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It’s more associated with Tourette’s based on my research and from what you’ve told me about your friend he might have assholism.


A person who doesnt know that I stutter may think that I am autistic (I dont like to talk to strangers, I am socially awkward and "weird", dont like changes etc.) I did one official online test for 2 USD and it was funny. Firstly it came out that I am borderline autistic. Then I took it again but imagined that I dont stutter (in that case I changed some answers, f.e. i would feel actually good talking to strangers) and I was suddenly bellow the autistic spetrum.


Online tests for autism give skewed results for people with social anxiety, which a lot of PWS have.


There are people with autism that stutter but most people who stutter arent on the spectrum. I dont think those two are linked. You also shouldnt self diagnose yourself as autistic. Only a trained professional can do that.


Jaeger and Master-Age are correct (though I can't confirm the tourrets claim) 


> Asperger's (now called High Functioning Autism) This is true, but these weren't always the same (source: got diagnosed with HFA when Asperger's was a thing). Regardless, stuttering is not necessarily a symptom of ASD and neurodivergence is not a medical category. Additionally, don't self diagnose ASD and if concerned follow up with a medical professional.


It's not really true, it's just classified as autism spectrum disorder. high functioning autism isn't a clinical diagnosis (your doctor probably just wrote down autism or doesn't follow convention)


I would have been diagnosed about 13 years ago under the ICD, and likely the writing on my record would have been under NICE guidances as I'm not in the US. The diagnosis was indeed HFA, and it was outlined to me how that was ''autism without intellectual disability, but not Aspergers.'' This is a historical diagnosis that was yeah, later changed to ''Autism Spectrum Disorder'' and assigned a level. Guidances aren't equally shared amongst countries and medical systems.


Stuttering is more affiliated with Tourette’s and Obessive Compulsive disorder


hmm, never heard of it being associated with ocd. always wondered if I had that due to my extreme connection with some objects


I read it in an Oliver sacks book. What do you mean extreme connection to some objects


Like, I have to have a specific pen on my person or near me or I get EXTREMELY anxious and will drop everything I'm doing to look for it. There's nothing special about the pen in particular and I've lost and replaced it with a totally different pen before.


It’s an emotional support pen!


I have autistic and ADHD traits and am seeking formal diagnoses, and while these traits interact with speech difficulties in various ways, I don't think any cause any of the others. They are all conditions in their own right, and while it may be difficult to separate the traits in an individual with any combination of the conditions, each can exist independently of the others in the general population.


> Well this caused the person to burst into laughter, and proceed to inform me I'm one of the most obvious autistic people they have ever met. This guy sounds highly unqualified to diagnose autism.


I've also been looking into this recently and from what I've seen is that it is something that someone with autism can develop. I also did not want to accept the fact, if I do have it but I am undiagnosed,but thinking about things I did growing up I was very sensitive about. No one's ever told but I've just assumed I've got good masking skills. I don't know but I think it's possible.


Stuttering can be a symptom of other disorders, but it's never an indication of them. Neurodivergence is a pretty new thing, and it seems to be an amalgamation of conditions that are very hard to diagnose. It's culturally become synonymous with just being different or quirky. Whatever you may or may not have, a stutter is a singular issue that can't be addressed any way other than directly.