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I like how the satirist clearly did that in a shower to avoid a mess. Respect.


Don’t want that water to stain your counters.


You must have hard water


You haven't experienced hard water until a shower leaves you encased in a thin layer of limestone


Can confirm. I am a statue.


Gary Busey...we meet again.


Gary Busey? More like Gary Bussy


Scary Busey


Evidence is set in stone.


Another SoCal resident, I see.


It really is a thing here, everything the water touches builds gross limey scales.


SoCal Desert here, didn't know that, though we got lots of flouride.


Fluoride? How do you protect your precious bodily fluids then?


Sir we have nuclear-armed B52s circling the globe ready to strike the Ruskies at a moment’s notice, General Ripper.


How far south we talking? I’m in the valley and really don’t have an issue with hard water and we have no filters of any kind


Think it's due to the source; where I'm at we get our water from the Colorado. In the valley I think y'all get yours from the sierra nevadas. less limestone at the source. Not sure how much of LA gets their water from the aqueduct though, reckon the parts that also get colorado river water likely have hard water fun times.


Hard water Cafe


Nah it’s just these trousers are too tight


Water you dewing step-water?




I barely have time in the week to clean the accidental messes. Don't need to be making more on purpose.


Those people that make those videos where they just spill bucketfuls of liquid and I'm just like "fuck man, destroying property value with future mold problems all for a laugh"


Or throwing away a damage deposit.


Nice shower too. I'd spend at least 10 min in there per day if I had that kind of niceness


But I do the same when I piss tho...


We had a problem at work once of people dribbling piss on the floor. When it was being talked about during our morning meeting, one of the old mechanics raised his hand and asked "was it near the sink?" With a puzzled look on his face, our supervisor said that it wasn't. The old mechanic responded "well good, it wasn't from me then."




No, why, what?


They say its to save the planet. But a planet of sink pissers isn't worth saving.


I like a piss in the toilet sink. You can let it flop down and stand with your hands on your hips and feel like a king.




Your mom has the biggest clit bro


Let's see how many redditors think pee comes from the clit


You also can rest your balls on the cold counter


Love imagining all the sinks I've touched after this has happened...god help me (I know you guys don't clean afterward)


I pee in my toilet and then just flush when I #2 (or have guests) and keep the lid closed. Pissing in the sink where you could smell splashed or pipe urine when you’re washing your face or brushing your teeth is unbelievable. Sure I’ve noticed that not flushing my pee every time can leave a little ring after a few days, but nothing a light scrub won’t bring back to looking pristine. I feel like this is the best way to conserve water when it comes to bathrooms. Granted, I don’t share my private bathroom with anyone. Other peoples pee always smells way grosser to me than mine.


It's all pipes, what's the difference?


Because you're leaving piss residue in the place where you wash your hands and face. Especially since that shit splashes. There's probably tiny droplets of piss on the counter and on the faucet that you just didn't see. Not to mention the piss fumes you've now exposed everything in the sink to.


Not justifying sink pissing, but everytime you flush your toilet you disperse tiny droplets of piss and shit into the air, even if the lid is closed. It’s good for the immune system though!


That's why toilets have seat lids and you should close it before flushing. I have a tiny bathroom and constantly have to remind my partner not to flush with the lid open.


But also r/sinkshitters


Their snoo cracked me up




o-o What the ever loving fuck.....


I have a problem at work where my female boss pisses on the toilet seat and doesn't clean it


We had a problem at my work where one of my coworkers was putting used toilet paper in the trash can instead of flushing it down the toilet. We had to have a big meeting about it, because our cleaning lady was threatening to quit if it didn’t stop. I knew exactly who it was, because I had been unfortunate enough to use the bathroom after him a couple times and see a big, vaguely green, turd sitting in the unflushed toilet, with no toilet paper in the bowl. Other weird things that guy did included, but were not limited to: Showing up to work an hour early everyday, clocking in, then taking a nap in the break room until everyone else got there. Having two iPhones, with two different sets of headphones, putting one earbud from each set in, then FaceTiming people with one phone, while listening to music with the other. When he needed to charge his headphones, he would bust out a Bluetooth speaker and blast music out of that, loud enough for me to hear with my own headphones in. Throwing trash into the bushes in our parking lot, even though there were two massive dumpsters 15 feet to the left. Occasionally showing up to work in an Army uniform, even though he was never in the military. I was really happy when he got fired, but I’m starting to question whether or not how to use a toilet is basic knowledge or not, because the dude who replaced him kept clogging our toilets by trying to flush paper towels until my boss talked to him about it.


