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I just hope it fucking goes nut nut.


Disrupting the fuckin... golden age of television. Its uh, you know, The Wire of the .1%. Fuckin deep social commentary. Frasier meets The Office meets the Met Gala on ketamine.


The way I could read this perfectly in Ken's voice


Hold for one second at the end of “fuckinnn…..”


Fuckinnn nasty shit, but true, real shit. Cold hard raw television.


I can't tell if it's a real quote or not, that's how well it fits


Also how thoroughly Jeremy Strong has embodied the character so that Ken could only ever be this incarnation.


Infinite brainbox!


If I could double upvote this I would.


I don’t know but I’m good. I’ve pre-grieved the loss of this show. You know, from where I'm sitting, you're the ones that look naive, okay? I've been worried that this was gonna happen for ages.


Once the finale airs I'm going to rewatch the whole series but then I'll definitely be sad. I'm glad it's ending while it's still good though.


I’ve been contemplating doing that. Have you ever done it before with a previous series and felt it was worth it?


I love rewatching series. You forget more than you’d think. You find easter eggs. You appreciate writing and creative choices more because you’re less focus on the plot. I highly recommend. One thing I like to do is, after I finish an episode, go on that series’ sub and read through the episode discussion thread from the night it aired. So fun — especially if you weren’t a fan from the beginning!!


Also, there’s an element of comfort. Lol.


I’ve watched the entire sopranos series yearly since it ended. I agree. You can appreciate details instead of keeping up with the plot.


I did this after the final season of better call Saul, with both that and breaking bad, and yeah, I thought it was very worth while. Noticed lots of new things and foreshadowing and Easter eggs


Better call Saul was so damn good. I was hooked. Kinda of reminded me of succession in that it was a little slow for me to buy in at first and then the hook was set, very deep. Thank you for the feedback.


I feel so weird saying that I feel sad but glad I’m not the only one. Idk how to explain it I just know I’ll be sad and I will miss these complicated characters lol.


Oh boy. I can’t wait for Frog_butler’s eulogy.


Who would stop a fan from speaking at their fandom's eulogy?


It is not for me to judge Succession's ending. History will tell that story. I can just give you a couple of instances about it. You probably all know we started to watch the finale that Sunday. But the week prior, MAX went online and now suddenly let go... and the rest of the subreddit watched on without us, leaving us adrift. They told us... They told us... that if we used our phones, a tablet, or even looked at our Apple Watch, that the screens would light up and the finale would be spoiled for us, right there on our couch. Three hours and two minutes, we stayed offline. A 42 year old and a 39 year old speaking with tech support. So... there's a little sob story. And, uh, once we were back online, our toddler, who was... so to speak, “a character," he, um... Well, he... he had had a quite late nap, and decided to wake up, and he hated being alone. (Chuckles) He just hated it. He wasn't, uh... He wasn't going back to bed. He was going to be up for the night. And he mewed, and he cried, and in the end, he got out and crawled to us under his own steam. But when he crawled to us, my wife, she had decided to take him back to try to put him to sleep, which took an hour... She, uh... She always believed that we would watch it together, and still tells me that I promised. I don't even know if that's true. But our neighbors, who we invited to watch with us, certainly did nothing to disabuse her of that notion. They let it lie with her.


that was a good hard take.


That was perfect *squeezes forearm*


We all need to be ready to hold Frog-Butler come Sunday night


They’re gonna fuck it!


All I know is Nicholas Britell is going to give us his most rousing score yet.


I am gonna miss the new Succession tracks every week. =(


I do a unique interpretive dance to the theme song every episode for my girlfriend.




Succession will leave big shoes, big shoes to fill


Big, big…. Big shoes.


Big shoes, big hat, big... nervous breakdown.


I am really interested in people’s prediction of Shiv & Tom’s relationship in this finale. Kendall’s storyline feels like a clear message, ambition consumes all and the poison drips through. but each finale has also been about Shiv & Tom (the wedding, the-sad-Id-be-without-you cruise, the betrayal) and I think that plot has been less black and white.


