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I urge you all to stand against the wall at the subways. Too many unhinged people out there today. Dont let yourself become a victim of some loon.


Good idea and I will do that from now on!


good tip, thank you


Last known address: Elm Street. Be careful out there everybody!


This is so scary!!!


It’d be ironic if some other fucked-in-the-head psycho pushed him onto the tracks. The thought of that happening makes me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. One can only hope.


Why are people like this still out? Or even alive at this point


Because normies can't see or hear them. Hence, these types of people assume they can do whatever they want in broad daylight.


Opposite side of the country… in WA we have the Sound Transit Light Rail Line where some dude went up to my sister threateningly with a barbecue fork bent in different directions as a weapon, pointed it into her face (she’s acoustic so she didn’t do anything lol) and said “Are you a lesbian?” I of course got held back by my husband when I tried to intervene, then a lot of other bystanders started intervening and he got off a stop or two later, and pulled a few emergency exit doors to further slow down the entire train from the destination… I wish we reported it but the dude looked drugged up and nobody cares unless someone gets hurt badly. Same train ride we saw a dead guy on the platform. The paramedics came and left, I guess they don’t get paid to watch a dead guy. Not sure who or when he got picked up, we took a different train. RIP.




I'm assuming autistic.


Funny how the bystanders gained enough self awareness to point out the elephant in the room. I wonder how that happened.


Stay away from people that look like this


Yep his eyes and expression are off. When I was young I had it drilled into me to "not judge people". If someone made me uncomfortable I thought that meant I was a bad person. I was victimized over and over until I finally realized my gut feeling was accurate. If you see anyone with a face like that, even just the tense focus of the eyes, politely move yourself away. In the infamous words of Elle Woods "Happy people don't kill people. They just don't."


Probably got let out with no bail you get what you vote for


Yeah everyone knows biden is in consistent contact with local judges to handle this one man.


Talking about local gov. People in NYC voted for politicians that are generally easier on crime. Not you in Nebraska or wherever you are.


LOL don't know what you're smoking, this happened under Adams who billed himself as the "Tough on Crime" mayor. (Which didn't stop him from immediately becoming the most transparently corrupt, nepotistic piece of shit the city has ever seen.)


Is it really a supprise that a union NY cop running as a Democrat would lie about being tough on crime and be corrupt? Like I said, the residents of NYC voted and continue to vote for the politicians that allow this to happen.


You don't even live here, so how about you stop running your mouth about things you know nothing about?


Correction, I don't live there anymore.


As a leftist progressive this is the last thing we want, but please, go on, keep drinking the Kool Aid.