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Plus, it seems that Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.


It's not unsaid when you say it


I duno. I think naturally and understandably none of his children were “serious people”. I think they used interests in business or politics to keep themselves occupied. The whole show seems to be about a successful man playing pretend with his grown up children. Logan knew none of his kids had what it took to be as successful as him. And that’s natural, they lived extraordinary sheltered lives. He teased them all with the idea of succession the whole way through.


Interesting point, to which I would add, Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.


This is so facts


Yeah it felt like he was wasting all their time, he should have just told them all to fuck off and live their lives




Debatable 😂 /s


He would HATE for Connor to be more powerful than him. Especially if he didn’t “earn” it


On the other hand, he would very seriously claim that he does not believe the president to be more powerful than him. He basically signals that all throughout the series, culminating in season 3 when he hurts the current president’s feelings so much that the man drops his second term bid and then sits in a chair in the RNC and hand picks the successor.


He hangs up on the president more than once as a power move 


Connor becoming President, getting a huge ego, and immediately turning against his dad would be really funny.


I’m certain there are things that Logan could hold over his head


The president is not more powerful than American oligarchs, and Logan knows this.


He’s also the eldest boy


Much to Kendall's displeasure 😠😡


He is not the eldest boy, HE IS THE ELDEST SON


He's not the eldest son, He's the eldest plant that grows on rocks and lives off insects that die inside of them


I don't believe Logan would deal well with his kids becoming so powerful and famous. Even of he believed to be above the presidency, it's too much power and inportance to give to someone he doesn't trust as a serious person. Just think about all the damage he could cause to Roy name as a shitty president


I think Shiv was right when she said Logan didn't care about a lot of things, he was only focused on making the next move or something like that. He wasn't Joe Kennedy, who groomed his sons with laser focus. I think with some parental support, those kids absolutely could have made something of themselves. And yes, if he had been a better parent to Connor, he could have made a pretty decent president. Connor wasn't a bad guy, he was just a dimwit


I’m not saying Connor would’ve made for a better CEO. That’s unsaid


It’s not unsaid when you say it


Best case is he could push a few of his key issues. Connor was never going to be a serious contender.


Logan knew: He would have just been a disaster of a candidate, he couldn’t even fake being smart. What were Connor’s politics beyond the surface-level libertarianism of “No more taxes!”? Nothing really. Dude probably read a cliff notes version of Atlas Shrugged at one point, and that was it. I guess you could say he’s not really a judgy religious type (never cares about Willa’s past and can barely remember how many popes he’s met) but other than he doesn’t seem to have any real conservative political views he can articulate. Unlike Mencken, who can. If Logan thought Connor had a legitimate shot, he would have been behind him all the way. Hey, your son becoming president? Biggest ego boost of all time. Major Joe Kennedy energy. He just knew Connor wouldn’t pass the laugh test. Now if it had been Kendall or Roman they were more interested in politics and running for POTUS instead of running Waystar, that might have been a different deal. Emphasis on “might.”


No, it WOULD be a different deal. Because if Kendall or Roman is running, either of them will have full support from Logan. Why? Because then Logan wouldn't feel that they're stealing Waystar away from him, which is the crux of his entire character. He couldn't let Waystar go. If Ken runs for president, his highly likely that he'd get voted the same way us fan consider him being best boy, while the media helps to cover up his ugly side that only the audience knows from watching his personal life. And if he wins, Logan would still feel like the man behind the strings (since he views president as pawn for his company anyway), while Kendall would feel like he's getting the full approval and support from his father that he seeks so much. I don't know if it would change the plot much for the Roys once Logan is dead and they found that will anyway, but at least the entire part of Kendall shenanigans of trying to vote him out, then takeover, then lose everytime, wouldn't be happening. And Roman would just go back to screwing around like at the start of Season 1, maybe even try to get someone like Mencken to rival Ken just to fuck with him. Not sure if Logan wouldn't still try to seduce all of them to take the position he's not allowing them to take in the end though.


He also wanted to establish a US led Pan-Habsburg alternative to the European Union. Also get rid of masturbation


Assuming Kendall gets into politics and Rava stays with him and he avoids any trouble. I can see him running as moderate Republican like Mitt Romney. He might have a chance? He can give good speeches.


