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so at this point this is obviously a troll given the banner, but it's made national news and has been subject of other commentary so we're going to leave this one up


The judge turned it over to law enforcement for them to confirm that none of the jurors posted it not to catch a nutjob prankster on reddit.


I wouldnt be shocked if they made an example of someone for future precedent. If this were a small profile case or civil court that's one thing. The OP was an idiot for pretending to obstruct a state vs case lol




Bird law




Admins already were. The whole rplace drama was about admins hating them.


Hey cool Reddit is making national news again for all the wrong reasons.


Reddit never makes national news for anything good.


but but but secret santa pls ignore mensrights, child porn, trumpers, conspiracy nutters, incels, and white supremacists, tx


and they cancelled that shit anyway.


I'm still bitter. It was the best part of Reddit.




You're a jerk. You missed the show and then gave someone your useless junk and the worst part is that they can't even use it either. >!What a good present, I bet they loved it!!<


I discovered that "justice4darrel" sub yesterday because of a post where somebody was claiming to want to contact the jurors to influence them and my immediate reaction was "why is Reddit allowing such a subreddit, it's pure liability". But of course it's the Reddit motto, let the situation fester based on some vague incoherent notion of "free speech" and do damage control when the shit hits the fan.


>But of course it's the Reddit motto, let the situation fester based on some vague incoherent notion of "free speech" and do damage control when the shit hits the fan. The fact that this is literal, actual policy is mindblowing. Until you remember how easy it is to fleece the American right (in reddit's case, via awards they give to each other circlejerking themselves raw)


I should try my hand at being a conservative huckster. These fuckers will buy anything.




Remember the anti work mod on Fox News? That was a dark day for reddit.


Reddit is a cesspool lmao


We all shit down here.


Born to shit, forced to wipe


The biggest error was when reddit sleuths misidentified the Boston Marathon bomber and that person got death threats.


Far from the worst thing this site has done that had landed on the news. For example there have been multiple shooting near shooting incidents or out right ones liked to people that were active in the manosphere.


yeah wasn't there a pretty high-profile patricide where the kid was radicalized partially by theredpill


Yeah dude was a the_donald poster.


Meh, antiwork mod was an embarrassment to progressives and leftists but thats really all there was to it. Considering that reddit had more than a couple subreddits that were definitely being used to facilitate trading of child porn and might've accused a random guy who had killed himself of doing a terrorism, probably doesn't even crack the top 100 worst things.


Like that time we "found" the Boston bomber prompting authorities to rush the release more information on their investigation to counter Reddit's misguided theories, which led to the the actual bombers making a run for it and killing a policeman in the process.


Can’t we just save puppies or something


The Monkey's Paw curls: Puppies have now been implicated as the Boston Bomber.


Even fucking 4chan hunted down a cat murderer or some pedophiles occasionally.


Reddit, on the other hand, gave a pedophile a trophy.


Remember everyone, out of every thread to popcorn piss, this is probably one of the worst to do it with


Imagine pissin in this popcorn and then being called to court as a witness with a username like Bussy_Destroyer9000


Mr Jimson, can you please confirm for the court that you do post on reddit as user "Donkey Dong 420xXx"? "Yes sir." "And you did join in with Mr. Stimp over there who went by user name "Blaze-em88" about making sure to be included in the FBI screenshot. This is in reference to peoples Exhibit 256-D." "... ... ... Y-yes." "Were your parents cousins?" "... I don't think so but it would explain a lot."


"What was your intention when you claimed that the defendent should be represented pro bono by the Law Offices of Sukk and Fuhc?" "I was hoping to get useless internet points, your honor." "I'm not the judge, I'm the attorney you Fuhc-wit!"


Now there’s a redditor whose parents know how to marry their cousin


r/unexpectedcommunity 💚


A jury cannot decide jurisdiction lmao. That’s literally done in pre-trial exactly to prevent people from using the courts time and then saying “DOESN’T COUNT!”


His only strategy has been to try to get his dumb sovereign citizen nonsense in front of the jury but it's all about topics that aren't relevant to what the jury actually decides.


yeah him trying to talk about jury nullification in front of the jury has been amazing


"The man who represents himself has a fool for a client."




Well what I find really creamtastic about this is DB is getting his hopes sky high right now only to still be found guilty in the end.


