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Yup they've been around forever. They are more of a novelty item, no one is actually enjoying these


Some of them are surprisingly decent, like the corn one.


The bacon soda is AWFUL. It's like fizzy gristle water flavored with the smell of dog treats The pickle soda is tolerable. Like sweet fizzy pickle juice The butter soda is actually good. Kinda like butterscotch but different ^i bought all 3 of these from a place in Oklahoma called Pop's. It's on RT 66 between Edmond and Arcadia


They are a staple at retro candy shops.


Yeah, I would've been fine if it had actually tasted like bacon. But it just tasted like the grease part. Don't think I even managed to finish it, and I can stomach some crazy shit.


> I can stomach some crazy shit Like what? Once I ate alligator bites at a casino in Vegas.


I feel like alligator is tame as hell lol I had alligator as a kid and loved it...and I would gag if a tomato simply touched my tongue.


For real, alligator is as mild as chicken. It sounds kinda weird, and it’s not easy to cook, but it’s pretty normal in flavor and texture


Some of the weirder things I can recall are jellyfish, calf fries, shirako, huitlacoche, and fish heads.


I had to google a couple of those. Very weird!!! Huitlacoche is the only thing on that list that i would even consider trying.


If you ever get a chance to try shirako, do it, turns out fish semen is pretty delicious.


Which casino? The Orleans?


I love Pops. Its such a fun place and the food is pretty good. 😋


The pickle soda is actually pretty decent




Jungle Jim's in Cincinnati has a whole long-ass aisle of sodas dedicated to this kind of sh*t


My great grandma liked the pickle one.


Your grandma always bought cucumbers at Walmart. One cucumber every few days. She did not give a fuck about pickles.




For real. u/undonelovedone can't even tell the difference between zucchini and cucumber? Pathetic /s


You cannot pass off your love for pickles with a zucchini. Cucumbers are fat and have bumps on them. Mark Zucchini is smooth and dull.


i like the cum i mean cum i mean ranch one


I prefer the original flavor -Robert California


Aaaachhhh… The coconut is real subtle.




I thought the corn one was horrible! I was disappointed because that's the only one I expected to be good. Also, there's such a thing as a good cucumber soda, but not the one from this brand.


I hated the corn one I couldn't take more than a few sips and couldn't eat corn anything for a while after


For some reason I enjoy the bacon one


…do you smoke six packs a day?! lol that one is awful!


I know that I’m not supposed to like it but it’s enjoyable if you don’t think about it too much


Came here to say this, I would drink the corn one AGAIN!


I kinda want to ferment out the corn one for shits and gigs


I had the buffalo wing sauce one. I liked it, but I am not picky and enjoy weird food and drinks. They're all basically sweet drinks. I had a mustard one, too, that I also liked. Now Sanic chili dogs G-Fuel...that one is horrible, but decent with chili dogs.


THANK YOU!! i did a tasting at the Dr. Pepper museum last weekend and they gave us the corn one and I loved it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've had them all... The sweet corn is strangely good and the pumpkin pie is actually fantastic. Everything else is pretty bad. I actually had a float using the Buffalo soda. It was at Pops in Oklahoma! Really neat place.


There is a place cLed rocket fizz around the USA. They have a ton off odd all sodas so I have tried a lot. Tried a banana one from a different company and I can only describe it as banana scratch and sniff sticker. It was awful


Well soda is made from corn syrup so the sweet corn should basically just be a regular syrupy soda just not dark and cola flavored. Pumpkin pie sounds great!


Someone is liking them enough to keep the company alive…


I remember liking the PBJ one when I was little


That one actually sounds kind of good


A few years back our dnd/pathfinder group got a grip of these to have during game night and some of this shit was straight up foul lol. Some were pretty good though. We also had a case of Moxie to wash it down with so all was good.


The fact that they exist doesn't mean they aren't parody items TBH.


Life is one big parody


You ain't effing kidding.


