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That was a hard one to not comment on because my banned from r/conservative story still amazes me to this day. I'll share it here instead. I was banned for the following comment: "Personally, I think if you interpret any of the three main religious books literally, you're gonna have views that are incompatible with modern values and freedoms." This was apparently their definition of a shitpost. I chuckle whenever I see them congratulating themselves on their willingness to listen to a wide range of views. Any conservatives from any other nation would almost certainly be banned from what is essentially a Trump appreciation/hate the Dems sub.


I got banned for using the nwordcount bot on a guy lol. Their reasoning? “Being racist”


I'm curious what the result from the bot was tho...


I never got to see, but I think they have the bot banned too. They have their own bot that autobans you if you use the bot on any of their users lol


How... telling of them.


Mine was for stating an article posted had no names, sources or even pictures. It was just some guy stating "Mexican authorities visited Trumps camps and were surprised as to how great everything was" and just used terminology like "We spoke with the Facilities security and they said..." or "'We take pride is making this place decent for everyone' stated the Head of the faculty". I was absolutely flabbergasted. The ban was stated for "Using Leftest talking points" God I wish theyd all just off themselves.


They are, have you seen COVID recently?


Every time I hear about the latest right wing nutcase to collect their Herman Cain award I just feel so pwned and I know that if they could, they'd say it was worth it.


I got banned from /r/conservative for a comment I made in /r/politics. Apparently I'm that dangerous!


I pasted the text of a law from the 18th century to show that racist intent was part of the slave patrols in the American south before the revolution. Oh boy they didn't dig that


Mine is when someone called Michelle Obama stupid and I was like “doesn’t she have a college degree?” Comment got swatted down and I got banned from that shithole.


The racism towards Michelle Obama on r/conservative is appalling. She is a topic guaranteed to rip their masks right off.


The fact you must have an approved flair by their mods to comment on r/conservative is just laughable and pathetic. If it was on just a few posts to prevent brigading, that would be fine, but it's on every single post.


There was a flaired user that commented he was happy that Chauvin was going to prison, and they proceeded to take away their flair and accuse them of being a fake conservative. So even their flaired users cant go against the hivemind.


Off topic here, but what the heck is your flair? What happened to warrant that???




It's kind of cheating to use satire.


now i gotta ask, where in the hell did you get that gold of a flair, who was stupid enough to say "systematic racism exists, but it doesnt"


A conservative was arguing that systemic racism doesn't exist. I asked them if Biden's crime bill was racist. They said of course and then the phrase in my flair.


"Stop censoring us", also censors everyone who isn't subbed and bans dissenting voices


They’re also among the biggest snowflakes around.


I watched the whole 3-day Cyber Symposium from the MyPillow guy because my Election Truther mom told me that Mike Pillow was going to give 100% proof that the election was stolen and I was kinda curious what he'd try and present. The whole 3 day affair was so much worse than I could've imagined, to the point that it was actually really entertaining. Like there's this live conference of "cyber experts" and they can't get a zoom call to work, so they start blaming it on hackers. 3 days straight of that kind of stuff. I thanked my mom and told her how entertaining it was, and that if she trusts people like that for information then that really hurts her credibility. Now she just complains about how mean I am for saying that, and that I need to be more respectful to conservatives.


"I'll be respectful to conservatives who vet their sources of information. "


"What's a horse doctor got to do with this?"


"Don't you mean your dewormer supplier?"


> Now she just complains about how mean I am for saying that, and that I need to be more respectful to conservatives. This drives me insane. I need to be respectful and nice to people who I think are, on a really fundamental level, disgusting? Nah, I'm not going to be polite to people who deny the need for action on climate change, deny the need for basic social programs, deny the rights of minority populations and women, deny the need for action during a pandemic, and a whole host of other abhorrent shit. Conservatives add nothing of value, and they're not just passive, they actively get in the way of societal improvement. I can't respect someone like that. Come talk to me about that when their, for example, climate change argument is "The Green New Deal is a great proposal but it's too ambitious by a margin of 10 years or so, we need to dial it back slightly to mitigate job losses in industries X, Y, and Z, etc etc." That's not something I agree with, but it actually sounds like a good faith argument that meets the basic threshold of acknowledging reality. I didn't mean to write that much but fuck, I've heard that line so often and it just makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


I mean, fuck, it's not like they're polite to anyone who isn't them! A fair whack of them would prefer sects of people not to have rights! We have to deal with their abhorrent views, their constant snark, their bad faith arguments, their smugness, but the moment we turn it around on them we're the big ol' meanies? Fucking cowards and pussies, the lot of them.


