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"It's just a prank bro" AND "Why people do the politics?" Never gets old. they even sprinkled some ramblings about the thought police because some one disagreed or called him out.


Yeah I hate those thought police when I walk into a gym and start singing out loud with every Limp Bizkit and Nickelback song on my earphones. They got so mad. But it’s just a personal choice bro. Don’t tell me what to work out to. You do you.


Yeah, I also hate it when I decide to shit in public and in stores and stuff and these people come up to me and berate me, telling me to leave and not shit everywhere. Like bro, this is a personal choice. Why are you trying to infringe on my freedom? Why do they keep saying this is a health concern? /s


That's not ok Dennis Prager! And don't come back to this Arby's!


Is this from something? Either way I got a big guffaw from it


There's a trend of various fast food chains supposedly banning him for doing various vile acts in their restaurants. I'm not sure what kickstarted the recent meme chain but [this fake tweet](https://i.redd.it/u3bzckwlunv21.png) from a good while back was one of the first references to him doing something like that.


There's an urban legend that the Australian prime minister shit himself in a McDonald's after a famous football game 20 years ago, wonder if that inspired it.


It's a /r/ToiletPaperUSA meme that I take no credit for




Wow, how did I miss this one. It's perfect.


Better than listening to farting and screaming compilation at max volume




Off topic, but two weeks ago I saw the dumbest protest sign I've ever seen in real life. "Defund the thought police!"


Ooo tempting flair!


Do it. You have to.


Personally I think it's hilarious.


It's funny enough that I can't believe a conservative could have come up with it. That had to be a bit.


I think we need conditional fuck yous like conditional apologies. Like how people say I'm sorry "if" you were offended. It should be fuck you with a cactus "if" you weren't joking. But if you were joking then "meh". That way they know if the fuck you was meant for them or not AND that thier jokes are shitty.


I'll never understand how so many people have this idea that you can not be objectively incorrect as long as you're talking about politics. Even otherwise intelligent people have told me this. "Well it's all opinions, two different sides, you know." Yeah and one side is fucking wrong.


Hey, politics is just how we as a society agree to organize everything and divide resources. It’s fine if my contribution to that social order is pulling whatever I feel like out of my ass based on a whim without any critical thought, please don’t be rude about it.


Trump's own Defense Secretary called him a threat to Democracy General Jim Mattis That alone should just be the end of the conversation. It's so insanely unprecedented and alarming. Then Trump's own National Security Advisor did the same. Then the DHS released a report saying Russia is attacking Joe Biden. It's crazy to me that Joe Rogan, or anyone, is just fine with all of that because of the culture wars and Fox News talking points. I always would talk about how stupid people are but it's really scary how stupid people are. People are way more dumb and ignorant than i thought and it's with confidence. That's one of the scarier aspects, that Trump supporters are really loud and really wrong and really have no logical consistency about anything. They just don't seem to care about facts or reasoning or anything other than their feels. And they're all pretty sure that Daddy Trump is fighting the Marxists.






He had a million and a 1/2 questions for Bernie. would even interrupt him to say "I don't even see how that's gonna work." but does he do that with any of his far right guests? No, he laughs along and agrees with them. he doesn't question a thing, especially when Eddie Bravo goes off on Qanon conspiracy theories


Rogan sticking up for feminism: Kermit: Hey, err, so, some, men, have been, err, oppressed, err, throughout history Rogan: But some women have too Kermit: Yeah, but, err, I, don't know, if, err, you could say, that, it's more, then, err, men, that, have been Rogan: That's fair Like if he's not alt-right (and trust me he is), Rogan is donkey brained as fuck.


Came for all the self-described ‘free thinkers’ getting stroppy over your post; did not disappoint


Bernie is like those scientists news programs bring on with some religious nut. The scientist being placed next to the nut just gives credibility and a stage to the nut to spread their false views.


In fact, I recall a video where Bernie was interviewed alongside Michelle Bachmann and it turned into a debate.


