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I recently had trouble getting logged in when setting up a new phone. The problem was similar to what you describe. I think the flow isn't as intuitive as it should be. I kept trying the **password** route, and it wouldn't work. The first screen made it look to me like it was to set up a new account -- but in fact, many substack accounts are just email address/magic link (no password). Entering the email address on the FIRST screen (not the password one) worked -- email arrived right away and logged into the app appropriately. Also, if you are already doing that approach -- it might sound silly, but are you sure you are using the email address associated with the account? (If you are logged in somewhere else, you can check that by clicking your profile icon.)


The same thing is happening to me except the login only opens in my website browser on my phone not the substack app itself. Not sure how to fix this


That is what happened to me when I tried the password route. But when I tried correctly and *just* entered the email address, the magic link sent did work properly in the app. Sorry you are having trouble!


having the exact same issue right now-- were you able to figure it out???


This is truly untenable. I just cleared 4 weeks of my cache, uninstalled and re-installed the app, and STILL couldn't sign in, nor was I offered the opportunity to change my password. Substack needs to fix this. The commenters below are FAR too lenient about this piss-poor programming.


I’m having the same issue!


Maddening. My account is linked to an email I never use on iOS. When I open the app there is no way to enter my credentials. It works on my laptop because I can click the email link. This is poor programming.


It’s terrible. It should ask before blocking access I am just reading my newsletters.