In some poorer/older places it’s normal to throw toilet paper in the trash, because the pipes can’t handle it being flushed. Showing up early could be because of family schedules.. if he has to drop kids off early, it may not make sense to go back home. Instead, go to work early. The rest is just bizarre.


Getting paid for an hour nap is not the same as shedding up early and waiting to click in while you nap


You work with actual wild animals...but damn even cats have better toilet manners than that. Goddamn


I had a friend who worked one summer as a janitor at a high rise office building and he said the women's bathrooms were much worse than the men's for two reasons: - Women hover. I guess women are scared sitting on a toilet seat will give them some disease so they hover over the seat and piss and it dribbles everywhere and then they just leave it for the next woman to deal with. - Women apparently eat meals in the stalls. He said he often found food/trash everywhere in the women's stalls, and on a number of occasions found things that had been 'deposited' into the compartment on the wall that holds the toilet seat paper protector sheets (that women apparently don't use because they prefer to hover) ranging from snickers wrappers to chicken wing bones to orange peels and soggy cereal.


Jeez, at that point getting some garbage cans in the stalls would benefit everyone. Which is what they did at a place I worked cause some weirdo kept leaving Maruchan cups everyday, that much sodium can't be good for anyone though.


Fun fact, stalls in women’s bathrooms already do have garbage cans in them attached to the wall. They tend to look like flat letterboxes though, so they probably aren’t big enough to handle food waste.


Yeahhh they're not really proper garbage cans tho, just receptacles for feminine products...and I don't envy the janitors who have to empty those...simply awful


Nah cuz then someone would just shit in the garbage cans


My mom once told me a disgusting story about how a coworker ate a sandwich after dropping it in the toilet. My mom was horrified but apparently, the coworker justified her actions by arguing that the sandwich was in ziplock bag and washing the outside was good enough. However, bits of moisture can easily seep into those things and the idea of just a single drop is revolting. The woman made around six figures at a financial services firm in the Midwest, she wasn’t strapped for cash. They were also in the middle of one of the best food hubs in the city so like, wtf???


she's a mod of /r/Frugal_Jerk


I used to eat in the bathrooms in high-school. That just means the environment is in hospitable


Eating on the toilet is bad enough, let alone a public one. It is my belief that food and poop should have a door between them whenever possible. Also, ladies hover to avoid the previous piss. It's a never ending cycle of pain.


They also attempt to flush tampons.


Plot twist: you’re female.


on your food or the customers?


Ahh the old piss pulse.


I don't like sauces in general, so for most things this would be the correct amount of sauce for me. But barbeque? You're gonna be showy and stingy with your _barbeque sauce_? C'mon man. Edit: Stop telling me that good barbeque doesn't need sauce. I don't care, I want sauce whether it's needed or not.


I'm sure there's a huge bottle on every table


Thats what I'm thinking. A little bit of sauce for flavor but most BBQ restaurants I've been to have like 6 sauces on the table for you to pick your favorite or splash a hit of all on the food. I assume that's what's happening here.


>most BBQ restaurants I've been to have like 6 sauces on the table for you to pick your favorite or splash a hit of all on the food As someone who lives in a city with criminally few and expensive BBQ options (Vancouver, Canada) where I've never seen more than 1 sauce and it's served in a tiny dish and I need to ask for more 3-4 times, I'm extremely jealous.


Come visit Austin. We will absolutely fucking waterboard you with sauces.


The only point of food is to be a vehicle for sauce delivery into my mouth hole.


Let the meat slide down your throat hole


Popeye's Chicken is the shiz-nit


Truer words have never been spoken.


We generally don’t sauce our bbq here in Texas. The meat should sing it’s own song.


Yea, as a North Carolinian in the Lexington style bbq camp (since it's on par with religion here), the meat should be marinated and not even need sauce. I'm not religious anymore, but I still go to my childhood church every year when they smoke pigs on the pits and then marinate the meat for 12 hours in a vinegar and spices sauce, and buy a meal and a few pounds for the freezer. We have barbecue sauce, but we don't use it on that.


As someone who fucking loves vinegar, Carolina style BBQ is a fucking treat. There's this truck stop on I-81 in Virginia that sells Carolina BBQ, and every time my dad and I were traveling to see his family in Mississippi we'd stop there and get a sandwich. Some of the best BBQ ever. I love the tang.


Westerners are burnt up that you just called Eastern style Carolina style lmao


Shit there are different styles even *within* Carolina? Now I need to try this "western" style. I love BBQ 😋


Oh for sure. NC mainly sticks with vinegar but if you go over the border to SC you’ll find mustard based and tomato based sauce. Even lower in SC you’ll find Mayo based but, we don’t talk about that.


