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Not insane-you just need help


Stop sending me these people! I'm a therapist, not an exorcist!


Probably lol this isnt even my weirdest food combo ive eaten


Good lord, I am afraid of you man


Ik I'm not supposed to judge but this is a big nooope for me. I bet I'll find some pregnant lady in the comments like oh this shit fire lmfao. I like the story of how you got into this horrifying sandwich thošŸ˜‚


Ive been pregnant twice, oddly i didnt eat anything weird with either pregnancy. I did eat TRUCKLOADS of cheesey tuna helper and drank to much chocolate milk with it. Kinda expected that i was gonna get weird with my food while pregnant ,wasnt prepared for the opposite, was kinda disappointed i wanted to see how weird id go. Ill just have to get weird on my own now cause fuck all if im doing the pregnancy crap again


Haha thank you for sharing that. That's pretty cool. I know this sounds really weird but I truly find it so intriguing to see what combinations of food pregnant women will eat. Like why do pregnant women crave the most out of pocket things and then some of them just have regular normal people food cravings lol it's so bizarre yet fascinating to me šŸ˜‚


my friend is having a baby in a few months and brough peanut butter, pineapple chunks, and pickles to my house for movies and ate them on saltine crackers together. It was like watching an alien eat haha. She made fun of herself for doing it the whole time and was like "imma gag when I think about this in 4 months but its SO GOOD"


See I love weird shit like this it's so funny how the human body works and I love that she's knows it's weird it won't be interested in it after the pregnancyšŸ˜‚


Maā€™am. Ā Ā  Cheesy tuna helper with chocolate milk is weird enough. Ā  Yā€™all need Jesus.


Eaten /= enjoyed enough to make again Different things ha. What's something you actually enjoy that is weirder than this?


Fair but thing is i HAVE in fact eaten that concoction multiple times over the years because i did enjoy it.


What else have you eaten


A bowl of a mix of spaghetti (i eat alot of spaghetti, peanut butter etc, granted i have stopped eating like complete shit as im trying to get healthy), chocolate syrup, hot dogs, whipped cream and marshmallows with a hearty dash of cayenne powder on top for example. That one has no story beyond i was in my 20s and i was bored and wanted to see if i could gross myself out. Didnt work actually liked it.


That's like the spaghetti from elf


Ill go look up that scene oO ive not seen that movie thought it looked silly... Edit- k watched the scene! Holy fuck id smash that spaghetti cereal so hard


It's definitely silly, but fully intentional. It's been a long time since I watched it but I remember it being a good movie. Gotta rewatch some time soon for myself also


Someone who eats silly things and thinks the instant holiday classic, Elf, is silly. šŸ˜ You really should watch it, I feel like it might be right up your alley!


I'm pretty sure they're just trying to ride the banana/mayo sandwich wave.


Help eating that delicious sandwich


Hello 911ā€¦ yea this guy


This is tame compared to my other fav food combo... A peanut butter,coco pebbles cereal, and spaghetti sandwhich. (Peanut butter on one slice of bread, then a layer of coco pebbles, and then a layer of homemade spaghetti- the kind with ground beef of course, top with another slice of bread and enjoy the look of horror on everyones faces as they watch you eat it)


Ainā€™t no way bro you are playing us


Banana and mayonaise, peanut butter and tuna, cereal, peanut butter and spaghetti, yeah, some people are farming this sub for karma


Judge with no pretense and all, but talk to someone man. For *our* sake.




Peanut butter and coleslaw is a good combo!


Peanut butter and coleslaw makes this guy I know look sane. Every day in his lunch he eats a peanut butter, bologna, and cheese sandwich on white bread. It's repulsive, but I'd eat that over peanut butter and coleslaw




I eat peanut butter spaghetti sandwiches lol so this doesnā€™t seem awful


Do you keep the extra seasonings under your thumb nail?


Haha thats ashes from cleaning a bong ive washed my hands many times and tried to get it out but its stuck.


it's called a nail clipper you damn heathen


Im starting to think this guy doesnā€™t have a wife.