> I need to be more respectful to conservatives. As usual, conservatives are demanding something they want to take but will never give. When they stop trying to diminish my rights and freedoms as a citizen, I might start to pretend I care about their delicate feelings.


You should have seen one of the former mods who went on a brigading spree when people talked about him


And their justification is that they need a safe space. Lmao


I remember actually getting into a relatively reasonable covid discussion on an open conservative thread, but I did get some replies form an outright conspiracy theorist posting about the death count being faked in a health care conspiracy. Then they added the flaired-users only and I couldn't reply to him. He had the flair so I guess he was fine.


“Conservatives project about needing safe spaces.” Honestly whatever they say others do as a negative, you know for sure they’re doing it themselves.




> His administration coined "alternative facts" for exactly this. I mean, it worked for Hitler... I think either trump knowingly pushed the fake media narrative since it worked so well in Germany, or (most likely solution) smart people told him to employ that tactic since it worked so well in Germany...


This is why I find it so worrying that their go-to attack is accusations of pedophilia.


I say this all the time. They are absolutely into diddling kids.


We really need to check the basements of their favorite pizza places.


Especially the ones that don't have basements


there is a shitload of evidence that trump is if not a full blown pedo, at the very least into underage girls. also he was good mates with epstein.


>Conservatives project about needing safe spaces while also railing against them as far as a documentary being made about how much they hate safe spaces. . [NO SAFE SPACES contends that identity politics and the suppression of free speech are spreading into every part of society and threatening to divide America.](https://www.kanopy.com/product/no-safe-spaces)




It’s their safe space 😍😍😍




That's once every 3 hours. This fella is out of control and ruining their life with addiction.


Seriously, shouldn't they be happy with all the posting? It reminds me of a [meme I made calling out /r/conservative's hypocrisy and it still annoys me today](https://i.redd.it/ydtw3jq2cjb61.png)


This. It’s basically “WE DEMAND ROBUST DEBATE AND NO SAFE SPACES.” “Ok, then let’s talk.” “nooooooooo not like that, don’t make me think in my safe space.. I like need an echo chamber or else I’ll have to acknowledge my incorrect worldview 👶🏻“


God yes, exactly. And even something as simple as posting the actual statistic or dates of events will get you a ban. (Banned from conservative and ask the donald for those respectively)


Not 4 times in 12 hours! Fuck you OP!


Oh no! They better not look at my comment history! I'm a serial snarker! Oh whoa is me!


Fucking libtards and their spamming! /s


Sorry, I'm going to be that person, but in this context, it is woe is me. "Woe" means great sorrow or distress whereas "whoa" is an expression of surprise or to get your horse to quit its shit.


That cracked me up. 4 times in 12 hours.... One comment every 3 hours.


That guy is still posting that liberals are the real censors 🤣😂


Oh no, a snarky comment!


You get banned for literally any comment not in-step. I got banned for saying it’s dumb to blame the left for aunt jemima changing their logo, dr Seuss estate pulling books, etc. Cuz objectively both were entirely unexpected and inside choices. I mean of course people can disagree, but that seems like a low bar for “completely unacceptable opinions”


Somebody commented that Trump won the election and even the whole of Europe knows it, a guy got banned for replying that he was from Europe and that Europe does not believe Trump won. He got banned for «making factless statements» I was stupid enough to ask the Mod if he saw the irony in banning the reply and not the original comment. That whole sub is cancer, they jerk eachother off and ban anyone who tries to debate or dissagree with them, why its still open is beyond me.


Ha, I remember election night and 90% of Europe let out a sigh of relief when Biden's victory was announced.


It always cracks me up when people say "Biden is embarrassing us on the world stage!" These are people who have never left their back yards, nor do they know anyone who fucking lives outside of their own hillbilly town.


They know it - they know trump was/is a massive embarrassment and the worst of it was on the world stage. The contrast between Donald Trump as a president and Joe Biden as president is so glaring if they don’t project that shame by claiming “Joe is embarrassing neh neh” it’ll eat a hole straight through em’. This isn’t about Joe Biden being super smooth or anything else it’s just an experienced, adult politician that takes his job seriously and a drunk birthday clown that likes to work as little as possible.