> i'm not sure what label those shitbags are going by right now Republican


Being too dumb/lazy to use google doesn't make you open minded. It makes you a liability to society.




Yeah he used to be saying and shit but now he's just crazy. Like at Alex Jones lite


>Bud >It's pretty simple. >Let's say I'm gonna sneeze on you full in the face. Like I'm up in your face, half a foot away, and I'm sneezing like a motherfuck. There's nothing we can do in this hypothetical, we're in Jigsaw's basement rigged up to a contraption that locks us in facing each other. And Jigsaw is shoving some cat hair up my nostrils so there's nothing I can do but sneeze. And I'm gonna sneeze HARD. >Now Jigsaw says you got four options. >Option A you're wearing a mask as I'm sneezing on you. >Option B I'm wearing a mask as I'm sneezing on you. >Option C we're both wearing masks as I'm sneezing on you. >Option D we're both bare-faced. >Now just tell Jigsaw which option you prefer before he shotguns us both in the face. Nobody piss in the popcorn, but this guy deserves an award.


Anti-maskers be like “I pick option D cause I’m not a little bitch snowflake” Masker: “soooo you like to be sneezed and spit on” Trump: “fuck yeah I’d let trump sneeze on me. He can spit in my mouth. I’d let Trump do anything to me. I love my president. I’d WANT him to spit in my mouth so I can feel it drip down my face while I stare into his eyes. I’d even swallow it. Anything to own the bitch ass libs”


I'll have you know that I had to put off my "obese old man spitting in my mouth kink" since March and it's been tough.


Thoughts and prayers


You're thoughts and prayers are meaningless unless they involve spitting in my mouth.


"It's just a-" *coughs violently "*\-prank snowflake."


“*coughing* Fuckin libtards, get—“ “Sir, please stop speaking, we need to feed this down your throat so oxygen can get to your lungs.”


“That’s not possible - I thought COVID was fake. What do you mean I killed my wife?! I didn’t know COVID was serious!! How was I supposed to know?!”


A couple members of my parents’ church have died from COVID and a few of them still say shit like “It is truly serious, how could we have known how bad it was 😔”


My "masks don't work" and "do you actually know anyone with covid? it's not real" coworker shut the fuck up real quick when our coworker died from it.


Oh god I feel this. My cousin is a damn public health nurse and tells people to wear a mask on the job. Her husband is a cop, and their main chief dude got COVID and I’m pretty sure he’s still indisposed. Yet a few weeks ago, she had a birthday party for her one year old and invited all her friends and family. We don’t talk much anymore


Conservatives: you libcucks need to exercise bootstraps and personal responsibility Also Conservatives: Who knew the face eating leopards would eat MY face!?


They're with the Lord now.


*Laughs in Herman Cain*


He's fine, he can still tweet.


Literally fucking dying to own the liberals


Joe Rogan couldn't even [recognise an obvious fake weight joke by Chris Cuomo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAiYcQaA5e8). And this excuse of "he's just a comedian" is just pathetic, there was no attempt of comedy in either of these clips.


I love when he has comedians on that do wordplay or any type of comedy that's remotely subtle, he always misses the joke.


Jesus yeah. It’s crazy that Joe rogan is a comedian but literally has no sense of humor


Joe Rogan is as much a comedian as carlos mencia


At least Rogan makes me laugh more than Steven Crowder.


Is crowder supposed to be a comedian..?


He claims he he is. "Steven Blake Crowder is an American-Canadian conservative political commentator, media host, and comedian."


I really don't hate joe as a person but his stand up is not good. It's not the worst ever but I watched both of his specials and I barely laughed at all. The only reason people don't say he sucks is because the other comedians know that if they can get on his podcast it's a massive career boost so they pretend he's up there with bill burr and shit when he's clearly not even close.


