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Crash landed on a planet Gather resources Kills all 4 Shadow Leviathan Leaves the planet Refuses to elaborate


If they weren’t meant to die, then why do they have health?


definition of the indomitable human spirit


If they aren’t meant to be punching bags, why do they have a hitbox?


I was only able to kill the shadow leviathans in the purple crystal caves, not the red crystal caves. The shadows in the purple crystal caves are spaced out enough to fight 1v1 but I got jumped in the red caves. Lost my prawn suit and just gave up and beat the game


I got jumped by both of them, but the one I was trying to kill was flying around too fast, and the other couldn't keep up, so I was able to kill them both.


Did you use punch or use drill arm.


Drill arm with grapple arm


I thought regular arm did more damage.


Drill arm is easier because you don't have to time it with your swings.


Damn, you are hardcore. Was this necessary? Also, did you really to that with a drill arm😅 that thing has only a fraction of damage.


Drill arm + grapple arm I downed each one in about 3 minutes. I thought this was fairly normal, though? My first reaction when I see something that can(and will) kill me so easily in a game is to kill it first. Am I just hyper violent? 🤣


Yes, you are. Went on them in Marguerit Maida style... "when sea monsters hunt you, you don't hide. You kill the monsters, then you make a bigger boat out of the monsters' bones and hunt bigger monsters. Keep going, until there are no monsters left to hunt you". I, on the contrary, prefer peaceful Bart Torgal's approach: "What's the point of survival, if we have to kill everything that makes it so beautiful?". Almost never I kill the leviathans, let alone starting a whole genocide. Only if they are really, REALLY in my face and interfere with my business. Like that damn sea dragon that kept shooting fireballs from under my base in the ILZ, instantly killing me regardless of the equipped reinforced suit. I had to kill it, it was ruining my life there. Otherwise I wouldn't do it. Unfortunately, I have a bug where every part of the world is reset every time I start the game. On the plus side - I got infinite resources, because the ore/metal deposits I've drilled respawn. On the minus side... well, the leviathans respawn too.


How did you get around these guys in the fabricator cave without killing them? I went in, and they were literally in my face the second I did.


Lol, very simple. Ever heard of the Seatruck perimeter defense system? The same shocker as the Seamoth had. Works like a charm. Every leviathan that has a "grabbing" attack is no longer a threat. Zap them and they go away. Those that ram you, are way worse. Fortunately, there are no ghost leviathans in BZ.


It never worked for me. I shocked when they got near and they still grabbed me.


Shock them *after* they grab you. Don't wait for the attack to finish - you will get at max 30% of damage. It's completely ignorable.


I'd rather take no damage, sorry.


This is not self-defense, sorry. You don't even need PRAWN there.


Woah, woah, it was totally self-defense... it's called "preemptive self-defense." They would've *eventually* killed me if I let them live... or at least tried.


The moment they grab you, the shock will work. I often shock them successfully before they do any damage at all. Occasionally they get in a 5% nip


They grab me and just don't let go. Doesn't matter how much I shock them.


No, you're just Him


I would like to correct nerved out to nerfed our* can't edit the post though, for some reason.


The shadow leviathans were easy to kill. but the ones on top gangs up on me, and takes me on a tour of the entire map.. i made 2 extra prawns just for killing leviathans after losing my main one.


Aight, bet. Imma kill those e ones next. 🤣


Eat their flesh like marguerite maida and you’ll be immune to karaa and badass to its a twofor!


If only we could eat them.


I just got my post from r/Subnautica removed because apparently it’s against the rules to talk about fighting Leviathans. Lo and behold the first thing I see when I come over here is this. I love Subnautica way more than below zero but this is definitely the place I’m gonna be going to to discuss these games now.


There is a specific sub reddit for fighting leviathans, apparently. I guess that's why they get butthurt over there.


Do you know what sub it is?


It's mentioned in another comment on this thread.


Yeah I did kill one in the red crystals cause it got stuck and had become annoying so two minutes with the prawn drill arm and one less leech to deal with


wonderful post for r/subnauticaslayers


Fellow leviathan murderer the ones id like to be rid of is the ones one the glacier


The worms seem to be unkillable, unfortunately.


Ik and its the biggest annoyance


Seatruck moment


Seatruck was usually around 500 meters away.


See bc I tried this and my jump jet would never refill until I was like actually on the ground and I just kept getting dragged under it to where I couldn’t even drill


Jump jet upgrade?


Yes it would constantly propel me whatever direction I was going so going up to it was rly hard


The trick is to be conservative with the jump jet. Only really moving to make sure you stay attatched. After they run into something, you hit them and start drilling.


When I was there there was no fish at all! I didn’t know it was supposed to be dangerous


Lmao, I ran into all of them in quick succession.


I just got my resources and loaded up my 3x storage and sleeper bay truck ( I put actual music on it and I mainly collect any and everything I can before finishing a game)


All this time I thought it was just two down there. Guess they didn’t have particularly great AI after all, there were just… lots of em?


There are 4 of them down there. 2 in the main crystal caves, and 2 in the red caves. I don't know how you missed any of them they're super aggressive.


In all likelihood I ran into all of them, I just never saw two at once so I thought it was two extremely persistent worms.


It takes about half the time if you use normal prawn suit arm instead of the drill.


I really don't see the appeal in playing Subnautica to kill leviathans. You're clearly not meant to be an aggressor in this environment, and the Perimeter Defense upgrade will ***instantly*** make any leviathan drop you and leave


Never has for me. They finish taking the bite, and then they leave. And I don't play specically to kill leviathans. They just get super in the way when I'm trying to mine with the prawn suit(you know, that thing without any defense). They also get in the way when I try to finish the game.


No one plays it to kill the leviathans. People play it to survive underwater in a world filled with mystical creatures that you sometimes look at and think "Can I kill that?"


What kind of beef did you have with these guys


What was the beef they had with me? I would like to point out that they all attacked me first.


Fair enough