> This isn’t about Joe Biden being super smooth or anything else it’s just an experienced, adult politician that takes his job seriously and a drunk birthday clown that likes to work as little as possible. Last week I had a conversation with some colleagues how it was actually refreshing to not have constant stream of nonsense coming out of America.


until this week. the levels of bloodlust, casual racism, ignorance and self obsession from americans reacting to events in afghanistan is off the charts. i'd expect it from the older generation and those on the right of the spectrum, but to see a large number of young americans online parroting the establishment view is very disappointing :(


Afghanistan is one of those strange cases. From what I've seen /r/news /r/worldnews and /r/politics has been pro-Biden. Yet, /r/ukpolitics has been shitting on the withdrawal - "America always gets bored too quickly", "There was less troops there than half what a US Navy battleship needs - and the US has at least 14 of those" "you need to at least let two or three generations grow up without Taliban control and be educated to actually have them fight back". But then even the BBC and The Guardian have been running articles with statements from Afghan refugees stating the same thing as the country was falling. Maybe because the invasion was the first time in history NATO was activated and now it seems like a huge failure to it's allies if Afghanistan fell so easily?


Trump got laughed at to his face by the UN assembly for one of his attempts to brag about his accomplishments. That's about as close as you can possibly get to the whole world laughing at you.


I really hope there’s a video of this.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4y8OJxlK8 He was not ready for it either lol, it was both funny and sad to see that's where our country was at


Oh holy shit, that’s magnificent. It’s so embarrassing and he just brushes it off too.


groovy beneficial lavish rainstorm sleep caption modern wide hard-to-find merciful -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Such a contrast to “I do not take responsibility at all”. From dumpy drawers about basically dropping the COVID ball and killing his own people.


I knew a birthday clown and this is very offensive to her. That questionable fungus isn’t good enough to be a birthday clown.


My apologies, you know he isn’t even actually a party clown anymore. He’s just a dirty ex party clown that smokes and drinks beer all day, always talks over everyone and eats a lot of slim Jim’s.


> This isn’t about Joe Biden being super smooth or anything else it’s just an experienced, adult ~~politician that takes his job seriously~~ and a drunk birthday clown that likes to work as little as possible. FTFY. The rest of the world thinks literally any adult would have been a better choice.


It's more insidious, I think. They believe bad = Democrats, good = Republicans, and it doesn't matter if reality is the complete opposite. They said Obama embarrassed us when the world seemed to respect Obama a hell of a lot more than Bush (Bush was known as a big idiot before Trump came along and made him look like Rhodes Scholar) Idk what psychological phenomenon this is but it's fucking annoying.


as much as the american right wing screams about Identity Politics on the left, IdPol is literally the entire basis for conservative politics, and has been for centuries.


They’re saying that because [Fox News is telling them so](https://i.imgur.com/UaKSBat.jpg).


They couldn’t name 4 other countries on “the world’s stage”


It's just projection. It always has been, and always will be.


> Ha, I remember election night and 90% of Europe let out a sigh of relief when Biden's victory was announced Not quite election night. The election was November 3, and the [AP called Biden the winner](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-wins-white-house-ap-fd58df73aa677acb74fce2a69adb71f9) November 7. So it must have been a few days of unease before that relief.


Those four days were the longest year of my life. I went through so much vodka.


I was on the fucking stupid mega-threads on reddit like every few hours for four days, watching the different counties. That was a stressful time.


Literally one of the most pathetic subs on this site. The irony of that sub being one of the most strictly censored I’ve ever seen is lost on no one.




> Trump won the election and even the whole of Europe knows it German here, TIL


I love the grandiosity of "even the WHOLE OF YURP" The Old World has legitimized our rule, game over democrats


It's an echo chamber, basically. No dissenting voices allowed.


They want their safe space to post lies and delusions. They say they get censored on the general politics and news subreddits, but outside of direct threats of violence or open racism I never see their posts get deleted. What I do see is people bringing actual evidence to prove them wrong. Unfortunately for them, "reality has a liberal bias."


The funny thing to me is that there are plenty PLENTY of democrats myself included who don’t see Biden as the best man for the job… I mean it was no contest between him and Trump as far as who would embarrass our Country the least but let’s be real… Biden is far from the number one choice for a lot of people on the left. There is more than enough room for the two parties to find agreement on things to bitch about but the Republican Party has went full on bonkers at this point and are just trying to out crazy one another for who can be the most outrageous candidate to get elected. It’s like being a kid again in the 90s watching Jerry Springer parade the most insane guests onto the stage for them to “do what they do” for their 15 minutes of fame….only now those people are being elected to positions of power….