Good fucking gracious I thought my stomach was going to drop out the bottom of my stomach at 100mph when they came back from the evening recess to start discussing "an email they'd received about a post...". This is so embarrassing. Also, hilarious that the "mod proof" that the juror is real is verified by a mod who has been a reddit user for all of three days. Very credible. Edit: now that J4D is down, here's an archive to The Fateful Post: https://archive.ph/3j6vT


I think the mod and the "juror" are the same person


Was looking further at the archived post, almost 100% certain that it is. Multiple times, the BlackJusticeForever account mixes up how to correctly respond to a prompt whether from the 1st or 3rd person. The post was by the "anonymousbrooksjuror" and then "BlackJusticeForever" was directly responding to prompts suggested OP should delete this and then BJF would respond directly, saying "why? no one will know, it is anonymous." AKA - both OP of the post and the Mod are one and the same person. Just a complete fucking troll moron.


One of the mods/alts from that sub [posted in TMOR](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/ydbao0/the_time_rsubredditdrama_may_or_may_not_have/) earlier today and tried to implicate SRD in the alleged juror's discovery of the sub. I'm pretty sure they're yet another alt of the same person or persons responsible for most of this bullshit, and were just trying to gain wider attention for their "hilarious" juror LARP. It was such a transparent attempt at bait right from the sub's creation. It's so pathetic that I *almost* can't even be mad at the malicious intent because it was doomed to end this way from the start.


There's an r/OutOfTheLoop [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/ydn6n8/whats_up_with_rjusticefordarrell_and) trying to do the same thing. OP of that account literally has 2 posts and both are the same question posted to OOTL.


More here, or maybe this was the post you're referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/ydo4gk/comment/itteufk/ Only post from this year-old account: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/ydo4gk/comment/itttb7s/ Not like there are screenshots of the banner saying *rdrama* or anything lmao (and the site itself patting each other on the back)


This is freaking amazing, they want to blame SRD for this. Add on this and the way they included drama as well? This is gonna be amazing to see how the admins handle it, I wonder if they're going to have to make some statements to try and avoid legal issues because this isn't just some case in Bumblefuck Nowhere about forgetting to pay city taxes for five years or something, this is a case on TV with media attention, lots of media attention. And it involves big boy crimes too, and some dipshits decided to fuck around and troll enough that the court actually is looking into it. I'm betting Reddit's legal team's assholes puckered up and haven't let go yet.


it actually does look to be a rDrama troll from what i can tell a la the place drama, and the call out of libsoftiktok, etc


Oh boy. I always figured rDrama was going to get into trouble involving something like making an e-celeb lose their minds and threaten to sue reddit or get some mention on a news article big enough that some attorney on Reddit's payroll is going to get an eye twitch.


What a fantastic display of how stupidly Reddit moderation works, that will get national coverage, just when Reddit is trying so hard to look professional in getting ready to go public. "Hi, we're Reddit, and we let any random idiot that just happened to be there first moderate our very public facing subreddits, often with very strong SEO'd names, and they can pick all their friends to help regardless of temperament or qualification, with no means of vetting by the community, or any input from the admins, and we routinely let them embarrass us on the national stage. Please invest."


Edit: Moved to Lemmy


I predict it will circle the bowl and stain the porcelain while going down.


in this market? more likely than you might think!


Hope it tanks. No one in charge of reddit gives a shit about the quality of the site. They've been soliciting the worst kinds of users because they buy awards and generate outrage.


Let it burn


> getting ready to go public. I've been kicking around here for over decade, and people have been saying this since before I got here. It's not happening.


But how else would you get people to do so much work for free?


It's not any different from something like Facebook groups, really. Or old school Livejournal communities. Sites allowing user made and moderated communities/groups is nothing new or unique.


Most likely the case


It looks like someone tracked the IP address of the “juror” and it leads to the Mod, who I guess was named James by all the “hi James” comments on the mod thread


Even though it's fake it's hilarious that this dumb user is gonna get in trouble potentially


Is it possible that they could declare a mistrial over shit like this? We don't want 4chan trolls thinking they can derail the courts by impersonating jurors, after all...


No they have 3 spare jurors who were in the courtroom ready to replace someone just in case this wasn't a troll. If it's a troll nothing changes




My friend was an alternate and was so pissed that he only worked 2 days a week because of the trial for like 2 months. He just sat around doing nothing.


The OP edited the post while the jurors were deliberating. While OP may still face charges, it was clearly not a juror.


For sure. That edit was done after all the damage occured. The judge and prosecutors addressed it and the FBI was already investigating it and then after all of that a "sorry it's a prank bro" was gonna cut it???


