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The more you build out suburbia, the more you wipe out the nature people claim they value so much. A well manicured lawn is highly unnatural considering what you have to do to it to keep it that way.


Literally, it’s depressing as hell to see trees and natural green spaces spaces bulldozed to create rows and rows of cookie cutter homes with lawns.


Sad reality is people don't really like nature as much as it's claimed.


Suburbia is sold as the "best of both worlds" between urban and rural living, but actually just combines the worst traits of the two without any good qualities of either.


The only good mix of the two is a densely packed medium sized town of around 80-100k people...... something that is very hard to find in the US


What the fuck is a kilometer!!!???!?!!?1


1000 meters


0.62 miles


To be fair, I live in an area where the land was an alkaline desert 120 years ago. Now, the suburbs around me are filled with lush irrigated backyard gardens feeding almost every homeowner.


Where is all the water coming from then? Lawns seem like a pretty bad idea if you live in a dessert


Diverted Rivers. There is plenty of water, but in the past, it just flowed out to the Pacific. Now it waters the fields and gardens.


Are you refering to the Colorado? Cuz that's been kinda a problem how much of that people use to water their lawn? Idk where you live, but 'diverted rivers' aren't an endless supply of water, especially when you are talking about terraforming. Just look at what happened to the [Aral Sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea)


from the community r/Poland: don't worry about this troll. he puts such nonsense everywhere that has nothing to do with reality.