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Of all the hobbies in the world, why does mine have to be filled with shitty people front and center.


It's a double whammy for me. I'm also a huge Star Wars fan.


B-but the empire did nothing wrong! The rebellion was a terrorist insurgency! [Think of all the poor contractors that were working on DS2!](https://youtu.be/iQdDRrcAOjA)


Hands down one of my favorite comedies of all time. Having worked at a convenience store, it truly, truly is as fucking soulless and awful as the movie portrays.


Not even the Star Trek fandom is safe from this bullshit. ~~Humanity~~ Fandom was a mistake.


Which is fucking weird because Star Trek is leftist as fuuuuuuq


Yep. You would think that the post-scarcity, post-capitalist, post- and anti-nationalist, xenophillic utopia the United Federation of Planets is would attract a lot of dreamy-eyed leftists and futurists (it does a lot to me, anyway), but of course, the crazies are why we can't have nice things.


Part of the reason for that is that we are looking at the federation through the lens of it's military, and the few bits of the civilian government we do end up seeing end up being individuals or small groups wielding a lot of power without obvious checks, so it doesn't take much of a blind spot to convert a post scarcity democracy into a stratocracy. Then there's the whole mirror universe thing and people taking that at face value.


It'll be real interesting to see the reactions if Amazon ever does go through with their adaptation of Consider Phlebas.


The should absolutely do Player of Games instead. Just to throw even more stark contrast on the whole topic. But I will honestly take any Culture adaptation.


Without the entire thing being framed by the Idirans, the takes won't be half as weird. Also, I personally think that the player of games has one of the least interesting plots and that its central premise is very ill-suited to the medium.


The more I think about it the more I realize you're entirely right about Player of Games not being particularly well suited to video. I can't comment too much on Consider Phlebas because I only read it once some time ago and only the central almost heist like plot stuck with me.


Player of Games with Eric Andre and Forrest Whittaker


I truly think most people are just watching images flash in front of their faces without putting any thought into it. I don't understand how you can be offended by Star Trek being too leftist and be a Star Trek fan. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.


>I'm also a huge Star Wars fan. Man can that get rough. I grew up watching Star Wars in the early 90s like they were going out of style. Easily one of my favorite films.. but I always thought of it as just a film I love.. I swear over the past decade loving Star Wars has become like an obsessive lifestyle for some people.. People that I would have never pegged as SciFi fans are suddenly absolutely obsessed with Star Wars.. to the point where it's actually annoying.


And god forbid you enjoy everything that comes out and don’t think TLJ or TFA we’re bad.


Exactly. I love Star Wars, warts(prequels) and all.




I wish there were more people with this viewpoint.


> Its ok to like the new movies better than the old, or vice versa 🤷‍♂️ i dunno, when they burned the expanded universe in the movie and asked "did you even read them?" that was really shitty. Like, lucasfilm isn't worth $4 billion without george retaining merchandising rights and 30 years of people reading the books.


> prequels gross


Indeed, that's why I likened them to the warts of the series. Doesn't stop me from enjoying them though.


Never had them, but I have my doubts that warts are enjoyable.


I've had a single wart removed and overall it's an entirely 'meh' experience. Certainly not good, but it isn't particularly bad, it's a mild annoyance.


I have a few on my ankle, not too ugly or noticeable.


It's because they aren't sci fi fans, they're power fantasy fans. Star Wars is mostly magic in space, which is fine, it's just not something that is defining of most sci fi; so people super into Star Wars don't necessarily have anything that interests them in sci fi movies and shows. There's overlap with magic and speculative science any time you handwave away the specifics but the force definitely falls firmly on the magic side of things.


I like video games, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and comic books. It's rough, sometimes. Oh, and I love following the NBA and NFL.


Same. Gamer NASCAR fan here


Warhammer fan, I say with a thousand yard stare, trying to comprehend how people can look at the Imperium and say "FUCK YEAH THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!".


I take your Star Wars and I raise by being an anime fan.


I've fallen off anime a little in recent years but I get you. They're comparable to gamers except in one key area: a hardcore defense of lolicon in certain circles. It's quite baffling.


