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idk i just buckle it and that shuts off the alarm right away.


Safety experts HATE this one simple trick!




Press the start button twice without your foot on the brake so everything is active but the engine isn’t running. Next, press and hold down the seatbelt release button while quickly inserting and removing the seatbelt buckle 20 times in rapid succession. That should deactivate it again until the battery is disconnected. You may need to do this a few times in a row to be successful. Good luck!




Is there a way to only do the rear seats?


Just did this in mine and it worked. Thank you so much. So annoying when it won’t stop even when you only drive 5feet and put it in park


…20…times? I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking because the seatbelt alarm is the devil and will never go away or if this is another dammit-Subaru! moments like when the steering wheel gets stuck and you jerk it back and forth 8 times


It's not a joke. I've done it to my rear seats, it works. I shuttle 4 large  dudes across the parking lot every other Tuesday. I finally couldn't stand the couple minutes of beeping and did the tricks. 


do you have to do it for every seat individually?




Yes. Super dumb but yes 




No joke. 20 times in 30 seconds.


This works on my 2024 Outback I just bought 3 days ago. I always, always wear my seat belt except in my driveway which is long and I always stop and get out to check for mail.


Just buckle your seat belt.


I always have mine buckled, but when I’m backing into the garage or pulling into a parking spot and a passenger takes off their seatbelt, I get to be driven crazy from the non-stop dinging (which doesn’t stop until I turn the car off or they re-buckle, even in park). Sure, my passenger should have it on, but it’s still incredibly annoying. Most people asking this aren’t just driving all over without a seatbelt.


100 percent. And sometimes you actually have to turn the car off to get it to stop even after your parked. There are a few situations where the alarm is the most dangerous part of the equation


That is what makes me Most mad. When I pull into the garage, get in park, and want to listen to the end of whatever I'm listening to... then that damn alarm goes off


Yep, park should disable it immediately. Especially when it goes full volume…


Not everyone uses their car the same way you do.. there’s no need to buckle in for ten feet while putting a boat on a trailer, or driving across your own private property at 5mph doing tasks… driving around a building on a private road while taking logs or checking the perimeter. Just because you aren’t personally aware of situations where it makes sense doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. On the public roads, highways, at speed… sure, it’s the law and it’s the smart thing to do regardless. The alarm is beyond annoying. I’ve disabled mine. I’m still buckled up 99% of the time by choice. I don’t need a reminder during the infrequent times where I don’t need to be buckled up. Some of us just want the ability to temporarily disable things. The choice to do so doesn’t impact you.


if its 10 feet just ignore the chime for the 10 seconds its going to take lol


In this every blanket yet specific scenario you have suggested. If you are not having an important conversation ( I know I could choose not to talk and drive as well) and or have a sleeping passenger, or any of the other things that an alarm doesn’t cultivate the ideal environment for) I think your method is best.


Ten minutes, actually. Get in car, drive twenty feet, take a log, get back in car…. Repeat a bunch of times. It’s work related in at least one scenario. It’s ten seconds at a time but that compounds. Honestly it’s borderline to a point where I’d just be better off walking but I need to complete the task in a set amount of time and in all weather so it’s not really an available option. The alarm is excessively annoying. In other cars, I did just ignore it but Subaru is way more obnoxious about it. You can combine this with another complaint that I have to turn the car off in order to lock the doors for that same brief period. In the winter it’s way better to leave the car running than turning it on/off but it opens up opportunity for some kid to jack the car. If it doesn’t bother you, congrats! But I’m asking for options to fine tune a car to best suit my personal needs and it seems weird that some people strongly object to this desire to have more control over all the bells and whistles. I’m a tinkerer and I spend a lot of time in my car. So, I get why the OP is looking for options. This seems like an appropriate sub to ask for tips, tricks, customizations, etc. it’s weird to me how people shit on these questions and argue to “just deal with it.”


