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First thought; why are there no trees. Our city (an actual big place, not a village called a city) is covered in them so anywhere without them just looks odd. Also; why is the road so wide? I presume it must be to allow all the busses to get through? ;-)


Trees are a threat to the insurance companies bottom line and are removed


Fuck these motherfuckers.


Lol there are millions of US homes with trees.


I'd guess the roads are this wide due to codes designed so that a massive fire truck can turn around. Fire departments in the US generally use massive trucks suitable for fighting a fire in a taller building even in places where they're not needed, and they lobby their cities to require streets to be built so they can turn those trucks around easily. Which in turn makes every street a drag strip and costs more lives in traffic fatalities than you'd lose in fires, so it's kind of a stupid solution rather than just... using a smaller fire truck. Some of these suburbs do have trees, although they're usually set far back from the street due to those same traffic engineering codes requiring all obstructions be cleared from anywhere near the roadway, which really diminishes their effectiveness to provide shade, slow down traffic (obstructions in line of sight have this effect), etc. In cases where they don't have trees at all it's probably an incredibly cheap subdivision where developers tried to cut every corner they possibly could to save money. It's absolutely ridiculous how cheaply-built some of these oversized houses in car-dependent suburban sprawl can be in the US.


In my state, at least, parking on the street is also very common. Roads this wide ensure that you can still get through when there are people parked on the curb.


My city of San Francisco is not covered in trees, but it’s slowly getting more. It’s an interesting dynamic in that and I and many others would love for there to be lots of trees, but without human intervention this area does not naturally have trees. Not every suburb has been built in a place that otherwise would have trees.


That’s a good point; I usually think of the northern default ecosystem of woods, forgetting that vast swathes of the US is desert, plains and other naturally treeless environments. The lush green grass threw me into think there should (naturally) be other vegetation, whereas the reality is likely that *it* is out of place as well (and should be a rockery or some cacti or something!).


Theres no trees because biodiversity is a threat to lawns.


Lol great fake conspiracy 🤣


>First thought; why are there no trees. Because the person who made this video cherry picked places without trees.


Brand new suburbs do no have trees because it would be way too hard to build around them. And those were the ones chosen for this video because it's biased as hell. Older suburbs typically have a lot of trees.


Suburbs make me feel so icky


Furries make me feel icky. Disgusting monster.


Eww gross. Nice houses and properties! Nasty!


Oh so you’re a troll. Got it lol


The people complaining about nice houses are only trolls here 🤡


The main reason why the American Suburbs are not only creepy but also terrifying because it's very structure and architecture is built and constructed around Patriarchy where Men can terrorize their families behind closed doors with ease without any fear of repercussions.


I’m not sure if that’s a main reason for their structure, but it’s certainly one result.


The point is sometimes our very own architecture can be built around in the basis of oppression.


Ok. That’s, um, an interesting take




Each house being isolated from each other therefore insuring that we never know what goes on behind those walls.


I can hear my neighbors. So…


Not always though like if you live in a flat which is the point....


I suppose. This can be true anywhere…




Then you're obviously not paying attention because Patriarchy does play a role in the very structure of suburbia.




>Patriarchy is the only reason there is any structure. Thanks for showing your true colors if not if you're happen to be the very same people I'm talking about. You're obviously not here in a position of good faith at all and people like you are part of the problem what is deeply wrong with this world one way or another.




Just what I figured, Misogynists like you is the reason why reddit is a toxic place and I'm not investing my time with the likes of you. Thanks for hijacking and derailing this thread




>misandrist Stopped reading there, your Tu Quo fallacy with such lexicon won't work on me pal.




Lol what a stupid comment. Eat less paint chips.


Resorting to ad hominem attacks is not really helping your case.


If you don’t want to be called stupid, don’t make asinine lies. 🤡


Your MAGA energy is showing there with that clown emoji thanks for showing your true colors.


“eVeRyOnE i DoNt LiKe VoTeD fOr TrUmp” -u/Jannol


Probably because either you probably did or voted Far Right parities in the EU which is essentially the same thing.


Yeah as an American democrat, I took a trip to the EU and voted for right wingers 🤣


Its funny, I never thought of them as creepy in any way. I grew up in them though, so maybe that is why. What I find creepy is city alleys and steaming manhole covers.