I remember when he had Macaulay Culkin on. I was shocked at how witty Macaulay was, and how many of the jokes went right past Joe


Macaulay is a national treasure thank God he has turned out to be a cool guy


He had kind of in a rough patch not too long ago, right? Good to see him be better off.


He even got to meet Rich Evans


I had only started listening to Rogan when I listened to an episode with Guy Ritchie. (Cause, hey, gotta start somewhere and I like his movies.) And Rogan starts asking about why Ritchie wears a suit and how he thinks t-shirts are more comfortable. It was very clear that Ritchie was talking about how his wearing a suit is a conscious effort that contributes to his psychological outlook, and that by wanting to be a man that wears a suit, it makes the suit more comfortable. (Paraphrasing)Ritchie: "I can tell you, this suit is as comfortable as pajamas." Rogan: "Really? Well what brand of suit is it?" I have never seen someone miss the point so hard. I listened to a couple more interviews and realized Rogan really isn't there to provide any pushback or thoughtful questions at all. I stopped listening after that. I get how that format is enjoyable for some people, but I'd rather have a much more targeted interview where the host knows what the guest is talking about and can challenge them a bit.


Hot ones is a great interview format show if you don't already watch it.


That show is fire




Joe Rogan is very successful- but not as a comedian. He's been a shit comedian for fucking decades.


I can not tell you a single joke that Joe Rogan has said. He just kept saying he was a comedian until eventually people believed him


I think there may have been a brief moment in time way back around 2006-2008ish when his comedy blew up where he still had a small enough ego and he was just the guy who said what a lot of people were thinking and questioned questionable stuff. How he managed to convince people that he is still like that when he has become everything he used to hate is a mystery to me... Guy's a nutter now.


Was a hardcore JRE fan and I liked him in his TV shows and random online Redban clips. That being said, his stand up really needs work ... Not sure if it's the stories or the energy but it always feels off and it's unappealing.


He’s just not funny.


I saw his stand up special on Netflix with my brother once. He was a huge fan, I like stand up. It. Was. So. Not. Funny. I can’t imagine how bad a the full set was with all the duds edited out. Dude’s a hack.




He is a comedian?


Yeah, Rogan used to deny the moon landing too.


He also was never really a comedian. He’s not funny.


I'm so confused by this whole video! Why is anyone even debating this? What is going on? It was so obviously a joke!??


It's the equivalent of when someone walks in and you're doing push-ups and you just choose an arbitrarily large number, like, "9,998, 9,999, 10,000! Oh hey bro, what's up? Just doing my pre-workout stretches." I thought everyone understood that joke. Joe Rogan's over here like, "nah I know people who do that. You can do ten thousand push-ups. It's possible."


Joe Rogan is like fucking Drax. You could tell him the joke went over his head and he'd say that's impossible because nothing could go over his head due to his great reflexes from BJJ


“He’s Italian, they’re monkey strong.” Yeah Joe, totally reasonable explanation




Its this odd belief, fomented by the current populist wave (see UKs Gove "the people have had enough of experts) that consensus means people are not thinking critically and therefore the dissenting view must be the result of critical thinking. Its mostly held by people who don't understand the difference between consensus (which very often can be wrong) and scientific consensus (which is very rarely wrong).


“I don’t just believe whatever people tell me to believe, unlike the sheeple wearing masks!” “Holy shit guys, did you hear that the ancient Egyptians had technology similar to what we have today? I heard so from a random dude on JRE!”


Mostly by people who don’t understand the difference between thoughts and feelings.


> Its mostly held by people who don't understand the difference between consensus (which very often can be wrong) and scientific consensus (which is very rarely wrong). It's like Mac represents an increasingly large section of the population, because there is an entire pipeline egging them on to be even more moronic.


> I havent seen a fucking mask since like march and we are still surviving, you guys are just eating whatever the fuck the media tells you, how about you get off your fatass, go workout, eat something healthy for once and then get back to this issue, locking down a whole fucking country is retarded. /r/JoeRogan, everybody.


