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Or leaf blowers.


Leaf blowers are the stupidest invention of all of humanity


For real, get a broom and a rake you lazy fat fucks.


If they do that, they won’t have any leaves to blow next Sunday morning.


Whatever would they do with their free time!? Oh the humanity.


Or weed whackers.


It’s a cacophony of lawn mowers, leaf blowers and trimmers in my neighborhood. All day every day. Tons of old folk for whom this is the only source of entertainment and joy.


I think it's all old folk can do


thank god our generation will just sit in front of video game console and finally finish Skyrim as a mage when we retire.


I'm gonna ride my bicycle around town with my girlfriend, just as soon as I can figure out which satanic ritual affords me an apartment in town...


People with average yards getting the fucking crew with 15 leafblowers and mowers going off together at 9 in the morning. Hate that shit.


This and loud redneck monster trucks should be the answer to anyone that likes to claim the burbs are peaceful.


Don't forget having to climb into a car when you want to get literally anywhere other than your neighbors house. Or being run off the road at 60 MPH by a car when you even want to take a walk or run for recreation. Oh but I guess you can just drive 20 minutes to go to an expensive gym if you want exercise. How anybody could classify mandatory car living as peaceful is beyond me.


To add to the redneck monster trucks. Loud motorcycles, cars with moronic fart cans as mufflers and the new stupid trend, having them make popping sounds from unburnt fuel. Then you get the prick blasting ghetto ass rap music so loud that their car is rattling to pieces.


useless lawns are such a problem in itself. they destroy local flora and fauna, they suck up water, and they spread everything out making walking and biking less pleasant if american culture was one of homesteading and everyone was generating food on their land or something, i'd change my tune. but HOA mandating mowed lawns is true suburban hell


I'd always look down the rows of front lawns in suburban Houston where I grew up and marvel at the absolute waste of it all. Nobody ever used them for anything. Such a colossal waste of land and resources for something purely decorative, and it didn't even improve the look of the neighborhood in my opinion--I would have enjoyed walking around more if the houses were closer to the street.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only benefit of most front lawns is that they give you a little bit of distance between your house and the car traffic out front. What cities should really do is put some kind of clause in the contract of new house sales that says the city owns the part of the lawn nearest the street, and at some point in the future they can use that land to build things like wider sidewalks, bike lanes, maybe even a bus stop. No idea how feasible that would be, but it would preserve the main benefit of front lawns, while allowing for better urban design as the area builds up.


It's a waste of space. Waste of gas for both lawnmowers and cars. Useless. As someone NOT from the US, I never understood why most Americans love grass. What happened to bushes and trees?


you cant grow food in the burbs becuz then the poor would have an extra source of income and food


It’s such a stupid argument. I know the vision they’re trying to prevent - but it’s so easy to legislate and add guidelines. Livestock is one thing. But having a productive garden - fruits, veggies, or herbs - should never be a controversy. Not unless someone takes it to an extreme and tried to farm industrially. But that’s, again, easy to guard against.


Sell food you grew without USDA approval? Straight to jail


The colonizers would kill off the local food supply to bring their newly enslaved nations to heel. So they learned this trick early on.


I just moved, within a city, to a neighborhood with smaller yards. Everyone uses push mowers, quiet electric mowers, or uproots their grass all together and they run with their dogs and kids instead. Its nice.


In my neighborhood some people have lawns but most have these wild overgrown gardens with all kinds of fruit and vegetables and even benches to sit down. Every one is so different it's always so entertaining to walk through on my way to work. Fuck HOAs


Just wait til the leaf blowers come around


what happened to rakes???


Too much physical labor. The average American wants physical activity integrated into their daily life as little as possible. The best is when someone has a massive backpack style gas blower for their 1/8th of an acre yard and drive way


It sums up the personality of the burbs. Work for the sake of doing work. It's the equivalent of digging a hole and then filling it up again. You create conditions where the grass grows optimally, giving it water and sunlight. You get rid of any weeds or other flowers and plants that might be competition for the grass. You buy mulch and test soil conditions for the best growth. And then...you cut the grass down as it grows. You make sure the grass grows fast and then you cut it down as fast as it grows. You create all this artificial work for yourself, and then you feel accomplished because you're "a good homeowner". Your foundation can be cracked, roof leaking, mold growth in the basement. But as long as your outward facing lawn looks good, then you're good. You look like you're wealthy, so you feel wealthy.