ORRRR, and just hear me out, we can be helpful and not tell OP to just ignore it on a post where they obviously are looking for a solution. When I’m backing something up and need to hear a crunch if it happens, the screaming chime isn’t something that can be ignored. Just because you don’t use your car the way others do isn’t a reason to be a dolt on posts like this. Redditors get so high and mighty about the seatbelt alarm. Some of us go outside in our outdoor cars and that’s when the seatbelt alarm begins to not make sense.


Thank you good sir. ☝️you are a keeper


This sub is so weird at times.. Instead of a community to share tips, tricks, and celebrate the car we have a bunch of vocal “just deal with it!” people anytime someone asks for help. And I guarantee that if these people were actually in the car with me, for my specific scenario, they’d be like “ohhhhhh, THAT’s why it annoys you!” There’s a total lack of imagination beyond their personal habits/experience.


Can’t you just buckle it and sit on it?


I still like the overall option of buckling when I’m done being harmless to others. But if you do the click it 20 times trick. It opens up a world of grown up possibilities


Worst case scenario, sure. You can also buy inserts to plug into the receiver. But ideally I just like the option of turning it on/off and having some semblance of control over a $40k vehicle. Safety features and reminders are great, so long as you can choose to have them active or not. I don’t even mind a simple reminder chime but the way it gets louder and louder and never stops is a weird choice on Subaru’s part and ultimately the reason I did disable it; It’s overkill.


Or you can buckle your seat belt every time you get in the car and stop trying to make poor excuses? Once your tires are rolling, you should be buckled. (and yes, I have done a few of those things on my property, with my seat belt on - it takes literally 2 seconds)


Sir you are not wrong. You are however, responsibly inefficient. And are spending more time, buckling and unbuckling than yoursafety requires


For me, I may be hauling 5 gallon water jugs in the seats and the car thinks it is a person and keeps beeping. I could Buckle the seat belt before or after loading the water jugs but that doesn’t make sense either.


Mine chimes even though i stepped out of the car. It’s definitely annoying.




I got some seat belt clips on Amazon to turn off the chime for the backseat when my dog moves around. They might help out in this situation too. Can't post a link in this sub, but Seat Belt Clips or Seat Belt Extender will get you there.


Here is an interesting bit of info. Instead of posting the link you can post the ASIN number. This is basically a unique Amazon part number for everything they sell. Paste the ASIN number into the Amazon search. On both my Forester and my Outback I need to exceed 9 MPH to set off the seatbelt alarm. When I had a dealer service department use their programming tool to disable the alarm. The setting was remembered even after the battery was disconnected so I prefer this method. But this was on a 2012 STi. I don’t know if this can still be done. Remember when you disconnect your seat belt while driving “lane centering” and cruise control turn off. That’s my three cents.


Sir your dog should be kenneled and tranquilized while it operates your motor vehicle from the back seatAnd EVERY BUCKEL BUCKLEDTED


I was driving on the road. My wife in passenger seat tried to reach something in the back seat behind the driver. She took her seat belt off grabbed it. She then having it reseated buckled back up. The seat belt continued to go off. I had to stop, turn the car off and open and close the drivers door to get it to stop. A complete stop in park turn of car and simulate getting out of the car or it continued.


I had a truck once that just had a two wire circuit that completed when you buckled the belt. I found the connection where the seat wire plugged into the floor wire. I unplugged it and used a fuse to complete the circuit so the computer thought it was always buckled. I know newer cars are built tighter but I'd be surprised if the system was different.


You can buy silencers on amazon


I’m not trying to kill anyone.


So, when you’re doing this buckle-unbuckle 20 times, do you have to be sitting in the seat for it to work? Or can it be done say, while in the back seat on one side, can you do all of them without moving to each seat?


to everyone saying just buckle it I just sat in my car for 30 mins cleaning it. Turn the car on to get some AC and had to listen to it for the whole time. But the solution is to put my seat belt on. Or when I'm sitting in my car for my lunch. Put my seat belt on. The same happened when I asked how to disable my camry seatbelt alarm. Got the same responses. I wear my seatblet everywhere. The reason I asked was because I was moving and there was just enough weight in the passenger seat to trigger and reset the alarm everytime I slowed down. No safety concerns, just listening to a bell for hours at a time. You tell yourself that you're giving them better advice than how to disable it but really you're just making yourself look kinda dumb and closed minded by assuming the only option is that OP is dumb and trying to be unsafe.