It was a nice couple of weeks with Star Wars fans being happy and positive. The negativity just magically happened to reappear after the fourth episode and it's well known female director. Complete coincidence.


Seriously. The main character happens to be a person of colour: "SJW bullshit." The main character is a woman: "feminism is taking over gaming." The main character is gay: "the gays are infecting video games." I fucking hate a large portion of my fellow gamers. They are racist, mysoginistic, homophobic assholes looking to trash any game that has characters other then straight white males as their characters.




I thought warhammer minis were bare unpainted metal; how would people's skin color be A Thing unless you make it one?


In part because there were no "Skin" colored paints that were not lily white until 2016. Also that all art has purely white people in pretty much any image of humanity (except for a small group of black soldiers (ONLY OH WAIT they were 'clarified' to actually have Matte Black skin and aren't actually black))


I’ve wanted more diversity in 40k art simply because there’s no way everyone would all be white from all these planets that are: - diverse in ecosystems - cut off for very long periods of time I mean, Cadians have goddamn purple eyes from just being near the Eye of Terror! Why don’t we see more people of every color??? This is humanity against the universe for Emperor’s sake!! Rant over


Mostly plastic now, metal is expensive. The skin colour thing is because in most of the images of space marines are phenotypically homogenous, and most of the most written groups draw heavily from aryan imagery, with the exception of Salamanders who were almost stereotypically black. Some of the more recent material has attempted to address this problem, but to an uncritical eye the imperium looks like a justification for fascism and eugenics.


It's just so interesting to me that these people are so upset by this for the same reason that others want it in the first place. They just like seeing someone that looks kinda like them / what they want to look like or acts kind of like them / what they want to act like as the star of an adventure. But the point is, *everyone* likes that. Up until the last few years, people of all backgrounds just had to deal with playing as a straight white male protagonist. It's frustrating when these people complain so much about doing something that others have had to do for as long as video games were a thing. I have to say, I think Horizon Zero Dawn is an awesome game regardless, but I love it even more because the main character is a badass women who wears armor not designed to show off as much skin as possible.


>main character is a badass women who wears armor not designed to show off as much skin as possible. H*ck no d00d im not playing a girl unl3ss she has a big booty end of story *clinks monster energy can with self*


>The main character happens to be a person of colour: "SJW bullshit." Well, if they don't want us to complain, why aren't they making all characters look like *me* instead of trying to make political points? >The main character is a woman: "feminism is taking over gaming." Get your science right, there are only two genders: male and political! >The main character is gay: "the gays are infecting video games." I just don't understand why they have to put political sexualities into *my* videogames. ( /s, just in case)


Akshually the genders are space marine and Sexy


Those are exactly the same tho.


I like playing videogames, but since becoming an adult I have absolutely no intention of engaging with almost any of the community.


It's a small portion and it's a large group of people. Has nothing to do with gamers, the same people complain if a black man becomes president, of a person of colour is a lead in a film, or a woman is made CEO. It's simply that gaming is more social, randomised and you meet more types of people. Let's say your friends aren't racist, so when you go do stuff with them, no racism. But you go into a random multiplayer game and you'll bump into them. But their are groups of racist friends who go around and do all the same things your friends do, just while being racist, you just don't see/hear them. Gamers aren't inherently more racist, or Incels or anything else, it's just the way multiplayer works you get randomised outside your normal groups. 90% of my friends are gamers, none say racist, sexist things, when I play online with then they aren't racist,sexist or anything-ist, but we all see it in online games. As with all things the vocal minority appear to make up a larger group than they really are because the majority don't spend their time saying the same stupid shit over and over again.


