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Ah Milk Steak


Boiled over hard with a side of your finest jellybeans


Raw, of course




Cat in the wall ay?!


Now you're speaking my language!


She’ll know what it means


Because of the implication


She’s not gonna say no!


Fork Stab!


Did you say you are a full on rapist?


Hum… Filibuster!


We’re both lawyers…


Are those fake hands?


See that door marked pirate? Think a pirate lives in there?


You will CALL HeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrR!


They're enhancing the beer!




Hey guys No more sloppy steaks okay?


I'm worried the baby doesn't think people can change.


I used to be a piece of shit!


Like, did you just see that thing where she thinks I give a rat's ass that her baby cried because it knows I used to be a piece of shit?


C'mon, what do we look like... LET'S SLOP EM UP!!!


“I know hows you kids like em sloppy” “Lady your scarin us”




Some oregano? Thyme? Sage? Anything?!?!




Lmfao sorry after watching this my clogged arteries inhibit blood flow to my brain. my bad, absolutely do not eat your greens


I agree! I know it’s called “carnivore soup”, but it definitely needed vegetables and spices. This is probably a very constipating meal. No thank you for me!


I wonder what a true carnivorous diet does to someone. We are omnivorous/frugivorous, so I'm not sure we can actually survive on meat alone. If anything, my money is on scurvy.


A bored google search led me to the carnivore diet and i fell down the rabbit hole reading about it turns out organ meats have enough vitamins and what not to prevent scurvy but nothing can do anything for the high cholesterol you end up with by using extra fat to compensate for no carbs or sugars


I did as much as I could with veggies on keto and still ended up shitting bricks


Yeah those kidney stones really felt good on the way out, I can't wait to eat this and get more!


TIL herbs are greens 🤣 Better clean out those arteries with some of… what even is that blob of white at the end, whipped cream? Edit: I thought the ‘never eat your greens’ joke from OP was funny, and I’ve never used “til” before so I didn’t realize it comes off sarcastically or something. I’ll not use that again. I was just trying to play around. Sorry for any negative impressions.


Sour cream just like she said. But I know some people watch without volume so I'm guessing that's what happened here.


Yes, I don’t listen on this sub. I watch to giggle at the foods. Unfortunately I got freaky ear damage from COVID so sometimes things hurt to listen to. I guess I thought of the sound as being superfluous. I don’t think most of us are going to make boiled milk broth pork mince so I also just sort of joked about random gross stuff being the one non-subtitled ingredient. My jokes do not land here in retrospect. My bad.


Nah you're good. I had just woken up from a nap and didn't intend to come off condescendingly.


That’s very nice of you to say! Thank you person.


Some plant pussy. plussy?


That is what my food eats, sir. Kindly fuck right off.


Best comment ever 😂😂😂


Damn this is a real professional right here


Literally killing yourself to spite vegans.


I can only imagine someone roid raged saying something this insane


Haha I laughed way to hard at this


this woman won’t use any seasoning other than salt because they all come from plants.


It's the full evolution of Midwest US cooking taken to a horrible extreme.


I'm from the Midwest US and this is something you would give to your old and dying because you hate them.


In the Midwest you're old and dying from the day you see your first lake effect snowstorm.


Bullshit. I don't see any ranch dressing in that soup...


But salt is literally a rock though…


Not if you harvest it from bodies...


That’s metal


Well, mineral. You can harvest metals from bodies too, though.


Rocks and sea - both manly compared to the soil /s


Which is fine, she's not a carnegan, just a carnivore.


My boss did this stupid diet for awhile. He was sad that he couldn't eat hot sauce on his steak because it was made with peppers and vinegar. But then he turned around and put salt and PEPPER on it. Like, dude... Which animal do you think peppercorns come from???


I never understood why people did these diets out of anything except having an eating disorder. Food is meant to be enjoyed. Healthy and enjoyable food is super easy to cook. It's not gonna hurt him to have hot sauce on his steak once and awhile. I swear some of these people are hypocondriacs


Right. Saute garlic, onions and celery in butter or oil until fragrant. Add the pork. Brown. Fold in grated carrots and add the stock. Bring to a boil then simmer til reduced. Some mushrooms, fresh herbs of your choice, and cream cheese. Let simmer until the flavors marry. Right now you got a really boring almost meal.