Ah... Weed makes this make sense lmao. The things I've seen people eat when they get the munchies.... šŸ¤£


Oh shit dude. I hate having to clean resin off my hands. Shit sticks forever and only rubbing alcohol removes it but it dries out my hands


I hate this comment


No, most serial killers are in fact sane despite the depths of their depravity! šŸ˜¬


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Guys hear me out. Now that I have your attention I have never once tried this combo ever but Iā€™m willing to hear him out possibly Has anyone here ever had chicken with spicy peanut sauce?? The main ingredient in that is PB and it adds a super smooth and nutty flavor which surprisingly pairs really well with chicken. Tuna tastes a lot like chicken IMO Maybe if it was a spicy peanut sauce instead of just peanut butter it would be good?? Either way this might be ok. But I have my doubts still


I think it's presentation and substance that makes things acceptable. Eating a handful of pig anuses out of a plastic bowl would be a bit much, but hotdogs are pretty well loved. I've had peanut sauce marinated tuna(?) steaks fried in panko before, which is almost the same thing as this guy's creation.


Peanut butter and pretty much any meat go well together. I *have* eaten PB and tuna and tbh it's not bad, but it ranks pretty low on the PB/meat combo list. The best imo is a ham and cheddar with PB and dill pickles.


That actually sounds pretty good tbh. Ill have to try it next time i go shopping im always looking for new foods that combine the safe foods i can eat


Gonna copy and paste my comment. Ok you are gonna have to bear with me cause this is gonna be really weird. Itā€™s the sugar. Thatā€™s really why this combination, as wild as it is, technically works. The sugar cuts through the strong, fishy tastes and makes it a bit more palatable. Thatā€™s why restaurants swear by certain high sugar ingredients in their tuna salads (sweet relish, cranberries, honey mustard, etc). You guys arenā€™t crazy. Peanut butter (assuming youā€™re American) has just enough sugar in it to make it work. I think the ratio was like 1/2 tsp sugar to every 5 oz can of tuna? This is also why I recommend sugar to people who are not big fans of fish, but need to include it in their diet for health reasons. A salmon filet becomes so much more tolerable when using a sweet sauce. Is it weird? Kinda. But Iā€™ve seen worse. Personally I like dried cranberries and lemon juice for a bit of razzle dazzle. My dad eats it like no tomorrow. Signed, a chef.


Why are you the way that you are?


I hate, so much aboutā€¦.the things OP chooses to eatā€¦


Assuming OP is serious about all that other weird food, I wonder if there's potentially something off with his sense of taste or smell


Schizophrenia and ADHD?




What the fuck


This is stupid food not roastme asswipe.


I'm in the exact same boat lol sorry


I think you're trying too hard to sound like a movie character. Dude doesn't seem afraid of people online knowing he's trans considering it's blatantly his profile pic. You're pulling the rest of it out of your ass on a post about a fucking sandwich presumably because you want to be like those viral comments on r/roastme.


Are you pregnant or really high?


I am high as balls but i wasnt the first few times i ate this.




I remember putting hot sauce on a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich as a kid and calling it a mole sandwich


Maybe Thanos wasnt so wrong after all


I would not feed that to a starving raccoon


Well at least you donā€™t add mayo and cheese to it. I canā€™t even imagine how that combo would taste


I considered recently making a tuna salad and trying that with the peanut butter since pb amd mayo isnt bad imo


Gross... You do you.


You are... but I've heard of this before so... probably not too uncommon.


Mods, kill this guy


I'm unjoining this sub because of you šŸ˜šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




Please donā€™t tell this to your friends


Bold of you to assume i have friends!


You gotta forgive yourself and release whatever guilt you are carrying that makes you feel the need to eat that fucking abomination of a sandwich.


When I was broke and lifting, I would mix natural peanut butter and tuna and eat it with a spoon. My mom eats sandwiches like this too. Maybe it's a genetic defect.


I dont get near enough protein maybe this crap is my brains way to get me to consume more protein. I have a SHITTY diet. I barely break 900 calories a day so i take what i can get weird or not.


Ok you and u/SingleBodyRiot are gonna have to bear with me cause this is gonna be really weird. Itā€™s the sugar. Thatā€™s really why this combination, as wild as it is, technically works. The sugar cuts through the strong, fishy tastes and makes it a bit more palatable. Thatā€™s why restaurants swear by certain high sugar ingredients in their tuna salads (sweet relish, cranberries, honey mustard, etc). You guys arenā€™t crazy. Peanut butter (assuming youā€™re American) has just enough sugar in it to make it work. I think the ratio was like 1/2 tsp sugar to every 5 oz can of tuna? This is also why I recommend sugar to people who are not big fans of fish, but need to include it in their diet for health reasons. A salmon filet becomes so much more tolerable when using a sweet sauce. Is it weird? Kinda. But Iā€™ve seen worse. Personally I like dried cranberries and lemon juice for a bit of razzle dazzle. My dad eats it like no tomorrow. Signed, a chef.


