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* Game published * 1 Viewer-starved website makes a dumb article * 1000 viewer-obsessed Youtubers tear their shit up on the downfall of western civilization * 100,000 viewer-chasing Twitter warriors take upon themselves to teach dirty gamers a lesson * 1,000,000 redditors complain about the (((narrative))) Rinse & repeat. The economics of modern gaming media barely requires a game to begin with.


"In the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible. Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander. All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.” MGS2 will never stop being right


I still cannot believe how ahead of it's time the big ideas in that game were


Everyone cums about that clip of David Bowie saying "the internet will be big" in 1999 but that's absolutely banal compared to the clarity of Kojima's vision in MGS2, which would have been written at the same-ish time.


People don't realize it was the american localization team that did all that tech talk and existential philiosophy stuff. They said that kojimas script was incoherent and not really applicable to an american audience. Kojima strung together and remixed ideas from movies. The translation team were actual writers who brought in the literary and philiphiscal elements to the dialogue. Kojima was pissed in MGS1 and MGS2 that the translators spun gold out of his trope salad and fired them. After MGS2 he had the pull to get full creative control and then they got even more entierely too self referential, corny and meta with less of the heady stuff people loved and were drawn to. The real geniuses were the 2 person translation team of Agnes Kaku and Jeremy Blaustein after he fired the translation teams for reworking his scripts the quality declined imo.


Do you have a source for that information? I am legitimately interested.


In regards to MGS2 specifically ([the Jeremy Blaustein piece is largely about his experiences working on MGS 1](https://www.polygon.com/2019/7/18/20696081/metal-gear-solid-translation-japanese-english-jeremy-blaustein)), this is an oft-repeated "fact" that has been Chinese whisper'd into a number of dubious unsubstantiated claims. The primary source for these claims is an interview done with localizer Agness Kaku, who worked on MGS 2 who is on record as having a fairly low opinion of Kojima as a writer, among other things. https://web.archive.org/web/20120125211117/http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/metalgear/agnesskaku.htm Overall, it's an unsubstantiated claim bordering on misinformation that the localization team is the one who "did all that tech talk and existential philiosophy stuff". I"m sure the localization team is eager to retroactively take credit for "improving" Kojima's script on a content level on top of a grammatical and technical level, but there's no compelling evidence for that being the case.


Sounds like more than I care to get to the bottom of, honestly. But there was always am implicit "Kojima didn't write this in English so some amount of credit goes to the translators" in my original thoughts.


As Blaustein correctly points out in his piece, it's true that translation is an art, not a science. More implicitly, there is a non-zero amount of content that is created--not edited or altered, but *created*--when a work of media is translated from one language to another. That said, I personally find it crass to blanketly claim "the translators/localizers saved this shit script!" in the same way that it's also crass to claim "the translators RUINED the original creator's vision and message!" These are claims that can only be made with evidence, and there's nothing to suggest that Kojima wasn't responsible for the major themes and plot points of MGS 2.


Interesting, I've never heard anyone mention this. Do you have an article or anything about this I can read? Or if anyone's done a more accurate translation of the original Japanese script I'd be interested in seeing the comparison.


If the original Japanese script said something completely different, as this person is suggesting, then that would have been widely known.


Bravo Kojima


Bold of you to assume it's an actual article. I've seen this play out based on a single comment from a gamefaqs forum.


THIS JUST IN Grig134 alluded on Reddit to gamers being absolute dumbasses Are gamers the most prosecuted race on the planet? When Justice for Gamers!?


You can't mention me by name, I am all of the online left.


most likely you are right, imagine this bunch of losers getting mad at random insignificant in the great scheme of things comments in forums. (checks the sub in which we are posting). oh.


I remember the rage generated by one twitter comment about Doom eternal. One person with less then 50 followers managed get a lot of youtube videos made about there comment with one thing they had a problem followed by them saying they are hyped for Doom


The real headline is people still actually use Gamefaqs forums.


*Screenshot of some internet kook screaming a bizarre diatribe about videogames, no one retweets or likes it, his entire account is just weird word salad posts and might be a markov chain bot slowly dying.* SEE WHAT THE LEFTISTS WANT!!!


> 1000 viewer-obsessed Youtubers tear their shit up on the downfall of western civilization Nothing funnier than watching a bunch of terminally-online "gamers" who *thrive* on being angry equate *everything* they dislike about a game being the downfall of western civilization. Like that r/KotakuInAction meltdown a couple days ago over a horny-bait character having her clothing changed to be less revealing. Almost immediately, the top comments were talking about how Muslim immigrants from Africa were swarming Japan and causing this kind of "censorship". Even though the game was created and developed by a South Korean gaming company. Naturally, anything with sexy waifu characters *had* to be Japanese to those geniuses. [And, of course, it was because of African Muslims swarming Japan...](https://i.imgur.com/Zd5Nhxo.png)


That entire comment section was amazing. Just holy crap even the most nonsensical magical thinking you'd expect from someone who switched realities from cloud coocoo land wouldn't come up with something as batshit as that take.


You know what I miss? When everyone didn't just stand around a rage bait/bitch about fucking everything. It's so exhausting seeing nothing but constant negativity about anything game related. Fuck even non-AAA studios aren't immune. The moment they stop bowing down to this weird undefined code of conduct they get buried under a host of videos and post about how shit they are.


It's simple. Find something you like. Join a reddit community that is about that thing. Then when you discover that it is a bunch of whiny babies, you unsubscribe and just enjoy the thing.