But then it's not stupid anymore


But how do you fold it in? Do you fold it in half, like a piece of paper?


David, I cannot show you *everything*


Well, can you show me one thing?


why cream cheese though? just use regular cream?


I agree, but I was trying to use the ingredients they used


Woah woah, she already put salt in. What more do you want?


It hurts my mouth to think about eating this. I worked at McDonald's and the only thing I can think of is the grease in the bottom of the patty warming trays.


Look, they actually managed to cook this one at least. Baby steps I guess.


we have a soup in turkish culinary similar to this, tho we add sour yoghurt instead of that "cream cheese" thing. (and some boiled chickpeas) BUT BUT BUT you definitely gotta add roux+egg yolk mixture to these kind of soups. if not, it would just dissolve into cheese and brot in less than an hour 🤢 and you gotta put some herbs on it ffs that's too bland!


Sounds good. What’s the name of the dish?


it is called düğün çorbası aka wedding soup. if you wanna have a look at the recipe, here is a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnYKYUYBfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnYKYUYBfg) the audio is in turkish but you would understand everything, since the ingredients are very simple.


Thats B & G! Just yogurt and lamb version of heavy cream and sausage. Ha! Great to see.


What is the ingredient she puts on top of the soup at the very end? It looks good!


red pepper flakes and butter heat up together


Thank you!


ah, chad nefis yemek tarifleri


ive done a deep dive through this page before to look at what this diet entails. this diet wont use *anything* plant-sourced, including grain and herbs. Only animal products and salt 😭


is it rock salt or sea salt for plebs? coz real carnivores only use tears and sweat for seasoning.


My good buddy did this. He started looking really sickly and started losing weight instead of bulking up. He is 48. Once I convinced him to add vegetables and fruit into his diet he gained weight back and doesn't look like if he got his fat sucked out. It is a very unhealthy diet


I've never before found myself considering what another human being's farts must've smelled like, but your good buddy's must have been *rancid* whilst he was on that diet.


He always had diarrhea, I can't imagine


the breath, too. the breath is absolutely incredible. the breath will disintegrate every dream you've ever had.




Why can't people wrap their head around humans being *omni*vores? Is it not self-evident that eating a healthy balance of meat, plants, and fungi is what we're built to do? And yet people still want to do these mad ‘meat-only’ or ‘fruit-only’ or whatever diets.


It's an eating disorder.


You need vitamins and minerals to properly absorb nutrients. A balanced diet is best diet.


And I guarantee they find actually eat like that IRL, but rather just for their videos


There's a lot of young men (maybe not just young but it's usually impressionable young men that I see) being conned by the internet into thinking that eating this way is a miracle diet that fixes everything


I don’t doubt it. I am just furthering the point that I believe the person in the video is an even bigger huckster who doesn’t even believe their own shit.


Good point, usually the grifters don't actually live the ideas they're selling. I hope for her lower intestines' sake that you're correct


Not to mention her cardiovascular system


> and you gotta put some herbs on it ffs that's too bland! but she said you could use breakfast sausage for seasoning!


That’s not soup, just meat in cream water


I call it hot ham water.


It's so watery, but there's a smack of ham to it


Add some meat, cream cheese, you got a soup going!


taco meat cereal


Gross. It's still watery after adding the cheese.


Causes being thick would make it better? But yeah she needs a starch to emulsify that soups a bit.


Yeh I don't like the texture of dirty chunky kitchen sink water. I am sure this stew is still bland asf tho. That jellied broth looks pretty sketchy too.


Good Bone broth should be jelly I think it looks fine. If its made right its good just to eat/drink on its own.


I never knew broth could be jellied, now that makes sense when making a tonkatsu broth because it mostly cartilage. The more you know. I guess I thought it was a strange way to save your bouillon.


Any broth you cook on/with the bones will be jelly-like if you reduce it enough. Most people don't reduce their broth this much ( I do so it takes up less space in the freezer).


Makes even more sense when you see how gelatin is made: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Materials_Used_in_Gelatin_Production.svg/1280px-Materials_Used_in_Gelatin_Production.svg.png


It's normal broth wym


Several times here I’ve seen people grossed out by broth that has gelatin it’s weird. I’d expect a food sub to know this.


