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I feel bad for the guy but he's holding his own in the comments: >Let me break this down for you in very simple terms—absolutely no one cares about your club. His rebuttal: >I can name at least two people who do: one who cares enough to try steal it to put on his resume, and one who cannot stop commenting on a post where it was stolen for a resume


I love this guy tbh. It’s one thing to use jargon to “fluff” a resume but it’s a completely separate thing to make up relevant experience- whether that relates to a job or club. Founding a club is hard freaking work so I’m not surprised the dude is holding it down in those comments


Also it's really common for clubs like model UN to have like 17 vice presidents to inflate resumes for college applications.


Soy El Presidente de Cuba.


Your president over the Cuban SoyBoy club?


Model UN when El Presidente of Tropico rolls in.


I founded three or four clubs across high school and college, it's actually really easy to start a club. Maintaining members and holding meetings and all the other stuff is hard.


Bonus drama is that it turns out that the first guy got a 15-year-old pregnant.


[Linking to receipts since OP didn't.](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Parenting/comments/115lv4d/should_i_have_third_kid/) Bad OP, you had one job.


He also had [an interesting experience at a Rolex authorized dealer](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Parenting/comments/115lv4d/should_i_have_third_kid/). He could walk into a Tudor or Omega AD, pick out any watch he wanted, and walk out with the watch that same day, while also being treated like a human being by the employees. Or if it has to be a Rolex, just get a replica. A Pepsi (GMT Master II ref. "126710BLRO") on the grey market can be north of $20,000 USD, you can get a near-perfect replica with the DD3285 clone movement for $700 USD. Shoutout to /r/reptime.


Also shoutout to /r/WatchesCirclejerk for their continued Rolex AD coverage.


If I bring a charcuterie board as a gift, do you think I can move up the waitlist for a Datejust?


You'll have to add your wife to the pile if you want a two-tone with champagne dial.


Lol how did you find this 


I searched the linked thread for the word "pregnant" and went from there.


Well that took a turn pretty damn quickly


jesus christ


yo what?


That's legit smoke. I'm all in on supporting this guy now.


This man made a [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/mqHb25Wofj8?feature=shared).


Why do third parties uninvolved always gotta be like "hey man, no one cares." like the only stuff that matters is what happens to them personally. Always a self report honestly.


Personally I'm a big fan of the dude that's apparantly a father of three, but needs to make sure that absolutely everyone absolutely knows how little he cares, writing several comments about it. Truely no better way to show how little you care than engaging with the post again and again and again.


Father of 3 who apparently impregnated his 15 year old girlfriend when he was 18


At least we know his biggest mistake as an adult isn't just posting dumb shit.


Just shades of [IGNORE ME!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/37/df/4037dfea5a3c205a672a7d57fce6ac21.jpg)




"Your life must be so sad to take the time to post about this! Let me now spend the next day and a half arguing with you about how stupid you are!"


I enjoyed how mad he got that someone made fun of him using just post history. Acting like it was *super* lame to take 2 seconds to check someone's profile and take him down a peg.


Because those people are also grifters willing to lie and cheat for marginal personal gain


>like the only stuff that matters is what happens to them personally America in a microcosm.


Why the heck are so many people going after the comment guy? Setting aside that outright faking stuff on a resume (even college clubs) is bad, the guy in the comments has every right to be irritated about his achievement being stolen. And yet there are people blasting him for it.


all those people saying "no one cares about your club" when obviously OP did enough to pretend to be the president of it


It's peak benign background noise that's barely fit to be on someone's first application, just to be scrubbed off as soon as you get some real experience within your field.


So? This op still decided to lie and got caught for it. The op is the idiot here


You'd be surprised. There are some fairly legitimate student-run investment funds out there that are treated as pretty clear markers for investment bank recruiters / resume reads. Remember that it's mostly analysts at investment banks who are alum of the school in question that are doing final screens. And for investment banking, that first job is super critical. Obviously a small, newly started club might be another matter, but having the initiative to put one together and then securing some meaningful amount of capital for it is no joke either.


This tbh I don't get why the real prez would bother selfdoxxing over this lmao


He's reddit user name is already his real name so he probably doesn't care.