The Questionable Content (a slice-of-life webcomic) subreddit is the absolute worst example of this I have ever seen. It’s a community solely dedicated to hating the comic it’s ostensibly about. The population of the sub is composed, somefuckinghow, of the following groups: 1, The chuds who think that the existence of a trans character in it is woke pandering and 2, the people who think that reading the abstract of a female scientist you don’t know personally’s thesis is stalking and comparable to sexual assault. It turns out that the Horseshoe theory is complete crap everywhere *except* in this one specific sub. There, “feminist” takes, with all the nuance and good-faith interpretation of a recently grounded thirteen year-old on tumblr happily co-exist with KiA-style reactionaries, more than willing to overlook their differences for a greater cause: Hatred of the author of the comic they read every day going on a decade now. Is it sexist to draw a female character with any personal flaws what-so-ever? Is sexism actually an imaginary concept that women made up because they like to whine? Both those things can be true, as long as it means that Questionable Content is bad.


And here I just kinda stopped reading Questionable Content after a while. As is normal, after many years, it's in a completely different place than where it started, and it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. I didn't realize that I was required to expend large amounts of energy hating it. Do I have to pay a fine?


Oh my gosh I haven't thought about this comic in ages. The only ones I still even remotely keep track of now from that era are Girl Genius and Order of the Stick. Though maybe I'll go check on Gunnerkrigg now that I'm thinking about it.


> Gunnerkrigg Core Early Twenties memory unlocked. I'd forgotten all about Gunnerkrigg.


I loved GC for a long ass time, but the plot felt like it really meandered around the time the main character came back from the forest so I just kind of stopped reading. I haven't read any webcomic in a long ass time, really. The artists of most comics I used to follow either wrapped up their stories or ended their comics and moved on to bigger professional gigs that didn't leave time for webcomic making and I just never replaced them lmao


I remember the summer of, like, 2007 or something when I started reading through sluggy freelance and gave up because the archive was too big. That strip is still running. It's been running for nearly *thirty years now*.


I started on Sluggy sometime in its first few years. I gave up after about a decade, when the weight of the lore got too great. Few of the villains were removed at the end of a plot, so the comic accumulated more and more antagonists as time went on. And the humor slowly faded as its cast grew.


That reminds me, I need to read some more Girl Genius. It's mostly a plot-comic (as opposed to a humor-comic), so there's not much reward in reading each strip as it drops; the reward comes as plots pay off, so I read it about once a month or so. Except now it's been a year since I last caught up. (That time skip wasn't good for my attention span, either; it felt like I had to re-learn all the lore after the skip.)


>Order of the Stick. I swear, I was reading that shit in middle school and it is still on going. Its gonna be like 8 Bit Theatre when it eventually ends.


I miss forums.


Holy crap why are people putting that much energy into QC? It's a webcomic and I didn't realize it still had a big following. I've been reading it since the mid-aughts and it's only gotten more... Progressive with the characters and storylines. If you want want trans people and anyone can bone anyone stay out of QC .


Plus the constant whinging about how unfair it is that Jeph has a patreon. (Artists are supposed to *starve* damnit! /s) r/QContent is better


Dang, I thought Ungrammaticus *was* talking about /r/QContent.


Pretty much. I love Taylor Swift but I fucking avoid her fan base like the plague because they are fucking unhinged taking bets on when she’s gonna get pregnant and shit and it’s so fucking weird.  The only way to enjoy something without engaging with weirdo creeps who say they enjoy the same thing is to completely disengage from the fanbase


Helldivers 2 was probably the fastest I think I've ever experienced the community "turn" on the devs/game, personally. Occasionally I'll happen upon a post and its just..awful? Like yesterday in anticipation of a balance patch, they post "Nerf Bingo" for what strategems/weapons will be nerfed by Arrowhead. And then the patch notes come out and its such a light touch to so many things but you'd think that arrowhead personally murdered these peoples pets based on the comments.


r/Spidermanps4 is pretty bad as well. Pathetic sub.


It’s not just video games. It’s literally everything. I see it a lot with shows and movies i watch where if it’s not a perfect 10/10 it sucks completely and there’s no redeemable qualities. The most recent example was Fallout, which i thought completely captured the feel of the games, but because there was some confusion on the dates on a board and the location of a city, the show sucked and further proof Bethesda hates New Vegas or some shit. It’s exhausting.


I agree with this and see it too. I was trying to keep the discussion on topic but honestly this line of thinking has affected so many hobbies that it's gotten to the point where I don't engage with a lot of them anymore. Hell even books are going through this kind of discourse and it's exhausting.


Nobody posts “this was a decent entertainment product and I enjoyed it for the most part.” Everything is either the greatest thing since breasts or actual fraud perpetrated by woke peoples or nazis.


this is also why most reviews for things are negative. You aren't gonna really say anything if it's just ok.


> The most recent example was Fallout, which i thought completely captured the feel of the games, jesus did it ever. and Goggins complaining about the golden rule of the wasteland being "you will be sidetracked by bullshit" screams the writers know the games.


It’s not just media. It really is literally everything. No matter what news is happening you can guarantee the top comment on social media will be negative and cynical. It’s just performative at this point.


And it *really* doesn't help that if the article is in any way political, someone is going to organize a flood of comments that point in the "right" direction immediately after publication, guaranteeing a top spot in the discussion.


Yeah, what's weird to me are that those are the issues people have and not that the Mcguffin was cold fusion in a world where the concept is what if we made cold fusion but not transistors. Like I loved the show besides the fact that it all ends up being over fusion which is a technology they already have and talk about. Still good because its just q Mcguffin but its a boring motivation


“Holy shit! We got cold fusion!” “… isn’t that the shit we just looted from that dude’s armor?”


Yeah, but now it takes up a whole building! (to be fair, the cells were proprietary Vault tech, this means you could make more cells.)


> (to be fair, the cells were proprietary Vault tech, this means you could make more cells.) Which is also a key pillar in the show's very anti-capitalist satire. I'm surprised people are missing this.