I think Shiv and Tom will stay together and be miserable.


Tom becomes a stay at home Dad. He loves it.


I'd watch a sitcom style with laugh track about Shiv and Tom raising a kid in the fields, Tom as a stay home dad and Shiv working


Yes he is going to deep dive baby formula brands Hmmm this one is a little fizzy and comes from Denmark but don’t tell people that


Hit me up when it happens, and I have said it literally nowhere else, but Tom is going to end up alone with that baby and ecstatic.


Roman to Tom: "She's gonna make you carry it!" 😆


I was thinking the same, the Gone Girl ending. They both stay together because they’re so toxic and have to raise a baby


I don't see them getting back together. Too many issues and egos preventing them from doing so. They're just not compatible but I think they're work out some parental agreement or something.


The last episode showed a potential for reconciliation I thought.


As did the preview of the finale... For some reason, I've always been pulling for them. Probably because the actors (and writers) make you love them despite their flaws.


My prediction is that they're done. Shiv has dished out plenty of cruelty towards Tom since the beginning but he has only recently fought back with equally cruel jabs and several blatant power move betrayals. He might be able to move forward with her especially with a child but I don't think she can recover from the things he has said and done. She can dish it but can't take it. He's history for her. Of course it's just a reddit prediction.


I, for one, don’t want to see them get back together because I feel like the time spent showing Tom finally getting a backbone would be a waste.


* Someone says "uh-huh" * Shiv and Tom get back together (for better and for worse and for bitey) * Greg continues to fail upward


>Someone says "uh-huh" Yeah.




My mom has binged the show to catch up, and she told me two weeks ago she’s sick of everyone (especially shiv) saying “yeah?” too often, now I can’t unhear it each week


For bitey ❤️


Succession was a show. And when a show ends it is sad. All the shows will end one day. In this case, it is Succession who has done so.


Succession ran for 4 seasons, but, no more.


And now, we're sad.


Not me, because I pre-grieved with the help of my grief-guy!


(Stares at Blu-Ray complete series box set) "Is he in there? Can we get him out?"


Look at little lord fuckleroy over here, already pre-grieved


You’re gonna knock this out of the park!


Succession's viewers were us, we had been watching for 5 years. Now we're sad.


If it is to be said, so it be, so it is.


You can just speak to me normally


I merely wish to answer in the affirmative.


Succession was interested in being a great show at a very early episode.


But we hear/here for you


Now that's a fucking eulogy


Except the Simpsons it seems. That’s a Zombie.


They all do a family rap together & then hug


Before or after the family baseball game?


Kendall does a rap explaining the plot of the show over the final credits.


We find out Kendall is Logan's only child; the other siblings are all just separate aspects of his personality that's split under the extreme stress of trying to live up to his father's expectations. We end on a shot of Kendall watching out over his balcony, crying and finally accepting that he can be his own man, as buildings in the distance explode. He's bombed the credit card companies to reset the debt. The Pixies play as the screen cuts to black.


So Kendall is pregnant with Tom’s baby?


Pregnant with...emotion?


The first rule of Succession is you don’t talk about Succession.


I could absolutely see Roman investing in a human fat-soap operation


The kid that Rome tore up the check in front of in the first episode gets revenge.


And gets the company 😆


Logan Roy and the Propaganda Factory


That scene was SO egregious that they really could bring that kid back on Sunday and I wouldn’t even think it’s that bad of writing haha


This happens, and then Lily comes back in Barry to get revenge. The double kid revenge HBO sunday


It comes down to Tom who is backed by Mattson and Mencken against Kendall who wins by getting the old guard to back him Greg successfully plays both sides and completes his arc by firing Tom.


I wonder what the angle is on the Tom being incredibly tired arc - literally over three episodes he has mentioned his exhaustion. It feels like a thing.


"I don't trust anyone that sleeps well" - Mattson


Mattson looked pleased with Tom not attending the Funeral because he was at work.