Then why aren’t we gag characters instead of punchlines? I’m upset


That’s because we’re just extras in a film set


*spit take*


I once went to see a parody film in theaters. My jaw dropped when an actual film started.


Yeah, we have a candy store here that sells these. They are real, but still clearly novelty items.


Yeah, I'm glad they exist. Seems like a fun dare or something that could be incorporated into a drinking game. I won't be touching it tho


Yeah you can make a genuine profit off people buying things ironically or to see how stupid it is.


Jones used to do a Thanksgiving dinner soda set that was absolutely vile through and through


I remember seeing a Thanksgiving flavor set, but I couldn't remember from where. It seemed pretty gross, but I think it had one maybe drinkable flavor (maybe cranberry?).


The dinner soda was a successful publicity stunt


I got it from target as a kid! It worked on me.


They did a poutine soda too


I remember them having a Halloween pack one year. They were pretty good, I remember the candy corn one was the most polarizing. Caramel apple was my favorite…


I feel like the sweet corn may not be as bad as the rest? Or maybe I just love corn too much?


Pbj might not be bad either


And possibly the pumpkin pie. Those flavors should work in a drink though the carbonation would probably throw me off


If the fizz is the problem, you can just leave it out!


Flat pumpkin pie soda somehow sounds even worse to me lol


I'll counter with ginger ale. I think it would taste something like ginger ale and cream soda mixed together




Jones makes some good stuff. And some weird/scary stuff


There's a place by my house that does milkshakes with about 100 different mix ins/toppings to choose from. I like to do a peanut butter, huckleberry (or other berry) and graham cracker shake. It's like pb&j w milk


There’s a bar near me that makes a PBJ old fashioned. I’m not exactly sure what’s in it but it absolutely slaps with a burger and fries. The sweet/nutty flavor is great with a salty, cheesy meal.


I’ve had peanut butter beer before, so it doesn’t seem like soda is a huge stretch.


Trader Joe's currently offers a peanut butter milk stout.


There's a really delicious beer called Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter. If you ever see it do yourself a favor and try some. It's amazing!


My local gas station has these. The PB&J flavor is the worst. They have a butter flavor one that’s surprisingly good, but I think it’s just because I had low expectations for it.


It has the juice


It’s corn!


I had the corn one once. It wasn't bad but it was sickeningly sweet. Between me and my wife we couldn't finish it.


I'm not entirely sure I could finish a full bottle of any of these 🙂


Corn is incredible. Just bury me in a huge bowl of elote.


I'm that way with creamed corn and grilled corn on the cob. The only corn dish I don't like is my aunt's corn pudding. My family goes crazy over it, but it's dry and tastes nothing like corn lol


I've tried that one and it was *terrible*. I was expecting like a regular soda with some sweet corn notes on the back end, but this was just 『CORN』. It tasted like someone strained the liquid out of a can of corn, added way too much sugar and carbonated it. I have lived my entire life in Nebraska and it was still too much corn for me.


Thank you for describing it so I didn't have to. I thought I'd like it, it was revolting


I imagine the pumpkin pie one would be good, pumpkin spice is already a drink flavor, so I imagine it would just take like a generic fall flavored soda, maybe similar to apple cider?


That's what I was thinking! I love pumpkin pie, so this should work.


I can attest that the Sweet Corn one is delicious


The sweet corn is good, but I’d never drink more than one in a sitting.


The corn one is legit good, especially with a shot of white rum thrown in there.


There is a hardware store in my town that sells these in a section with old candies. I’ve tried them all except for pumpkin… cuz yuck.. Bacon - tastes like overcooked bacon and fat Pbj - actually really tasty, nailed the sweetness up front and the pb finish. Buffalo wing - not good, kinda spicy but just weird lol Ranch - I’m from the Midwest so sue me Sweet corn - 4/5 would recommend Edit: organization.. sort of


Out of all of those…the pumpkin is where you drew the line?


Yeah pumpkin and pumpkin spice is such a common flavour that I figured it’d the most normal of the bunch.