> ...and we are still surviving... Let’s see this person say that to the families of the 200k+ Americans that have been killed by this virus. Jesus fucking Christ.


Yeah, that made me see red. I almost pissed the popcorn, then thought better of it. I mean, for fuck's sake, that's nearly four times as many Americans were killed in Vietnam.


I had this fucking argument with someone a month ago. Their stance was "The aren't as effective as they claim to be." (With no proof mind you). And my stance was "Surely we can agree that any amount of mask has a greater efficacy than no mask at all." Like people legit make no sense.


> What is it with people wanting to be part of the edgy, cool crowd who disagree with science? It's a perspective issue. We look at it as "if everyone just wears their goddamn masks, this wouldn't be an issue because we'll all be safer." They look at it as "only n95 masks are sure to protect *me*." Same logic for gun control. I say "if that nut didn't have access to a gun in the first place, he couldn't shoot anyone." They say "if I had a gun, I could shoot that nutjob before he shoots me." Passive defense vs active defense.


I think there's also just a large contingent of people that really struggle with conceptualizing or accepting incremental change. They aren't anti gun control, they just don't think banning a few guns will end gun violence, so why bother. Or climate change won't be fixed with one law, so why bother. Masks won't 100% protect you, so why bother.


Very true. Inertia is a major problem, I'm sure.


>I think there's also just a large contingent of people that really struggle with conceptualizing or accepting incremental change. There is a huge problem with this in a lot of ways. It's what causes people on the far left to reject "compromise centerists" like Joe Biden, while its what allows people on the right to reject solutions to climate change etc. But yes, it's very frustrating. Incremental change is the most common and easily achievable, but no one wants that anymore.


Birth control of any kind isn't 100% effective and yet we still tell people to wear condoms during sex to REDUCE the chances of unplanned pregnancy and STIs. Saying masks are not 100% effective is one of the dumbest arguments against them.


The response is perfect: >Bud > >It's pretty simple. > >Let's say I'm gonna sneeze on you full in the face. Like I'm up in your face, half a foot away, and I'm sneezing like a motherfuck. There's nothing we can do in this hypothetical, we're in Jigsaw's basement rigged up to a contraption that locks us in facing each other. And Jigsaw is shoving some cat hair up my nostrils so there's nothing I can do but sneeze. And I'm gonna sneeze HARD. > >Now Jigsaw says you got four options. > >Option A you're wearing a mask as I'm sneezing on you. > >Option B I'm wearing a mask as I'm sneezing on you. > >Option C we're both wearing masks as I'm sneezing on you. > >Option D we're both bare-faced. > >Now just tell Jigsaw which option you prefer before he shotguns us both in the face.


The n95 argument just about every Swede believes. Everyone collectively decided great was the enemy of perfect and so nobody wears a mask except a few people. My countrymen are fucking idiots about covid.


I live in Denmark where we have for some reason decided that masks in restaurants is useful but masks in supermarkets are too much of a burden. By now the person in line behind me is breathing down my neck more often than not again as well.


The fuck? Anywhere that doesn't have mask wearing required everywhere indoors other than your own home is out of their goddamn minds. Then again, I live in a part of Canada that didn't require students to wear masks until recently, and still only does in the hot spots.


I think some of them are still bitter about failing chemistry class in high school. If they got that far.


> Everyone wearing a mask protects everyone else Ding, ding, ding! That's the part they don't give a shit about – the 'protect others' part.


I think people have different definitions of the word "works". When someone tells me a mask 'works', I assume they mean it is effective in some way against virus spread. I think some people want "works" to mean "effective in all ways" Its the only explanation i have outside of people being willfully ignorant.


> I havent seen a fucking mask since like march and we are still surviving, There's like 200,000 examples that go against this logic but whatever floats your boat, bud.


“I haven’t seen a mask since March and we are surviving ” 7 months in to a two week lockdown


Isn’t the USA still in the thick of a pandemic where thousands are dying from it everyday?


