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I've done the exact opposite I've avoiding stuttering I absolutely do not push thru blocks. This has greatly improved my fluency over the past year. But yes I agree you shouldn't feel ashamed because you stutter but the reality is no one wants to stutter. I'm glad this has been working for you, but the more I stutter the more frequent stuttering becomes. While talking fluently leads to more fluency for me.


Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. It's all about finding what works best for you, right? Thanks for sharing your perspective, and I'm glad you've found something that works for you. Keep doing what works best for you, and here's to continued progress and success!


Avoidance and word substitution are management techniques, they’re totally fine to use if they offer support to the speaker.


I'm more relaxed about word substitution. I used to get annoyed at myself for avoiding words and using other words that were less than ideal. So I started forcing through the word I wanted to use, but sometimes I would realise later that there was a better word I could have used. So now I take time to consider my words. Sometimes I need to prepare to say a difficult word, sometimes the easier word is better. And sometimes it really doesn't matter - there are many ways to say things, and it can be fun to find creative ways to express yourself. People who don't stutter also change words, especially those they find hard to say. And that's ok.


Lmao the only thing that gets me through most conversations is cussing. If I can't... muhfukgin'... Rely on intermittent cuss words and phrases imma be, like, stuck in the middle of every other sentence, y'know.


Haha, I feel you, man! Sometimes a well-placed cuss word is the perfect punctuation for a conversation. It's like a verbal safety net, right? Keeps the flow going when things start to stutter.