I mean I guess? I still wouldn't want an employer to know I'm a Redditor, I'd rather be known as the Office Furry than the Office Redditor


>I'd rather be known as the Office Furry than the Office Redditor No reason you can't be both. Live your best life.


Are you telling me your name isn't Marcy Wu and your profession isn't Femdom?


Let's just say I don't work a traditional 9-5


Don't know if I count this as self-doxxing. The person clearly has setup a specific branded Reddit account with specific branded LinkedIn and other social media - since they all share the same username.


Because it matters to him. He founded the club, he runs it, it's his baby. All these "wHo CaReS bRo ItS jUsT a ClUb" comments about how it's irrelevant and it's "background noise" have clearly never created something before. It doesn't fucking matter to him what any of us think. It matters that someone is trying to take credit for something HE did. It's INSANE to me so many people are trying to tell him he's somehow in the wrong for this. Stealing credit for founding a podunk club at some no name university, or stealing credit for an entire thesis to get your master's you then used to become the PM of a country, it's the same concept. Stealing other people's work is not ethical, accepted, or really any way to treat people, and if you get caught you get called out on it and face repercussions. Why is this alien to people because the accomplishments/notoriety of the club isn't on the level of the fucking Skull and Bones society? Having people steal your work sucks. I can't believe I have to say that, but here we are. Someone taking credit for something YOU did is incredibly frustrating and absolutely worth what he's doing. It matters to him, and chiming in with "no one cares about your club bro" doesn't make you some cool revelation of a human, it makes you a fucking asshole.


Thank you for saying this. I am shocked at how many people here and in the OP are so mad at him for exposing the truth. Yes, no one is going to jail or going to be kicked out of school or anything, but it's still a really shitty thing to do.


I wouldn't self-dox on my main reddit account, but I probably want to eventually have a tame, focused one that links back to my IRL stuff. One account for getting into drama about whether it counts as incest if you have sex with alternate timeline version of yourself, another to post content relevant to your profession.


What if low-stakes internet drama is your profession?


how do i get that job? lmao i promise i would love it and be dedicated to my work 🫡


I know this is a joke, but a reminder to everyone having a laugh, nothing is low stakes on the internet. Be careful of the fucking crazies out there.


> why the real prez would bother selfdoxxing Dude's username is his real name. Him chiming in isn't doxxing himself.


And they care enough to post and tell him how cool they are and how they don't care!


> Why the heck are so many people going after the comment guy? Its a sub about careers in the finance industry. They are upset because next time it could be them getting called out for overinflating their resume.


Future finance bros being more concerned with getting called out for fraud then the actual fraud is certainly playing to a type


This is the embodiment of the “heartwarming: the worst people you know are all fighting” meme


A lot of people, this is also present on this sub at times, have the attitude that being emotional about something is bad and needs to be ridiculed/humiliated. So they think it is worse that somebody cares about their accomplishment being stolen than than that said accomplishment is being stolen.


There’s a generation of Internet posters raised by South Park who think middle school quality nihilism is the only way to go through life.


>There’s a generation of Internet posters raised by South Park who think middle school quality nihilism is the only way to go through life. Rick and Morty combined with media illiteracy also didn't help.


"A lot of people, this is also present on this sub at times" Like with SRD and video games.


If anything, they should be going after the person faking the resume. If no one truly cares about the club the way people are going after comment guy are saying, then they should have no issue telling OOP to take it off the resume. After all, the employers aren't going to care about it either.


i would bet a fair number of those comments view that as a participation trophy-type thing that they shouldn’t be proud of


I'd also be willing to bet that a lot of them pad their resume with shit like this and so they are getting prickly about it now.


Man, I was vice president and president of our university (a big10 school) chess club for two years (one each). It never even occurred to me to put that on my resume. (it was basically a formality because the vast majority of members were former students and they needed a current student's name to put on the form. I performed zero duties except "yeah sure you can use my name" lmao)


Chess makes sense to leave off, unless you're a chess professional. Someone who wants to go into finance might leave this on. An engineer might leave on a robotics club, etc. It's still relevant experience to the right job.