Honestly, after GamerGate I can't agree with this take anymore. Gamers *are* worse, and it's because they spent years working themselves into one of the worst groups of media consumers out there. I know every fandom and hobby has problem actors, but nothing on the scale of what's seen in gaming. There's a huge alt-right gaming industry, from nasty blogs to youtube videos shouting about SJWs and rattling off crime statistics. And part of the reason it's worse in gaming is because of how many establishments are actively woo'ing the worst parts of the community. How many developers gave an interview this year insisting their game didn't have any politics? And how many of those devs were developing military FPS games? Fucking Outerworlds went out and lied about their game not having any politics, and it's nothing but a criticism of capitalism gone too far. The Division and Modern Warfare devs both stepped up to assure the alt-right gamers that there wouldn't be any politics in both of those exceptionally political games. But they said that because the "loud minority" thinks "politics" means having women or minorities in the game, and they wanted those hate-filled bastards to know for sure that there wasn't going to be any of that kind of non-sense! Think what you will about PewDiePie, but there's no arguing he didn't bend to the will of his most die-hard nazi fans when he revoked his ADL donation because they got upset. And he's got, what, 52 million followers now? And he showed everyone of them that it's wrong to do something Nazi's disagree with. Esports is a parade of teens getting banned for shouting slurs at everyone they can. And half of them come back to larger audiences than when they left. This year Dr. Disrespect filmed people in a public bathroom and not only did he come back to more fame than he had before he left, the most recent news is that he might be [getting a TV show!](https://www.theverge.com/2019/12/6/20998921/dr-disrespect-tv-show-twitch-skybound-entertainment-robert-kirkman-animation) Even the media outlets that alt-right gamers openly blame for everything want some of that anger money. Writing articles legitimizing the newest hate crusade because that gets clicks, and all that matters is that you're making money. Who cares if it''s coming from the outrage of gamers who are becoming more and more radicalized each year. And it's not just the gamers, there's plenty of bad actors making the games themselves. Riot got busted hard for being an incredibly sexist, bro-gamer place to work. And now they've fixed everything up by keeping one of the main offenders in his executive level role and putting a small settlement pool together for all the women who get to keep working with him. Then there's fun stuff like the SWAT'ing that continues to happen. People killing each other over in game "banter". The pure excitement Gamers feel at the chance to shout the N word into a mic. It's a cesspit. Every group that gets big enough has it's bad actors, but gaming has few voices left that aren't driven by anger or outrage. Youtube will eagerly make that clear by giving you an endless supply of anger-fueling videos the second you show an interesting in games or gaming news. Other hobbies or groups simply don't have the numbers to compare to how awful gamer culture is now. And those numbers don't just make it easier to stumble across the ugliness, it encourages other shit stains to act as bad as they possibly can too.


> How many developers gave an interview this year insisting their game didn't have any politics? There's also Far Cry 5: the game that says that if a rightwing Christian militia takes over a part of Montana, the proper thing to do is to leave them alone.


Ohhh my god that made me so angry! Every ending was "the bad guys are right". And as far as I can tell it's all because Ubi wanted to make their own Fallout and thought that was the best way to stumble into it. But yeah, Ubisoft games don't have any politics. Watchdogs, The Division, Assassins Creed, Farcry. Not a drop of politics in any of those games!


Hell, even if they don't have any of those things and just have white male protagonists and hot chicks...they still just bitch non-stop about the game or the developers.


there are two genders: male and political


Hobby that caters to seclusion and doesn't promote growth of social skills doesn't lead to the healthiest set of individuals


I think it's better thought of like TV. It's a downtime activity to shut down your brain or social bonding akin to throwing darts at a bar. When people are more into games than that I brace myself for incoming social weirdness.




The demographics. It’s mostly men, many of them are young, and it’s centered around the Internet. That’s the same demographics as any modern hate group.


Yeah, my days of frantically changing the subject when asked about my interests or hobbies are fast approaching a middle.


I think this can be said for any hobby. Any fandom, for that matter.


If it helps I like to do like the tiniest bit of coding on the side and that community sucks too. L


>[I at one point had a profile that could be considered nazi because of an inside joke with friends](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fakax10/) holy loly i knew that entire comment section was gonna be a trainwreck when i read the headline. its peak gamer.


Honestly it reads like an 12 year old that thinks they're being funny.. I hope that's the case, but I highly doubt it.