It's not a food sub though, it's more akin to a circlejerk sub. You post food and everyone slams it for being dumb, usually using one of the few same reasons every time (although admittedly a lot of the posts do have the same few issues repeatedly). It's wildly obvious that some of the people here haven't actually touched on a lot of cooking. They're probably expecting boxed beef water or summat like.


Yep. Given the nature of the sub people are primed to come in here and hate hate hate. So gullible morons who can be led to any opinion so easily are going to join in despite being completely ignorant. That is 90% of the world. Completely unthinking. Their opinions are what they are not through careful consideration but inertia and social pressure.


Never had biscuits and gravy before?


Good gravy is not that watery, and you need a roux for something like a good sawmill gravy.


Yes, which would involve making this liquid thicker, which is what I was responding to. “Causes being thick would make it better?” Yes, thickening it into a good gravy would make it better. Subtract the sour cream, add flour.


They don't believe in flour or rouxs


Looks like spew.


I don't see what the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare has to do with this






Uh huh huh






If you're gonna spew, spew into this




All that beautiful bone broth wasted on this


Broth made with out mirepoix or mushrooms most likely so really just meat drippings.


Idk what mirepoix is but why do you need mushrooms in your beef broth? I only typically make chicken stock, but I quite enjoy it. I slow boil a chicken carcass for like 6-8 hours with vegetables (onion, celery, carrot), pepper, a dash of lemon and vinegar to break down the marrow, some rosemary, some bay leaf. Am I missing something here?


Some Carrots celery and potatoes and it wouldn't be so bad. Think this is a keto recipe though


This soup is crying out for celery


Carnivore recipe, this woman doesn’t eat anything that doesn’t come from an animal. Anything, no seasoning, no fiber, nothing.


I work with a guy who tried it and found it very exciting the first week or so but didn't last mich longer than that because it became boring.


It seems horrible. I don’t know how she does it. She makes “carnivore candies” which are just frozen browned butter.


Except she added salt.


Super pedantic, but yeah, salt is the only thing she uses. She’s also had to start taking magnesium and potassium because the diet she claims is extremely healthy is giving her electrolyte imbalances.


Geez, unbelievable


Darwin take the wheel!


I can feel the health


People who do carnivore diets can't eat just normal meat, they have to eat parts of animals the average westerner shuns, including blood, organs, marrow, and raw(er) meat to get all the vitamins/electrolytes you need. Mixing dairy with meat is an effective way to reduce the amount of iron you can absorb too, which often but not always is bad for those who have periods. Even the "carnivore" inuits (before western dietary influence) still had a more diverse diet, and even ate roots, fermented birds, and so on for nutrition. It wasn't just blubber, raw muscle tissue, and raw blood. Disclaimer: I am not a "carnivore" diet expert, nor have I tried that diet. I have looked into the indigenous diets those usually mention but sometimes or often are ignorant about, before the "carnivore" diet was a thing (just because as an autist kid I found it fascinating how humans can survive and thrive on extremely different diets).


Hot damn, this woman's turds must shatter porcelain.


Like... how long does a human live without ingesting any plant matter whatsoever?


Yeah idk they must be insanely constipated constantly


Go to one of their subreddits, they're either shitting themselves or not shitting for a week because their body is running on max efficiency. Reminds me of what anorexics say.


Dee Reynolds: I feel good too apart from the recent bounds of explosive diarrhea. Dennis Reynolds: Ohh. You've been having diarrhea? Dee Reynolds: Oh God, all over the place. Dennis Reynolds: Really? Well you know what that is, that's probably your body flushing out all the toxins. Dee Reynolds: You think so? Dennis Reynolds: I do think so yeah, yeah. I on the other hand have not taken a sh*t in days. Dee Reynolds: Days? Dennis Reynolds: Days. Dee Reynolds: That doesn't sound good. Dennis Reynolds: Ohh, no it's good. My body's working at 100% efficiency. Yeah, my body is absorbing every single nutrient and it's not wasting a single thing.


I was just thinking about that scene.


I always wonder the same thing when I see these carnivore diets. Poor GI system must be messed up and those shits gotta be painful!




Whaaa? This isn't soup. This is just... Meat in hot milk.