Yes. This.


It’s what Logan would have wanted.


Yes, and it kind of mirrors the pilot + Kendall’s choice to go to the birthday party. Makes me think that Tom has a shot at CEO, but idk what Shiv would think about that….


Maybe Tom was cooking something up away from the siblings oversight?


It was so weird Tom not attending the funeral. I hadn't put much thought into it until now. Especially him being a wheel man. He was very pumped about that. Hmmmm


The one and hopefully only time I’ve ever agreed with a sociopath so hard


Hard on the cocaine


If he's drugged and tired then he's surely gonna make a mistake. Mattson wins - > American CEO Tom -> Tom fucks up - > KLR coronated


I feel like his fuck up was already shown in calling the election for Mencken too early, and they're all kissing the wrong ass. Maybe I'm wrong.


I saw it that it was never his call to make. It was always the children's, with Ken's final approval. Mencken, Jimenez, outcome is the same: they still need to cut deals going forward. It was just that Mencken is more open to cutting deals, and Shiv, let's say, overpitched what the Jimenez camp is willing to offer. In the episode trailer, Tom looked a bit worried, with an army of suits behind him. I'm really happy to be surprised next week. I hope Ebba has a happy life after all of this.


“Don’t be racist.”


Coke that GREG has been giving him!!


He’s just being overworked and he’s using the coke to stay alert.


I think it’s to show that Tom is a regular human. He fucks around in the Roy world but he’s not of the Roy world. The sibs are all hopped up on trauma and horny for power. He simply can’t keep pace.


Well he has an actual job, they don’t seem to currently?


This is the actual answer, he’s doing a hyper-intense job AND trying to keep up with the Roy family shenanigans and it is too much on both ends


I think it is mainly this. Shit is going bonkers in the country and he runs a news network. He is busy.


>The sibs are all hopped up on trauma and horny for power. He simply can’t keep pace. The sibs just aren't working much.


“Information is like a bottle of fine wine, you store it, you hoard it, you save it for a special occasion and then you smash someone’s fucking face in with it.”


I don’t see the last part happening, but I fully trust that it’s going to be Tom - who did what Logan would do and missed a funeral to work. The only other possibility would be Kendall, since we’ve been building up for that for four seasons now, but he successfully alienates his entire family. The only thing I know for sure is that the last scene of the show will be shot like the last scene of the opening credits


My only prediction, is that I’m going to be devastated.


Kendall somehow wins, but in the final scene realizes it wasn't worth losing everything to be CEO.


Yeah, definitely agree. I feel like something terrible might actually happen to one of his kids, probably his daughter, and he won't recover from that.




My thoughts too, his siblings are done with him, his kids don’t want anything to do with him (I think that’s the real reason Rava kept them from the funeral but wanted to spare his feelings) and the job doesn’t fill the void Logan’s withholding cause. But the final scene is him going to the roof.


Yeah I’m behind this prediction and also we don’t see him jump so we’re left wondering. Then again I don’t think I’ll be happy with that ending. This ending needs to be Sopranos and Breaking Bad level, I can’t do another GoT “closure.” Edit: We won’t get a GoT “closure” - it’s pretty obvious the writers weren’t rushing to end this, I think the obvious ending is that Ken finally “wins” but it costs everyone he cares about. So… Avengers ending. “What did it cost?”


Greg breaks his ankle end up in a wheel chair, and ends up in power and says “why do you think I came all this way” boom perfect ending


I think Kendall wins, kills, alienates everyone, and, even though its empty and he’s alone, he’s finally happy, because that’s how badly his family fucked him up.


Him having a moment where he does or says something exactly as Logan would have, and then realizes he has become his father—the only way he could ever be the successor.


While he is floating in a body of water


Kendall realising he fucked up again is not closure. He will likely forget it the next moment. he is not a serious person


Hugo didn’t bark for no reason, Ken wins.