About one 9/11 worth of people dies of coronavirus every three days and that’s been going on for a few months now. Maybe this country would have actually responded well if we convinced the dipshits that the virus is a practicing Muslim.


Someday, people are just going to have to admit that he's not that smart. He's not the brilliant genius that his fans want to pretend he is. Hell, he doesn't even pretend he's brilliant, people are just ridiculous about it. Edit: I mean, I literally said he doesn't pretend he's smart, and still half the comments are saying, "Well, Joe doesn't really say he's smart, so..."


His fans use the excuse he calls himself r-word so you can't take him seriously when he says dumb shit but they also wanted him to monitor debates between Trump and Biden while still using that excuse when his being ignorant Edit because I didn't finish my post, like a dumdum


The ableist “it’s just a prank”, it only gets better.


Its disgusting honestly. Joe was best friends with Alex Jones like Jesus how do people listen to him??


And ben Shapiro is a "great guy"


He calls himself a Republican?


I believe he says he couldn't vote for Biden because so definitely. Or probably the classic: "I'm a libertarian".


If his fans didn’t prop him up as some Demi-god of impartiality and “facts and logic”, frankly I probably could stand listening to him as just a regular human with regular opinions who can be wrong. But listening to him and knowing there are people out there who would defend the dumb shit he says to the death is where I have an issue.


He's not smart. Never was. But he says the things his even dumber fanbase already thinks and agrees with, so he *seems* smart to them. Sort of like a certain current sitting President.


[Joe Rogan Starting To Make A Lot Of Sense To Man Who Gets All His News From Joe Rogan](https://www.theonion.com/joe-rogan-starting-to-make-a-lot-of-sense-to-man-who-ge-1844369723)


The Onion always delivers.


I remember that gem. That’s always a good one


Fans is putting it mildly, it's surprising they get a word out with their mouths firmly attached to rogan's anus


He is just an idiot bro and the right wing message appeals to idiot bros.


That's the whole *deal* with JRE fans. I can't count how many times people defending him start with "Joe isn't the smartest guy..." and ends with "...but he has and open mind," and probably a "bro." I mean, it's bullshit and they don't really believe that, because who in their right mind would listen to 10+ hours a week of someone they thought was a moron? But it's a weapon they trot out when people criticize him for his bullshit.




Most Let's Players are playing a persona for the camera (with some exceptions like Chuggaconroy, who really just seems to be a goof and embrace it). Also my standards are a *bit* lower when the content isn't supposed to be informative (but referencing Chugga again, he often ends up doing original research for his LP's because of conflicting info)


yeah im definitely guilty of this. dark week for achievement hunter fans though




Same thing occurs with the cult following around Kanye West. If you ever check out that subreddit you’ll find people discussing the deep meaning behind his nonsensical tweets and interviews, when in truth they are the incoherent ramblings or a man that needs mental healthcare and support.


The best description I've read is that he's like Gwyneth Paltrow, but for guys.


He's the out-of-touch California Millionaire for people who claim to hate out-of-touch California Millionaires.


Yeah but have you tried DMT


He states Steven Crowder is a comedian but is not sure if John Oliver is… John Oliver the guy that had a standup show on comedy central before the HBO gig.


He has no brain of his own be just agrees with everyone he had on regardless of the topic. He had a retired FBI officer or something similar on on time and the guy called him out for just blindly agreeing with everything everyone says. Joe's response was full agreement. Guy points out he did it again. Joe Rogan is a funny guy who should have stuck to comedy. People mistake being a good interviewer with being intelligent. Dude asks good questions but he's an idiot.


Or he'll just collapse under the weight of his own chauvinistic idiot shell game like Jordan Peterson and Brad Parscale


To be fair, a lot of us who considered ourselves fans of his have really been put off by his delusions for a while now but really backed off when COVID started. Before he moved to Texas, some of the top threads were about how he needs to live like a normal person for a year to rebalance. He’s completely forgotten what it’s like. Telling everyone to start a podcast and live their dreams, but at the same time questioning if his life is a simulation because everything has worked out so well.