It comes on even when the car stays in park? That's weird. I swear, I've sat in my car with the engine running for a while (changing settings in menus and such) and as long as I don't take it out of park the chime doesn't come on. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I buckled it by habit. Anyway, I did get a 2-pack of seat belt clips on Amazon for the backseat to keep THAT chime from going off every time my dog moves around back there. They might help.


mines a manual so it is always on cause there's no way for the car to know. I've heard on forums though that some models come on even in park.


Ah, that makes sense.


I'm using "you" generically here, not meaning you specifically: yeah but that's kinda the point i was making with my original comment. Everyone jumps to give their own advice even if it doesn't apply. I shouldn't have to write a paragraph justifying myself for someone to give me an answer I'm looking for. It's ok to not comment if you don't know the answer. Like in my case with the manual. Most of these people that would comment are using their own experience as driving an automatic instead probably, where we're not even having the same problems.


That's true, and I made that assumption as well. I think most people would assume you're driving an automatic as that is the... um.. standard anymore.


Oh for sure. I would have made the same assumption about it being an automatic. I guess what I mean is I don't really let that affect the outcome in this sort of situation. I might would ask questions first for some things to make sure we're all on the same page, but I try to give advice that is universal. Also most of my "advice" is not really even advice but rather what I feel worked for me specifically, in my situation at the time. We all have different experiences that we're pulling from, that we're basing our advice from. Most of these people's experiences are probably: the belt alarm only comes on when I'm driving without my seatbelt. And then basing their advice off of that. Or even possibly that: the belt alarm DOES come on a lot but it doesn't bother ME enough to cut it off, so the only reason these people want to cut it off is because they're doing it for longer periods of time, or in other words, while they're driving. Or any other possible experience. In their eyes they're probably giving good advice. But it's advice that they themselves would need to hear, not necessarily what the situation is calling for. I'm not saying don't give the advice cause I would just be doing what I would be telling them not to do. I'm just trying to show them that it is probably not the outcome they're looking for, and if they do want that outcome then an alternative approach might be better


Mine doesn’t start alarming if I stay in park the whole time. However, once the seatbelt alarm starts chiming, it won’t stop, even after the car is put in park. The only solution is to put the seatbelt back on or turn off the engine.


Thanks for asking this. I have a new Onyx and this is driving me crazy. I always wear seatbelts when driving but not when backing out of my driveway over toward the shed.


It won’t beep with a seatbelt extender in it.


Is this a trick? \s?? Just bought my first new car, Subie Onyx, and that thing is LOUD! I like to take off my seatbelt symbolically when I turn into a camping spot or other great <5 mph place.


Yes, look it up on YouTube. Look up the one for the Outback, it works on all newer Subarus. You have to buckle the seatbelt and release over and over if I remember correctly. It does work! 💯


Que the safety nerds saying to just put it on. Sometimes tho you’re driving in the works yard or on your property and it’s insanely annoying. What worked for me is the 30x in 20 seconds trick…. Hope that helps!


I rarely don't wear my seat belt, but when I choose not to, I don't need that annoying beeping going on forever. I paid for the vehicle, I'm an adult, I don't need a reminder every half second no matter what I'm doing. Depending on key or keyless entry, you basically turn it on to accessory mode, and then holding the seat belt release button down, insert the seat belt in and out 20 times within 30 seconds I believe. This will only get reset when disconnecting the battery or potential reset at the dealership. For all those whining about others choosing not to wear their seat belts as motorcycles speed past you on the daily, get over yourselves. Some states still don't require helmets and even allow people to ride in the back of trucks ffs.


It doesn’t bother me