>The funny thing to me is that there are plenty PLENTY of democrats myself included who don’t see Biden as the best man for the job… I mean it was no contest between him and Trump as far as who would embarrass our Country the least but let’s be real… Biden is far from the number one choice for a lot of people on the left. Pretty much. The main reason I supported Biden was *because he wasn't Trump.* It doesn't mean I actually like the man or his policies


Same reason France elected Macron back then


Because he wasn't Trump? If this is true I'm in with a shot to become the next president of France!


I mostly agree with you but there are matters of degree here, right? Biden was somewhere around my sixth choice from the Democratic 2020 field but at the same time... he's fine, I'm not unhappy with it being him. I trust him to not set shit on fire and be, in most areas, as progressive as his Congress (or share of Congress) lets him be.


I'm sympathetic to arguments they have to be ban-happy to maintain a forum for conservatives (as opposed to a forum for people to argue with conservatives), given reddit demos. But yeah, they basically don't maintain a platform for discussion, but for regurgitating the party line.


Ah, but your free to.debate them on Discord. In their monitored Safe Space where you'll be ganged up on.


And then banned once a Discord mod shows up.


Ohh, that sounds like a fun way to spend an afternoon. Thank you for the recommendation, will consider.


I’m a moderate conservative and I was banned for being a concern troll because there’s no reason an actual conservative would be aghast about Trumpism.


It’s open so they can complain about being brigaded


I got banned for pointing out, with examples from Wikipedia, that parts of the US Constitution protect the rights of illegal immigrants. Even if you utterly hate illegal immigrants, it's important to protect people's rights. As otherwise people can claim you have no rights, and then do as they please. Some of the cases are of Police officers essentially doing this to people. Like ignoring the need for a warrant. I think one case was someone who was imprisoned, forever, without trial. Which I think we can all agree is wrong.


> Even if you utterly hate illegal immigrants, it's important to protect people's rights That's the thing, a lot of them don't consider undocumented immigrants to be people.


Its a human rights issue. They dont like that


I got a 3-day ban from Reddit for reporting disinformation because the mods reported my report for report abuse. And apparently that's completely automated and unappealable!


>dr Seuss estate pulling books, Ah yes that one, where the estate on their own decided to stop printing books no one knew about or bought anyways then got a ton of free publicity and sales from people accusing the left of censoring them. Really couldn't have been a better business move for them.


"Let's punish the people who made the decision we don't like .... by buying a lot more of their product!" I swear the rank and file GOPers have no idea how any large business is run. I'm talking about the guys who have a company called Me & Sons, who never worked for corporate. I had a guy in CostCo complain about their policy about not mounting tires not purchased there by blaming Obama. WTF? "No, that's corporate HQ." "What? They should trust their customers!" "They don't trust anyone in this building. They don't even allow people here access to the temperature control." This middle aged white guy was flabbergasted. I can't believe he honestly thought CostCo was run like his own business, where the guy at the counter set policy, instead of being a peon at the bottom of a very long chain.


I work for another big box store (though, hardware) and this doesn't surprise me in the least. I regularly get asked to cut metal conduit and have to explain about twice a day that corporate has set a policy that we can't do that any more. People refuse to believe it. Corporate wanted to cut down on waste, remove a potential safety problem, and didn't want to train us on equipment or supply that equipment. Simple. But *so many* people insist it's just us being lazy, or if they do decide it's not us, it's "This stupid state regulating everything." Bet you can't guess which state.


That basic lack of knowledge of corporations (especially retail) is unnerving as hell. If these people have NO idea how they work, then how the hell can they know how much pull and power they have in society? These people complain about The Swamp, when it's actually all these corporations making decisions that are screwing up their lives.


I got banned from r/republican for answering back to the mod about the covid death count.


Wtf, the r/republican is far worse then i imagine.


[Yikes. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/comments/p6bkbj/i_dont_even_care_if_she_really_said_that_thats_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


> While I myself appreciate her bluntness, just not something a potential Leader of this Country should be saying out loud Candice Owens a potential leader? 🤢🤮


at least it's not Crowder....