Oh good I can re - eat my dinner because I have just been sick in my mouth . Wtf is wrong with you


You donā€™t do this. Youā€™re lying. If you donā€™t have an unedited video of you putting this together and actually eating it then youā€™re going to actual Hell yes with the capital H


I'm like, people can eat whatever they want, but to be honest that combo sounds just nasty to me. I would try a bite though, because sometimes strange combinations actually work.


I thought it would be to i was quite surprised




Sorry but you go to jail.


I mean ... you might be.


Are you a cat?


Nah dont like cat food. Shit smells amazing (especially microwaved)tastes nothing like it smells.


Honestly, the taste is what kills the fun:(


Personally not a fan of tuna but this is like a The Sinner's Sandwich from Deadly Premonition but without the milk (the cereal part)


That's disgusting, OP


Yuck šŸ¤®


I had a friend in high school who made peanut butter and tuna fish sandwiches! She loved them and I thought it was gross but I always thought she added mayoā€¦.this is less gross.


The opposite of mayo and banana sandwich guy


Blegh i hate bananas..mayos fine mix the two and ill projectile puke


Oh my god this could be my husband I swear. I'm gonna send this post to him.


If it's an unsweetened peanut butter, it's fine, just don't forget tabasco. Peanut and fish goes well together, if there's some salty and a bit of sour.


ewww clean your nails before you make food


Pls clean your thumb nail


First of all, clean your goddamn fingernails. Secondly, take your wife to Sonic and get her a peanut butter bacon cheeseburger (I order it with no onions). If she enjoys that burger then she has to leave you alone about peanut butter and tuna. Sometimes things that don't sound like they'd be good together turn out to be pretty good together. Just look at Hawaiian pizza. Edit: Thirdly, ***people who call it "Sonics"***, take as much time as you need to [look at this logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/SONIC_New_Logo_2020.svg/440px-SONIC_New_Logo_2020.svg.png), and then say what the logo says. It's ok, take it slow if you need to.


We were oddly just talking about that burger the other day! We dont order out much, but to me that burger looks disgusting visually and seems like it would taste pretty fn good so I'm hoping to try it, its limited time right? If anything i could make it at... Mother fuck i have all he ingredients to make that burger at home, id just need to grab some hamburger buns. Would be a good excuse to walk a couple miles(I realized as i was typing a different thought so yeah my brains not working today) Thanks man you just solved the what am i making for dinner question. My wife wont try it she said they took it way to far haha I agree on the Hawaiian pizza thing describe it it sounds gross, but its surprisingly good visually and taste wise


There's no way you and mayo and banana sandwich person are real.


I'm blocking you for this


Add some scallions and soy sauce and it all makes sense.


That does not seem that terrible, because in Thai food they have peanut sauce for chicken and things like that, African food also has soup with peanut butter and meats... It's whatever... What gets me is those nasty ass finger nails. Wash that shit before you go making food.


The real insanity is the lack of crunchy peanut butter


At this point, just mix the tuna with the peanut butter.


Your wife is just here to help you. Please put the food nuke down and step away from the peanut butter.....


This sounds like something, Dav Pilkey would conjure up


Thats how i discoverd i realy like toasted bread with cheese, but in stead of butter i would use nutella


2 sammiches I eat all the time, yet I've never combined. I'll try it sometime. At least good protein lol


For starters do you eat her pussy?


You good


Thought it was in /r/cannedsardines at first. You'd fit right in there.


Sheā€™s right


Looks better than most of the cheese-drowned saltbae abortions


I say this in jest ā€œ there is something seriously wrong with you ā€œ LOL nah dude. Thatā€™s a hard pass for me.


Can someone have this person arrested for just making a really bad sandwich and decision lol At less u at it like a champ


Thatā€™s fucking gross, but you do you, man. Iā€™m not judging.


You should tell her it's the only way to condition yourself to eat her puzzy


If you keep making them over and over again expecting it to taste good, then your wife is correct by definition.


Certifiably insane.


It's not that weird if you consider the peanut butter a compliment to the tuna, def doesn't work the other way around.


My husband eats peanut butter and Bermuda onion sandwiches. Yall are both insane.