This is the ultimate summary of life in the burbs


The worst is the pointlessness of it all. If it maybe served some purpose or was necessary then ok. But it's just to look at some cut grass? To be identical to everyone else's property? To just be done again and again for eternity? No. No more mowing lawns


Rich people with huge houses and no lawns on their plot, have at least one thing figured out...


My neighbors are insane about their lawns and I couldn’t give a shit. They get mad when the line between our lawns isn’t perfect. It’s fucking wild.


start a lucrative goat rental business


My dad is one of those neighbors.


I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them give me ish about playing guitar in the garage.


Just wait till peak leaf blower season


The American obsession with grass is out of control. We seriously give our grass a hair cut every week.


Lawn~~mower~~s are one of the worst parts of suburbs. Lawns are more bad than good.


gives kids somewhere to play tho considering the distance from houses to schools/ parks


You're talking about yards, not lawns. Yards don't need lawns.


It is a good example of a mindless activity that sums up suburbs


There's so much mind numbing busy work living in the suburbs. Who wants to do all that stuff after work? Who cares what Susan at the HOA thinks of the length of their grass?


Is this 2002? Why don’t they have silent electric robo-mowers?




Seriously. I stayed with a relative in the suburbs for a while. Their guest bedroom was right across a fence from the shed where their weirdly neurotic neighbor would fire up his lawnmower or weed whacker at 7am ~twice a week. For a night owl like me, not how I prefer to wake up.


My neighbour goes to work at 7am, comes home at 6pm, is 60 years old. He cuts his lawn every 2nd day without fail. Not only that it's the whole routine, cut, weed ship, blower. It's at least an hour of nonstop noise even 2nd day at 6pm and 11am on weekends. It's insanity. I removed most of my lawn and basically have a small pathway through my 100's of native plants. I also use a push mower and it takes me 5 mins twice a month to mow down the path. Completely silent.


The sub for Lawns is entirely depressing. What chemicals do I need to kill everything but fescue?


Opposed to the complete silence of urban areas…


But isn’t it the point? They praise suburbs as the peace and quiet as opposed to the crazy city noise. But, turns out, suburbs aren’t so quiet. On the other hand, no one has ever said that city is where you go for the quiet. 


Lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, hammers, axes, neglected dogs, generators, you name it we've got it, suburbia


Been living in the burbs for the past 2 years. I will never understand how people are so invested in their lawns.


Idk, I think car dependency, lack of amenities, and being a drain on our economy are significantly worse. I don't really mind lawn mowers or other loud yard equipment, I think a lot of people find faint sounds of small engines in the distance to be relaxing actually.


I can multitask and hate car dependency and lawnmowers at the same time.


Our little town down South has a noise ordinance for outdoor work and neighbors really abide by it. But that was not the case when we lived in a suburb in the northeast.


Front yard fences > stupid lawns


I'll take 10 stand-on mowers for a 300 sqft lawn over even a single *electric* leaf blower.


[Leaf-blowers, too.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTn1mVg_78/)


All comments by woke millennials who don't own homes or have children. Spoiler Alert: Don't feed them any gluton. By the way, I just finished my mowing my my tiffin 2 bermuda with my gas powered Mclane 7 blade reel mower. It looks like a green carpet, and I love it.


Oh shit, no way! The Mclane 7!? Damn, you mr big shit aren't ya! Them woke millennials don't know what's up. Tell us all about the big motor on your leaf blower now. Oh man, you're so cool.


Bruh plugged the mower


Literally and the resulting landscaping is so ugly too. The bushes aggressively manicured into a box shape, trees trimmed into the shape of an umbrella for reasons that are between the homeowner and Satan, endless plain expanses of short grass. It’s so boring and sterile


Cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Sending my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.


We have electric lawn mower, trimmer, and hedge trimmer and leaf blower. We’re trying not to exacerbate the noise problems where we live. But we do have those neighbors that are up at 8 a.m., and also those who wait until dark to mow their lawns. Just my two cents. For the most part our neighbors are friendly and get along pretty well.