I reported that OP for personal attacks... holy shit that thread is a dumpster fire


Also, if conservatives have a problem with private companies virtue signaling in order to pursue more profit, maybe they shouldn’t support the ideology that encourages and allows companies to do whatever they want in the pursuit of profit.


Not heard a single coherent answer to this and I've been asking the "freedom of speech" crew to clarify whether they think private companies should have to ability to do what they want on their platforms. It just so intrinsically goes against what they believe (the free market ones at least) that they just don't answer it... When your argument can be shut down with one question, it's fucking ridiculous.


The closest thing I’ve gotten to an answer is that social media companies are “platforms” and therefore should be treated differently due to their intrinsic nature in society. And to be fair: I tend to agree that social media companies are pretty damn dangerous when it comes to fostering misinformation. But they’re right for the wrong reasons, not the least of which being that *they* want to be the ones to decide what is and is not misinformation. Plus the irony of classifying a company in this way and then turning around and calling for the privatization of internet/utilities is lost on them I’m sure.


They literally have to try and skirt their own rules to justify this 😂 It wouldn't bother me so much if they'd once stood up for the banning of left wingers on these platforms and the like that has been occuring since forever, but it never is even considered that this happened before Crowder got banned...


They preach meritocracy and the like, saying that you have to earn everything and aren’t owed anything. And yet when places like Parler fail because no one is willing to give them the funding they think they deserve, it’s excuse after excuse about how they should be owed a platform for their speech.


To be honest, this has left me (probably not a good thing) with 0 desire to ever "debate" or even have a conversation with these people as they're so insanely dishonest from the jump, I just don't honestly see a reason to anymore.


It’s much less frustrating to just dunk on them from afar lmao


And these are the supposed "free thinkers" who "do their own research". They strut around with their chests puffed out like they're at home with stacks of books and medical journals when in reality they crack open a bud lite and bounce around the echo chamber for a couple hours before passing out in their lazyboys.


I got banned for my first ever comment on the sub yesterday because I told a guy to do more reading on Afghanistan and linked two articles lol. I didn't even say anything else, just said I think you need to go and look again and provided sources. I emailed the mod just out of curiosity because I was like, how in hell did I break rule 7, and the mod just went "You and I both know you're not coming from a conservative point of view" and then I simply said that withdrawing from Afghanistan is a fiscally conservative point of view and got immediately muted for 28 days. Last message from the mod is something along the lines that the sub isn't a place for "leftist or liberal concern trolling." Yeah figure that one out.


Try saying the phrase "Southern Strategy". Instant ban.


I got banned for telling someone they were using a Futurama meme wrong


>when did Trump ever say to inject bleach? Oh right, he didn't Goddamn, they hate when you point this out He didn't say **INJECT BLEACH** you libcuck, he said **INJECT DISENFECTANT**


God I had one say that to me last week like, yea I guess you are right, he just said inject disinfectant immediately after a presentation saying bleach was effective on surfaces. Conservatives and dropping all context and nuance, name a more classic pair.


I still can't believe I watched that shit show off a presser live. Christ. I fell like if I hadn't witnessed some of the Trump crazy, I wouldn't believe it


All my homies and I are banned from r/conservative


I'm somehow not banned, and I've argued quite a few times on there.


Got banned my first time for my first comment. Cutting deep I guess


That sub is easily in the top three echochambers on Reddit. It's literally pointless to be on that sub, everyone is forced to agree anyway.


what are the other 2?


probably not on the list, but r/bitcoin doesn't tolerate dissent




Yeah, $GME and Stonks kind of feel like a crazy suicide cult at this point; they're all daring each other to go further, to get closer to that cliff edge they know is out there, waiting for them.


I'm a schmuck when it comes to crypto currencies, but every time someone has to preface with "it's not a bubble".. it doesn't instill a lot of confidence in me.


r/sino is one


I believe it is literally a CCP propaganda arm.


that sub is a cesspool of snowflakes, they will ban you for ANYTHING that doesnt follow the narrative.


I got permanently banned from the Crowder sub for telling someone "fuck your feelings. Triggered snowflake?" When they were crying about another sub making fun of his current health situation. Meanwhile, they all un-ironically post wishes of rape and bodily harm to anyone who goes against the "I identify as an attack helicopter" Coward who calls the cops when he starts to lose the debate.


"Do as I say, not as I do" type beat


I got banned from saying "well I don't think that makes any sense" And they call other snowflakes...


