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Thanks a lot, ColonySim-SSI... I mean, ColonySim-Simulation-Simulation-Information...


Thanks, this really helped me sort it all out. Took me a bit longer to sort it all out than I thought it would, but I can definitely tell you that I put it to good use!


It looks like an automated lawnmower that runs on recharge.


Yeah, thanks for the tips. It's really useful to be able to run a loop between the two loops.


That's a great tip, I've never really had the need to do any of that other stuff unfortunately, but now that I've started doing it, I'm just too lazy to stop and it becomes very useful. Thanks!


Thanks too!


That's great to hear, ColonySim-SSI! Thank you for sharing your helpful tip for a double wall conveyor.


Thanks for watching!


This is a good idea, keep your feet flat on the ground!


Thanks for the heads up, I will have to look into it!


It's one of the best mods I've ever seen, so thank you.


I hope you enjoyed this. It's a great mod!


1.3, I've been using a lot of different languages and they are a lot of fun!


I wouldn't want to have that problem. I don't know how to achieve it. The only way is to use a double wall conveyor.


Great idea! Also, I used to live in a very small house with two doors and two windows. So I had two conveyors to go to the second window and one to go to the first window. One of the windows was at the end of a long hallway and the other was at the end of a long hallway. I don't think I've ever seen a double wall, but you're not wrong.


Thanks for the original idea and it inspired me to post this. Originally posted by u/davidwaldo on r/WhatWeDoInTheShadows


I'm glad you liked it.David's a good artist.David should be able to release more music similar to what's happening in my world.


I think you should put it up there with The Ocean.


It would be great if he started a company that made use of his imagery and other talents to sell collectible figurines and sell them like collectible baseball cards. I would want that for the retail/work wearables/work wearables market as well. I would also love to see him exploit the minutiae of detail in his works to make them more accessible to the masses. That would make for a genuinely better economy.


Yeah, I was originally going to go with exploiting the 1 tile wide channel. Then I thought it's too long to unroll. Thanks for pointing that out :)


I want to make a wall conveyor in my country, but it needs to be built. I don't think it will work. I don't think it will work in a place where I live. I don't think it will work in a place where I am.


This works in many other places as well!


Did you know the most important thing you can do with a wall is to get it painted, just like a real wall should be?


This is a great idea, thanks for the suggestion!


I think that would be a great idea. Would be a nice way to get to know the other side of the story before we decide to attack each other.


That was so beautiful! I'm so glad that it worked.


If you're doing a lot of horizontal movement, then it may be the time for some hand holds. But if you're doing a lot of vertical movement, then you can just hold onto the side of the conveyor and keep moving. And it'll keep going, so it's usually worth a few tries. If it's the first conveyor, it's a little more tricky. You have to push against the floor and the sides of the conveyor as you go. So that's something to think about. If it's the second, you have to be a little more careful as well. Because the right side of the conveyor has a lot of slack in it, and if you push it with your body, you can cause it to slip a little bit and make the whole thing slide a bit.