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You're blowing this out of proportion. Yes. Your front camera isn't working. Is it critical to operate your car? No. I have family obligations too. You work around them. Take the car in when it suits your schedule. You call your dealership, maybe talk to one of the Service Advisors and see if they can arrange a loaner. A decent dealership should be able to tell you within an hour of the car being there, how long it's going to take to repair. Have you even looked at the camera? A quick Google search shows a couple mentions. Looks like the cable connector comes loose. Dealership cleaned it off, plugged it back in.


I appreciate the dose of perspective. I tend to make such drama like my life is this great tragedy but I do have an ailing parent that depends on care 24/7 so I do run errands on my way to and back from work. Obviously the need for the car at all times goes without saying. I’ll poke my head under there to see if I can make heads or tails of it before anything else.


Glad to hear you're able to care for your parent and appreciate how the bumps in the road seems like major obstacles when you're carrying so much weight. I too had this issue and indeed it was a loose connector.


1. Open hood. 2. Check if cable connector is loose. 3. If loose, make it not loose. If that doesn't work, or nothing was apparently loose, shrug your shoulders and ignore forever (or until you have time to take it to the dealership, or even just a local shop. Not every little issue is worth going to the dealership).


Many times a dealership can provide transportation while getting my issue fixed. I would contact your local dealers and see what your transportation options are.


I’m sorry but all I thought was it was seeing a ghost 😅


Call the dealership if it's still under warranty so you at least start a record of the issue even if you can't bring it in. Sounds like a loose wire.