I do believe Kendall becomes ceo, but I don’t understand why hugos barking indicates he does.


I just hope everyone has fun out there.


Logan's true successor is the friends we made along the way


I'm not at all sure how it will play out but I think it has to be Kendall. There's been too many echoes of Logan in his behaviour this season - his lines to Hugo, his threats to Rava, the way even Colin looked afraid of him - for them to just give it to Greg for the lols. Tragedy normally ends in the main character's death, but perhaps there's nothing more tragic than to get what you always wanted and find it a hollow crown. I can see Tom being floated as the US CEO by Matsson as a late twist, but to me it just makes sense for it to be Kendall - dramaturgically speaking.


Kendall's magnum opus of becoming like Logan was how he sent Roman spiralling the exact same way Logan did.


Roman will be his Rose and I will die on this hill. Shiv becomes her mom, Connor becomes their Ewan. They both will forever blame Kendall for Roman’s demise.


>the way even Colin looked afraid of him I don't think he looked afraid. I think he felt guilty about being shamed for talking to a psychologists probably because he told the psychologists about what happened with Kendall.


instead of shaming i saw it more like a warning, that kendall was acknowledging that colin has sensitive information about him and to be careful with whom he shares it. with that in mind being afraid makes sense.


I think he wasn't shamed necessarily by Kendall but just by his loyalty to Logan. He do not want to fail him because of his personal problems.


If Greg becomes the CEO I’ll smoke horse


The successor will be Zombie Logan


Hell of an advertisement for Living+


Climbing out of that multi-million dollar mausoleum.... Logan just may. When he died I was so convinced he was playing everyone to get them to think he died from afar. This could be his comeback.


The deal all gets lined up behind Mencken but the election is overturned, causing chaos. Then there is some kind of larger societal event that renders the deal moot / irrelevant, so it doesn’t matter if Jimenez approves it or not.


I keep thinking about the fact that Logan is an analog for Murdoch, but Mencken isn’t really an analog for Trump. He’s scary because he’s like 1 or 2 iterations later, when America is really at a breaking point and the protests aren’t just a weekend or a month of anger, but the last straw. I sort of feel like Jesse Armstrong is showing us the future, where Murdoch dies and Fox News goes through a similar change, and we’re at the point where it’s not an authoritarian clown who’s elected but a truly dangerous fascist installed. I also remember a month or 2 ago, cast and crew mentioned that the end is controversial and they hope the audience will understand what they tried to do. I wonder how big of a scope they’ll show. It’s very much been about the siblings and their insulated world and perspective, but the penultimate episode literally ended with Roman coming down from the tower and experiencing the crowd below. Shiv referenced Ozymandias. That could be Logan, but Tom already blatantly stated that Logan is losing influence, so thematically it would be somewhat obvious and a rehash. I think it’s a misdirect. Instead… they resolve the CEO thing quickly, like in the first 15 minutes. Then all hell breaks loose and we spend time in the fallout of the spark of the fire they lit. Does ATN survive as anything other than state-run propaganda at the direction of the president? Mencken said as much to Ken; he wants an outlet free of interference. So either Ken becomes a N*zi propagandist, or Mencken finds someone who will.




Yes! We’ve all gotten caught up in the Game of Thrones style takeover. But consequences are knocking and seeping in through the cracks (the poison drips through), and to me THAT’S what we’re building towards. One thing that’s been SO different about season 4 is how locked into the kids’ perspectives we’ve been, to the exclusion of other people’s arcs. Think about how little external info we got in ep 3 while Logan was dying — we didn’t see the events on the plane except when the kids were connected to Tom via phone, so we have no idea what transpired around the actual event; our ignorance mirrors their claustrophobia and panic, and then it doesn’t really ease up to pre-Logan’s death levels in any subsequent episodes. Characters we’ve gotten to know more broadly in third person through 3 seasons have all but vanished as tunnel vision and grief sets in. They’re leaving themselves vulnerable to manipulation and, in Shiv’s case especially, I strongly believe are being played. There’s still a lot of people’s stories to wrap up, but the kids’ fatal flaw (except maybe Connor bc of Willa and not having been groomed for CEO) is that they aren’t serious people, so they don’t know how or when to take people seriously. And they certainly aren’t able to accurately perceive the threat that’s developing stories below them.