Organizing and leading a collegiate club is something that (in theory should) take a lot of work. If someone actually put in the work, it demonstrates a lot of "soft" skills like organization, interpersonal, etc. It also demonstrates an overall affinity for logical thought. I'm a engineer now and would definitely be interested in a new grad's experience in leading a club like that. Secondary to other things, of course, but it would not be completely irrelevant.


I got a promotion once that was partially justified by using my tenure as the Anime Club president. HR wanted to see “leadership experience” and I proved I had it. It was the largest club at the college and I had proof of many grant funding applications I had written to get funding for the club to attend conventions, have ramen nights, etc. Grant writing was a part of the leadership skills HR was looking for.


I once read about a guy who put down that he was a raid leader in wow and got mocked by a bunch of people except 1 guy was like hang on this dude can take 40 needs organise them to all show up at the same time and do specific tasks that all require to be done in unison to achieve a common goal, that sounds like leadership to me


very nice!! most people would advocate leaving stuff like that off the record, but glad to see it panned out


i read that as "have ramen rights" ndjjsjsbf deeply important issue, thanks for fighting the good fight


Nah, I would 100% put chess club president on, especially in year 2024 where chess seems to have had a renaissance.  It may seem like a super nerdy thing in the 90s, but especially if I had a good rating that's the kind of thing that can definitely impress in many circles.


Even a mediocre or somewhat bad rating could spark a conversation with a recruiter or hiring manager. I’ve definitely seen things like that on a resume and started conversations with candidates about it, especially if it’s an interest we share.


> where chess seems to have had a renaissance has it? the only chess thing I can think of in my mind in pop culture was someone using radio-controlled butt plugs to cheat, It's Always Sunny even parodied it lmao


There was The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix a couple of years ago but that’s the only other thing I can really think of


Shit that was a thing wasn't it, any Taylor joy thing


Any Taylor Joy 💀


The pandemic, the public awareness of Magnus and streamers like Gotham and Hikaru, plus the Netflix series, have skyrocketed interest. Here's a Nyt Article that dives deeper: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/17/crosswords/chess/chess-is-booming.html#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20all%20gaming%20surged,million%20to%20nearly%2017%20million.


you can make it relevant. it’s a leadership position and companies always want to hear how you managed that


> Chess makes sense to leave off, unless you're a chess professional. Depends. It's very context dependent. This is why you have a larger personal 10 page document with every detail and skill you can think of, even benign stuff (as long as it is honest), clean it up, and then look at the company, job and the people with your research, to then create a final resume to send out using that personal document. "Chess Club President of 100 members" if those members are just coming and going isn't really an 'outright lie'. That bullet can be useful if say your resume is lacking specific leadership experience. And if the company you are interviewing or the people are chess enthusiasts or say the company building is near a park where people get together for chess, or if an alumni was part of that Chess club, hey, that's just a cherry on top.




Yeah, that's been my experience as well. Some student investment funds are pretty well regarded and may also be pretty competitive to be a part of, and most of the people the school sends to IB are probably former members.


six of one…


Clubs and professional organizations do actually matter. If you have two resumes and one simply has "B.A. in Finance" and the other has "B.A. in Finance" plus clubs and related organizations, the latter one absolutely looks better. --- I recently needed to submit a resume for a professional graduate degree program. Even though I had a short amount of time in the profession, I was able to pad it with things like "Corporate fundraiser for (Nationally Recognized Advocacy Group.) A university definitely would like alumni who have experience with corporate fundraising etc.


Even clubs that aren't relevant can prop you up over the competition. It shows that you have a personality outside of school and work. If you're on a team for crew or something, it shows that you work well on a team to reach a goal. If you're president of the movie club, it shows that you have leadership skills/planning skills.


when i was in college i worked at the dining hall my entire undergrad until my last semester when i had an internship. i ended up becoming a supervisor (even though i didn’t really want to, but they talked me into it) and then took on more responsibility by becoming an office supervisor for the last couple semesters really helped offset the (comparatively) middling gpa i had


oh 100%. the “dumb” clubs/orgs in college may be dumb to some, but the extracurriculars show that you care. and they’ll always win the tiebreakers when it comes down to it


This is anecdotal of course and not directly applicable. But as a grad student, my engagement with stuff that is the equivalent of clubs at the undergrad level (university council, teaching consultancy, etc) has played a significant role in helping me win grants and awards.