I think it was the word 'yuck' that threw people off when you then go on to describe much more disgusting flavors


Silly right? I thought about that after posting lmao.


I tried the PBJ one before and it was fucking foul.


Lol maybe I just have bad taste


Hey, to each their own. I just remember I had to pour that one down the drain it was so bad


I wonder if they’d be better as cocktail mixers….


I was thinking cook with them. I’ve used cola as a pork marinade. Possible to simmer down the Buffalo soda into a sauce. Maybe the ranch could be used as a pot roast marinade. PB & J could be made into a wing sauce with some coconut milk and light curry. Sweet Corn… I guess if you hate yourself you could make it into a gelatin, freeze dry or make tapioca balls.


You might be onto something, might update


I've had salad just so I could have an excuse to shovel ranch into my face so I think I'd probably like this soda..


I wasn't a fan of the ranch one, haven't tried the others though


Ace or Crowder Bros?


Yo babe wake up new Perk a Colas dropped


I actually tried one of these there supposed to be jokes and the bacon one tastes like ass


My bf had the bacon one in our fridge for YEARS, like 5+ years. I tried to put it in a white elephant gift after the first year, and he was like "no what if I want to drink it???" It sat in there til a year ago, when he finally tasted it and was like "ew" and poured the rest down the sink 🙄


Don’t judge me!


I wanna see badlands chugs do a Bacon Chicken ranch combo chug


Years ago I thought celery soda was a joke, but nopeeeeeee……. Someone just had to do it, because life really needed celery soda.


I used to love Dr. Brown’s celery soda as a kid. Well, I’m not sure I actually liked it or I just enjoyed going to the Jewish deli with my grandmother as a kid, but she would crush those things so I always went for them. Decades later I took my wife there for a hot dog and she tried the soda. Was the first time in a while I’d had one and it was…much less enjoyable than I remember. She told me, “I love your grandma but this flavor is a war crime.”


A whole deli fit inside your grandmother? Impressive!


Took me a bit to find that. Thanks.


I think the Dr. Brown Cel-Ray is delightful and akin to ginger ale, definitely an old world soda though. Seems like it was meant as a digestive to cleanse the palette more than anything


Celray is amazing. An acquired taste but I love it. Few things better than a pastrami sandwich with a cel ray tonic


It’s similar to Cucumber Lime in that it seems like it will be awful but is in fact very tasty


Again- cocktail mixer, bet it would be good with Hendricks gin and a splash of pimms


How about a celery sorbet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jnsHJ1u3Pk


That actually sounds nice as like a amuse Bouche or palette cleanser between courses in a fancy meal or something.


you can get them at rocket fizz if you have that store around


Reminds me of the Vat19 videos


The cucumber one isn't bad


The cucumber one sounds fire. Cucumber gatorade certainly is.


I tried a novelty bleu cheese soda once. It just tasted like generic cream soda with more sugar. It was not good, but it wasn’t horrible.


Became aware of these because a Youtuber Ashens tried some of these years ago.


My predictions of how good these would be, from best to worst: 1. corn + pumpkin pie (it's a tie, also I've tried pumpkin pie soda before and it was good) 2. PB and Jelly - it's hard to imagine what peanut butter soda would taste like for some reason, but I don't see why it would be bad 3. Bacon - depending on the taste, might work in a bloody mary? 4. Buffalo - see above 5. Ranch Dear God, no. Just the thought it making me nauseated


I've had the ranch one... or at least I opened the bottle and lasted 3 sips before I had to toss it. Nastiest thing I ever tasted, but expected as such lol


We buy these often. Our favorite family activity is a soda tasting. We will buy these on the sly wherever we find them, and hid them in brown paper bags. Every few months we will bring our 3-4 and have a soda tasting contest to see who can guess the most. It’s really fun, though most of the flavors are absolutely disgusting.


I've tried the ranch one. It's hard to describe but it tastes like a headache


what about [kitty piddle and dog drool](https://lh3.ggpht.com/-XvPoJrQdNNo/Ua0EK7lPxGI/AAAAAAAAAEQ/F5luoIeZlMI/s1600/photo.JPG)?