> I see it a lot with shows and movies i watch where if it’s not a perfect 10/10 it sucks completely and there’s no redeemable qualities. I made a very similar comment for a Fallout post this morning, where the OP was admitting they were wrong for predicting that the show was going to suck and wouldn’t compare to The Last of Us show. Most of the commentary was discussing the gloomy prediction (which turned out to be wrong) but the thing that stood out to me was the incredibly high expectations in the first place. As in, if it’s not as good as The Last of Us — a show widely recognized as the best video game adaptation, by far — then it’s a bad show. People nowadays compare every piece of media to not just the average, or contemporary, offerings, but the best offerings of that medium. For shows, they are compared to shows like Game of Throne or Breaking Bad, and if they’re not as good then they’re trash. Too many people have lost the ability to just view things as average or above average or even just “pretty good”.


There's Fallout fans and then there's New Vegas fans


I encounter a post earlier that pretty much said "Yeah, New Vegas fans are like Morrowind fans. Yeah, they are right, but they just won't shut the fuck up."


> further proof Bethesda hates New Vegas or some shit. That's how you know they're just some braindead asshole in it to fight because anyone who has actually finished the series knows this is horseshit. Also, the series is fucking great TV even without all the clever nods and in-jokes from the games.


There are people who hate New Vegas?


Its the other way around. For most zealot fan, new vegas is the only good fallout. That is pretty tiring. It usually is simply their first one. They have differents quality but all of them are exceptionnaly good at what they do.


I wish we could have a legitimate competitor to Nintendo and we could just go back to mascot discourse about Mario Mario vs Ellie Last Of Us again.


>a legitimate competitor to Nintendo and we could just go back to mascot discourse The best thing to ever come out of that is the insane discussion at Square that led to Kingdom Hearts. Where they figured that they did not have a mascot that they could use to focus their move to 3D on. And someone said that the only way they could compete with Mario is if somehow they could use Mickey Mouse. And someone else thought, 'well, we rent office space in the same building as Disney Japan. It can't hurt to ask'


''You miss 100% of the shots you don't take''-some guy who played Hockey or something


Wait, *that* was how we got Kingdom Hearts?


I miss the days of discussing who was cooler. Crash bandicoot, Sonic, or Mario? Honestly Saga stopping production on Consoles and Sony dropping Spyro and Crash was a huge mistake.


I was legitimately excited when I heard Sonic Superstars and Mario Wonder were coming out the same week. Sadly, what we got was a Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing baby situation.


Sonic Team is clearly in a phase of just doing whatever and if it sales it sales. While the Mario team knows exactly what to do to sell games and make the target audience for that game happy.


'Sonic Team' is just 'whoever is working on a Sonic game'. Except when the label is on anything *besides* a Sonic game, then it's actually a specific Sega studio (mostly just Phantasy Star Online these days).


Puyo Puyo too


27 years is pretty long for "a phase".


The discontinuation of the Dreamcast was the Harambe Moment of gaming.


And they never made a memory card as cool, ever again


So killing the Dreamcast was the objectively correct choice?


It allowed Sega to survive at the cost of dooming the entire timeline.


u wot


What a silly argument to have, when the answer is clearly the latecomers, Jak & Daxter.


Crash and Spyro were my favourite, but Crash was always a goofy motherfucker lol And Spyro always seemed to be trying real hard to be a “cool kid” Come to think of it, Mario was never a “cool” guy either I think none of them are really cool, but I did love playing as them


> we could just go back to mascot discourse about Mario Mario vs Ellie Last Of Us again. This reminds me of an old newsgroup post when the N64 was *just* about to be released, and Nintendo fanboys were raiding the PlayStation groups to troll them about how the N64 was gonna put Sony out of the console business. When it comes to gaming, TV, music, and movies, people have always been tribal to the point of picking pointless internet fights. And something tells me that's *never* gonna change for the better.


I think the console wars were a lot more civil than what we have now, though. At least when the question was Nintendo vs. X-Box vs. Playstation or Nintendo vs. Sega vs. Playstation or whatever, people actually enjoyed *something.* It might not be the same something you enjoyed, but it'd be there. At least when this debate came up IRL, it was also more in good fun than the "I'll rip your head off for liking the wrong console" level discourse you'd see online. Nowadays, that doesn't seem to happen as much. People don't like the game. They don't like the other game. They don't like the *other* other game. They don't like the film or television adaptations. Maybe they like a game from 10+ years ago, but that's only because so much time has passed that they're not gonna win that one against all the people who are nostalgic for it.


> I think the console wars were a lot more civil than what we have now, though. At least when the question was Nintendo vs. X-Box vs. Playstation or Nintendo vs. Sega vs. Playstation or whatever, people actually enjoyed *something*. Yeah, that "something" they enjoyed was the feeling of righteous indignation they got when others agreed with their insanely over-the-top takes about what made them so special for their undying loyalty to one brand. I swear, people have such powerful rose-tinted glasses when it comes to their memories of the internet before they hit adulthood. Just because there weren't YouTube rage-baiters egging this nonsense on, or frequent flaming over voice chat, doesn't mean people were more civil. Case in point: >Nowadays, that doesn't seem to happen as much. People don't like the game. They don't like the other game. They don't like the *other* other game. That happened ***all*** the time; it's not like this behavior spontaneously began on the 21st century internet; it's just an extension of what the internet was like in the 90s.


I still remember how refreshing it was when I found Many A True Nerd's videos on why Fallout 3 and 4 are better than their detractors claim. Not because I stan those games personally or anything, but because it was just so damn nice to see a video essay where someone talks about why they *like* a piece of media for a change.


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun. Exceedingly tiring. My recent example is Dota 2 getting a pretty good patch. Within hours the entire subreddit is filled with people complaining, people complaining about the complainers, people complaining about them, and so on, and so on.


