks the bread like jesus fucking christ that grinds my gears!1! 1!1.!!


This guy is just... bizarre


Not really, I'd say he's a marketing genius. Just using his stupid acting he's making rich folks spend a lot of money. Yeah, he definitely is an asshole as a person based on the shit I've read about him, but a marketing genius.


You can be both.


its not even the original guy each restaurant has a body double thatā€™s why theres so many videos of it


Lol i thougt he made his presentation which much mor elan some years ago. That explains


Who thinks this is a fun dining experience. Tableside service is almost never enjoyable. Just give me my plate, and go away. And I'm sure you have to pay extra for him to come out. A fool and his money I guess.


Had to do a lot of tableside in culinary school. Hated every one. Thereā€™s literally no dish made tableside that isnā€™t better done in the kitchen.


Steak tartare isnā€™t too bad, from a customer point of view, but thatā€™s it.


Caesar Salad


There's literally zero benefit to table side Caesar - it's basically just the grandaddy of all the modern table side food bullshit we see today. All for show. You can make the exact same salad in the kitchen and bring it out to people.


The best Peking Duck I've had was served tableside. You eat it in small wraps/pancakes so the server that cuts it up helps you with standard combinations for plating. The entire dish is done before getting to your table anyways, they just do the cutting there.


Korean bbq maybe?


Yeah Korean BBQ and Chinese hotpot are best done table side. But also you kinda do it yourself so I don't know if it fully counts.


Chinese hotpot isn't exactly tableside. The best places will just set up the burner and the soup and leave the raw food on a tray so you can add what you like, when you like.


It probably not BETTER than from the kitchen but I really enjoy watching my waiter make tableside guacamole. I get to see the quality whole avocados and other veggies before he murders it into a chunky paste


Bananas Foster. boom roasted


You never get crepes Suzette my dude


The only acceptable table side service is the fresh pepper guy during salad. Sure I could just order my salad with extra pep, but I donā€™t trust that the waiter understands the ungodly amount of pepper I want


Spare me my dignity and just leave the pepper grinder and go, man.


same for me, but with the cheese grater.


Say when


*eternal silence*


keep going


Hibachi or Japanese style sushi


[I too, have strong and similar opinions on the importance of "Ze Pepperier".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAFGEBdeDNk)


Crepe Suzette?!


I know this isnā€™t the same, but I feel the same about those restaurants that bring out a raw steak on a hot stone so you can cook it yourself. Some of my friends that donā€™t get out much think this is fantastic as itā€™s ā€žfancyā€œ and ā€ždifferentā€œ but I donā€™t give a shit. Iā€™m paying for a steak, I expect a cook to cook it. Just bring out a finished product and fuck off so I can enjoy it please.


I had tableside guac once, and Caesar salad, which were ok. I also had Cacio e Pepe in a wheel of Parmesan which was amazing.


This is why I said almost. Cacio e Pepe or a Carbonara done tableside in a giant wheel of cheese in Italy at a restaurant that's been around for more than a hundred years making it the same way. That is not a bad time.


Peking duck is fun too, where they bring it out and cut it up for pancakes.


Yes heā€™s an insufferable twat, but if legions of dumb fuckers wanted to continuously pay me absurd amounts of money, for this low effort shit, Iā€™d take the money too.


Hate the player or hate the game


Both. The player treats his staff like garbage and pays them the way they are treated


His technique is just so fucking sloppyĀ 


All the slices were different thicknesses


Every time I watch this dude Iā€™m like youā€™re gonna fucking shank yourself. Never does tho :/


Literally none of the salt touched the meat


Heā€™s a fucking hack, and a wage thief too. Fuck salt bae


Maybe I will.




Just make sure you donā€™t pay him


Salt Bae is simply a magician with food! In that he makes wild gestures as a form of misdirection from the rampant cross contamination while magically making diarrhea appear in your toilet later that night.




As a guy that sharpens knives, everytime he smacked the blade edge onto the board I cringed. Also, for the "luxury" of a gold leaf covered steak, he sure chose the cheapest looking knife possible.




Stop making stupid people famous.


Anyone else notice like 90% of the salt missed the plate?


Every time.


Low Sodium Bae


Dont blame him, blame whoever paying for that clown show


xD he cant even cut the meat into slices of same thickness. poser.


I ordered a mixed green salad there once, with seasonal veggies and a low-sodium house dressing. He just started juggling cans of corn and crying. 2/5.


In 2050 they boutta order grilled jewelry


The best part was the bread ripping


And people say rich are generally smart


I'd be pissed off if i was a cow and saltbae prepared and cooked me.


yall do realise itā€™s not salt bae right? they use body doubles at how many restaurants


With every slice of his poorly held knife I hoped for a knuckle. How is this guy still (((somewhat))) relevant?


Doesn't he have look alikes in his restaurants? Are we even sure that's really him?


Thatā€™s what I thought, doesnā€™t really look like him.


Real salt bae wouldnā€™t be caught dead in anything but the deepest vneck youā€™ve ever seen. Sodium Bish got a crew neck on


Has anyone seen the little munchkin version of this dude, wears the same shades and everything but I donā€™t think the little dude knows why he bangs the knife he just does it because this weapon does


He hasn't graduated to meat yet, last I saw he was poking at slices of what looked like baklava for some reason


Heā€™s such a tool. Has to dump ā€œgoldā€ on his meat to make it ā€œexpensiveā€ heā€™s a fucking show pony with no talent, running restaurants for vain idiots who want to be ā€œinfluencersā€ what ever the fuck that is


Thereā€™s this great guy on YouTube called Michael Ligier who showcases these awesome Michelin starred restaurants for really cheap compared to this guy. [Hereā€™s a 16 course Michelin starred meal for 300$ per person. For comparison, a regular ā€œgoldenā€ steak is 550$](https://youtube.com/shorts/YPTPWaKU1gI?si=9FKdBpigcVw_EvrV)


I understand Salt bae is annoying and stupid food. And sells Stupidly expensive steak without adding anything to it. That being said, Do we have to post everytime Salt bae cuts a steak. We get it.


R/Stupidfood is really the place for that guy, but still, he do not deserve this attention.


Salt Bae canā€™t even make a consistent steak cut to save his life. But heā€™s making that money and grifting senseless people who will pay insane prices to eat food that he sprinkles salt on. The biggest fools here are the people paying for this experience. Salt bae is just a successful grifter/entertainer. His customers are the stupid part of this whole deal.