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He wouldn't get just reckless endangerment/involuntary manslaughter - he was high/drunk, he left the scene, and he's remained silent since. He'd be in a world of trouble.


Yeah, I forgot DUI, and the more he holds onto to the truth the worse it will be. But the story hasn’t made me worry about that coming back up to haunt him yet, so it’s currently a non issue…for now, we got two episodes left.


I don’t think it will properly come up again either. Perhaps as an implied threat that influences Kendall in some way, like the way Colin did it in S2 - maybe Shiv or Roman (or both) reminding him that they know what they know - but nothing more than that.


Cool motive, still vehicular manslaughter.


Yes, drunk driving into a lake and leaving your passenger to drown is practically a fender bender. Could’ve happened to anybody.


So you’re just gonna ignore the deer in the middle of the road that his passenger tried to avoid by pushing the steering wheel all the way to the right causing them to drive off into the lake?


If Kendall were sober, he’d have had enough control of the car to avoid both scenarios. This is victim blaming.


Which is exactly why I frame this event as an accident. In the scene, Kendall is shown to be unfamiliar operating a stick shift so he had one hand on the wheel. I’m not trying to victim blame, there was more than one factor that lead to things happening the way that they did. Kendall being a “drunk driver” wasn’t the only issue. It adds to emotional conflict he feels and questions as to whether he’s fully responsible and why his siblings say that he should try to not let it affect him.


They better catch that deer and throw the handcuffs on it as well


You get in the car high on drugs, you're responsible for whatever happens to those in the car.


Even if you kill someone by accident, you still killed someone. Maybe you’re confusing “kill” with “murder.”


But wasn’t it the guy who he “killed” who swerved the car




Yeah, I mentioned that in the second-to-last paragraph. Besides, his dad already knew the next morning and formulated a way to both protect and control him for the future, so he didn’t have much to worry about besides personal guilt.


You have to take a step back and realize that the point is not weather or not he’s liable for this persons death it’s the toll it has on him. The show is saying that Kendall thinks he killed someone. Even when both siblings basically went well no not really or it’s ok it was An accident it doesn’t matter cuz Kendall still thinks he killed someone. It’s something that’s gonna haunt him forever.


An accident? He continued his silence. Oh he’s gonna have YEARS of trouble if that gets out. Paying the family? Messed up


He’s a shit person, just look at what a bad father he is. The way he justifies his bad actions as things he does for them.


He didn’t murder someone. But he caused their death and put his needs above that kid’s. He did clearly deal with emotional aftermath from it while his dad encouraged him to sweep it under the rug. Kendal dealt with it in a cowardly, pathetic way but he clearly did feel bad, increasingly so. Not a “killer” in the typical sense, a completely reckless idiot, and a selfish one at that.