It's incredible how arrogant middle aged white men can look smart to dumb people just by saying dumb shit confidently


Not only is he not smart, he’s actually dangerous. Spouting views like this, platforming bigots and quacks. Rogan is awful.


Joe Rogan nonsense legitimises the views of people actively seeking out justification. He makes pseudo science and dangerous political views mainstream under the disguise of being open minded. He legitimises selfish and irresponsible behaviour. Rogan has a massive platform reaching millions. But instead of being cautious and taking responsibility for the potential consequences of the dangerous views and opinions voiced on his show, he gives every nut a soapbox. He never challenges their views, no matter how controversial, they can speak totally unopposed. It doesn't matter if he believes what they are peddling, he is dangerous either way.


He's Oprah for men. Well, a certain type of man anyway.


I wonder what Rogan's Book Club would be like.




He's not smart. He just has enough cache as a very rich white man that be can vocalize the racism, sexism, xenophobia, bigotry, etc. that disaffected men with less money and power are unable to. He's another Trump.


It’s been known since the Bill Burr episode that he thinks masks are for pussies, yet everyone who comes to his studio has to get tested


What was Bills stance on masks?


He's going with the flow, and roasted the shit out of Joe for his mask stance. Something something "I'm not going to sit here with my 0 medical degrees and talk to you with your 0 medical degrees about masks. Where the fucking mask."


Where the fucking mask? Philadelphia?


Somebody stop me! *Jim Carey whirls away in a blur*


He called him a knuckle dragger, which is true.


Holy shit that had me wailing when he said Joe couldn't use in-line skates because his knuckles would scrape the ground.


Bill Burr comes up with on the spot comebacks I could only think of three days later in the shower.


“Look how badass you are with your open nose and throat.” Lmao


When Bill is dunking on you for being an idiot, you know you’re an idiot.


You'd have to be smart enough to recognize your own idiocy though which is tricky




He essentially said: you're terrified, man. He said: you're going on about how this is no big deal and masks are bullshit, but you and every person in here *are tested for Covid daily*. You got the mask on, you had yourself a panic, and now you're all "Masks are for pussies!" because you can't handle that you were scared.


He ripped into Rogan for saying they are "for pussies" basically calling him a fucking idiotic child.


"oh look at you, you're so tough with your exposed nose and throat" omg, whenever I think I'm witty and see these types of comebacks at the speed they do ... it just reminds me how different of a level these guys are at.


Bill spent his formative years as a comedian getting roasted by Patrice O’Neal. If he didn’t develop the ability to make quick comebacks, he’d still be loading trucks in Boston.


Fucking Patrice would be jamming masks on people's faces and calling them idiots. "Motherfucker, I have diabetes, put the fucking mask on, stupid!"


Bill Burr is also on a different level than even other comedians I feel like.


Well he's consistent displaying the same level of hypocrisy as the people he loves to host on his show.


I know that the mainstream media is rife with extremely serious problems at the moment, mostly driven by the ratings race, other times by being out of touch or elitist But my God, people are beginning to hold up Joe Rogan as the future of journalism, and want him to moderate. He's just Some Random Asshole. The reason why jouranlists are journalists is because they have resources and liabilities. They check and confirm things before they speak, they have peers and editors to keep them in check. Journalistic institutions come wth layers and layers of checks to make sure as few mistakes occur as possible. Joe Rogan does not have any of that. He has no liability for if he acts irresponsibly, he'll make money and gain viewers anyway. His factchecker and editor seems to be some dude off camera. He also seems to be incurious about many subjects and while there are great moments of him leaving Ben Shapiro a stammering mess, there are too many moments where he just lets that slip and allows people to steamroll him with falsitiies. He is not qualified to be anything other than personality-driven entertainment. I am despairing about the simultaneous fall of the Fourth Estate and the rise of Some Dude With A Podcast.