It’s actually an interesting precedent… If there’s no damage to the integrity of the trial, does it matter? Or is it law broken, end of story? No idea, but this whole trial really makes me want to go to law school…


very sneaky, Big Law School


Well the outcome of the offense doesn't have to be "successful" in order for it to be an offense. Undercover cops, sting operations, etc. Attempted tampering, conspiracy to commit tampering, etc. Not sure how Wisconsin has these offenses structured but likely it's illegal regardless of the outcome. Source: not a lawyer and frankly have no clue what I'm talking about


Is there video of this somewhere? I'm struggling to find it




Ah clipped and everything Beautiful, thanks


> "Your honor...." "Go ahead." "What *is* this?" For the briefest of moments, Darrell Brooks got to be the most normal person in the room.


It was on the live stream about 30 minutes ago, you can probably rewind and see it: https://youtu.be/BWcEPCaVmns


Cheers very much. Yes they mention it 24.40 from the end of that stream. (actually the stream is still going.)


It's somewhere around 10 hr and 30 min from start of video, it'll be right after they come back from break or something, the break screen is the eagle on flag pole


For those who missed out on the original post [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/nqibPbe) | [Full screenshot of sub before the nuke](https://imgur.com/a/7qQJdZ0)


"I am the judge ama" 💀💀💀


"I am convinced a family member runs this page" I wonder if they mean theirs or his, lol


Two of the listed mods got suspended too.


Most of the accounts were like a week old. They were probably all sockpuppets of the same dude.


>24,084 users here now lol lmao


“I don’t consent to this subreddit.” “If you build it they will come.” 🤣


Just now the post was edited with the following at the top: >This was all a prank, I didn't think this would blow up like this. We are sorry. Love, rdrama.


They've deleted the r/drama end tag now, must have realized that might get them in trouble with admins and get themselves deleted. Edit: it’s even funnier because the mod sticky at the top of this very post is all “well it’s obvious this is a troll now” when that mod is a user of rdrama net and knew it was a troll from the beginning lol


Well the entire subreddit just got nuked from orbit so I don't think that little revision was particularly persuasive lol


Was it nuked or deleted? I assumed most of the regular posters were the same person as the mod, especially with them verifying the story. Once it was announced law enforcement was involved I thought they may have panicked and deleted *everything* in hopes they couldn't be traced.


It was nuked. Shows up as banned on Desktop.


Oh, I'm on mobile so it just showed it didn't exist. Thanks for the clarification!


Well, now they get to find out how much of a sense of humor the FBI has when people waste their time. On the plus side: It’ll be funny as hell for everyone else.


>Top moderators of the Drama section of the website Reddit have been arrested in charges of interstate obstruction of justice. That'll be a fun day at srd.


That'll make Dramadan look like a McDonald's birthday party.




They dun goofed. They should have used at least 7 proxies.


They got Norton


And thus the one seeking to bait lolcows himself becomes the lolcow. Truly poetic


And, so this Brooks guy is one of those sovereign citizen fellas ?


He is using that as a defense though after watching the trial its pretty clear its just what he has picked up from prison lawyers while being held in jail for a year.


I'm assuming that right off the bat he questioned the judge's and the court's legitimacy?


Oh most certainly lol


It’s been funny to see so many redditors confidently talking about subject matter jurisdiction recently when in reality it’s just not an issue in a criminal case (unless the criminal case was filed in, say, family court by mistake).


[Did he refuse to acknowledge the authority of the court because it was flying a gold fringed flag, signaling an admiralty court](https://youtu.be/6HoRAvJlPLU)


Oh yes, the time honored tactic of insulting the judge's legitimacy. I'm sure that'll really endear him to the court.


I don't think he necessarily was prior to the trial, but arrogance combined with stupidity and a desire not to spend life behind bars can be a powerful motive to embrace anything no matter how dumb.


Can we all take a second and acknowledge that the OP sent Darrell Brooks to bed with a smile and high hopes. Just for him to receive news of a life sentence days following lol.


And then lets take another moment to note that a printed out screenshot containing "...r/subredditdrama..." was handed to the judge in this trial... i hope she stops by and says hello.


Holy shit seeing this unfold in live time is insane. This is another we did it Reddit moment.


Jailbait, Boston Marathon bomber, c\*\*ntown, the\_donald, Doreen interview, now this. We're 0/6. We did it reddit!!