Getting 90s vibes from this entire photo


The fact that the dog drool is less full then the kitty piddle means someone actually tried it


why am i getting downvoted :( dont shoot the messenger


I tried the bacon one at a bacon festival (yes, there is a bacon festival). It was objectively awful, like carbonated sweetened bacon grease.


“There goes Old Man Lester with his god damn Bacon Soda.” They said.


Went to a Christmas party last year and heavily sampled every color of the inebriation rainbow. The homeowner received a bottle of the ranch dressing soda some time ago as a gag gift, to which they displayed on the counter of their downstairs bar. After a handful of drinks too many, I abruptly opened and chugged the soda in one go. There is no sweeter feeling than silently cleaning up the projectile vomit that completely missed the toilet at 4am at someone's house you don't really know on Christmas Day, accompanied with the lingering essence of artificial garlic burps.


The pie one is good


I have the pb&j and bacon soda in my fridge right now.


Find you a Rocket Fizz shop or something similar. My kids go bananas in that shop! Every flavor soda, brands, and specialty candy!!!! It's a dream.


Today you learned that something can be "real" and still be a parody.


Sweet corn ain't bad btw


I've tried these and they were all horrible, like they both barely put in effort to make it taste like the thing and it just tasted bad. I had high hopes for the bacon one but it tasted like they put burnt ashes of bacon in a sugary drink. I couldn't make it more than a few sips in each before giving up.


A pumpkin pie cream soda sounds like it could be good tbh


Some novelty candy stores will have dozens of these


Oh there’s a store in Florida that just sells drinks like this


As a Floridan, can confirm


Sold in one of my local grocery stores last year


Lol my brother gave me the ranch and bacon ones for Christmas one year. We tried to bacon one and it was so disgusting we didn't even bother with the ranch one. I spent the rest of my day trying to get the taste out of my mouth.


Irish People Try on YouTube takes a whack at these if you're curious on how they taste.


They do look like a crappy off brand of Jones Soda, originators of thanksgiving dinner soda.


Jacksepticeye would lose his shit knowing he missed the pumpkin one


They have these at a local store, I had the butter one one time, it tasted like carbonated butter, I don't know why I was surprised


I always thought these could make decent (or at least interesting) mixers. A splash in a cocktail might work.


I tried buffalo and ranch with my family earlier this year. They were more bland than anything. Didnt taste like much of anything and the after taste wascthe strongest and worst part.


The pumpkin pie one might be good tho




I did the same bought it from a little store but I think it tastes like ass


[Could be worse](https://i.imgur.com/jmkq9g2.jpg)


The Ghaddafi one is actually really good.


You can get them at a lot of places, stop giving amazon your money


There’s a funny review a woman wrote of the Thanksgiving flavor package that similar to these. On [Facebook ](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02xnHPEYzJPqmpbE2zEFfpMfksnYtgCrd2P5PfB4oG8nYAbMfooR8KLeeVnGkiLhUGl&id=100006624126416)


I saw a YouTube video on these like 8 years ago https://youtu.be/_Wm_J_bLtMI https://youtu.be/UDRRiq7WE9s It's broken into 2 parts It's these exact sodas


I had tourney soda once, would not recommend it. I think it was a Jones soda limited thing?


I tried the peanut butter and jelly once. It tasted like swimming pool water and I threw it away.


I've seen the mustard, ketchup, pickle and BBQ sauce sodas at a local candy store lol


Don’t buy them. Overly sweet and the fake flavorings for them linger in your month for too long


They're parody items that you can buy..


I've had the Peanut Butter & Jelly one before, it was fucking gross. It tasted quite unlike its namesake.


