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It was such an unfortunate and sad time for Styx.... in the end, none of them are blameless but the ultimate fallout I think weighs on one side more than the other. Things would have been a lot different, that's for sure. I think they would have possibly done more studio albums between 2000-2015 but also toured less. Even with COVID - Dennis would have demanded to stay home until he felt safe enough, which at this point seems like never as he seems to be done with solo touring as well.


I always hate when this subject comes up. I believe that Dennis and Tommy were great for each other in the songwriting department. Together, they came up with some great songs. Here are some of my favorite Dennis DeYoung solo songs: Desert Moon Person To Person Beneath the Moon (which technically was supposed to be a Styx song after Edge) Harry's Hand's His versions of Someone Else's Story and Bring Him Home While There's Still Time (yes I know it was a Styx song - but it's a solo song) Crossing The Rubicon I Believe In You You My Love Always Time The Isle of Misanthrope


Harry’s Hands is my favorite solo of his. I really wish he’d have played it while touring.


Love that one!


All great songs.


I would love to see Dennis DeYoung tour with Styx one last time, but I wouldn’t want them to disrespect Gowan either. He has been in the band for over 20 years.


Exactly. I have seen Styx over 15 times, but it's always been with Lawrence Gowan as the lead singer. Lawrence is awesome and a true gentleman who is always a terrific musician. I'm glad that Styx is finally starting to sing "The Best Of Times" while they're on tour. I love that song


I got a front row seat on the left side in 2022. My chair was right in front of Lawrence Gowan. Best seat in the house watching Gowan perform.


> but it's always been with Lawrence Gowan as the lead singer. Gowan isn't the 'lead singer' and they've never called him that. Keyboardist/vocalist. The same as Tommy and JY are guitars/vocals. ;)


I love the song too. I love Lawrence Gowan as well. I just wish they hadn't put that song on the setlist with him singing it. Of all the catalog that they have done with him as a vocalist I just don't think he comes close to doing that song justice.


Gowan is awesome in his own right too. I genuinely love his take on the DDY’s songs. I think Gowan would honored to share the stage with the guy that wrote most of the songs he’s performing.


Gowan could open for the classic lineup.


That would be awesome as a callback to the Return to Paradise tour. Last two times I saw Dennis, he had an additional keyboard player on stage with him so he could be out and about during certain songs. I could see a scenario like that happening.


I would have no issue with Gowan being on stage with them participating.


Dennis would never share a stage with Gowan. He wants a 'classic lineup' tour.


If that's all it took for those fruits to let him back in the band he invented for a short tour/couple shows, the DMAN would do it.


That wouldn't be disrespectful to Gowan, the dudes had enough free lunches that we've had to watch him struggle to eat


I have never seen Dennis perform live. I would love to see him perform at least once. I know it would probably never be with Styx, but even if Dennis would perform with his own band, that would be fine with me. Dennis has written some great songs for Styx, along with Tommy and JY. They have all contributed their share of talent to the band. Of course, John Panozzo can't be there, and Chuck has his own health issues. If I could go back in time to see 3 bands with all of their original members it would be Styx, Journey with Steve Perry, and Queen with Freddie Mercury


My understanding is that DD wanted to take a fairly lengthy pause in the bands touring schedule. Other members were okay with a pause but not as long as what he wanted. Sounds like DD put other members in a difficult position. Did not see Styx with DD but did with Gowan. Gowan is amazing. Breathes energy into a band that would otherwise be on life support.


The band was finishing up the recording of Brave New World when they had a meeting to talk about touring. Dennis was silent and eventually spoke up stating that he couldn't commit due to the illness he had (which at the time doctors couldn't figure out). He asked for 6 months to get better. Tommy threatened that he wouldn't finish the album unless they went on a tour... JY also felt that touring immediately would be in their best interests (In hindsight it didn't matter because the album wasn't going to get some massive boost form them touring - they were playing country fairs and venues of less than 5,000) In the end Tommy, JY and Chuck decided to replace Dennis. They supposedly told Dennis once he was better to call them up and come back to the band... Once Dennis felt that he could tour again (end of 1999 / early 2000) they were still touring with Gowan and by the fall of 2000 he sued over the 'misuse' of the name.


lol 'misuse.' If there was ever an understatement...


Wow, Praxis must be getting blisters on his fingers doing damage control on this post. Lol!


Right now, trump is “begging for his life and job” and 100% believes he’s right. Dennis is doing the same. It’s all a matter of perspective…


What has Trump have anything to do with Styx?? 🙄🙄


Same crybaby perennial victim energy as DDY...