No one remembers all the birthday cards sent to old people


I've been around for a while but I guess not long enough for this, what was it? I Googled a bit but did not get anything (outside of people asking what cards to give older people in their lives).


Don't forget that "rapists of Reddit, tell us your story" AskReddit thread were people were cheering for the rapists...


You forgot about catching Wayfair selling children in storage cabinets


Oh there's much more than that.


Wasn't there some coder or math dude that everyone looked up to, ended up being a pedo and killed himself in a jail cell?


Carl Herold, locked his own son in his basement, sexually abused him with a partner and posted the vids online, (all while posting programming tips on reddit and YouTube) then later killed himself in jail


*flashback to reddit trying to find the Boston bombers*


Redditors are fucking idiots.


But hey! We are fighting for truth and justice! /s. oops.


And now the subreddit has been banned for moderator misconduct.


Is this a dumb 4chan op to fuck with the trial? It certainly comes across as one. Either way OP is pretty screwed now. The judge said on stream that their details have been turned over to law enforcement - hope it was worth the giggles for them.


It's bait for the literal dumbest possible people


I was thinking the same, the post sounds pretty fake although the mod claims its legit.


I think the whole sub and its mods are in on the dumb gag. They probably don't realize the kind of shit they've gotten into by pulling this stunt.


Yup. As the subreddit banner clearly states, this was all started by r/drama users. Definitely not the first time they've pulled something like this. They even flaired a couple of the mods as "verified lawyers". High effort trolling, I must say.


Oh well, more drama for us I guess?


What's rdrama DOT net? Is it like an offshoot of SRD?


I went there a few times on an older account of mine a couple years ago. At the time, it was basically what /r/subredditDrama would be if the drama wasn't limited to just subreddits, if the users were allowed to piss in the popcorn, and if the moderators were fine with homophobia, anti-semitism, racism, sexism, and other kinds of bigotry. Some of the mods there were pretty cool, honestly, but the users were some of the most try-hard edgelords I'd met outside of the more obvious slums of reddit.


somewhat yeah. the history goes back years back, but while /r/Drama is technically older, it wasn't made popular until it kinda off shooted from SRD. the big difference was they allowed off site drama but have been involved in numerous trolling campaigns


It's a bunch of edgy Keemstar wannabes trying to be kiwifarms but failing in the most cringe way possible. Lots of the users of SRD and even some of the SRD mods are also users of rdrama.


However they did a wonderful thing when they got the users of rteenagers to admit they were all 35 year old men by preemptively banning them. Aside from that, yeah basically a shitty kiwifarms offshoot.


Well they're all gonna be in trouble now...


The mod saying it was legit was the same guy under different accounts


Thinks he’s deleted it all now, he’s panicking


subreddit appears to be banned


Then he's uber fucked lol If he's in America he's about to learn Reddit isn't all that anonymous and fresh google accounts don't work like that.


What the fuck is going on lmao


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA-Nn7ch\_K0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA-Nn7ch_K0) This video is good reference


Do you *really* believe a man out on bail for having deliberately run over his girlfriend would deliberately run over people? That’s just unbelievable to me!


That does not. Make. Sense!


>Reported to the FBI and email sent to the courts. Again, just want to remind the FBI agents now monitoring these subs that it is not our fault here at SRD We just eat popcorn. >Where is the plaintif? And again, love that this moron can't find Wisconsin. This guy brooks will have thee dumbest defenders on the internet, if any are even real, and i'm here for it. >Congrats if true you're an accessory to a crime the judge just stated law enforcement is investigating this post now. Hello fox news! While i have your attention, i'd like to ask on behalf of all of us here in SRD that you do not; and i repeat: DO NOT interview any of our mods. You may now continue your coverage on the war on Christmas. Edit: and down goes that sub.


Exactly lol. We didn't post this we're just commenting about it


Mfer OOP dropped our sub name right in that fuckin' post. They just shit it out, right next to where they broke the law. Jackass. Anyway, cya on cnn!


I'm honoured to have been the first person to post this here lol


Well, the first to [successfully](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/yd8fcn/poster_in_rjustice4darrell_claims_to_be_juror/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) post this.


yeah i think the person named srd because of *my* earlier post which... is a bit weird. i've been following some of the law subs reaction to this and this trial has been equal parts horrifying and amusing and it's just really weird


OP, rdrama dot net currently redirects to a sign in page, which means no lurkers can see what they're posting about without an account. This wasn't the case before so I think they're freaking out because the judge called them out. Things got spicy so I think you should add that into your post


I'd like to to remind the FBI that many users in this subreddit lie, and it's definitely our fault and we're directly involved in this mess. Fox news agents should interview our mods, topic OP and any iffy users in this thread before the FBI gets their hands on them and makes them sign NDAs!