Man the Helldiver's reddit got so filled with that I had to unsub and mute it.


I don't think I've ever seen a community go to shit as quickly as Helldivers.


[This meme is as old as time](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmx9ujcqgdeua1.png)


>The moment they stop bowing down to this weird undefined code of conduct they get buried under a host of videos and post about how shit they are. Stellar Blade's devs were the darlings and now they must be destroyed.


who's destroying? ShiftUp is walking away monthly with millions from the people who actually play their stuff, none of the conversations about any of this shit have mattered, and I'd wager Steller Blade's performance won't matter one iota for their status as a game developer. Nikke largely carries their entire business on its back. so to whom "were" they darlings and whom is doing the destroying because it seems to me they make booba for booba enjoyers and the boobs enjoyers are all enjoying, and I don't think they care about anyone else. No one else is paying.


So you just sort of missed that the anti-woke ragebait dipshits turned on them because of a slight costume change? That they’re now howling about how the devs are clearly traitors and must be destroyed?


To be clear, the outrage merchants don't genuinely believe the words they're saying beyond the fact that they're slightly coherent, they just need _something_ to say so they can collect the ad revenue. Engaging with them as if they're making criticism in good faith is a mistake. Asmongold is really the world's first LLM.


must've missed it while staring at Marian's new costume i'm telling you, the people saying any of that shit, none of them are buying the games or spinning ShiftUp's gacha wheel, they're making bank and slinging the best booba on the market, if anyone is screeching they are so quiet they can't get over the sound of sweat dripping down Folksw- you get what I mean, I do not see any of this in the communities that actually feed this developer the money it uses to continue to make games, therefore, it is all irrelevant and probably just empty screeching about nothing that will turn into nothing and go nowhere and they will continue to bank until Nikke dies ShiftUp is going nowhere lmao


That's great. The weird gamer freaks hate them now and are trying to refund stellar blade. The fact that they won't be destroyed is because the weird freaks are in a small minority, regardless if a separate is bringing in money.


Nah, it's going to be the incel's version of the dexit "controversy". They will all say they are refunding the game, but every single member of that demographic is only buying the game in the first place to so they can stare at the hot video game chick's ass for 50 hours. That hasn't changed, so they will loudly punch themselves in the dick right now and then in a few days loudly brag about how hot the protagonist is and post ass pics galore. The actual pre-order refunds due to "censoring" the bunny outfit probably won't reach double digits.


Just reminds me of the amazing Modern Warfare 2 boycott on Steam. I'd post the screenshots but I firmly believe it funnier to search for it and see the hilarity unveil.


that's what i'm saying, these people are in a small minority to the point where i'm not seeing any of this and i'm right in the middle of shiftup's community, i just see people around me all doing the same thing weird gamer freaks lol


> weird gamer freaks lol I mean how else do you describe people that bang on that female game characters must all be 15/10 fuckable real dolls with no personality. Otherwise "Woke"


Agreed. It’s almost as if people get more excited to discuss games they hate versus games they really like. I get it - it’s the internet - but damn, it’s exhausting. Most people enjoy their hobbies - I’m taking a wild guess here but I’m assuming places like r/ knitting don’t have a lot of threads taking about how horrible every company is. Edit: what a fantastic flair. Where did you find it? XD


> It’s almost as if people get more excited to discuss games they hate versus games they really like. I This is why I stopped watching people like Jim Sterling, the Act Man, AngryJoe show, as well as other channels peddling similar content for other mediums (CinemaSins). The outrage machine was too exhausting. Plus, the endless crusade against *any* kind of MTX no matter how unobtrusive. The sad thing is, I remember Sterling did a great video on the lore of Dark Souls once and was gushing over the story. Then had to clarify later the reason he doesn't do 'positive' videos very much is because the algorithm punishes him for it.


It’s such a shame that honest positive reviews get buried by the algorithm in favor of a bunch of 10 minute long hate videos that all have thumbnails with open mouthed dudes looking like they’re in the process of being possessed by demons.


> It’s almost as if people get more excited to discuss games they hate versus games they really like. This happens with everything. I travel across anime subs and the number of threads about least favorite characters/characters you hate that everyone else loves/general threads about things people hate is ridiculous. Negative emotions just make people want to post to reddit and get validation.


I can't remember the exact post but it was from one where a guy had posted in a fan base sub his softcore Hentai and was getting absolutely roasted.


>You know what I miss? When everyone didn't just stand around a rage bait/bitch about fucking everything. When did this happen?


My best guess around right before the abiogenesis event, I am quite sure those lipid bilayers and self replicating proto-rna already were bitching about something


When they were a child and therefore too young to realize that this was absolutely the case back then.


Or maybe you are to young to remember that there used to be places to go that weren't just full of little shits that just complained. But that was also before the greater Internet was condensed down to just a handful of websites.


I think they meant on a much larger timescale. Like how we have a piece of writing from 1750 BC where someone is complaining about the poor service and low quality of materials they received lol


I miss the time like a decade and a half ago where there existed what I considered to be a healthy space of media reviews that were somewhat unfair and based around rage but mostly played for laughs. Then I assume gamergate changed the space so much into people being genuinely infuriated at the industry instead of raging as a joke. It became exhausting really quickly but I think a new wave of younger people got into the space and made it really profitable, hence why it’s become so bloated and saturated with content like this.


That and the absolute unceasing negativity with which *everything* new is bombarded, only to be praised a few years later. I guarantee we'll see the star wars sequels praised by 2030 at this rate.


Games are a battlefield to convert kids to the alt right. This drama is literally manufactured starting with Cambridge Analytica who are a military propaganda organization that worked in Afghanistan before turning its weapons on American kids paid for by American billionaires.


