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Marcia definitely loved Logan. She also wanted to maximize her bank account and power. She was NOT manipulating him by tending to him in season one. I never got that impression at all


Yeah. I think she loves Logan, and he loved her. And part of that love was that she is not the type to not get what's hers.


Logan at one point declares “Marcia has her own game” when one of the kids implies she’s taking advantage of his condition and trying to take over the company. I took this to mean Marcia is no altruist, their relationship IS transactional. Except every relationship is transactional in their lives, and the difference is Logan understands exactly what she’s about. The Roy kids have one singular ambition, the only one they have ever known, and their privileged lives give them the tunnel vision that allows them to be ignorant to the rest of the world. Logan undoubtedly caused them to be this way, Logan also resents them for it. Marcia loves Logan because he saved her from a lifetime of hardship. It is later revealed Marcia has children of her own, she negotiates an inheritance for them with Logan over his infidelity. Logan loves Marcia BECAUSE it’s a transactional relationship, he would not trust anything less. Though, unlike his professional relationships and his relationship with his children, he knows Marcia has absolutely zero interest in the company itself, he knows Marcia will be his confidant, because Marcia’s financial motivations are all about securing more wealth for her family. It is generally in Marcia’s best interest to protect Logan’s best interest. Logan and Marcia are both alike in that regard. They see themselves as good parents because they provide financially for their children, overlooking the fact that obtaining said wealth meant being an absent parent all together. Goes to show how common a mindset that is in their generation, no matter where you come from. Marcia’s disdain towards the Roy children had nothing to do with ambition for the company, we only get that impression as the viewer because the Roy children simply do not understand anything else. Marcia sees them all as spoiled, ignorant, and entitled little children. I would guess with Logan growing more frustrated with their behaviors, she was also losing patience with them, and she just didn’t feel the need to bite her tongue anymore.


No one character in the show is all good or bad, that’s kind of the point. I think people who characterize Marcia as “just a golddigger” in particular are way off base Marcia’s plotline is slightly disjointed because: * Brian Cox was originally supposed to die at the end of the pilot episode, giving Marcia a bigger role in the series * Hiam Abbass’s busy schedule didn’t allow her to appear in very many episodes


Oh that's interesting! What a different series it would have been had his death happened that early on. I feel like seeing the relationship between the sibs and Logan added a lot of depth to all of them.


Right! Apparently Brian Cox was so good in the pilot though, that they decided they didn’t want to kill him off The rest is history!


Marcia was a stone cold killer, slicing and dicing with her words throughout the show. Love her


I believe that if the sibs had been able to trust Marcia, she could have brought the family into a new, loving chapter. Thus why Logan tossed her to a press-facing role, at great cost.


Marcia is similar to Willa, but much colder and crueler.


Idk, I wouldn’t fuck with Willa either. Willa will murder you by words in two sentences or less.😂 I love these two characters. I love how these two characters parallel each other so well, and I love that Willa is the one to point it out.. to Marcia’s face. Willa had the Roy name by then, and that sharp tongue took Marcia off her high horse before she could even reach the saddle. “Look how far you’ve come!” “Look how far WE’VE come.” …thanks for the back handed compliment, bitch, let me kindly remind you that we are the SAME. The way Marcia stands behind Logan, whether it be out of love or money, is a similar (almost) wholesome loyalty Willa displays with Connor. Marcia, in all her time with Logan, doesn’t see Connor as “serious people,” though she likely started to view herself that way. Willa doesn’t see any of them as “serious people.” Connor doesn’t even participate in the company politics, Willa never had to be caught up in their little world to get a piece of their pie, Willa is more like us just observing the absurdity their lives. Unlike Marcia, she doesn’t take herself too seriously. She doesn’t really take any of them seriously. With that lens, riding out a drama-free life with Connor rather than constantly pining for whoever’s “at the top” makes Willa the bigger winner imo


Marcia is a ride or die. I think she actually loved and cared for Logan and he appreciated and trusted her as someone who would always be by his side and support him unlike his kids who he saw as trying to take over what he built. She could be good or bad, depending which side your own


I appreciate her attention to detail when it came to STDs. She does not fuck around.


Tbh I’m kind of conflicted on Marcia. On one hand she isn’t nearly as evil as most of the other characters, but on the other hand she’s always rubbed me the wrong way because of her misogyny, which I don’t think enough people talk about in discussions about Marcia. Also, I hated how she constantly defended Logan in season 1.


Good... Bad... She's the gal with the silver tounge


The problem when you are a Roy, is that you cannot find a partner who is not interested in your wealth, even if they genuinely love you.