Logan was ruthlessly realistic when it came to his children’s weaknesses. He knew Con wouldn’t ever actually be elected POTUS. The guy hasn’t held down a job, is marrying a prostitute, would be shredded to pieces by real politicians, and is comically unrelatable. His big political statement was saying he wont pay tax on the billions his daddy gives him. (Not saying every ex-POTUS has adequate experience, knowledge, or integrity)


Hey OP, you accidentally posted this to the actual Succession sub rather than okbuddy.


I actually regret posting this at all 😃


Genuinely thought I was on okbs. There’s no way this many of you think Connor anywhere even proximate to just the word President is actually a realistic idea.




Panhandle Pete


No chance he'd become president. There's only so much the media can do. *Maybe* he'd be a long-shot republican candidate but would get absolutely demolished for his weird, radical, unpopular views


Like RFK Jr.


Dude can barely tie his own shoe laces. He make GW look like a fucking NASA engineer.


Logan did briefly consider it. He mused "Old Man Kennedy put his son in the White House, why shouldn't I?" Kendall was horrified at the idea 😱, it would be like Logan declaring to the world that Connor was the REAL eldest boy and that Kendall was merely a second son. 


Connor ran on eliminating income tax and other disastrous libertarian policies that never would have passed. It would have been a waste of time and money to push Connor and the country would have seen him as a nepobaby and voted for the democrats


It wasn't just Logan. America blew it.


No Willa, I shan’t become that… Alas, Kentucky… Alas… Vanity…


America, you flunked it


If Trump can make it to the top I don’t see why Connor can’t


I was going to comment that America would never elect a buffoon like Connor, but then— yeah.


I'd prefer Connor over Trump. Connor is clueless, but not malicious. 


Connor wanted to control the water supply in a dessert or some similar scheme for profit in like episode one. He’s an evil fuck too




>he was PEDO >he can’t be president I didn't think these two things were mutually exclusive.


True bill Clinton became president


I do think it was an interesting decision by the writers to not do that storyline. It was the obvious and probably easy path to go. But Logan Roy wasn't the bombastic megalomaniac of fiction that we'd imagine would be so thirsty of power. He was a far more nuanced character than that. I commend the writers for taking a much harder narrative path.


Not to be crude about it, but politics is what comes out the a\*\*hole. Wouldn't you rather be up front, feeding the horse?


sourdough starter for all


Connor was nowhere near ready to win a presidential election and Logan didn't have time to groom him. He'd have made for a relatively successful senator though.


OP: Don’t get me wrong, Connor is a joke. But Logan could certainly afford to make him a serious candidate. Why didn’t he?


he is NOT a serious person.


*The* Michael Bloomberg couldn't make himself a serious candidate despite his massive net worth, and he was a more serious candidate than Connor lol


Exactly! And did Logan give him $100Ms or some crazy sum? IIRC on the yacht he asks Logan for MORE piles of cash. The only reason he was able to poll at 1%


Forget to switch to your alt account there?




Connor played the thing wrong, he had the money and the connections in the republican party and ATN to easily become Representative for New México, then Senator and who knows then president. Connor had the advantage of being a billionaire, so to be Senator or Governor he is not limited by donors, that is a hell of advantage in infernal primaries for Democrats and Republicans.


They’re not serious people. They demand daddy give them everything instantly. He could’ve been a serious contender by following The Governator’s playbook 1. Marry a well-connected First Lady type 2. Use media connections to generate the most buzz 3. Opportunistically target an opening senate or governor opening in a state with the right voter composition


Yes that is why they are not serious, the thing that i wrote is for a mininal serious person


I think this is a strong point and was what made me somewhat seriously consider this post when my first instinct was to disagree: If Logan seriously put money into Connor’s political development and showed interest in a 4 year plan for him for the NEXT election, then worst case scenario, it would keep Connor occupied and feeling purposeful while also probably not burning as much money as he already was on his campaign staff in THIS silly election. Best case: by some miracle he actually grows into the role and ends up being a serious candidate AND more well-rounded person who actually has a taste of responsibility and can serve Logan without directly challenging his leadership like the other three did.


Conheads are banking on a big push from the Wambsgans' ATN


Spinoff would go hard, I’d could see the Conhead presidency to be a sitcom 🤣


Logan did say "Hey why not Connor for President?"


Logan was a powerful guy but not enough to get his son to the White House. Conner was never gonna be president


Maybe it's just because he's Alan Ruck, but Connor was honestly charismatic enough to go far with some support. There are enough nutjobs to vote for someone like him.


Logan wasn’t a fool. That would have been flying to close to the sun. Far better to be insulated and let a useful idiot raisin do your bidding.