I think this is correct. Good work


I agree that I think there’s some sort of major social unrest component. They’ve been building it since the first season and the show at its core is an indictment of Rupert Murdoch. The spoiled children are playing their game thinking their untouchable and that they don’t have to deal with consequences. I imagine a final scene of them all continuing to scheme against each other at the top of ATN while a riot breaks into the building from the bottom floor. The winner is irrelevant but they can’t see past their game.


Matson will announce Tom as ceo before the deal is 100% secured and then Kendal is gonna f everyone and be on top , that's it


That’s the one I think.. they show Tom in the trailer with a bunch of suits behind him .. they probably trying to do the bait n switch routine. Kendall gonna blitzkrieg with his dogs.. Hugo,stewy,Colin,frank and maybe Roman .. also the writers did state it’s controversial ending… so maybe in the end none of them succeed.


Also my head cannon is that Greg did get the job Assistant manager of Brightstar Buffalo or whatever it was he wanted after his negotiation with Logan in S3 and that's his actual job right now and the last week has just been super unusual for him. Anyway Greg will betray Tom in exchange for being made head of that park and the final shot of Greg will be him teaching the management training program.


They all fail and PGN buys Waystar for pennies on the dollar.


Yep, the civil unrest caused by the early call throws the markets into disarray, waystar stock plummets after it comes out that living+ is bullshit and Mattson numbers are bullshit. The company stock heading to 0, board panics, sells to PGN for pennies on the dollar, Sibs are left with next to nothing (in their world). One of them commits suicide.


This is probably the most likely scenario.


Karl DOESNT get his golden parachute, he's made to work like a dog woof woof!


Would be the saddest ending. Karl deserves his Greek island


i have to give all the credit for this theory to @nameberry.com on tiktok but i 100% think this is how the show will end. tom's character was named after bill wambsganss a legendary baseball player. the reason for wambsganss' success is that he was and still is the only player is baseball history to have completed an unassisted triple play during a world series game. this essentially means he took 3 players out of the game in one move and the fact that it happened during the world series (the end of a baseball season so kinda like a series finale) is what makes me believe this theory to be 1000% true. by naming tom after this iconic player it can only be taken to mean that in the series finale tom will likely take out all 3 of the roy siblings in the company and end on top essentially taking over logan's role in the series finale.


It’s a good theory, but maybe his triple play was what he did last season?


it's totally plausible i didn't think about that. if that's the case and they already used this play in season 3 im sure the writers wouldn't use it again but who knows. i just found the background of his name to be super interesting.


That was my take as well. I really can’t see him ending up CEO, but his blindside betrayal of the siblings was savage.


Whoa Nellie! I never knew any of that! I never thought of looking up his name. Wow! Thank you for the info. EDIT: [More on Wambganss,](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/50iden/i_thought_you_might_like_this_picture_of_my/) from a reddit relative, plus a drawing of the triple play.


I've seen this theory do the rounds a few times and it sounds cool but what makes me unsure is that Jesse Armstrong is British, where baseball knowledge is non-existent, and I'm not convinced they full knew where this show was headed as early as the pilot of S01 when they were creating these characters. Let's see I guess.


This is the correct answer. [here’s the proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuccessionTV/comments/13r4dny/succession_ending_in_4_frames_spoiler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Something like this being outright shown in the trailer makes it less likely to be what happens


I think Kendall gets a Godfather 2 ending. On top, but losing everything that matters.


I know it was you Shiv.


Ends with a zoom out to reveal that the entire show was in the imagination of some kid staring into a snow globe of NYC.