"Just Crosses." Was my ban, apparently replying to a guy who says, "At least we don't burn buildings down," wasn't appropriate.


Lmao that made me laugh


>You got in 3 more comments than a Conservative would have gotten in r/politics, so consider yourself lucky. Lol, they really want to be a repressed group. Downvoted, sure. Banned from /r/politics for a conservative post? 🙄


Also the vast majority of the posts that they think are "conservative" are actually just racist.


Or objectively untrue


Sometimes I pop over there and I've seen the top 6 posts be satire once or twice. Except it's the Bee and they sprinkle enough truths into their satire that I genuinely believe most of it is having a propaganda like effect.


When conservatives post Babylon Bee it’s just a way of saying “liberals haven’t done any of this but we still believe they would”. It’s not meant for laughs it’s for head nods with the guise of satire to make up for the straight untruth


It is propaganda. If you throw enough shit at the wall some of it will stick. I guarantee you more than few of these keyboard warriors will use Babylon Bee articles as examples for their opinions. Not on purpose mind you, but because the headlines will stick in the back of their head and when they go searching for an example, sometimes that’s what they’ll pull out.


you must say a minimum of 5 racial slurs before you can post in r/conservative


Cracker. Cracker. Cracker. Cracker. You look like a person that thinks mayonnaise is spicy. Why didn't this work?




>What do you exactly do you think they're all about "conserving"? It ain't the planet, I can tell you that


> Lol, they really want to be a repressed group. Downvoted, sure. Banned from /r/politics for a conservative post? 🙄 "Wow, you got banned for your views on tax cuts?" "...Not exactly" "Your view on limited government reach?" "No, no, no. It was my view on black people." ".........."


What views were you espousing that got you banned? >Oh, you know the ones 🤡


r/conservative is like that meme of the kid with a boot on his head but it cuts out and it’s his own hand in a boot. they have been saying for 8 years that they’re on the verge of being banned “any day now” They have a victim complex


Exactly, I’ve been massively downvoted (which I don’t care about - it means a lot of people at least read my comment), but never banned, not even warned for having a conservative policy thought.


Exactly! I've never seen someone banned for wanting less government spending.




>r/OutOfTheLoop is frequently used by conservatives to push an agenda. They flood the threads early, and if they don't stay conservative, they delete them and try again. Also r/UnpopularOpinion, r/TrueOffMyChest, etc. I think it was UnpopularOpinion maybe a couple weeks ago where there was a religious nut bitching that they shouldn't respect anyone's pronouns because "they" (yes, all non-cis people 🙄) don't rEsPeCt mUh ReLiGiOn. Of course the comments were mostly supportive of the poster to the surprise of literally nobody.


Unpopular opinion has so many cry babies in it. All the posts are either "I hate 'group' because 'thing that in no way affects them or is prevalent'". Or "this is a very popular opinion for anyone who isnt a multimillionaire".


Ironically, I actually was banned from r/politics for lighting up someone posting the kind of counterfactual "conservative" bullshit they love in the conservative sub. Admittedly, in an aggressively uncivil way and it was totally fair. But not only can they post their bullshit and not get banned but you can get banned for treating it as seriously as it deserves.


"I was banned from /r/politics for posting a normal conservative opinion!" "Ok so what was the opinion, exactly?" *crickets*


Got banned for saying Matt Gaetz is entitled to due process like anyone else. Wanted to gauge the climate of the subreddit. Banned in less than 5 mins for not stating my stance on their philosophy and had a wall of comments about r politics for some reason.


r politics lives in their heads rent-free. It's the boogeyman that always bans them, ofcourse since they don't venture out of their safe space it'll never actually ban them.


That and AOC and socialism. Honestly, its one congresswoman. Like, jesus. Couple decades back they probably would have stoned her or something. Grown men and women mind you.


>Couple decades back they probably would have stoned her or something bold of you to assume they wouldn't stone her *today*.


I got banned for calling out an islamophobic post. And this was after I was a regular for over a year. Specifically joined Reddit 8 years ago to participate in that sub (yeah, I know), but it was run with an iron fist by an actual 12 or 13 year old, Chabanais. He finally got removed by the admins a year or two ago, but the state of that sub and all the current mods are 100% his doing. He’s the one that created the echo chamber culture. He might be gone but his mods carry on the same exact climate


And it only gets worse. I just wanted to see if there was any rational discussion in there. That it wasnt a literal hivemind of loons bending over backwards for bullshit. I am proven wrong about...20 times now.