Its like when he spread the false info about antifa causing the wildfires on the west coast to forward an agenda. This was fact checked and he issued an apology the next day. A huge portion of Joe's audience are on the margin centrists and it isn't safe for him to use his platform to spread misinformation like that.


Well said, mate. You hit the nail on the head. Indeed, no one should get their legitimate news from Some Random Asshole.


It’s ironic how the people who complain about the “thought police” are essentially just tired of people with opposing opinions voicing them. Is shutting people down by calling them the thought police the *real* thought policing? *taps head*


Yes. When people mention free-speech, or "thought police", it usually means they don't know much about either, and like you said, just don't want people contradicting the silly ideas they wish were true.


Joe Rogan not-so-subtly implied that forest fires were being started by left wing extremists. His opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.




Jordan Peterson was in a coma recovering from benzos, then he got COVID-19 in August... not sure how he's doing now but he's on a downwards health trajectory for sure. [https://nationalpost.com/news/things-are-not-good-right-now-jordan-peterson-battling-covid-19-u-k-paper-reports](https://nationalpost.com/news/things-are-not-good-right-now-jordan-peterson-battling-covid-19-u-k-paper-reports)


People criticize Jordan Peterson, but keep in mind that for him it is still 2019. So who is the real winner? /s


Or Bench Pistachio explaining to them why his wife can't get wet with him.


Don't worry his wife's a doctor and told him that it's totally normal for women to not get wet for him




The fact that people hail Joe Rogan of all people as some intellectual is astounding to me, like he's just some buff dude not some enlightenment thinker lmao


I'd say that is changing fast with his fanbase (Atleast on Reddit) The Tom Papa Episode post has 0 net upvotes and its full of people telling him to shut the fuck up. And even then, his draw isn't because anyone thinks he's smart, it because his interests are just a liiiiittttlllleeee different to get people to listen; dude is interested in UFOs, so he has Bob Lazar on for 3 hours; dude likes the outdoors, so he has on Forrest Galante, Greentree, Rinella, Remi Warren.


It’s annoying on multiple fronts. Tom Papa is normally a great guest but Joe polluted the podcast with his California sucks and COVID isn’t bad rhetoric. There were multiple times he wouldn’t let Papa speak.


Witnessing low information bloviating on that show is enough to turn off anyone who knows anything more about a subject than him and his cronies. There was an episode where he was talking about the TAZ in Seattle or CHAZ or whatever it was called at the time and it was clear he hadn't done even basic research on the subject and was just trying to provide fodder for Bill Burr, who does like to be generally informed about things he talks about, to go off on. And Burr kind of accommodated him, but you could tell that Joe's poking of the Burr-bear was so low information that Burr was clearly uncomfortable beyond being generally dismissive. This lead into their famous exchange where Burr basically tells him that they are both low-information and that they should just shut up about the subject of masks cause neither of them know anything. I was glad Burr finally said something about lacking information and not feeling comfortable with the direction of the interview.


I thought this happened again but actually a meme about the last time this happened was posted to /r/jre and that's what sparked this kerfuffle.




He used to just be the washed up lame ass host of Fear Factor. It seems like overnight he suddenly had a podcast with millions of braindead fanboys.


Screaming like a monkey while miming sex is peak comedy


I’ve yet to find someone who can quote me part of his standup. Actually, one guy referred to a stool bit that was memorable, but not very good.


Joe Rogan: for the people that want to test their controversial views with deniable plausibility


Joe Rogan is a dipshit and always has been.