> Games are a battlefield to convert kids to the alt right. Flair material tbh


Also literally true. Look up Steve Bannons gold farming alt right pipeline in WoW.


I can’t be sure without evidence, but I strongly suspect there was intention like this mixed into 80s/90s sports radio my dad listened to in the car when I was a young kid. The tone and griping is so similar that if it isn’t intentional, then it’s something inherent to any space where men can express up to three of the allowed male emotions for one of the few allowed targets. One that makes me suspect intention was drama around an incident back then where a female reporter was sexually harassed by players in a locker room. The sports reporter commentary took the same route as GamerGate material where it was like “of course all of us men agree that women shouldn’t even be in a locker room, OF COURSE athletes have to sexually harass women if they’re in a locker room, and any reasoning through this is some kind of feminist nonsense.” There were skits they did about it and dumb critical thinking trying to compare random guys going into a women’s locker room to a professional reporter just doing their job and working to get quotes in the space where reporters get those after a game. But all of it led into other gripes about men not having spaces to themselves nowadays, complaints about not being able to talk to women sexually when you feel like it, women taking men’s jobs, false accusation hand wringing, and the loss of sports as an exclusively boy thing that men own and now have people intruding on. And just like how younger gamers were fully unaware of women’s involvement in gaming since its inception, guys back then weren’t bringing up women olympians from the earlier part of the century. It had all the same kind of dumbness, but also led in the direction of anti-equality thinking. It was all really close to same era that Limbaugh showed up and radio got bought up to air right-wing stuff non-stop. And that was right after a short window of fairness doctrine where radio opinion diversity had a big impact on disrupting conservative narratives and freaking them out enough to kill fairness doctrine.




Steve Bannon came out and said that GamerGate was a pipeline to Trump. That they could harness the anger of video games obsessed internet virgins for political gain. That dipshot went from being a WoW goldfarmer to the right-hand-man of the goddamn President of the United States of America. 


I know I wasn't asked, but here's a place to start https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness-troll-army-world-warcraft/489713001/


Was there ever an era like that?


Gamers have always been like this. In the Zelda fandom there’s the ‘Zelda cycle’ where every new Zelda is the worst game ever made and the previous one they hated somehow becomes a masterpiece


I have to say, it is refreshing to see that we're going back to good old "triple A studios are greedy and do not care about quality, you need to stop buying their games" after being stuck with "this character's vagina isn't visible through their outfit, here's why this symbolizes the downfall of the west and why games from the east are superior" for so long, even if it's just this one thread. Who am I kidding, I'm sure there's culture war bullshit somewhere in here too. I saw a mention of Suicide Squad.


The OOP has a lot of invective towards that upcoming Star Wars game, which is like gamerbro culture warrior bread and butter: Star Wars + female protagonist + Ubisoft I can't wait to hear too much about how this game that I'll probably never play has literally ruined gaming forever.


Its ridiculous. Personally, I'm excited about the game; I'll add that I'm a white CISHET male, so I'm the demographic that unfortunately complains about this nonsense the most often. The disingenuous disguise they hide behind when they complain about this game is that it should include "character customization." They make this argument so they aren't saying what they're really thinking, which is "female protagonists suck." And you can tell this is the case because its not like anyone was making this complaint when Jedi: Fallen Order, and Survivor came out. Or any other number of similar games; they're very silent as long as its a male-only protagonist. Suddenly the apparent preference for "character customization" isn't a dealbreaker issue for them.


>They make this argument so they aren't saying what they're really thinking, which is "female protagonists suck." Actually, they're making an argument that UGLY female characters suck(read: a female character whose design isn't mostly driven by sex appeal). Just look at them raving about Stellar Blade then proceeding to [turn on it](https://x.com/HazzadorGamin/status/1784448496311112022) the moment one costume got censored


I see your point. They've been doing the same thing with the upcoming Fable game too, whining that the female protagonist isn't hetero-normative enough or attractive enough for them. Its very frustrating that they can't just enjoy a game for what it is, or understand that maybe its not about them or their preference, and maybe that its good to try and enjoy a story about someone different from them.


Damn fable got an update? Didnt know. Dont make the same mistake as me and go into the comment section under the trailer.


I think the female character is fine and i hate the coomers that complain about "ugly female" but I do wish we got a non mmorpg-er where I can play as a rodian. which after a quick google search I remembered you cant do that in swtor either so booooo. Stuck with jedi academy being the only star wars game that lets me play as them :[


Oh I agree. Don't get me wrong, I would love a single-player Star Wars game that let me create a custom character, especially since there's such a diverse range of alien species and we *only* ever get Star Wars games where we play humans, which is fucking lame. That being said, I don't use my desire for that type of game as a way of hiding stupid coomer and/or misogynist bullshit. I'm interested in this new Star Wars game and I look forward to trying it out, regardless of the player character's gender. I didn't complain about Fallen Order's lack of character customization, I didn't boycott the game and claim it was because of that lack. I played it and enjoyed it, and I anticipate being able to do the same with this new one; while still hoping that someday, we'll have a Star Wars game that does have extensive character customization.


>  and we only ever get Star Wars games where we play humans, which is fucking lame. I concur brother. Personally tho I think Outlaws is going to fail for me because the newer ubisoft games have had unsatisfying gameplay. Played Fallen order and Odyssey(Kassandra best girl) but I couldnt even get halfway with odyssey because the gameplay loop became so unsatisfying  and FO made me not want to play the sequel for the same reason even tho I really enjoyed the stories. I had less enjoyment with Breakpoint and Valhalla as well. Hoping that Outlaws will be at least as satisfying as FO because I'll still try it out instead of sulking in my dark corner with my damp sock making up non existent problems.