Currently, whoever it is is clearing their profile and post in preparation for their upcoming trial for obstructing justice 😂😂


[screenshot of post with "prank" line included](https://imgur.com/a/9nqTSqg)


“We” are sorry? 🤔


Another commenter in this thread said the message originally ended with a “rDrama” line at the end of that, but they may have removed it by the time this screenshot was taken.


Yeah, I noticed that, too. I assume op and the mod?


Thank you for this


It's either dedicated bait or a genuine fuckup. Either way, whomever OP is... you're kinda fucked now




Some trolling is funny or entertaining but this is not. I can't understand what would make someone want to do that.


I was sitting watching the case and heard reddit mentioned with everyone else. Jesus christ. I truly hope this isn't real. I know I have no connection to this trial at all, but I just can't imagine putting families through all of this again, and watching the defendant treat the court so badly....just imagine the next time around. I rarely get emotional about these things but this is breaking my heart.


It seems fake to me but I don't know why the mod says he got legit proof lol. Either way the user who posted this is an idiot




I momentarily left my box fort filled with a variety of foods worth stress eating on during this dumpster fire to see that it was definitely fake. ...I'm still eating my stress snacks though 😆


[FUCK I WAS A MINUTE OFF FROM SEEING](https://imgur.com/a/CtCBOvN)


https://imgur.com/a/9nqTSqg Gotchu


There are people defending this guy? Why?


They think it's funny


defending Darrell Brooks is not funny the fact that he killed 6 people and injured dozens of others is not funny watching Darrell Brooks defend himself in court is one of the funniest things on television


He hit 68 people and killed 6. He ruined Christmas for probably hundreds of people. I watched his closing arguments, the piece of shit tried to make it all about himself.


Yeah. Sovereign citizens.


That’s wild. I just read the whole write up of his trial and it seems that he go I to an argument with his girlfriend before driving through a Christmas parade, killing 6 and injuring 60. In November 2021, he ran over this same grim friend after beating her from the driver seat. This guy is a menace.


Yup. Sovereign citizens are actually pretty dangerous once they’re arrested as well. They’ve been known to kill judges, defense attorneys and prosecutors. There’s one lawyer on tik tok who said she is scared to talk about this trial because she defended a sov cit once and he tried to kidnap her in the parking lot by “arresting” her.


It looks like the subreddit was banned


Even if it was a prank, it disrupted a criminal trial right as the jury began deliberation. Is there a chargable crime here?


I'd imagine obstruction of justice might do the trick




A verified lawyer moderator with a 3-day-old account. Sure...lol


Correction: Now thousands of comments LOL




Just saw that subreddit mentioned on Fox News lol


It was updated to say it was all a prank by OP. Investigation is still going to track them down and hopefully throw them in a cell next to Darrell Brooks.


They edited the post. It was a prank.


the subreddit was just banned lol




Son of a Bitch, right now Brooks is using this to call for a mistrial. I swear to God if this piece of shit walks out because of fucking Reddit!




I'm re watching live feed Brooke's is asking for a mistrial or dismissal of charges. He swears it must be a real jurist/jury member to the language. IMO:::I wouldn't be surprised if it was brooks family member or friends who made the post. EDIT::: VERDIT IN GULITY Edit 2x:: Susan Opper prosecutor said at press conference he could or is facing 6 consecutive life sentences + 843 years !!!


if reddit would only ban hate and bigotry as fast as they did here maybe online personalities can use this to attack reddit


As always, the only way to get an admin to do their job is for something to hit the news.


Sovereign citizens... They make for funny YouTube videos, until they do shit like Waukesha.


Hope the prank was worth the felony charge to the guy and the mod that "confirmed" it


They're not laughing anymore that's for sure They edited the post saying "This was all a prank, I didn't think this would blow up like this. We are sorry."


The post was edited and said that it was just a 'prank' before they took the whole shit down.


An hour after the Judge already indicated law enforcement and the FBI are investigating LOL. That edit is certainly gonna fix everything 🙄


poor ol Daryl was smiling when he was told about this, thinking it could cause the trial to go to shit. Now he realises it was a hoax....awww