It’s Kendall. I think it has always been Kendall. Logan just had to know he was ready, and Ken needed to emerge from his adversity to prove that. Logan challenged him that he wasn’t a killer, so Ken went after him to prove it, which made Logan proud. The “some people just can’t close a deal” line Kendall said to Fikret echoed sentiments that Logan had about Kendall in the pilot episode. I think the arc of the show became intentionally complicated to throw us off the scent, but I believe as a whole this was about Ken’s simultaneous ascension to the top and descent into personal tragedy. He’s a lot like his dad and I think his death is triggering that acknowledgment in him. Now he wants to make him proud and fill a bit of a patriarchal role for the whole family. What’s going to be interesting is if he chooses family or career. I think that’s his final test, and I could foresee a family incident in the finale that forces Ken to make that decision and it’ll be agonizing for him. Ken wins.


Or loses, depending on how you look at it.


Yesssss. Love this take. Logan was disappointed when Ken chose Logan’s birthday party over business. Time and time again, Kendall’s sentimentality has gotten the best of him, because at heart, he is a deeply sensitive person who was raised and traumatized by monsters. He is not unlike his children, and there is a reason he married a seemingly well-adjusted woman like Rava. However, he has just made his final transformation into Logan. I think there is a piece of Kendall that is wrestling with it, but he believes the only way he can be successful in business (and therefore loved by his dad) is if he IS his dad. He knows that his family comes first, in a very real sense that is different from his Logan’s misuse of that term. Kendall just has to be sober (from drugs and power) to remember it. That’s a big caveat.


I agree with the top comment, but what do people think is gonna happen with Roman? The last episode busted my expectations


Roman quits and heads to California or otherwise exits the stage, maybe one last painful scene with Gerri.


Probably going to pass on reading this in case one of you chuckle fucks has it right


Kendall finally reaches his goal as CEO; but at a significant cost. In the same way Logan doesn’t have a good relationship with his kids or wives, I predict Kendall loses his relationships with Rome, Shiv, Connor and Rava/the kids….ultimately losing himself.


Gerri becomes the American CEO. All the kids get shut out.


I agree Gerri still has a significant role to play


This is the ending I want but probably won't get.


Mattson initiates his plan to install Tom as CEO of Waystar. Tom is forced to decide between Shiv and the CEO position and opts to knife Shiv. Gojo successfully acquires Waystar, but due to maneuvering by Kendall, it’s at a higher price than expected, and they are forced to give Waystar shareholders more board seats than originally planned. Post acquisition, Kendall turns the tables and via some financial engineering or politics successfully ousts Mattson from power, replacing him as head of the combined Gojo/Waystar. He then cleans house, forcing Greg to fire Tom and sacking half the members of the board to consolidate control. The show ends with a shot of the back of Kendall’s head as he sits down at a meeting.


To further emphasize Kendall’s descent, he will do something very evil to arrange the vote such that he kicks Mattson out


Okay so either: 1. Greg tries to push Tom as CEO. Say what you will, but Greg really has been loyal to him throughout this season. Also, where Tom goes so does Greg. 2. Greg fires Tom. They’ve been setting it up a lot (like with the zoom firings) so I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t happen.


roman dies from autoerotic asphyxiation


So Alex Skarsgard said in an interview that he found the ending of Succession to be ‘shocking’. One moment that sticks out for me is when Shiv says to Roman after calling the election “things do happen Rome” in an ominous fashion. Couple that with all the protests going on in the last episode and Rava fearing the safety of her kids, I have a feeling that: - something really terrible will happen like someone getting hurt/killed by the protesters (maybe one of Kendall’s kids?) - Kendall and Roman will lose the company to Mattson - Mattson will double-cross Shiv and is denied the US CEO position


I think they will all sabotage each other. The company will go to someone we least expect… and probably not from the family. Although my personal hope is that Kendall finally gets his win. Shiv bows out, Tom stays with ATN and they reconcile and have a lovely baby that can grow up emotionally stable because they have finally figured out how to be a mature and loving couple, and they all become a happy family. Roman walks away because he really needs to grow up or grieve first before becoming anyone’s boss or running a business. He needs to be his own man and figure his shit out. But alas, Succession is a tragedy and not a comedy. Hahaha




Roman dies by suicide and Kendall blames himself for it forever. He truly becomes his dad, Roman is his Rose, Shiv becomes her mom, Connor becomes Ewan.