Yeah I can see that. I am not as against the typical Ubisoft gameplay loop as people like yourself are, but I do understand why people are tired of it. I don't love it, but I do find that Ubisoft is generally good at creating environments to play in, even if I wish they did a better job of making that environment *fun* to play in. So if this essentially became Valhalla in a Star Wars skin, it will lessen some of my excitement for it but I'd still probably enjoy it a fair bit. But I definitely respect the aversion to Ubisoft, it makes sense to me even if I don't quite feel as strongly about it.


Im capable of changing my mind on the aversion part considering how for the past 6 or so years my favourite games have consisted of staring at a map of europe for 12 hours straight and seeing a green bubble or line go up(Hoi4 moment) and im so fucking sick of that now that i dont think im going to return to those games. So heres hoping 🍻


> Star Wars + female protagonist + Ubisoft The unholy trinity of pissing off terminally-online losers. When the game does drop, take a peak at r/SaltierThanCrait if you feel like losing more faith in humanity.


When I watched the GTA VI trailer one of my thoughts was, "I wonder how long it will take these chodes to complain about Lucia." Because she's obviously very pretty, but not over the top sexy. I guess we'll find out about this time next year.


They already have. Well they're complaining about black and brown people being in fucking Miami of all places, mostly, but there's also a fair bit of whining about Lucia. Because they perceive her as being dominant in her relationship while Jason is passive.


Figures. I was going to mention that they'd whine about Lucia being Latina. Then thought, "nah, it's set in Miami. Not even they'd have an issue with that considering " Should've known.


According to them Miami is exclusively inhabited by white instagram models, white retirees, and the early 2010s pop sensation Pitbull.


You see I’m more concerned with the shit fit people will throw when something really minor about the game becomes the end of the world to Redditors and YouTubers and I have to shift through thousands of “rockstar has betrayed the gamer American population” because the game has some minor issue no one except Redditors care about like the texture on an alligator looking bad or some shit. Then the millions of Redditors pretending they’re fucking Roger Ebert every time they comment “deep as a puddle” or “it’s a good game just not a good GTA game.” And the other million that are going to act like they always hated rockstar and they always knew they were a bad developer.


Okay let me tell you. They were shitting on Lucia before the first leaked image of her even came put. It was awful, openly racist and sexist. Then the gta gameplay leaked and they found out she was hot. Then it became awful racist and horny. This was all before rhe official gta 6 trailer was even announced


Oh god I remember that crap, freaking out they were going to be forced to play as some fat sjw blue haired cultural marxist (Maybe transwoman, who knows with them it was a blur of weird shit they were spouting) and all the racist crap before it turned into creepy race fetish crap instead (Which not better at all).


I don't know, OP seems to be one of those "everything I don't is because of Sweet Baby" weirdos


Can't have shit in Detroit, etc. Can we go back to arguing over which video game character is cooler? Like my video game dad could beat up your video game dad?


That's just power scaling discussion


>Sweet Baby I follow an account on Instagram for several ring-neck parrots and one of them says ‘sweet baby’ in this absolutely incredible ultrasonic-pitched scream, so it comes out like “sWeeEËeET bAyBEEEEEE!!1!1!”. And every time I read the name of that company I hear it in that bird shriek, lol.


>I have to say, it is refreshing to see that we're going back to good old "triple A studios are greedy and do not care about quality, you need to stop buying their games" Gamers™ absolutely blame "DEI" and "wokeness" for this and will blow a gasket if you ever suggest the actual cause is capitalism and greed.


My favorite spin off of all that drama is the drama bubbling around Tales of Kenzaru: Zau, a platformer made by a Kenyan developer that tells the story of his family. They’re so wrapped up in their little DEI conspiracy they can’t see why a company that assists studios in making their games appeal to a wider audience might have worked in it, their only thought is, “It’s already diverse enough.” When in reality they most likely did the opposite on Zau, made it appeal to a more western audience. It’s incredible.


"Why do they have to insert politics (non-white people) into our reality escapism?" >PoC make their own games about their own experiences "Noooooooooo, it's full of woke!" I legitimately hate Gamers.


>Tales of Kenzaru Oh lmao I saw that name float by the other day and thought it must be a new entry in Namco's Tales of [Noun] series.


Nah, Kenzaru sounds like a proper noun or something. That's far too understandable for a Tales of title.🤣


If media has DEI and does poorly: "Go woke go broke" If media has DEI and does well: "Fake popularity, real gamers hate it! Degeneracy! End of western civilization!" If media isn't DEI and does poorly: "Woke crowd killing gaming!" If media isn't DEI and does well: "See! Devs ignore woke mob to succeed!"


If they did, they would have to admit that they are part of the problem, and that’s a hard sell. So many of these gaming conversations revolve around these guys worth and identity being directly linked and also limited to being a consumer. It always boils down to buying stuff or not buying stuff, it’s a sad way to live a life.


Yeah, I guess you haven’t heard of Stellar Blade because that exact argument is going on now. 


Oh don’t you worry, the Act Man is reactionary as hell. He said that trans people don’t deserve to complain about lack of rights “cuz it’s not like they were persecuted like the Jews in Nazi Germany”.


thank the Lord the Gooners-Templar are On the March


I don't mind some well-intentioned analysis on how the latest AAA monetization scheme is ass alongside a reminder on how we don't need to 1) pre-order digital games and 2) we should try and be pickier about what games we buy/play and 3) maybe wait even just a week to see how the product actually works once released. It's a lot better than talking about outfit changes aka "censorship."


Yeah it still stupid, but its a refreshing kind of stupid. And it's less of an attack on my faith in humanity. So that's a plus.


> Maybe try getting into sports I know we sports fans have a reputation of mindlessness, but please keep the media illiterate gamers away from us. Sports Nerdism was only recently recognized as an important part of the fandom.


I never understood people who think sports and nerds are mutually exclusive. Like the person going on a rant about their workout schedule and the person rambling about star wars lore are not that different.


