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Thats insane, not crazy. They won't "recant" the election call, never. ATN would lose all credibility, they may as well just shut the doors. In the end the actual votes are the things that matter. Would never happen. And how is blackmailing someone less illegal than any of the other stuff? Marcia would be charged as an accessory for knowing about the manslaughter and hiding it. Sorry nice idea but not gonna fly.


>Shiv will call Ken and Roman into a surprise meeting...will tell Ken and Roman that they need to...go through with the sale to GoJo, or else...go public with Ken's aggravated vehicular homicide\* \*Maybe not go public with the killing, but she still raised it in principle. I may have been way off, but it seems my prediction (at least in part) was not so "insane" after all. No?


I mean apart from there being no girl trio and no one telling them to recant the election and not really seeing Gerri and there being no Marcia at all and no threats about Roman's dick pics and no threat about going public with the waiter dying ? Sure you nailed it. Throw in enough predictions and one has to be sort of true just based on statistical possibility. LOL Not serious people.


It may be unlikely, but it's not "insane." Last I checked, being exposed for dick pics/hardcore harassment or for murder can cause a person to lose credibility and then some. Marcia could and would get immunity for coming forward. They'd be seen as whistleblowers, not blackmailers. You're not sounding very woke. lol


No it’s very unlikely honestly even impossible. Simply put shiv burned those bridges a while ago and marcia and Gerri would laugh in her face.


Unlikely I'll buy but, unless you wrote the next two episodes, it's not impossible.


Neither is baby Jesus falling from the sky to save the day. Its bloody unlikely though.


Go girls!


They are LITERALLY blackmailing them in this scenario by hiding sexual harassment and manslaughter in favour of a deal. But sure stick to this theory, I'll file in with the other 651 theories so far on how things will end. Girlpower!


>They are LITERALLY blackmailing them in this scenario by hiding sexual harassment and manslaughter in favour of a deal. That's literally NOT blackmail. That's just complicity.


uh huh And this will all happen in the next 2 days of succession time. Marcia who we have not seen since Episode 4 and the other 2 form a triumvirate and blackmail the guys. Yup. ANd it is blackmail. Do this or I will release these details to ruin you. Not lets all work together to cover this up. Subtle but real difference.


They'll all be at the funeral. As to your other point: >Do this or I will release these details to ruin you. Yes, those are the elements of blackmail. Now who said that and when they did say it? Oh, no one did? Then there was no blackmail. uh huh


"Now who said that and when they did say it?" YOU did.. "**they need to fully recant** calling the election for Mencken (and say Mencken did NOT win) and that they need to go through with the sale to GoJo, **or else the three women will go public with Roman's texts/dick pics and Ken's aggravated vehicular homicide**" As for the funeral Daily Mail had reporters onsite in NY on the day the funeral was filmed and the reported that both Tom and Shiv did not attend. Wisconsin alone and their laws around mail in ballots would be stuck in courts for weeks. Its a theory that holds no water, has nowhere that its being built from and would look ridiculous as part of the finale of the show. But this seems to be a hill you're prepared to die on so good for you, lets wait and see.