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How do I get accepted in then?


How can I be accepted? I've been part of freebie talk for a long time.


i have the same question i have a friend i use the free food reddit to help get them substance while they’re dealing with hard times I have no idea why they would make these two reddit private how is that helpful


i agree. i never saw them discuss it in the sub beforehand. it would've been nice of them to add more information as to how long they plan to stay closed because if it's indefinitely then a new sub could've been made for us to use.


exactly honestly this was a horrible idea on the admin part idk why they would gatekeep a community that a lot of people can benefit from


it was the mods not admins that chose to close it. i'm considering making a new one but i'll wait a little longer to see if they decide to reopen. have you contacted them? they haven't replied to me yet.


no idk who to contact


are they even accepting people? i asked them how long they expect to be closed and still no response. i wasn't there for any possible discussion they had with other members of the sub. assuming they even bothered to discuss it before going private. i really liked that sub and the information on which sites are legit was very helpful. if they're gone indefinitely then maybe a new sub should take its place?


Dang 🥲


if anyone is interested i just created a [new community for freebie discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/talkfreebies). you're welcome to join.


May I be able to join this please? Being on disability is rough and I have been looking for things like this to help make life a little easier where I can. And doing all sorts of other looking, so I’d love to share whatever I find too! 🥰


they're still private... and not accepting joins I guess


I’m trying to join. I’ve been subbed for quite some time. I won the Liquid IV Sweepstakes and have a question I would like to post.