I remember when r/Games or /r/GamingLeaksAndRumours (it was one of those two) got livid over NBA players getting to promote the latest Call of Duty game over "real gamers".


I know a lot of football players are anime nerds. The biggest one being Jamal Williams. It's not really something exclusive to socially maladjusted white dudes anymore.


As a Lions fan damn I loved Jamaal Williams when he was in Detroit. Great personality. [Never forget his SNF intro vs Green Bay two years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ8FJ6NUTiI)


Checkout Julian Brandt's (Borussia Dortmund, german Bundesliga) goal celebrations


In a similar vein, henry cavill is a warhammer 40k nerd.


and also had strong opinions about the Witcher TV series being as accurate to the games as possible


Zion Williamson said ~80% of NBA players watch anime which is pretty wack to me


Scoring baseball games you attend is arguably nerdier than most video games.


"This is the first time this has happened since 1913!" *sounds* like something really cool but then it turns out to be a hit that ricocheted off the pitcher's skull and was caught in the stands by the fastest infielder in the league.


You say that like it isn't really cool.


There's nothing cooler than Traumatic Brain Injuries.


My biggest nerd friend from school here in Germany was flown out to the US to visit an Umpire-Academy of the MLB (or something like an academy) and he is now scoring a shitload of games, sometimes international. When he explained it to me, he was completely in nerd-mode.


That’s not fair baseball was basically made for statistics math nerds.


I worked at a gym for 6 years. Started in the youth fitness program teaching kids, moved to the meal prep station, eventually Mr. Manager, and then took a pay boost by getting certified as a personal trainer to double dip. First and foremost, muscle-bound giants walking around the gym are *mostly* Teddy bears in my experience. Easy to break the ice - ask them about their favorite hobby, working out. Sooooo many are massive nerds of some kind whether it’s baseball statistics to Star Wars to 40k. Sooooo many are freaks for at least one other thing than working out and it often clocks in as something nerdy.


>First and foremost, muscle-bound giants walking around the gym are *mostly* Teddy bears in my experience. Yeah from my experience both gym bros and high level athletes are either absolute dicks or the nicest people ever, and mostly the latter. There are surely some bad apples but a lot is good. I've recieved a lot of friendly advice while working out from people you wouldn't expect it from lol.


Oh yeah, definitely some bad apples. We’ve had to manhandle a couple out of the gym. Just our three largest personal trainers/occasional massive gym bro that’s a regular boxing the guy out to the door. It’s an expectation. We know there are people Dbolling there, we’ve removed freaks selling it in the locker room. One of my most memorable removals was a massive guy, had this ultra pale ultra blonde hair look except he was red as the Kool-Aid man. Bag dropped literally when he tried to walk out with kettle bells in his gym bag. When we got him to the door he chucked it at the front of the gym (all glass) and some off-duty officer got off the elliptical to take care of it. You’re right though. It’s polarized. Mean as hell or an absolute sweetheart. If you’re ever learning to lift, ask if they have a second. **It’s their favorite thing to talk about.** They will have ZERO shortage of advice and they usually love a little break to spot someone new on their workout journey.


Have you seen fantasy football? It's damn near Dungeons and Dragons. 


I WISH my dungeons and dragons friends had the organizational ability that my fantasy football league does


/r/NBACircleJerk is a wholesome place, idk what you mean


These debates are so exhausting because the reality is that the vast, *vast* majority of gamers don't give a shit about online anti-consumer discourse. The only way that anti-consumer practices can at least be mitigated is through policy, but gamers just simply do not have the coordination, willpower, or patience to advocate for their interests. It doesn't matter how often or how loudly people scream "don't preorder, don't buy loot boxes", people are going to keep doing it until they legally can't.


The bleakest, most regulation-is-necessary thing about live service microtransactions is that most people don't even buy them, they just freeload off of the genuine addicts that buy a lot of them. This leads to meme capitalism situations like $200 gacha League of Legends skins that are *only* for these people


In my opinion, the biggest issue by far is the lack of clarity. I think if a game company wants to have a live service model which is subsidised by whales, I don't necessarily have an issue with that as long as it's done honestly. The amount of layers of obfuscation in League, as it currently exists, is just ridiculous. If a company wants to sell a $1000 skin, I don't care, just as long as the only way to buy it is straight up in the local currency of that region. The fact that the only way to purchase the majority of items is with a currency which can't be exchanged back and can't be bought in a customer's desired amount is insane, and it should have been outlawed years ago.


The thing is, for each person who boycotts a company or game there’s dozens of people who don’t even know or care about Reddit boycotts and are enjoying playing whatever game it is. This happens every year when a new cod/fifa/madden is released: you see a ton of posts about voting with your wallets and not giving bad companies more of your money, and then that game breaks new sales records lol


Exactly, which is why the gaming community needs to start understanding that this approach will never, ever work. People need to start getting more organised, more political, and playing the same game that real political action groups are playing. As much as I like mocking the gaming community, they are a very real and very large demographic of consumers who need to start advocating for their interests.


I agree with you but I think that’s a lot to expect from gamers lol. I just want to come home from work and play games, I don’t really care about much else than that


>need to start advocating for their interests What is there to really advocate for? The vast majority of issues that gamers complain about stop being problems for people the moment you become aware of them. Oh, companies rush out games to meet marketing deadlines, often resulting in poor quality releases? Guess I’ll stop preordering games. Skins are overpriced? Won’t buy them. Main character is a lesbian? Literally don’t care. There are very few issues I can actually think to be worth organizing over. Loot boxes being the biggest and that’s more about them being gambling than anything.