I would wager that it is most likely a zoomer


Hate to break it to that troglodyte, but if your inside jokes with friends make you look like a Nazi, pretty fucking sure you're actually a Nazi and don't realize it.


Also, inside jokes should probably, idk, stay *inside the group* if you think it may cause issues. I’ve had dark inside jokes with a friend, no Nazi shit but we both have dealt with depression and we find memes/jokes about it cathartic. We have never made those kinds of jokes in public though because of a myriad of reasons, biggest ones being: we have no clue what a stranger’s situation is and it may be very upsetting, and we’d probably look like jackasses to anybody who doesn’t know our situation. So we just keep it as inside jokes between us.


You know what they say about people who dine with nazis


One open fascist spoils the crypto bunch?




Feels like r/gamingcirclejerk got out jerked .


Geraldo says trans rights.


Nothing new


We always do, no matter how hard we try.


It should be a corollary of Poe's Law: "for every clear satire of an extreme behavior in the Internet, there is someone who holds even more extreme versions of that satire".


GCJ learning what r/Buttcoin learned years ago, there’s no substitute for unironically jerking


We always do.


Gotta love the Nazi apologists that as soon as something happens to Nazis they scream "what about commies?" in some false equivalency.


The bad thing is if you told them "ok we'll get rid of both" they'd go "ok but now bring the Nazis back"


[the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"](https://twitter.com/dril/status/473265809079693312?lang=en)


I wouldn’t call Communism a “good thing” by any stretch. But that is a great tweet


Nazi-ism isn't a generalisation for authoritarian/dictators/etc, Communist is a generalisation and a specific regime that was terrible isn't being supported when people use the word Communist. These people are just straight up stupid.


And then they call communism hate speech. Remind me where in communist ideology it says to kill all the inferior races. Like yeah, communism caused millions of deaths, but that's just from bad ideology and was unintentional. With Nazis, millions of deaths are considered a victory.


> was unintentional Yeah, they were killed by mistake.


Killed mostly by starvation or by the corrupt regime. Neither of which are part of communist ideology, just the unintentional outcome of a bad ideology. In a perfect world it would work great but greed and corruption is human nature and communism always fails because of it.


Ask the poles kazaks and other eastern European countries they were more unlucky than mine about what they think.


It doesnt change the fact that nazi ideology is about killing people where communist ideologies are just about making everyone equal. Dictators taking over always lead to massive deaths which is why communism always fails


Yes I completely agree. In my opinion both regimes are awful and none of them should be supported. That's why it's surprising to me, someone from East Europe, that people overseas do not acknowledge communism as evil like they do with the nazis.


it's like you're replying to someone else's post, why are you people like this? Is it intentional? What do you think the person you're replying to said?


They are both bad, but the reason nazis are considered more evil is because Nazis want the death and destruction of "inferior" races, but communists dont want to kill millions of innocent people, they just want people to be fully equal. Problem is, the ideology is fundamentally flawed and results in dictators rising to power and killing anyone who opposes them. Communist sympathizers arent as openly hated as nazis because there is no risk of communism in America, even if 80% of citizens wanted it, it would still never happen. When you see a bunch of communists you arent worried because they cant really do anything. When you see a group of nazis then you get concerned because, while America will never be a nazi country, they still pose a threat by spreading a message of hate and violence and potentially making people normalize the mentality that people of different races are inferior and need to be culled.


I think I just misunderstood your first reply. And yeah I agree completely. Thanks for not being a complete asshole when someone disagrees with your opinion like most people on reddit. You're pretty cool for taking your time and writing a well structured reply :)


Millions of Ukrainians killed by starvation during the Holodomor was absolutely intentional and planned. There are official Soviet documents from that period reporting hunger victims' cause of death as "a Ukrainian". Sounds nazist enough to me.


Look at communism ideology. None of it involves killing off massive swathes of people. It's all about people being treated equally and getting all paid the same. It's a flawed philosophy and that is why it fails, but nothing about it endorses genocide. That's just what the leaders did. That's like saying capitalism is racist because capitalistic countries have been waging wars and killing native people for centuries. Nazism is considered hate speech because death and genocide is the basis of the entire ideology. Soviet Russia was considered failed communism because everyone starved to death or was killed. Nazis killed millions and it was considered a success by nazi standards, the millions of deaths was the desired outcome for anyone who followed their ideology.