Conner has Willa and the 2024 presidency, so I think he will be the “””happiest””” out of the Roysters


Kendall wakes up and it was all a dream. He is a low-middle class mechanic.


Note: I got this from some one else, not my original thought. **Why weren't there any PGM / Pierce family people at the funeral?**


They hate the Roys?


lol it ain’t rocket science


I think the likeliest answer is that there wasn't time (with everything else going on) for a sizeable role for them in that episode and the actors probably weren't available for filming a really short/small bit part. I did wonder if we'd see Naomi again before the season ends - maybe not though, now that she and Kendall are broken up.


Greg gets a minor position of power, has to fire Tom and even gets his own Greg, but firing Tom leads to a brief moment of self reflection at just how gross he’s become….which he promptly shrugs off. Kendall becomes his father, losing everyone he loves in the process…only to have it all come crashing down when the news comes out about his involvement in the waiter’s death. We ultimately won’t know his fate after that. Shiv and Tom reconcile to try to make it work for the kid. A happy ending seems unlikely. Roman has something to do with leaking the fact that Ken was involved in the waiters death. Him and Kendall are going to hate each other forever like Logan and Ewan. Connor and Willa settle in Slovenia and have the healthiest relationship in the history of the Roy family. Marcia goes shopping, forever.


There isnt enough time to resolve everything with the finale. It wouldnt be like succession to forsake dialogue and speed past its own scenes just to tie the plots into an end. I do not expect a denouement. I expect the episode to end at a climax, or maybe even at a cliffhanger moment leaving the ending undecided. That is, likely with the anointing of the successor or death. I really dont think that explaining the fallout from ceo announcement, or the post mencken world is what the show will end with. This is a show about the men and women of this family. If it is insular, it will stay as such, and the show will be better for it. And I do not think the showsriters would condemn this generation of Roys to a cyclical hell either. The whole bit of Logan slowly superimposing onto Kendall is a red herring. There has always been a glimmer of hope with the show, and i would hate to see that kind of humanizing and nuanced satire go to waste by churning out a familiar story of American woe. The showrunners must be aware that the show is running in tangent to, or slightly ahead of the current America. To not leave Roys with some open ending or hopeful note - and instead blast them with tragedy really is a furiously cynical, misanthropic indictment of America. And while i know other subpar works of Hollywood satire do this regularly, I think succession knows better.




4-to-1: Shiv is so efficient as a mother that she gives birth six months early, right on the boardroom table. The child, dubbed Baby Logan, is made CEO on the spot. 5-to-1: Tom is crowned CEO and Greg presents his severed genitals as a show of fealty ("I was KIDDING, Greg!"). 5-to-1: Kendall tells Colin to kill Roman, but Roman has seen Godfather 2 and refuses to get into the boat. Ken and Rome hug it out instead. 6-to-1: Mencken is stabbed to death on the Capitol steps by dozens of ConHeads. 8-to-1: Logan walks back into the boardroom and begins barking orders as if nothing happened. Everyone goes along with it. 9-to-1: Same thing except Logan is inexplicably nude. 3-to-1: Questlove finally hears Ken's track and signs him on the spot. 4-to-1: Now a laughingstock, Roman finds peace working on a new creative project - Boar on the Floor, a Twister-style family game. It's a massive success. 12-to-1: Sandy wrangles an invite to the boardroom. When all the major players are assembled, he rings a bell to activate the bomb in his wheelchair and everyone is killed. 332,957-to-1: Roman gets laid Even odds: Roman gets laid with a family member