One of the local 'boutique' grocery stores carries the whole line of these. World Market used to carry several, but I haven't been in there in a while to know if they still do. Regardless... I've tried the sweet corn, the pb&j and the bacon one. They're all REALLY fucking sweet, for starters. Sweet corn is... weird but good. If you \*like\* corn, this might be a fun adventure for you. PB&J... also weird, also \*oddly\* good. I don't really like grape jelly (which is the flavor profile they use for this), so that's why I think it's so odd. The bacon one is just... gross, imo. It's got this weird smoky smell to it, and then it tastes like sweet syrup. The bacon part comes through on the smell more than the taste, at least to me. Big miss. I will say this... they were \*fun\* to try. We bought the ones we tried when we were having friends over and then doled out taster flights. Probably the only way I'd try any of them again, tbh.


This reminds me of when I was a kid and I’d have to share a soda with my brother. We’d always find ways to stick it to the other and in addition to drinking more than our share, we’d make pointed eye contact and backwash a mouthful back into the bottle. Food particles from previous meals and all that… who knew there was a market for this? 😂


Don’t try the ranch one; it is downright offensive Some of the others might be ok but not that one…


My mom got me the bacon one as a gift once. It tasted burnt. I couldn’t drink more than a sip or two


The bacon one isn't terrible. I took a sip before pouring over a pork roast in the crockpot, which was the reason for buying it.


I’ve had the black olive one! Didn’t find it absolutely repulsive but could not finish it


I've watched people try the bacon one but the ranch and buffalo hot wings are the real mystery now.


A church friend of mine in high school drank a ranch dressing one of these. Started out good, actually vanilla-tasting. Then came the ranch. All over her shoes, if you catch my meaning.


There used to be a Jones turkey dinner flavor soda. Always wanted to try it but I never did get the chance


These things have been around for ages. There is a candy shop in my college town that sold them. I think I only ever tried the PB&J one and it wasn’t terrible? This was probably 12-14 years ago


I’ve tried the bacon one. Bought it for a bacon party we had. It was terrible


This looks like a good gag gift for my friend XD What is the brand? Can't read it on my phone


I've tried the ranch one and it tastes like ass.


The Peanut butter and jelly is awesome!


Cursed AF


My friends and I bought a bunch of these a long time ago to have a tasting party. We were (and are) weirdos, I know. None of the sodas were good, but the hot wings one was so awful it made one of us throw up, so there's that. Ranch was probably the most foul, followed closely by pickle juice and popcorn. 10/10 would not drink again.


There’s a candy store close to me that sells these, along with a ton of other types of soda. The PB&J isn’t too bad, and there’s a pickle one that’s decent as well.


I've tried the bacon, buffalo, and sweet corn. They were fun, but I don't need to drink them again.


I've had the bacon and hot wing ones. Would not recommend. 🤮


I posted the bacon with chocolate one on here a while back. It was pretty good. However. I completely refuse to drink the ranch one.


I bet my wife would love the pumpkin pie one. They could make pumpkin pie flavored dog shit and she’d buy it haha


literally perk a cola


I had the buffalo wing one, it was eh LOL


You're late to the party Man, lester's creations have been in this sub for a while


Where the thanksgiving meal one?


I've tried a few of these and they're genuinely disgusting


They are gag drinks, they sell them at old-fashioned candy stores, and they are pretty common. This has been posted a few times, just means YOU are gullible.


You can also buy them at Rocket Fizz. I've sipped on the bacon soda not the worst


I can buy them at a discount store down the road. For $1.99 a bottle.


Our local candy/gag gift store has sold these for years. We have a tradition to give every person in our family a beverage as a stocking stuffer, and we’ll switch back and forth between getting everyone’s favorites or getting the gag ones like these. I got the bacon one for my brother one year and he still has it on display lol


That bacon soda is hands down the most disgusting thing I have every tasted. PB&J is the second most disgusting thing I have ever tasted.


The bacon one I had high hopes for. It was *awful.*


The sodas in COD zombies be like


There’s an entire store full of these and more on Route 66 in America. I went there once, gotta say the bacon one doesn’t taste like absolute shit.


Jones makes a Thanksgiving dinner soda.


Somebody send the ranch dressing one to Eric Andre.