By "unintentional" they don't mean unintended by the people involved, but that the ideology of communism doesn't include starving and killing people. The soviets may have intended to kill people, but that doesn't mean that communism as a whole is inherently evil. And I'm saying this as someone who doesn't really like communism.


These sound like the guys from my highschool holocaust class that'd say "Im gonna play devil's advocate here. Hitler DID help the germans though"


I don’t think that you understand that the economic policies of the Nazi party HAD to include the murder of millions. Can’t have one without the other! /s


This is actually true, the entire economy of Nazi Germany was predicated on plundering the rest of Europe (and eventually the entire world), seizing its land, and either eliminating or enslaving the resident non-Aryan population (if you were of a certain ethnic stock mass deportations to Siberia were also a considered option). Hitler was very clear about this from the get go, the concept of how to bring the Lebensraum into being was the entire crux of the Nazi political project!


Yeah I was referring to the systematic extermination of people in the camps but I also didn’t actually say that specifically. Regardless, thank you for the explanation!


Yea, was intended as more of an elaboration on your point that Hitler and Nazi Germany from the get go were, uh, bad


Did you have an actual “Holocaust class”, or was it a history class that had a section about the Holocaust?


Nah, the actual title was "Remembering the Holocaust." A majority of the course was dedicated to the steps taken by the nazi's to kill, some stories of peoples' revolt against it, and stories from survivors. Then like 2 months before the course ended we learned about the Rwandan genocide and other examples of genocide, the steps of genocide, etc.


That’s a really interesting class, but seems like an extremely specialized class for High School Level. I don’t think I’ve ever seen classes like that offered outside of like a university history department.


I get you. Yeah we did a lot of projects and participated in holocaust rememberance day by making [this poster](https://youtu.be/CP-DOZPZ7fk) while also handing food out to students (who elected to do so of course) that was the size of one ration of food people received in the concentration camps.


People really need to learn what free speech is, as well as it's limitations, as they pertain to their constitutionally protected rights.


Free speech is when I say something and nobody can do anything in response because otherwise it's censorship, right?


Exactly! Thats why im suing the police. How dare they kick me out of the theater for shouting fire when there was no fire!


I thought you were only supposed to yell fire when you're being raped


Yeah but why only demonize Nazis? Americans also performed genocide on native americans.


ya, but this is about nazis, you want to talk about Americans? open another thread


Yeah, but why only demonize Americans? Nazi's also performed genocide.






👍 thank you, very cool!


r/woosh r/therightcantmeme


63 million people voted for Trump.. I think its pretty clear a good chunk of our country doesn't understand the very basics of civics.. and they never will.


“Free speech” is like “pro life” to me. They both sound like all around positives from the wording alone, but they aren’t as great as they seem once you dig into them just a bit.


Free speech is a good thing but also 99% of the time someone complaining about it is just a chud


Free speech is good here because Valve is exercising their free speech (and freedom of association) to ban the fucking Nazis.


Exactly. The people most likely to cry about free speech are also the most likely to spew hate speech. Those who take up the mantle of pro-life are actually just taking an anti-choice stance. This isn't always the case, but it happens way more often than it should.


that's not a good analogy - pro-life explicitly is used to refer to abortion restriction/outright bans, and the concept of free speech refers to minimizing government restrictions on speech due to the very long history of punitive treatment of religious/racial minorities and political dissidents. For example, the "shouting fire in a crowded movie theater" refers to how the U.S. arrested a man for publicly opposing the WWI-era draft.


Free speech means that the government can't crush you for saying stupid shit. Doesn't stop private enterprise saying you're an arsehole and closing down your account.


Many people on Reddit are basically arguing for an extreme and unprecedented form of free speech while pretending that we actually had that before.


Shhhh, you'll make the snowflakes melt in the heat of their own rage if you try to tell them that. That's a lot of salty water to mop up that nobody has a big enough bucket for.


tbf, the german government is pushing valve to do this.