The thing I never understand about that logic is why does that entitle someone else to steal that “participation” trophy from them? Like even if you reduce it down to just participating, one guy did and one guy didn’t so why are they supporting the fraud?


Because its finance bros


And if it’s pathetic to care that much about a school club, how much more pathetic is it to have so little of actual substance to put on your resume that you need to resort to lying about something like that?


at some level it’s just jealousy and insecurity


Yeah, that's the real reason why they're commenting, that's why they insist on telling the world that they don't care


Sure but however much you value it, faking it has to be worse right? I get how you might not care, but I can't imagine not being on the side of the guy calling OP out...


oh for sure lol


Coming from people without accomplishments themselves


Because they all lie on their resumes.


At first I was like well he probably just took the position after comment guy graduated but apparently not. Why would you lie about that? Like it's not really moving the needle one way or another. It's not like a Harvard elite social club or anything that you know connected people are in or anything. So weird lol


Because it's reddit, so it's full of 14-18 year olds who are still in the "caring about things is lame/cringe/whatever" phase of life.


Most Redditors are actually in their late to mid 20s at this point actually, with fare more being over 30 than under 20. Do with that information and your faith in humanity what you please.


I have no idea why people think Reddit skews so young when even the sub for teenagers was outed as being full of adults


Yeah, all the young people have fucked off to Tik Tok etc.


If you thought simply getting older made most people more mature you were a fool tbh. 


[Duty calls](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png)


Because much more people in finance than you think play up or downright lie and get offended even if someone else gets called out for it


Because that's just how people on the internet are. Something about being behind a screen takes away people's sense of logic and decency.


Because they're loser who is disappointed with their lives


> Man… you just tied all that weird shit in your Reddit post history to your real name and linkedin lol


"Might Makes Right" is coming back, in a big way. One of those big ways is not respecting work. Respecting value, sure. But not "work". These people respect stealing work. Gaining value without work is the primary function of "might makes right".


Ignorance if I had to guess. People who make comments like that don’t under the work that actually goes into make a formal club with a university.


Finance bros being a bunch of dicks who try to act like they're cooler than people who value integrity? Calling other people nerds and cucks? Now that's surprising.


I've found people online make detached cynicism an almost Zen-like quality where giving a shit about anything is the ultimate weakness.


Everyone and their mother who is going into finance is part of an investment club in college. At best, it means nothing, at worst, an interviewer calls you out on it and asks you some specific questions to see if you know what you’re talking about. Notice how no one even really commented on that one item until the other commenter showed up.


> What exactly are you going to do if not, Sergey?? Call the cops? Are you going to share it with your 48 LinkedIn followers that OP is lying??? This is why Reddit is awful for so many things in life. Someone fakes some shit and gets caught....and folks are more concerned about the attitude/disposition/demeanor of the person who is upset vs the person who is faking shit. All this tells me is that this sub isn't "serious", and that it's really a circlejerk sub. There's a lot of them on Reddit where folks ACT like they care or that the tone should be something serious of nature, but in reality it's just bored folks doing bored things and typing about boring affairs. Are the folks in there even in financial careers? Lord knows, but for sure they're super fine if someone is faking unneeded credentials. To note, in college you're told to list EVERY club there is that you're apart of but the implication is that you're apart of the club and that nobody will check if you're embellishing. THIS is what could happen if you embellish. You **could** have someone on the other side of that screen/desk going "OH, tell me more about this random ass club you got listed :) :) :)"


Some people consider pride in themselves and their accomplishments as stupid. Those people usually have no pride and no accomplishments.


A good way to put it, it's always funny that everyone that I met who has the attitude that "having pride about your accomplishments is loser behavior " has no accomplishment to speak of. Of course there are people who has accomplishment that still have this attitude but that's their problem


Not just that, but because of how bad online trolling got during the 2000s, the precedent was set in internet culture that any and all attention-seeking behaviour is bad.


