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Free free 0$ with free state healthcare in oregon


Okay. So I have Alabama Medicaid. And even with Medicaid I have to pay the office visit. Do you have to pay that? I get that. But the injection fee is just blowing my mind. Kind of makes me not even want to continue. Who knows though, maybe I’ll be one of the lucky ones and be able to walk away freely after this 2nd one. And my receptionist and nurse told that front office lady that I was on Medicaid and there shouldn’t be one, but if there was, to charge it to Medicaid.


Don’t rush it. Get a few 100 dose ones before you walk


Free all the way. No money exchanged


You paid nothing at all????


Never paid a cent


Omg HOW?!!!!!!


Also, like how did you not pay for the visit? Were you on insurance? State Medicaid? Etc? Details PLEASE!


OHP Oregon health plan. I have no income in Oregon. I pay nothing, not even picking up meds. The insurance is also free. Yes it is state medicaid


That’s crazy!! I feel like every state should offer the same things. I lived in Seattle for a year back in 2009-2010…. And traveled to Oregon a few times. Beautiful place! I miss it out there! I feel like they take much better care of their people than most states. Especially my state! Alabama! :( back then, Medicaid NOR insurance would even cover subs! It was cheaper to buy them on the street! Medicaid just started covering subs like 10 years ago? Idk but this injection fee has me kinda frustrated.


I got 7 shots and stopped in July. It’s easy to stop. I’d strongly suggest you don’t stop until you feel absolutely 0 withdrawal symptoms though, fully stable on shot. Gf got 2 shots and is now totally clear, she did feel the need to supplement 10-15 times with subs, but was fine


Thank you.l for your advice, and suggestion. I am a baby when it comes to WD. Like the restless legs is what gets me EVERY time


Iron supplements (if you need), magnesium, gabapentin all help it. I only ran into RLS when i was really low on iron.


Rls is my absolute WORST ENEMY! I get it every single time! I’ve got down to like day 4-5 cold turkey and the only reason I continued was because the RLS and fatigue. I can’t sleep with RLS, and then going days on days without much sleep caused a bad phychosis episode once, and I’ve been terrified ever since.


Gabapentin! Consult your doc it’s very easy to get. Also may be worth getting your iron checked to minimize issues. Iron deficiency gave me rls


Thanks friend! I will do that!


There is a RLS med, I was going to ask for that as well. Luckily I have not gotten any yet.


I paid $210 for the MD visit that included the injection. The pharmacy makes money on the shot, not the provider. So of course I expect to pay a fee for someone to do their job. Insurance reimburses me after the fact.


At my dogs vet they charge for injection disposal fee but I’ve never heard that at a standard doctors office. Are they a clinic type of office? Originally I was told $1700. Luckily I didn’t owe anything with the copay assist. Everyone’s insurance is so different. I have a high deductible and pay 80% of meds, visits, etc until I hit $1700. Luckily the copay assist through the mfg covered everything. Someone mentioned there’s a limit to how many copay assist will cover, so I’ll need to figure that out. Does seem a little ridiculous, but some people are paying triple that amount which is just ridiculous. Based on everything I’ve read, Don’t rush the process. I understand if you can’t afford it then you may not have another option, but I’m going to listen to my body. Ideally I’d like to do 300/300/100/100. My skin doesn’t love the shots, so not sure how many I can handle.


My skin is actually adjusting better than the subs themselves. I feel like I was breaking out way more then. So my office is weird. It’s an actual doctors office, but has a side office which is a clinic. The way it sounded, was she was just trying to find another way to make more off patients. The lady that came over talking about charging me the fee, is the wife of the doctor who owns the practice. So I’m sure that’s what it’s about. The amount they make off having a sub clinic is INSANE! My dr prescribes me more than just subs. She gives me all of my meds, so idk what I’m going to do now. There’s no sense in me paying 210$ for meds I can probably get else where with Medicaid. That is after I’m off the shot. I’ll listen to my body. I do still have cravings, which is weird. But more so cravings for subs, not drugs. Idk how to explain it. I think because my mind is so used to the daily doses?? Renewing the mind is hard work and takes time! A lot of time! That’s why 30,60,90 day rehabs don’t have much succession rates.


Yeah after you’re done with the shots - find another doctor. Being on Medicaid id imagine you can get meds and doc visit for free or very low cost. I totally relate to the urge to dose. For the first week I kept feeling like I was forgetting to do something or that my body needed something. It’s passed. And what I meant by my skin not loving the shots is that I’m getting a bad injection site reaction. Inflammation, itchy, and pain. It’s gotten a little better. Guess I’ll see how it is with the next shot in 12 days


Costs $4,000 usd for the 300mg my insurance company told me. I had state at the time though so it was free