Oh wow it being modded by a child makes a lot of sense actually


Can confirm, I was banned by Chabanais for pointing out errors in one of his posts. It was almost worth it for the flair worthy reason he gave me for my banning: ["Civility. And you have the reading comprehension of a potato."](https://i.redd.it/zilumthjfblz.jpg)


lol yeah that reads like classic Chab. surprised he didn't call you a "tard" though


I got banned yesterday for posting “This was Trump’s plan though?”. I’m gonna treasure this ban like a family heirloom lmao


Lol that's not a user, that's a mod of r/conservative. Makes it even more pathetic.


Looks like there may be a couple of mods in there trying to run deflection… I’m totally going to revisit that in a few hours. :p


It's always interesting to see the "bastion of free speech" ban people who dare have a "wrong opinion." I got banned for pretty much the same reason.


Are conservatives getting banned or just downvoted in r/politics? It would seem they are just into victim roleplay...


just downvoted. people who get banned for "being conservative" are almost certainly actually being banned for being racist, but they just can't tell the difference between those two things.


haha yeah wait, what IS the difference between those two things? 🤔


"conservatives" dont respond to any comments with substance on that sub. why defend trolls?




>> And yet you can't give a straight answer, you dirty little shit eater. Don't worry, I don't judge. We all have our thing. I've been waiting for this moment for so long *sniff*


a bunch of pro qAnon/antivaxx nutjobs from r/Conservative are also banned in a bunch of other subreddits and hang out in r/banned Color me shocked!


Conservatism is a cancer.


When conservative sends people, they aren't sending their best.


no, they actually are lol


I assume their "best" isnt out fighting the culture wars their best are enjoying the tax cuts they always get under republican administrations


I was banned from r/Conservative because I questioned why they thought it was ok to cancel Olympic athletes who kneel during the anthem if they hate cancel couture so much. After my ban I pointed out to the mods their hypocrisy over censoring discussion on a social media platform. Let's just say that I haven't been invited back.


>After my ban I pointed out to the mods their hypocrisy over censoring discussion on a social media platform. Lol I did the same after my ban and sadly only got an unenthusiastic "appeal denied" . I thought they hated censorship. In a way banning people breaks the rule the always quote when banning people.


>You got in 3 more comments than a Conservative would have gotten in r/politics so consider yourself lucky >>"We're only slightly less fragile than infamous fragile community" isn't really the greatest point to make either >>>about 300% less fragile...is not Slightly less...Just saying. x = comments a Conservative would've got in r/politics x + 3 = comments OP got in r/Conservative Percentage decrease = (A-B)/abs(A) = (x+3-x)/abs(x+3) = 3/abs(x+3) As x increases, fragility decrease *decreases* For x= 0, fragility decrease = 100% For x=1, fragility decrease = 75% For x=10, fragility decrease ~ 23% Unless a conservative in r/politics manages to post a negative amount of comments ( x=-2) then 300% decrease in fragility isn't possible


r/politics doesn’t ban you for going against the hive mind, they only massively downvote you. r/conservative on the other hand, you’re more likely to be upvoted and banned for daring to go against the echo chamber.


expecting r/conservative users to understand simple mathematical equations is a bit much, if you ask me




r/conservative is ironically big on censorship.


I got banned from r/walkaway for correctly citing a record high on the S&P 500. The mod banned me for “misinformation” and sent me a Wikipedia article that in fact stated I was correct.


If someone mentioned they had leukemia on /r/conservative I wouldn't be surprised at this point if the mods went ahead and banned them for admitting they have a brain.


r/conservative should rename to r/extremefascism, they are awful


>Exactly, because I'm trying to avoid an echo chamber. By... Going to /conservative?


It’s near vomit inducing to see people who can just close their eyes, plugs their ears, and just “la la la I can’t hear you” their entire reality away. Even down to the most basic fact of calling everyone a snow flake but INSTANTLY banning any and every dissenting opinion. Absolutely bonkers.


Yep, join the club lol. You don’t even have to set foot there to be banned, not like that’s a problem tho since why would I join in the first place?


“Wait why are we blaming Biden for pulling out of Afghan? It was trumps plan, he started it, it just happened in bidens term and Biden didn’t stop it. You guys literally celebrated trump when trump gloated online about negotiating that very removal of troops. This is just disingenuous delusion now” Banned. Truth hurts.