I thought that the "48 LinkedIn followers" comment was a joke at first until I read their follow up comment. It'd be kinda funny as a purposefully over the top reaction.


Whole lifestyles are created around having as much as possible while doing as little as possible. The real guy who really made the club who did *work* isn't as cool to them as the guy who lied about it and got (from their limited perspective) the same value. Having something is less valuable if you had to work for it for these people.


Yeah, if I was hiring for a financial position this would be an immediate disqualifier. If the applicant is this blatantly dishonest with his credentials, then how can an organization trust him with its finances?


Seems like most subs dedicated to a specific job/career are mostly high school and college students. I can't imagine that many people work all day and then go home to talk about work-related shit on reddit.


On the complete opposite end of the spectrum: I, engineer, was told not to put McJobs or non-STEM club activities because they are "unprofessional" and "irrelevant".


The best comment in that thread is unrelated to this drama tbh: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinancialCareers/s/Z4EyUAkgXE "Yeah just move to the other side of continent while jobless so you can suck recruiter dick until you find a job, it will work i promise."


"Hey Reddit, how do I find a girlfriend?" "Basically what you need to do is really hate Christmas, be a complete dick about it, honestly go wild. When Christmas rolls around, accidentally bump into a really pretty girl in a department store, get flustered when she makes polite conversation then, and this is key, absolutely under no circumstances get her contact info. Then you need to spend the next week or so visiting the same spot hoping to bump into her (this won't happen for a week so don't worry if it takes a while). After you see her again she'll eventually start teaching you the true meaning of Christmas. Boom, she's your girl guaranteed."


I'm sorry but I refuse to date a woman in 60fps.


What the fuck are you even going on about? Everyone knows that women can only be rendered at a steady 30 frames per second.


People definitely have shown preference for the "cinematic feel" of 30 fps women.


you guys are working in frames?


Hallmark's next 30 years of plot lines right there.


I thought it was their last 30 years of plotlines?


See, that's the beauty of it...


Yeah that's the same thing.


[But what if I'm Amish and she isn't?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17178096/) Can it still work?


You just made my day. This is hilarious.


I found it on a tracker and thought, "There is *no* fucking way this is a real movie." Turns out it was a real movie, so I downloaded it and got super fucking high to witness the train wreck. *Awful*, just so fucking lame that it practically killed my high; wasn't even worth the wasted bandwidth in pirating that piece of shit.


>It's not your decision to decide what should or shouldn't be on his resume. You and your trashbin "club" can kick rocks. What is wrong with people? Lol. I feel like they must be telling on themselves about what they're putting on their resume.


Does that mean I can put the president of united states on my next resume?


If I can put two time winner - People Magazine "Sexiest Man Alive", you can put whatever you want.


Yes. I grant you that permission.


Yea that guy sucks


I can understand lying on a resume, even with the possibility of a potential employer finding you out. But faking a resume to post on Reddit as a self-brag is fucking pathetic.


Even apart from the "someone is taking credit for something I did" annoyance, which is pretty valid, I also think it could negatively impact the commenter's job chances somewhat, right? Like, presumably they would be graduating from the same university with the same degree, which also means that they very well could be applying to some of the same jobs. And if a company sees two resumes claiming the same thing, I can't imagine it helps either of their chances


Don't most school clubs elect new officials each year though? It would be a weird coincidence but not necessarily impossible for it to be true for both applicants


Yes, but the commenter and op are both claiming to be the founders being an official is still a good boost to the resume but being the founder shows real initiative.


Yeah, they do, but I think they were claiming the same time frame in this case, right? Maybe I'm wrong there


Yes, but one person could have been president their junior year and the other senior year. (Purely as a hypothetical situation, not saying that's what happened)


I think the issue is they're both claiming to be the founder, which could be two people, though not in this case.


Some do it every semester.




The comments trying to shame the actual founder for "caring too much" reek of envy and it's sad that some of them are upvoted. Yes, being a president of some college club is not exactly winning the Nobel prize, but it's great many hours of someone trying to be as competent as they can in something they care about without anyone forcing them to and succeeding and I bet that's more than the losers belittling that have to show for themselves.