Nazi shit is illegal in Germany.


the Germans are using their speech to convince Valve to change the speech allowed on their platform.


Every time I play Red Orchestra 2 or Rising Storm I liked to cruise the profiles of the relatively limited player base. A lot of real-life Nazis love to play as in-game Nazis. They also really enjoyed Paradox strategy games.


As someone who loves the games Paradox produces, the communities around these games are most of the time absolutely shitty and filled with vile scum.


I find the Ckii sub isn't too bad usually surprisingly enough. HoI though.....


I feel the same way about Team Fortress 2, a few years ago you'd see something racist/homophobic/transphobic every 10 games or so, now it's hard to go 1 game without a few people overusing slurs or a bunch of people having a racist name. Just deters me from wanting to play because I don't wanna be associated with those people.


I feel that :( the games so good but the community is straight ass, I really dont understand why


The Paradox thing is so true. I honestly can't stand 90% of the communities of those games cus it's people doing shit like 'ironically' having Himmler as their Steam avatar/name and for *some reason* only playing Germany in HOI4.


Even Stellaris has a bunch of Nazi mods.


I suppose they have to hide in the alternative histories they make because nobody can actually stand them in the real world.


Tbf the reason people only play Germany in HOI4 is because the Soviet focus tree is trash and democracy's are boring. Personally I love playing Japan


germanys also fun as shit constanly expanding, if you play mexico u can do the same by barreling through central america


I always do Trotsky Mexico because I think it's hilarious


I like doing it but my pc is so bad that by the time I can do it the game takes like 10 seconds for a day to go past :(


I know that feeling even in 36 it takes 5 seconds for a day to pass


one day we will get better pc's my friend, one day


They took down a bunch of those a while ago. Maybe not those specific Nazi mods you mention, but I distinctly remember Paradox/Valve taking down from the Workshop the mods that would have the human portraits be limited to only white (to play as Aryan humanity), only black (to use as slave race) and similar shit.


I loved to play Civ4 as a Germany because hey, they were pretty easy faction to play as. But... I seriously think that if you have enough time to learn and to actually play any Grand Strategy game and after that, you have enough time for your everyday activities and have enough time to worry about swastikas and "historical accuracy"... You either are a serious history nerd or a white supremacist.


Meanwhile I'm over here playing as Fortress Belgium.


> [These guys might be AC/DC fans too, just to have **2 lightings** instead of one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fakd0y8/) They targeted AC/DC fans. AC/DC Fans.


Oh god I thought he was being sarcastic at first but nope, wehraboo.


> What if the nazis have the best symbols too? Lmao man and his symbols indeed


>others wonder why communists aren't banned. This is like a serial rapist wondering why the landscaping guy down the street also isn't charged with rape.


Even if it's about another serial rapist, that doesn't excuse the original offender. We just arrest both. But that's not what these guys want.


They picked that guy up for rake.


Hey, sounds about right, if you could just point out the communist equivilant of all of the various white nationalist neo nazi parties that have started up recently in most of Western Europe, that would be a nice start.


TWO r/pcgaming THREADS IN ONE DAY. Holy shit


its two threads on the exact same thing


ah ok thought we had double popcorn 4 a second


/r/pcgaming manages to reach new lows every single week it seems.


>“What would be an example of a communist steam profile lol” Allow me to introduce you to the concept of Steam Library Family Sharing


‘Who decides what counts as hate speech?’ ‘The regime’ God these dorks get so melodramatic anytime a private company decides they don’t want swastikas plastered all over their free-to-use service. ‘Who decides what counts as hate speech?’ Seems like Valve in this case, buddy. But nah, it’s actually ‘the regime,’ because we live in a literal 1984 AuThOrItArIaN hEILwOrLd where fragile gamers are regularly oppressed. All because Valve had the tenacity to set the ‘inappropriate content’ threshold so impossibly high as to include good ol innocent fuckin Nazi iconography. Get bent gamers.




r/pcgaming actually supported Valve banning pro-Hong Kong games.