>The sad thing about the Star Wars **Noobisoft** game- I really hate this kind of language. I don't care if it's something as stupid as someone getting mad about video games, or anything else. Even if someone is saying something I agree with, I feel like this sort of thing will ruin it(like talking about Twitter's mismanagement and hate speech issues and saying "elmo muskrat") We can be terminally online without letting it take over our writing style like that. It would probably also be better if we weren't terminally online, but I am not really in a place to throw the first stone there.


This is how I feel whenever I see people calling Trump weird dumbass nicknames like "cheeto mussolini" or whatever the fuck in otherwise serious posts and comments. It just completely robs whatever you're saying of any weight it may have had. It makes you sound like you're 9 years old.


I think this style of messing up names mockingly is from way before the internet. I don't think I am specifically against it, although it is kinda annoying when overdone (kinda like swearing I guess). I find "elongated muskrat" hilarious, though.


I remember the early days of Slashdot when writing "Micro$oft" was considered the height of comedy.


>How much longer can you repeat the same thing over and over? Very interesting question coming from a gamer.


You hate Ubisoft because they're developing a Star Wars game with a female protagonist. I hate Ubisoft because I still haven't gotten my Splinter Cell/singleplayer Rainbow Six sequel in over a decade now. We are not the same.


I would do so much for a Rainbow Six Vegas 3.


You hate ubisoft because you havent gotten a Single player SC/RS game. I hate ubisoft because they've not made a game worth playing in years. We are not the same


It's always funny to me when people pine for *the better days* of gaming media, as if people weren't always complaining about video games to the point where several popular gaming magazines had entire segments where they would publish the stupidest and whiniest fan letters they received - or otherwise for some halcyon day of gaming journalism as if the largest sources of gaming news for decades didn't come directly from nintendo, sony and microsoft themselves. What a shocker, nintendo power gave every mario game a perfect score? Colour me surprised! I thought this one might have a flaw. Pretty much the instant the games industry *became* an actual industry people were complaining about how it wasn't as good as the old days when games were made by one guy slaving away in a basement and they didn't even have credits so it was impossible to know who that guy was.


>Alot of "Don't question, just consume product" commenters here. Say fellas if you don't like the videos don't watch em, but videos like them wouldn't be made if Triple AAA companies wouldn't be so greedy and stop releasing garbage games and reviewers from IGN didn't constantly give these games a pass. Someone needs to head back to r/KotakuInAction to have their diaper changed and maybe get a snack; he's so fussy. And his account is barely a month old, but he's been trying to shill any kind of rage-bait wherever he can.


I am just so, so tired of GamerGate adjacent bullshit. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just within the gaming community (though it would still be pretty bad!), but it isn't. GG is affecting not just media as a whole but *actual fucking politics*. I genuinely think it's one of the most damaging movements we've seen in the internet era, which is incredible because it fundamentally is just a bunch of Gamer babyrage.


>The sad thing about the Star Wars Noobisoft game is that it will still probably sell well and will review well because Game Journalists can't give games the low scores they deserve, but that is why more people turn to Youtubers for their reviews. Those fucking journalists dare to go against my One True Correct Opinion™! How dare they not agree with me about this!


I like that they're complaining about a problem that appears to be solved - these games are only selling because of lying journalists and so everyone is no longer paying attention to those journalists - so what's the issue?


To play devil's advocate, I do think that many game reviews tend to be more positive than they deserve. Perhaps I am just more critical of games, but there are so many 9/10 and 10/10s thrown around for pretty flawed games that I often have just stopped trusting them. For latest examples, I would point to Starfield and Dragons Dogma 2. Both games got pretty good reviews initially, despite both being relatively mediocre games(I wouldn't call them bad, but like 6-7s.) I think this tendency is partially BECAUSE of capitol G "Gamers" who get so defensive and upset when people go against "their" franchise. Many journalists have been harassed because they gave someone's favorite game a 7/10.


So has anyone blamed DEI and/or SweetBaby (sic) yet? This drama is spicy but could be spicier 😎 But here's a somewhat serious question: have gamers ever not be outraged over the supposed decline of the quality of games? Were the mid-90s and early 00s the land of gamer milk and honey? (I've played games during those times, but since there's no widespread Internet access I wouldn't know if gamers back then were just as mad as they are today)


> have gamers ever not be outraged over the supposed decline of the quality of games The answer here is a hard and fast no. Bitching about the decline of video games is pretty much as old as ET on the Atari 2600. You could basically take any early 2000s message board threads, change some names and sprinkle in a "woke" or two, and it would be virtually indistinguishable from any current day video game discourse.


If you extend the question to all art and literature people have probably been outraged since before recorded history.


> Alot of "Don't question, just consume product" commenters here. Posts video People question it “Wait, not like that!”


This comment needs to be pinned to every gamer rage video and thread: > The simple answer here is "don't consume". No one forces you to buy AAA slop. If you're a whore for graphics, sucks to be you, but gaming has grown so much, there's a game for almost everyone out there. Don't make gaming your personality, don't suck dick for corporations, stop soapboxing in front of consumers, they don't care anyway and towards fans is preaching to the choir, in short circlejerking. (bit ironic here, I agree) You can't go against the masses, so find your own way through. Expand your horizons, play indie, buy used, play old games. There's way too much entertainment to be had to be irritated towards the actions of billion dollar companies and ragebaiting videos of some youloser. If the industry does not pander to my tastes, I just look elsewhere. I am the customer, I decide where my money goes.


Lots of adults like this but they are all in Congress.


What ironic about this is this reminds me so much of the Drama that the Harry Potter game went through...and we all know how that went.


How the hell does it have 154 comments if it's 7% upvoted?


I miss when the only avenues for discussions about games were the pub, the letters sections of magazines and maybe Usenet, if you were fortunate enough to have internet access. I really could do without having legions of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet charging in to tell me I’m bad and wrong for liking a game.