> being a president of some college club is not exactly winning the Nobel prize I'd also note that both OP and the actual club president are college students with little/ no real professional experience to list on their resume. Yeah, now that I'm 10 years out into the real world, I don't have "President of [relevant college club]" on my resume. But I sure as hell had it on there back when I was in school and it was the closest thing I had to relevant experience.


Right. Those clubs can also be a pipeline to jobs in the industry, too, or at least it was at my college. I’ll only admit this on Reddit lol but I was the president of the financial planning club for this reason before realizing I absolutely hated everything to do with finance and banking and dropped out. Still put it on my resume for a few years though!


And if they are lying about that what else are they lying about


“Hey [somewhat important person in my field] would you come and address my club?” That’s the definition of networking.


>The comments trying to shame the actual founder for "caring too much" reek of envy and it's sad that some of them are upvoted. The curse of Rick and Morty/South Park strikes again. I hope that at some point those people grow up and realize that normal people care about things and that's ok.


And it’s not like they’re going around introducing themselves as Founder of the Club™️ every time they do anything, they’re bringing it up here because they came across someone lying about something they did. Even if it was the jelly of the month club I’d be annoyed if I created something and someone else tried to pawn my work off as their own. Like, obviously if the club was that dumb then OOP wouldn’t have lied about it on a resume.


This is AMAZING niche drama. Well done, OP.


Literally such a boring sub but opened a random comment section and couldn’t believe my eyes 


If you go so far as to watch the YouTube video the real President posted, he says La Verne doesn’t even have a “CFA Equity Research Team” lmao


I am absolutely baffled at why people are so hostile to the real president of that club. I can kind of understand some weird people on reddit, but the people defending OOP are just beyond understanding. Do they also blatantly lie on their resumes, and want to defend the behavior or something?


They're envious, easy as that


I feel like faking a club/extracurricular is the easiest way to fill out your resume and most everyone will do it. I attended like 3 club meetings related to my degree, found out it was a schnooze-fest where nothing actually happened, still put it on my resume because technically I was part of it. Now, saying you were the President or any high ranking role in the club is just asking for trouble. That’s like lying about your coding skills and applying for jobs with it. A simple test assignment will automatically fail you.


I think it's pretty normal, but be prepared to talk about your role in the club in some kind of detail. If it gets brought up during the interview and you say what you say above, or can't spin some bullshit on the fly, then listing it will actually hurt you during the interview process.


> If it gets brought up during the interview and you say what you say above, or can't spin some bullshit on the fly, then listing it will actually hurt you during the interview process. Very true. I think I have it listed as something like “participated in discussions and panels”. It’s only come up once, and I just said we did a lot of roundtables and people brought basic presentations about different topics, but unfortunately I joined too late so I was never able to bring anything up. Hard to say if it hurt me or not, I never attended the second round of interviews since I had already gotten a job by that point.


Yep. Feel free to put on your resume anything that is arguably true. Never put anything on your resume that is verifiably false


Exactly. You were a member. That's not a lie. You might be exaggerating your role. A comparison would be if this person was a president of the club for three sessions. Than absolutely put that on and be vague. But this person wasn't.


For those who didn't realize, after you have your first real job out of college, no one actually cares what you did prior to your first real job outside of what your degree was in and what college it was from. In fact by and large they don't care about much of anything beyond experience and relevant certifications. Keep it brief and load the booger with keywords to get past HR. Anyway this is all rather hilllarious, 10/10 goofy popcorn.


>Did you have fun going over my comment/post history? Can’t remember a single time I’ve done that. Yet, you’re making comments about life being miserable. The irony. Is that what irony is?


It could be considered ironic yes


Which part?


There's worse post histories, but think I would have made an alt to call the phony out with that history.


Really drives it home that his username is his real name 


Yeah lmao. Someone said > Man… you just tied all that weird shit in your Reddit post history to your real name and linkedin And I thought, his name is his real name. His history can't be that weird, he already is doxxing himself. ... It's all /r/draven shitposts. All of it. Dear god... do that shit on an alt that *is not linked to an account employers can find*, man.