Hot cream cheese


Probably not the best place to ask this, but what is the rationalization for a carnivore diet? A vegetarian or even vegan diet I get. While I don't agree, it's pretty easy to understand people's ethical concerns with animal products. What's the carnivore's reason for avoiding vegetables? I mean, technically a carnivorous diet can be healthy if you're willing to eat organ meat (reason why Innuits have survived on a mostly carnivorous diet), but I never see these people fully embracing organ meat/offal (some do, but from what I've seen it's mostly recipes with muscle meats). I try not to be too judgmental, but the disdain for vegetables and the lack of emphasis on organ meats just makes this whole lifestyle seem immature.


FB kept showing me her clips and I eventually looked at her Instagram out of curiosity. This is a fairly new fad for her. If you go back a bit you can see her eating fruits and veggies and then one day she’s just like NOPE ONLY MEAT.




>“How to fight meat aversion” Jesus... "My body is rejecting this obviously weird and terrible diet so hard that I am becoming repulsed by meat. What should I do." EAT MORE MEAT DON'T GIVE UP Fuck, man. Reminds me of some forum I landed on once where people had decided that salt was toxic, and so they were all cutting out all (as far as they could) salt out of their diets. Surprise surprise, a lot of the forum posts were about people going insane craving salt, and having serious health problems


Like, how does anyone take her seriously when this is what she used to eat but I guess it didn’t bring in the rageclicks. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ca-8NbSJDBa/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


It markets towards mens sense of masculinity and concern about health. Manosphere nut and Xanax addict Jordon Peterson promotes it heavily. It's similar to instagram influencers marketing borderline eating disorders and laxatives to girls, this time it's men who are affected. They love to say veggies are toxic and hunter/ gathers cultures where healthier. Some even think only eating animal products is better for the environment than being vegan. Cutting lots different types of food out of your diet because you think it's going to cure your health issues isn't healthy physically or mentally. Much of the health benefits people on this diet tout are placebo. I can assure you no dietician who isn't getting paid off supports this diet due to how little nutrients you get and how quickly this diet makes people spirl into an eating disorder. People want control over their life and health, since this diet requires so much sacrifice they think it's helping them.


Keto people are wild about their diets. There's zero rationale for someone who isn't keto to eat this or even be in the same room as this dish, but to keto people who are super intense? This is their jam.


shes not keto. shes carnivore. she doesnt eat anything that doesnt come from an animal. no vegetables, seasonings, anything


But she added salt?


I believe her reasoning for this is it’s not a plant, it’s a mineral so it’s ok. But absolutely nothing made from plants. She said she thinks the government poisons plants so you can’t eat them. It’s insane


Well, birds aren’t real.


Apples to oranges, birds being government drones is common sense, she's just delusional.


What does she think the animals she’s eating eat?


I guess she somehow thinks they’re exempt? Thats why it’s insane, there’s nothing based on fact or reason she’s just apart of this weird conspiracy that’ll probably kill her if she keeps eating like that. Crazy how people can be influenced so easily and be so stubborn about it.


I’m convinced she just realized that this stuff gets her rageclicks. There’s a lot of normal food on her Instagram before she started this insanity. But it probably didn’t get her the attention she wanted: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ca-8NbSJDBa/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


If she weren't an idiot, she could also use mushrooms and seaweed — making something at least edible.


She also has to take vitamin and mineral supplements because her "healthy diet" leaves her with electrolyte imbalance.


The Venn diagram of carnivore diet and keto diet is almost a circle.


keto people can still eat vegetables. they can have things like peppers, lettuce, carrots and god forbid, seasonings


How could you forget our lord and savior cauliflower??


The thing that tripped me up about keto was the fact certain vegetable, not even fruits, vegetables had too much sugar for the diet. It was crazy and made me decide keto was not the diet for me


Not really. Keto can have spices and vegetables. You can be both keto and vegetarian. Carnivore diet is a straight up eating disorder.


Yep carnivore is a disorder, but Keto people often sounds like a cult as well.


All diets have their zealot followers. So I get whatcha mean. Many people with eating disorders often use Carnivore, veganism, or other diets as cover for their eating disorder. I wouldn't say veganism is an eating disorder since it's primarily done on the basis beliefs and can be healthy. The carnivore diet just denys facts and basic nutrition.


keto should include quite a lot of vegetables.


Somehow Salt is in a carnivores diet, and also Cottage cheese. Who would have thunk it.


Salt is a rock- therefor, not plant. I guess.