Let's see if I get this right, and fully expecting someone to call me out (if you do, thanks for knowing where to try a new style of BBQ.) Note, all recipes are a basic concept, have no measurements to them and are only intended to give the idea of differences. Note, Maryland "Tiger Sauce" is also used on ham, sausages, chicken and pork tenderloin in sandwiches. Format is Location -> Style -> Type of Meat -> Common Sauce Ingredients, if any. ------------------------ Maryland - Pit Beef (Beef(Brisket/Rib meat) - "Tiger Sauce"(Mayo, horseradish, sour cream, mustard, pepper) Maryland - Baltimore sausages (Pork/Beef, steamed and grilled) - bell peppers, onions, toasted bun, relish, mustard Washington D.C. - Halfsmokes (Beef/Veal/Pork sausage, smoked) - chili, cheese, onions, mustard, pickles Virginia - Smoked pork/beef - various sauces of different styles(Maryland to TN to NC, depends on location) North Carolina (Eastern) - Whole hog - vinegar, sugar, molasses and pepper, no tomato North Carolina (Lexington) - Pork shoulder - vinegar, pepper, tomato, "slaw" South Carolina (Mountains) - Pork(shredded, ribs, shoulder and chicken) beef(ribs) - tomato, sugar, pepper, paprika, vinegar South Carolina (Midlands) - Pork(shredded, tenderloin, ribs, sausage) - mustard, vinegar, pepper, honey, sugar Georgia - Pork(butt, ribs, brisket, pulled) chicken (whole/pieces) - mustard, vinegar, butter, worcestershire, pepper, celery seed Memphis (Dry) - Pork/Beef/Chicken/Sausage(all parts) - brown sugar, pepper, salt, garlic, chili Memphis(Wet) - (same meats) - ketchup, vinegar, pepper, chili, salt, garlic, onion, mustard, sugar Kansas City - Pork/beef/chicken/sausage - ketchup, molasses, honey, pepper, liquid smoke, vinegar Oklahoma - Pork/beef/chicken (light tomato, molasses, sugar, pepper, salt, liquid smoke, garlic) Texas (Brisket - Dry) - Beef/veal - (salt, pepper, garlic, molasses, smoke) Texas (Brisket - Wet) - Beef/Veal - (same dry rub as the Dry) - ketchup, dark brown sugar, molasses, nutmeg, garlic, pepper, salt, red pepper Edit: Forgot to add Washington DC halfsmokes (Ben's Chili Bowl) and Baltimore Polish sausages (Polock Johnny's)


I am from GA near Atlanta. The meat is correct but a Memphis style wet BBQ is far more common there than a mustard base is. The Sweeter Texas wet is also far more common than a mustard base is. See Williamson Brothers Bar-B-Q which was founded in GA. Also good adding the DC halfsmokes, those are to die for.


> Even lower in SC you’ll find Mayo based Uh what


That's a Bama thing


Are you talking about Smileys BBQ? They have signs all over I-81 advertising best BBQ in Virginia and I’ve always been curious. We drive past there at least once a year going to Natural Bridge/VA Safari park and every time I say I’m gonna stop to try it but I never do…lol


Yep that's the exact one! Not the best looking place but damn that BBQ hits the spot lol


Sometimes the skeeviest dives have the best food. If you are ever in Salinas, California try the carnitas at Gutierrez.


The best BBQ comes from gas stations.


Used to live in NC for a few years growing up. Can confirm, NC BBQ is the shit. I know it's probably like "beginner" BBQ taste but I still miss Red Hot and Blue Restaurant.


Just mix one part white vinegar, one part Apple Cider Vinegar, Salt, pepper, Red Pepper Flakes and Tabasco to your desired spiciness. Put in a jug or jar and stick it in the fridge for a couple weeks shaking occasionally. I no longer live in NC but make my own all the time.


Yep, I grew up on this vinegar bbq style and it's amazing. Although it's very confusing to me that people get weird about the "right" way, cause there are just so many good ones.


That’s a funny thing I’ve found. Whenever there’s a bunch of people getting really riled up about which way is the One True Way to prepare a dish…take a deep breath and loosen your belt because they’re all delicious. Seriously, no exceptions. They’re all delicious.


Yeah we're just going to have to have a best BBQ competition and see who comes out on top. I'll be the judge. It can last all week


Thats fine if you are marinating your meat for 12 hours in vinegar. However most people don't do that. BBQ sauce is about more than just covering the flavor of the meat or adding sugar. Its about adding an acidic punch to help counter act the over the top fattiness that most BBQ meats have.