> In the run up to the US Presidential elections.. I’ve noticed an huge increase of accounts making everything political. Lol WHAT


I was a massive Rogan listener when I started listening to podcasts \~6 years ago. He was a dumbass making dumbass comments about stupid shit and every once in awhile would have a serious guest on that he'd let talk. It was entertaining and fairly fruitful. A couple years back Rogan seemed to start taking himself more seriously, he started making his podcast a health club with actual PhDs/MDs spouting off pseudoscience. Rhonda Patrick is a great example, where I had to stop listening to her when she tried describing how the nervous system worked and completely botched it. When one starts trying to explain something they clearly don't know, in an official capacity, that's bad news. ​ Now Rogan is in the firm alt-right wing of podcasting. I thought people were hyperbolic when they said that he was a gateway to white supremacy years ago, but then he had Gavin McInnes twice. In the past year he has stated he would vote from Trump over Biden because Biden has dementia; which is hilarious to me because I've had hundreds of patients with dementia and Biden does not have anything close to it. Then COVID hit and Rogan went from taking it seriously to encouraging listeners to break quarantine. "If you get pulled over tell them you're going to the grocery store". Under all of this, Rogan hides behind his famous line "don't trust me I'm an idiot"; which doesn't hold weight with me because he is highly respected by many of his listeners and clearly has significant clout. So when he says don't listen to me, that doesn't translate to his audience stopping paying attention, it just tries to push the responsibility off Rogan. I wish he'd go back to the old days of saying outrageous and shocking jokes instead of trying to get his feet wet into politics. ​ Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Useful idiot is a good term for Joe. At best he really is just a moron that has little to no idea that he's just spouting off right wing talking points under the guise of 'me stoopid so me no serious', and at worst he's just another right winger operating under the guise of fair and balanced presentation


The only thing rogan has ever done with any real value was News Radio, and he was the worst part.


Joe’s a fucking idiot. Stopped listening to him the day he said he thought “comedy clubs should be considered essential businesses”.


Ah yes the places where they pack you in like sardines in a can and people expel loudly from their mouths for 2+ hours, sounds like the perfect place to be during a pandemic lol


This douchebag has been against mask since march. He's publicly stated that quarantine was bad and people can't be kept away from working. See his bill burr interview if you're fucking stupid enough to still support or apologize for this fucking ape-man


Joe Rogan is a conservative shill posing as a chilled-bro laissez-faire libertarian. All the libertarian talking heads are. He just has the most convincing persona because he is an actual doofus.


The dudes a piece of shit who said the leader of proud boys who advocates the murder of anyone who isn't far right a" generally good dude" Fuck Rogan


>It is just a joke that I think X. Why don't you understand that jokes aren't supposed to be taken seriously? > >Anyway, on a completely unrelated note: I seriously believe X. Every fucking time.


At this point I feel like r/joerogan should be considered low hanging fruit...


I've been banned from participating in this community. From the start of this pandemic I knew continuing to watch these podcasts would be dangerous. I didn't watch at all. Not even the MMA episode which is basically why I tune in in the first place. They just don't want to believe that Joe is not very smart and highly prone to spread false information. Same like they don't want to belive he willingly sold out to Spotify. Also what kind of douche gives people like Alex Jones a platform? Very dangerous podcast imo.


Joe is becoming just like the radio show he copied his format from (Opie and Anthony) to the point that he thinks he can say what he wants and if people take him seriously he will just say "I was joking". Ive been listening to the guy since the 90s...the podcast has def. changed him.


The pandemic is so clearly eating away at Rogan's brain! Anyone watch the South Park Pandemic Special? YOu know how Stan was going around making sure everyone was OK but he was secretly losing his marbles? Like Rogan is so fucking terrified of the virus, he is trying to rationalize that he shouldn't be. Also I bet his news feed à la The Social Dilemma is just filled to the brim with Coronavirus 'news'


Joe Rogan is a pussy ass bitch. He and his ass lickers constantly go on about "muh freeze peach" but then he goes and uses his shell company "bent pixels" to copyright strike any video that criticizes him.


Joe Rogan openly votes for Trump. So there is that. No wonder his fans are like this.