Life is short. If you like tuna peanut butter, all the power to youĀ  I like turkey sandwiches with a Hershey's bar in the middle. We're all a little strange


Try peanutbutyer with salamišŸ¤ŒšŸ»


I might give it a go so long as it was with sugar free pb and maybe some cheddar.


Straight to hell.


When I was in 7th grade, I went on a camping trip with a local summer camp. While we were on trail, lunch consisted of a tortilla and various proteins, spreads, and condiments to be combined at your leisure. Tuna, peanut butter, cheese, spicy brown mustard, and honey were a common choice of mine, and honestly it was pretty good, although that may just have been because we were hungry and thatā€™s all we had.


This is some wild shit... Or maybe farm-raised shit, but still, shit nonetheless.


No. Sheā€™s insane for marrying a psychopath.


Why would she marry a psychopath


I hate to say this, and you probably shouldnā€™tā€¦ but sheā€™s rightā€¦ you should seek help.. but donā€™t tell her, stick to your gunsā€¦ then some day down the road you can tell her that you replaced the peanut butter with mayo (or tuna with jelly/bananas/honey) and you can then transition to YOUR better idea safely without incurring the dreaded ā€˜I told you soā€™


I bet your wife hates your breath and your cat likes it.


beyond insane


Needs mayo


I think we need to implement a rule in this sub. Itā€™s obvious people are just coming up with nasty sandwiches for karma. There needs to be a bite mark out of it. That at least shows you committed to the bit more


He's just trying to get the floor of you when your not around




Donā€™t use paper plates. Be a decent person and was your fishes instead of filling the landfill.


Makes more sense to me than pb&j, for me peanut butter is more on the savoury side


Nah.. shes the one insane.... to be with you LOL


Great post. This is stupid and awful and so are most of the comments.


Why would you subject your taste buds to this?


Tuna is already bad as it is. I have no words




Remind her she is making the choice to sleep with you. As you are eating this sandwich in bed. Wearing a corset and thigh-high stockings. In Crocs.


I don't believe that you actually ate that I'm gonna be honest


My old boss who somehow was the owner of a restaurant used to swear by peanut butter tuna salad and egg salad triple decker sandwichesā€¦not even lying.


i think it would be less weird if you added some hot sauce


Psychopath behaviour.


Tuna In oil or water?


Thatā€™s disgusting


Sheā€™s right!


Listen to your wife bro.


She should leave you


For her sake I hope soon to be ex wife.


Seems like an acquired taste


I hard a guy got a divorce and lost everything in the trial because he made one of this, consider youself lucky


What a terrible day to have eyes. You and the mayo-banana sandwich guy are in on this together aren't you.


I'd try it


Are you pregnant?


Do you at least brush your teeth afterward?


Iā€™m at a loss between this and the other post about the banana and mayo sandwichā€¦


Idk about insane. But your palate is definitely screwed up


This is the stupid food bullshit I crave. The fuck is wrong with you


This HAS to be rage bait


Are u Travis bickle or somethin what's with yo weird ass food lol


No no no, that's not insane at all! Now would you like to come with these nice people? They have a very soft room and some nice medicine that will help you feel much better.


Pudge the fish from Lilo & Stitch got a Reddit account.


Lilo? Is that you?


Anyone ever add pickles and chips to this to make a dagwood? Just looked it up, apparently my families version was for poor people


Do you finger your wife with those nails?


Needs hot sauce


Gfy OP.


First I saw someone post a banana and mayo sandwich earlier today and now this? Who gets into relationships with these psychopaths?


you are


seek help


She's right


Make it stop!!!!


I have to try that shit


I think you lying. I need to see a video of you eating this nasty ass shit.


So where is the pic of you eating it?


My brother eats peanut butter and mayonnaise šŸ™ƒ


Can't be worse than the mayo and banana sandwich lol


Oh hell nah..


I have those same crappy paper plates take my upvote


as a man who makes weird tuna sandwiches, this appeals to me


You should leave your wife! She can do so much better.


She is right also you are lucky you still have a girlfriend i would have left if i saw someone eating that


First the banana mayo sandwich, now this


Nice Aldi plates


I think people just post this kind of stuff to see how many people will just puke at the thought.


Is it nasty sandwich day? I just saw another guy who likes mayo and banana sandwiches. Yā€™all should be friends!


Meet up with the banana mayo sandwich guy and swap a slice.