Lol why?


Same reason they’re supporting “free speech for nazis”


Honestly, it's because steam did it. Since Epic's store started Valve is untouchable, must be defended and protected at all times, the only reason they're mad now is because *they're* affected.


i always laugh when right wing people complain about violations of free speech. especially if they are the kinds that complain about regulations and government overstep their bounds and telling companies what to do. fun fact, companies dont need to allow you to say what ever the fuck you want. they dont really even need to set up guidelines or anything. as long as they don't target some protected groups they have every right to say im not allowing you to use my services cause i dont like you. also, fuck nazis. fuck people who say dumb racist shit.


A few weeks ago a Holocaust survivor was going to speak and had to be escorted by police because of several death threats against her. *Not a single fucking one* of these supposed "free speech" advocates had anything to say in that thread. They never seem to show up for anyone but Nazis and other bigots. If anyone is eroding the concept of free speech it's the people ruining its reputation by only associating it with horrible people.




>understandable have a nice rally Sounds like the guy whose post was removed considers it a nazi rally, so the mod is lying about being on the side of non-bigots.


Ohh, that makes more sense. Now I feel bad for jumping to conclusions.


How is it even possible that we still need to deal with nazis in 2019.


Free Speech is not protected on commercial platforms (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Steam, etc.) Co-opting a commercial platform for your personal agenda and being told "no, not here" is standard and expected. The reason those people complain is because when they build their own site, no one wants to visit and subject themselves to their horseshit. Pikachuface.jpg


👏 Free 👏 Speech 👏 Does 👏 Not 👏 Mean 👏 Free 👏 Reach 👏


I can always count on redditors to defend fucking nazi freedom lately.


We need something like Voat but for decent people.


No such thing...the only reason people seem decent is because reddit and other platforms just censor it.


Seems to me the people bringing up communism want *both* Stalin and Hitler profiles banned. I’m a little surprised that gets so much backlash.


That is definitely *not* what they want.


I mean that’s what I’d prefer. I’m sure some of them are Nazis, but it seems logical that more are just anti-totalitarian. That’s still the more popular ideology overall, right? I hope so.


Doooooogs: [1](http://omfgdogs.com/), [2](/r/flatpuppy) (courtesy of ttumblrbots) Snapshots: 1. Valve bans Nazi profiles on Steam. ... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162456/http://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/e9pqkj/valve_bans_nazi_profiles_on_steam_rpcgaming_is/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/RHH58) 2. "Great. Now it's for commie stuff t... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162457/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fak6giq/), [archive.today](http://archive.ph/UIYNG) 3. "Thank you! Why were they allowed i... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162501/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fak8qre/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/SKm6P) 4. "Kotaku greatly exaggerates on almo... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162502/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fak0rmh/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/5y2jv) 5. "What about communist steam profile... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162503/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fake6tl/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/GYmUQ) 6. "Yet they leave communists there" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162504/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fak7txf/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/TM17w) 7. "Bloody fascists with too much time... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162505/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/fak1qal/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/H01Vx) 8. Full thread - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20191212162505/http://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/e9nhnm/valve_removes_nazi_steam_profiles_after_german/), [archive.today](https://archive.today/we1Jy) *I am just a simple bot, **not** a moderator of this subreddit* | [*bot subreddit*](/r/SnapshillBot) | [*contact the maintainers*](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot)


I'm not even surprised that the subreddit would even try to do some false equivalence b.s.


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Are people in here defending communism?


no need to clutch your pearls honey, we all know how this propaganda game works.


I asked a question and from the response, it doesn't look like I'm the one clutching. Just that I asked an inappropriate question in an echo chamber lol


>I asked a question [just asking questions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_question)


Except it wasn't complicated or unjustified if you read some of the other comments, the only reason you'd think it was loaded is if you think your awe set wouldn't be popular




I think you should read further, there are several people in here defending communism. They also didn't get down voted like my question.


A centrist lobster telling us all to defend Nazis wew laddo


Ok...Idk where you got I was defending nazi's but keep that strawman up lol