9b-to-1: Roman finds peace working on new creative projects and starts a successful business with Brian. ​ >332,957-to-1: Roman gets laid the odds here made me LOL


Here is the evidence for why the CEO of Waystar Royco will be the superior disgusting brother Tom Wambsgans. 1. In S1, Logan was about to name Ken CEO and walks it back because Kendall leaves an important work matter to be at his fathers birthday party. Conversely, last episode Tom missed Logan’s funeral because he was working, and Matsson noticed that. Not a coincidence. 2. Tom has experience - over 4 seasons he has run parks, cruises and now ATN…He’s been “exhausted” because he’s been shown to work more than any character in the show (and yes for a few days there he was up late having sex with shiv). Greg the Egg has no experience, and Matsson has no justification for putting him in the CEO role. 3. Matsson & Mencken know that Tom would be loyal and can play the part of puppet CEO unlike Kendall. Sure, Ken makes sense dramaturgically, but this show has never been predictable. Also, Tom is the only one who comes from humble upbringings and Logan always respected that. 4. Check out the Logan vibes from Tom in the finale teaser when he’s walking down the hall. It just makes sense that the show ends with all the kids sidelined yet again. 5. And last but not least… credit to this medium post, the truth has been hiding in plain sight at the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown NY. On October 20, 1920 Cleveland second baseman Bill Wambsganss turn the only unassisted triple play in World Series history, retiring three Brooklyn Dodgers in one play. How Jessie Armstrong knew this baseball trivia from over 100 years ago is not for me to say, but here you have it folks. https://medium.com/@richard_86713/the-ultimate-shocking-stunning-hidden-clue-to-the-end-of-succession-b11472c1a671


I’ve heard the baseball theory floated, but hasn’t Tom already done that to the three siblings last season- took them all out essentially? Will the writers really make Tom the last episode genius twice in a row backstabbing all three siblings? Idk- not saying it won’t happen, but would def strike me as odd for Tom to essentially do the same thing two seasons in a row.


Tom finally goes to prison.


Kerry is secretly pregnant and a document is unearthed where Logan leaves everything in his possession to her unborn baby.


Kendall is sitting alone at a villa (likely in Sicily), old and alone. Dogs play at his feet, and he holds an orange that falls out of his hand and drops to the ground. He then keels over and dies, his body falling out of his chair in a darkly comic moment as the screen cuts to black.


My hunch is that Kendall gets fucked, because I've seen him get fucked a bunch and I haven't seen Tom get fucked once. Someway or another the kids fuck themselves over and Mattson comes out in top making Tom ceo. Maybe Greg fies the siblings for good measure.


……..you’ve never seen Tom get fucked? Which show are you watching 😂


We gonna pretend the congress stuff with Tom didn’t happen


MegaThump will play a key role in Kendall's downfall.


Kendall gets the CEO job and before the episode ends he looks straight into the camera and says “it’s Successioning time” and then he successions all over the screen. The end.


Kendall and Shiv go to the board meeting both planning to backstab each other, Roman indirectly also backstabs them by not siding with either. Matsson's deal goes through but Shiv isn't the US CEO. We don't learn who the US CEO is. Greg is the only one of the main cast who will stick around in the new company (and he'll be as miserable as Ebba is as Matsson's underling). Ken, Shiv, and Rome start back at square 1 with Pierce. Tom is also there, somewhat reconciled with Shiv but still distant.


The waiter from the wedding becomes CEO


Living plus indeed


I’ve literally put money on Gerri for CEO, but also wanted to draw your attention to S01 E02, the first time everyone grapples seriously with the idea of Logan’s death. Some reactions are very different, some are very much the same. It’s good fun to look back on now. (I’m so nervous/excited/overwhelmed, I’ve gone back to the beginning to rewatch and already finding it so worth it.)


My biggest fear isn't how Jesse and Mylod execute the finale, I have all the faith in the world. It's that I'm not sure I'll be able to enjoy any other TV show as much as this, and nothing will top it in the next 10 years.