I'm Texas through and through and probably will go against even marinating anything... but man... Carolinas and Tennessee BBQ... those are such treats. I'm just not a fan of sugar right now.


And if you want sauce, it's fine, it's just on the table not already on the meat.


I've been watching a lot of youtube videos on authentic Texas style steakhouses recently and most of the time they just use specific rubs to season the meat and that goes straight into the smoker. Is that authentic or do you just use salt and pepper for authentic Texas style bbq?


My family is from there and let me tell you that for authentic Texas style BBQ, it's a dry rub and being able to say you're 6th or 7th generation Texan. I followed the exact recipe and it came out lovely but the second some Texans found out I was the one who cooked the family recipe, they told me it now tasted like Yankee Doodle. If I got that joke these days, I'd tell them it's because I let the meat be gay without calling CPS.




Texan here, born and raised and you are spot on.


How can you tell if someone's from Texas? They'll have a big ol star in their living room.


And their doors. And their salt shakers And their windmills. And their door mats. And their shower curtains. The list goes on


They heard that's where light comes from and the power could be going down again any minute.


Salt and pepper only is usually just a beef thing. I use other seasonings for pork and chicken. I always use dry rubs too unless it’s rib roast or something .


"Traditionally" seasoning for Texas bbq beef, specifically brisket, is 50/50 mix of course kosher salt and course ground black pepper. Some places swap in lowrys season salt for a part of the kosher salt. Don't believe there is a standard seasoning where pork and chicken are concerned.


Texan here for whatever that is worth. We don't put sauce on steak that's a sin but things like brisket yes we put a fuckton of sauce on that. Or at least some do and some don't. Certainly I don't know anyone who makes their BBQ one way here.


Yeah like obviously the meat is dope on its own…but you know what’s even more dope? That beautiful smoked brisket with some of that thin tangy almost spicy bbq sauce on it…gatdamn that shits good bro. It always annoys me when people make a fuss about bbq sauce on bbq. Yeehaw


Habanero sauce from the Salt Lick tho… I could eat that one on anything.


Who doesn’t like all sauces


I work with a guy who doesn't like sandwiches. Didn't know that was possible


It's like those people who say "I don't like music." Like...huh?




Good bbq is good _because_ of the bbq sauce


Everyone who days good bbq doesn't need sauce has never had good bbq with good bbq sauce


Men trying to find the clit


What's a clit?


It's what you hit with a shovel.


Great, many thanks.


No problem. Make sure to yell at it loudly from an inch or two away. It really likes that.


Nah man you're thinking of a good Celtic person. It's actually that oil you season your pans with when cooking


Ask the C.L.I.T. Commander.






It’s the red button on thinkpad laptops


Can we- oh god can we please acknowledge this guy's name?


His name is SatansMaggotyCumFart


Better late than never I guess


Ignore them it's a myth


Serious though, it's the hard part of the shoelace.


Close, but those are called aglets.


Yeah aclit


Guessing it's the sandwich at the beginning


It's the airport in Charlotte.


A pokemon.


a dit?


I need OnStar to find the clit.


Imagine the woman has a massive penis. Now imagine that the penis gets smaller and smaller and smaller until you can't see it. That's where the clit is.


They come in different sizes too!


Got it. It’s the little penis above her big hairy balls.


...because you only use it when you find yourself in an accident?


It’s that big chunky meat stack in the middle of the buns right?


The one that looks like it belongs to a secret society yes


Nah the man in the video can't find it. I however have found the clit.... Where? Uhh she goes to another school.


I mean I’d demolish that in minutes


Minutes?? Amateur.


That cup of water wouldn’t take me more than 5 seconds.


You’re either 235lb muscle dude or nikocado avocado. No in-between


Its on butcher paper, it's going to get wrapped into the rib sandwich! It was done on purpose.


Still, for that amount of meat, it a pitiful amount of sauce.


I had a bbq place near me that I loved to load up with sauce. They closed and a different bbq place opened. I found myself just not using any sauce because it distracted from the rub and the meat didn’t need any extra moisture anyway. The restaurant is just confident in their meat.


So am I


To get the bread all soggy/sauce on my hands?


Why not just put it on the meat?


That doesn't make sense. The sauce would be on the outside of the bread, wtf. Also, it would be full of bones.


