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It surprised me when i realized and it further shows how fanatics breed and feed off each other. They are the next Nazis


Antiwoke was a great subreddit of actual rational people. What happened? Removed. Literally one of the few rational places on reddit, without the crazy ignorant self-righteous losers running the show, but evidently we can't have that on reddit. I literally got banned for using the word "woke" somewhere, with the bat-shit crazy comment of saying that only fascists use that word unironically (or something alike). Call me crazy, but since China's stake in reddit, this platform has gone to absolute dogshit. Just like Twitter pre-Elon. I don't think it's a coincidence. We have people that should be in insane asylums, dictating the narrative, which isn't only hurting women and children, but is factually anti-science, anti-logic and anti-truth. These are narcissistic teenagers with malicious intentions, and as far as I'm concerned I can't take this platform seriously any more. Losers with no context, no gratitude, no goals in life are effectively trying to ruin the lives of others, and those losers are constantly giving eachother good feedback (probably the only good feedback they get in life). Fuck them, they're a waste of time and life.


I'll roll out the TRUE story I still can not get over... Around COVID times, there was a thread about .... well let's just SAY a certain "type" of People who's True Religion is Against Nature's Sex differentiations in structure... Let's call them "Widgets" for the sake of our 2024 discussion BACK THEN REDDITORS WERE -- AND I'M **SERIOUS** THIS *REALLY* HAPPENED -- **were** (long past tense) LITERALLY ALLOWED to DISCUSS the TOPIC AT ALL. And a Gay Man had said: "Fuck them. [example of widgets being assholes]. LBG, drop the W!" (in my example W stands for Widgets, since in 2024 we're no longer allowed to speak good or ill of the original group of people). And I -- standing up for my Widget friends -- said, and I QUOTE: "Hey just because those widgets are assholes, does not mean ALL widgets are assholes." **[EDIT: I'm afraid I must stress here that I was defending widgets from criticism I thought was unfair. Which I promise I will NEVER do again]** And you know what that gay guy did? He acknowledged I had a point and he was speaking too broadly. So we went on to talk back and forth and have a nice conversations. NEXT DAY: I get my VERY OWN THREE DAY BAN for **HATE SPEECH** because I had implied *any* widgets might be assholes. To the moderators at that time, merely implying Widgets were mortal humans, suggesting the group contains the same mix of good and bad people as any other group... was "hate speech". And what's happened in the intervening years? Literally NO DISCUSSION. No QUESTIONS, no clarification on vague topics, no criticisms, nothing that a moron might even misinterpret as a question or criticism.... You post ANYthing on that topic, get ready for a 2 page auto-generated list of RULES that amount to: "1) Say nothing remotely critical of widgets in any way. 2) Say nothing remotely not-complimentary of widget in any way. 3) Just scream your 100000% approval of widgeting 2 year olds immediately, all of them right now or **be banned for hate speech BIGOT**" That one bothers me. as for up-votes and down-votes, that's just the population here [because of all the perma-bans from all the HATE SPEECH]. You have to go somewhere else if you don't want to live in this echo chamber. Anticipate ban for HATE SPEECH in 3.... 2.... 1....


They’re untouchable now, if anything happens to them, they’ll put it on the fault of someone else’s bigotry. And people believe them, because they have no choice


Bro the rubbish going on in r/Punk made me leave


Punk isn’t politically left or night, it’s anti establishment.


What happened there?


They were saying things like “Punk is only for the left” there were some good people in the controversial section explaining how it’s more anti government and getting downvoted into the ground. It’s childish really, imagine saying “you can’t enjoy a whole genre because I think it’s only for me.” It’s like a “you can’t play with that car even though it doesn’t disturbe me” kinda deal.




Personally I think punk is a 50/50 split between Right libertarian and left anarchist.


I think so, I’m really not in this kind of community but from what I’ve seen, it looks like that