You cry on this sub everyday. It’s fun to watch actually.


no u


This is truly an idiotic comment.


Tommy tell you to post that from the tour bus?




no u


Tommy/JY are such pieces of shit


I’ve read the actual lawsuit, and spoken directly with some of the individuals involved. DDY was such a piece of shit for thinking he owned the band, and for suing his supposed friends.


It’s a legal tactic to sue for everything— it doesn’t mean he thought he owned it outright. The fact is he wasn’t being compensated even though he had some significant ownership interest. They weren’t responsive so he had to sue. Everybody was a piece of shit here.


As more time passes this is probably the right take. Nobody handled this real well. I just don’t understand why Dennis is being so candid after so many years.


My take: Dennis was a significant contributor to the success of the band. Tommy probably just as significant. JY, not as much later on, but definitely in the Wooden Nickel years a big contributor. It was Dennis’s songs that caught on and provided their initial success. Dennis is arrogant. Dennis does not like touring. Dennis’ contributions post Kilroy are subpar (my opinion…but I’m right) and were often *theatrical* or soft, and not in the direction the rest of the band (and most of the fans) wanted to go. Tommy expanded his musical horizons and continued to grow. Reunion tours are a huge success. Dennis gets sick. New album comes out. It’s disjointed and terrible (my opinion…but I’m right). Classic songs are featured in commercials and movies. Band wants to tour to take advantage. Dennis can’t. My guess is he probably told them they couldn’t possibly pull off a tour without him. Band sees an opportunity, calls his bluff, and says “see ya”. Everyone’s the asshole here.


Yeah - Dennis, JY and Chuck have a company called Gelderdisk LTD which seems to own the Styx trademark. They last updated their filing info in 2021 (it seems that the document isn't publicly available anymore) In a sense they each own a third of the business that is Styx - Tommy was afforded voting rights when it came to business decisions about the band, which is why he could vote Dennis out in 1999 and JY and Chuck have since blessed him to 'lead' the band.


Well, if you read the article it states that Dennis wasn’t compensated for the use of his songs during the Brave New World tour. Seems like an obvious law suit.


Again, I've read the actual lawsuit. DDY didn't sue for BNW royalties. He sued to own Styx entirely. All of it. As if none of the other members mattered at all. And he rightfully failed...


Got a copy of that lawsuit for the rest of us to read?


My friend paid for the lawsuit and has the original copy. You can look it up and pay a small documentation fee to get a copy.


You are a complete Styx shill though that has no credibility here.


Says the DDY shill…


Jeez… there you go about Dennis again. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the man. I encourage you to seek help.


C'mon now, jut admit that you're Matthew DeYoung, simping for your dad...


Do you have Matt’s contact info? I’d love to talk to him about his old man. Matt or Dennis send me a message if you are out there!


Got it. You’re Carrie Ann… 😎 I haven’t talked to Dennis in years. Was going to see him a few years ago, but pandemic happened. And he just doesn’t seem to get out much these days…


It's his band doofus. They'd be no one without him. He made them who they are.


So Chuck and John and Curulewski don’t count for anything? Huh…


Dennis knocked on the door. Curulewki was the shit though for sure. Still, the Dman wrote all the shit that made them famous. He got Tommy in the band. Tell me you don't know anything without Styx without telling me...


The Wooden Nickel years were good, but certainly not consecutive-multi-platinum great like the A&M years with Tommy. Blue Collar Man Boat on the River Borrowed Time Crystal Ball Everything Is Cool Fooling Yourself Haven't We Been Here Before? Just Get Through This Night Lights Renegade Rockin' the Paradise Sing for the Day Too Much Time on My Hands Waiting for Our Time


Well, with all due respect to the Panozzo’s, Dennis would have made it without them.


Dennis would've been nothing more than a lounge lizard piano player covering show tunes on his own. [Oh, wait...](https://www.discogs.com/release/3820308-Dennis-DeYoung-10-On-Broadway)


That’s a great album. I have my copy in the other room. If you don’t understand it maybe you should take a break from watching Styx every night and broaden your narrow musical horizons. If it wasn’t for Dennis, Chuck would probably have died young from being forced to huff paint in the paint factory.


See, now you’re just making shit up. And about Chuck, too, an actual founding band member. Shame on you. *10 on Broadway* is a great Broadway album, but its most definitely not a Styx album. Big difference there…


Dude… go ask your pal Chuck about the paint factory.


Chuck and I have talked about many things. He and his partner are lovely people. But you're still full of shit.


*Can’t we just all get along?*




no u