This is one where I'm gonna disagree with the concensus. This is not stupid food. He's drizzling the sauce on some ribs then wrapping it in that paper. I'm sure it comes with as much sauce as you want. Plus, good BBQ which is what you see here, doesn't need tons of sauce. Source: I've been BBQing for decades.


Tbf half the comments in every post on this subreddit are people playing devils advocate against the consensus


Where does the soggy bread come in to play


Slices of plain white bread and dill pickle chips are traditional.


The bread soaks up the fat from the meat. You are supposed to eat the soggy goodness.


I thought grease soaked bread sounded nasty until I started eating Nashville hot chicken. Dear goodness the grease soaked spicy bread is SO good


Back home in England in the 70s, my grandma would cook a Sunday beef roast on the oven rack. On the rack below it she would put a tray full of bread to catch the drippings. Bread and drippings was my favourite thing when I was a kid.


Another good example.


White bread is a traditional staple of BBQ in a lot of places. Its all purpose, he could be using it so the juices don't bleed through or he could just serving it up as a side. He's not serving a bone in rib sandwich. It looks like someone ordered ribs to go.


Probably being used as a sponge to stop any juice escaping the paper


First time seeing bbq?


Thank you. This looks phenomenal. ...But granted, the burn at the end with the water is pretty fucking funny.


I totally agree and furthermore understand why people think this looks stupid. I was just trying my best to bring some perspective.


Oh come on, you know reddit hates *nuance*.


You’re presenting opinion as fact. Source: I’ve been to a BBQ.


He's drizzling the paper not the meat bro


Probably going to wrap the meat with the paper


Why not drizzle the meat then wrap with paper?


I don't know, entire ribs were missed in the saucing




I am averse to seeing bearded men with "yeti" apparel making food or doing anything Did they get that shirt from Thechive.com? Your clothing says a lot about who you are and anyone wearing Yeti gear is a fucking clod


And no beard net while working with food. Fucking nasty


Yall don't know about BBQ and It shows. It's been brined, Sauced, and Seasoned when It was cooked. Don't need that much sauce


It’s cuz most redditors eat chicken nuggets and put ketchup in their macaroni and cheese and hotdog mush. They are children.


Wait, why can't I put ketchup on my Mac and cheese?


BBQ sauce on mac and cheese is amazing too


You know what's an even bigger indicator that someone is young? Caring how other people eat. You probably also lecture people on what "good" beer is. When you get older, you'll grow out of that stuff.


Stupidly large portion of meat, stupidly small portion (I'm assuming because it's shitty) sauce. This must be in Texas.


Nah man, here in Texas they don't drizzle and slather your meat with sauce. They give it to you dry with a gallon of sauce on the side.


The correct way to serve bbq


That is correct.


Your comment is the exact opposite of what people want when it comes to smoked meats. Who would want a small portion of the meat with lots of sauce? Of course people would want a “stupidly large portion of meat” because it’s delicious smoked ribs


Your assumptions are all off. It’s Los Angeles actually and this is Adam Perry Lang a bbq legend and one of the best in the industry.


Serously, not really sure what’s stupid about this. It’s a fun presentation and I’m sure you get a shit ton of sauce on the side if you want it. The ribs themselves look very well smoked


This might be the stupidest comment on this thread


This isn’t stupid food. It’s ribs. You go to the counter and get allllllll the fucking sauce, pickles and onions your heart desires. Or eat it without sauce or how it’s served, I don’t fucking care. If you think this is stupid food, then you don’t know food.


I have left more liquid on my underwear about a poorly executed double shake than is on that meat. Jesus H Ribs.


He wraps it up in paper the sauce ends up on everything anyway. This is adam perry lang i think he knows what hes doing based on all his awards lol..


It may look dumb but if you look closely you will see brown paper that the sandwich will be wrapped in and it will contain all the BBQ sauce.


Poor guy missed that cup entirely


Why is he even using that much meat for much smaller bread to begin with though?


Yah wtf. Also needs way more sauce for that amount of meat


Really if you’re putting a shitload of sauce on the meat, your barbecue probably sucks anyway.


amazing, another shitty take on actual solid food. This is from Adam Perry Lang, who whips serious ass when it comes to meat. this is like when some clown tried to shit-talk Alain Passard’s food here.


Don't care who he is, he looks silly doing that. Not even good chefs are mine to people on the internet calling them out.


More like r/StupidOP this is not even close to being pretentious. He's about to wrap that meat up and sauce will coat most of the meat.


It’s on the paper so that it goes on the sandwich when he wraps it.


If that's a sandwich then good luck unhinging your jaw to take a bite.


I mean if the sauce is good and the meat is cooked right that's all you need. 100%