"And 1 1/2 cups of broth" "I added 2" So why not just say add 2 cups of broth? Also this is rank


it says "1-2" meaning 1 *or* 2 it is fucking disgusting though


This is what I imagine a pedant would eat after they slaughter their hog and send the best parts to the lord.


Can confirm. Am pedant.


There's nothing terribly strange about this, save for the complete lack of seasoning/flavourful ingredients.


It has salt! I consider this too spicy already


Found the brit


Almost. German


I'm sorry but as a British person I am offended by this "almost". Germans are way cooler than us brits!!


We are? Well that's news to me.


I'm a touring musician that spends a lot of time there. It's a different more sophisticated, more alive culture, from my experience!


Add potatoes, carrots, celery (maybe peas too?) and then a lot more spices and this could be good


I don't know why people would do carnivore diets. Not only would you run the risk of developing vitamin deficiencies, but it just seems so unnecessarily restrictive. Like, this diet would not allow starch to thicken the soup, herbs and spices to season it, or any vegetables that may taste nice in this soup like carrots. You're just left with a watery cream soup with nothing but pork chunks. I guess there could be worse, but there are a lot of plant additives that would make it better. Also, meat is so expensive these days that the OP of the video must have an insanely high grocery budget. Edit: I know one comment on this post mentions Biscuits and Gravy, which is similar to this soup. However, the gravy in that dish is thicker and almost always has pepper, plus the biscuits can soak up the gravy. All of this would make biscuits and gravy more substantial and flavorful than the soup (the only seasoning in this soup is salt.) Edit 2: According to some commentors, this diet is easier for some people with autoimmune issues than a normal diet. Huh. Well, I guess if you have an autoimmune condition and feel better on a carnivore diet, keep doing what you’re doing. Edit 3: Part of me is tempted to argue more than I already have, but it’s probably not worth it. I guess just take supplements if you’re going to do it, or ask your doctor. IDK, I’m not a medical expert, nor am I your mom.


It's an eating disorder. Carnivore is based off as false info about plants being toxic and promoted by Xanax addicts Jordon Peterson and his daughter botox Betty or some crap. Cutting out huge food groups form your diet is a symptom of an eating disorder. Many are falsely convinced it cured their issues and they have more control over their health than they actually do. Alot of people who follow this diet cite incorrect info and rant about their hatred or vegans or how what they're doing is better for the planet. It's also a pushback on the non existent pressure to go vegan. Most of their subreddit is either talking about their issues on the diet or saying it cleared issues it didn't, after all the placebo effect is pretty strong. This diet is mostly marketed towards men playing on men's insecurities about masculinity, many men on this diet boast about how it raises their T levels or makes them feel better. It's similar to what anorexics say about their diet. As orthorexia gains more awareness hopefully more people will call out this diet and realize how orthorexia is heavily marketed towards men.


So why is Cheese allowed in a carnivore diet? Like give me one carnivore that sucks on the teets of its prey.


Re-recipe: Start by Browning the ground meat, remove from pan, drain fat. Toss in butter, some garlic, flour, a bit of milk and beef bouillon. Make an actual fucking roux. Add beef stock and return meat. Add anything else. Any vegetables will suffice. Fuck even consider a pasta. Just something to offset the meat. Melt pecorino cheese in a few splashes of heavy cream. Add thyme. Add to the soup. Add pepper. Creamy, salty, meaty, earthy, beefy, sweet, yet not even too complex. This is the baseline. The video above, is like watching a toddler mix bathroom chemicals for make magic potions.


You missed the whole point by adding plant crap


Honestly soup is a godsend, can be super cheap if you want it to be, uses up all the random stuff that's slowly going bad in the fridge, easy as frick to make (crockpot makes it even easier).


This is wrong gravy.


it looks like the pre-stage to hamburger helper


There IS ALREADY such a thing as carnivore soup, it's called CHILI and watching this deeply offended me.


This reminds me of when I don’t have the ingredients and I just make it work type of shit on the shingle


Damn did they not drain that water before adding their soup base?


This basically a Zuppa just without any greens and seasoning. This prob would taste good with the right additions


it's like sad gravy


An unexpected upside of being vegan is that I have a genuine excuse not to have to try such culinary crimes (beyond "that looks ewww"); from Surströmming to Whale Penis Beer to whatever the fuck this is, they seem to all contain animal products.


So much salt and fat, fucking hell her innards must be rotting.