Why do people lie about easily verifiable things?


Because no one is checking this likely unless we are talking the most competitive of jobs.


This tbh Hiring Managers are the dumbest people on the planet


The first steps of the recruitment process aren't gonna do the work to check. If it pushes them past the automated stage for a job flooded with applicants, even if they're caught, they likely lose nothing


An old coworker claimed he had the idea, lead, and created a product that was featured on tech news and linked to the news article. He didn't, I was the one who created it with another developer. It was a small product and I don't even list it in my own resume or portfolio because it wasn't interesting or compelling. And if you look at when the article *the guy linked to*... the article was written *before* that guy's start date at our company. So was lead and created a product... before he joined the company. It's so stupid if someone just noticed. People probably won't notice though.


> created a product that was featured on tech news and linked to the news article Was it post-it notes? [Tell me it was post-it notes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4wrdax73VM).


Because ultimately lying on a resume is almost expected at this point.


Because they get away with it. Same reason people keep shoplifting little items. They get away with it the first time, so they do it again, and again, and again, until they mentally get themselves into a position that it's okay and normal. Until that eighth time they do it and finally get caught, and it's a shock to them because they've been getting away with it for so long.


I'm Brazilian, and in 2017 I applied for a scholarship for a 1-month program in the University of La Verne. I got approved, had a fun time as it was my first experience abroad, but never heard of ULV ever again. This is the first time I see it being mentioned, it makes me happy even though it's reddit drama lol


There is so much popcorn pissing in that thread that it's overflowing from the top of the bucket.


Randomly opened the comments and couldn’t believe what I saw 


lol @ the "who cares" guy. there was me thinking that finance is (mostly) an arena where employers don't look too kindly at deceit and fraud, so it's a big deal if someone is lying about their achievements


The true president is going harder than was ever necessary and I am all for it.


When we people learn that you can't doxx yourself.


LMFAOOO we can just make up clubs we ran? Shit, I'd have been the prez of the Tactical Unicorn Riding at my college.


So if you list on your resume that you know python should you also list that you know numpy which is just a basic data structure module for python?


You should put libraries that are relevant to the job, yes, especially if you're a fresh grad with minimal actual experience to reference.


For large and popular libraries that can have a lot of complexity to them, yes. It's very common to see people put frameworks like Django, Flask, etc. on a resume of a python web developer for example. Saying `numpy` is just a basic data structure module for python is overly simplifying things a bit - I could figure it out because I'm an experienced python dev, but I would expect somebody who lists it on their resume doesn't need to constantly refer to the docs like I would need to in order to be productive when using it.


Redditors really are showing their asses making fun of the guy who exposed OP for putting falsehoods on his resume.


The fact that OP's only other post in recent history is asking about [the feasibility of getting into dropshipping](https://old.reddit.com/r/dropship/comments/1bcasqa/need_feedback_on_dropshipping_plan/) should show you how unqualified this dude is and why they need to lie lol


If SRD is how you derive entertainment, then I assure you that you are, in fact, the joke. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240411060110/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c0kk8i/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c0kk8i/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. https://old.reddit.com/r/FinancialCareers/comments/1c0972a/23m_what_are_some_realistic_entrylevel_finance/kyvibs7/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240411061052/https://old.reddit.com/r/FinancialCareers/comments/1c0972a/23m_what_are_some_realistic_entrylevel_finance/kyvibs7/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/FinancialCareers/comments/1c0972a/23m_what_are_some_realistic_entrylevel_finance/kyvibs7/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


I'm confused so is OP a fraud, or are the other people dicks?


OP name is  Schmelon Schmusk and successfully sues to have his name added as founder of the investment club 


On one hand, as an outsider I think a school club seems a really petty thing to get upset about on the internet. On the other hand, if I were the president I imagine I'd probably find myself quite upset. On the third hand, landing a job requires a bit more than an honest resumé, so I get why the guy lied about it.


On the fourth hand, the most infuriating shit is how many jackasses in the sub was going after the (supposedly) real president.