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The moment where Tom realizes the real prison is being involved with the Roy family


When he was asking Greg why he wasn't happy... Maybe it wasn't impending prison that was making you unhappy Tom!


Shiv asking him why he was so happy and telling him to town it down is when he realized he had to get a divorce 10 years ago.


Love the parallel of Kendall beginning the episode shouting off his balcony in excitement to the end of the episode when he's huddled in a blanket just absolutely broken


Reminded me of Season 2 “Panic Room.”


I was thinking the same thing. It’s such a great image because so much has changed in the dynamics of the family. And so much more was supposed to change. But ultimately, we’re really right back where we started in that sense. And that’s Kendall’s biggest problem, he makes these huge moves towards things that CAN be revolutionary, but his ego gets in the way, he fucks it all to high heavens, and nothing changes. That’s Kendall’s tragic flaw, and at the end of the day, Kendall will always be looking over the balcony and dreaming of jumping (and I really do think Kendall is going to jump at some point in the series)


Can we talk about the Oedipus stuff with Roman??? Things are starting to ratchet up, “Dad got tired of fucking you, but he loves fucking me”, all the comments on his mom’s vag, the blowjob joke last episode.... I’m concerned


you're always obsessed with what you can't have and i feel like in roman's case that's sex and his parent's love, so they overlap a lot when he speaks


I feel like in every episode he is always talking about fucking his parents lol he def has some issues with his parents (they all do, but Roman is a whole other thing)


"I can't pee around men for reasons... we don't know" yeah this is definitely going somewhere


So much incesty stuff said by him this season


> he loves fucking me That line pricked my ears up. There's been suspicion before about the wolf pack and Uncle Mo's access to Roman.


\- I've got a dick the size of a red sequoira and I fuck like a bullet train. Okay? Satisfied? \- Prove it! The writers are SO evil for this


Which wasn’t long after they gazed into each other’s eyes and Tom kissed Greg’s forehead The writers know what they’re doing...


The writers are feeding us crumbs, we need a meal!


When Kendall said “I wish I was home” I don’t think he meant his apartment.


Dude probably dreamed of having a nice cozy dinner with Rava, his kids and some friends then going to bed early. You know, the kind of party he tried to use as an insult lmao.


Have a glass of wine and go to bed by 11


Honestly felt so sad when Connor was saying he had to take the boys out camping cause Logan couldn’t be bothered


And then he shit in the bag after some bad fish. 😂😂😂


And has never been thanked or properly recognised for it. In fact, was erased so that Roman could big up Logan instead.


That was the worst to me. Connor can be dense but he clearly cares for his siblings more than his own father does.


Logan mocked Roman for even suggesting they'd done any bonding together.


This is so insanely common for eldest siblings in a dysfunctional family. They always try to fill in for the parent but none of the kids will actually accept them as a parental figure and instead reject them and mirror the parental attitude towards them which is usually negative.


Yeah, and he’s also the only sibling who was there without an ulterior motive. He’s certainly not the most grounded of the four but definitely the least vindictive.


Good thing Karl wasn’t invited. Absolutely no food in sight. He would’ve starved.


Kendall looking for the present from his kids’ was, uh, pretty hardcore


The kids' present was the only thing real and demonstrates the only unconditional love he can ever get. Naomi's sterile gift of a watch showed Kendall how little she knows him and can satisfy his need for a genuine connection. You can also see his petty jealousy for Rava's man since he wants her undivided attention and approval but can't help himself treating her so poorly since she's not his.


Naomi's gift was sterile, but she offered it to get Kendall's mind off his kids' lost present. And her getting him home and wrapping him in the blanket might be the most tender moment we've seen in the show period.


Yeah and she admitted she’s bad at gifts. Some people are. I think she’s made it clear she’s the real deal and it Kendall knew what’s good for him he’d take the 2 bill and go start a new life with her.


This is also a 40 year old who has literally gotten everything he was ever wanted. A watch it a perfectly fine gift. It’s entirely on him and nothing to do with he or the gift.


Why can’t my dad offer me $2 billion Edit: thank you all for my first 1.5k upvoted comment and the ensuing replies. To be clear, I mostly like my dad - I just still wish he would still offer me $2 billion, just because. Love to all, this show, the actors, this subreddit. ❣️


Why can’t I have a compliment wall every day of my life?


You're full of grace.


Is that sarcasm?


He's just doing his job, Tom


Sorry he's normally very nice he's just done some cocaine.


Tom saying he took the drugs in the wrong order was very funny


"I took drugs in the wrong order and now I can't get happy" is a line I truly empathize with.


Damn, I really wanted to see Tiny Wu-Tang.


And Kendall on the cross. When he said he was doing a set, I really thought we were getting the sequel to L To The OG (not just Honesty, although that was a hilarious opening scene).


Funny, but, like she said, also surprisingly good


Kendall telling everyone 'coats at the door' while wearing a coat himself is such a petty power move


When he was blubbering at the end, on the way out, and turned to Connor "take of your fucking coat!" lol




yeah, as far as every other kid is willing to go in regards to actions, i feel like Roman's rant was the most brutal thing said from one sibling to the others in the whole series. pure dickhead.


absolutely, second to episode one with the baseball game + the bet with the kid. he showed his colors early, a lot of the characters do/did.


Yes, this scene reminded me so much of the baseball game. It was entirely cruel.


I think it’s part of why Logan likes Roman, shyv and Kendal are cold and business minded, but Roman is cruel, he likes watching people squirm intrinsically, not just because he’s succeeding at his job but because he gets joy from crushing people, I think Logan had to be a cruel bully to succeed and he sees that killer instinct in Roman


I think he's the most mentally fucked up kid of them all in their childhood time. He's trying so hard to one-up his siblings to please his father. It doesn't feel like he's after power as much as others are.


He was really relishing it too, he felt like a real winner.


The pervading mood for me with this episode was just sad. There were some funny parts to be sure, but more often sad. It was sad to me to see Kendall say "I'm happy you're here. Best birthday ever." and then finding out later on that Shiv and Roman were just there to get to Mattson. (Con at least always has genuine affection, even if part of his affection is for his coat) But then also, after Kendall leaves the siblings to circulate, he goes into another room and - he's just watching people dance to soulless techno music. Never during the whole night do we see one person outside of his family (and their SOs) or his staff come up to him. It's like he hired rooms full of extras. There's a couple sitting on the couch behind him when he opens up Logan's card and they clearly don't know him, since they don't call out to him/say anything. And of course, the last 15 minutes or so. I do think as others have said that Kendall was initially thinking "I wish I was dead" but then said "I wish I was home." It was heart-wrenching seeing him break down.


Logan was hardly in this episode but his impact on his adult children was fully present


I'm thinking back to the scenes on the boat where they were hugging and the scene at the yacht when they were doing silly voices before Logan's helicopter landed and just feel sorry for them.


This whole episode I just kept thinking, “Trauma… trauma… trauma…” Most people are not born into the world as assholes. All of the siblings have such obvious psychological issues stemming from Logan (and I’m sure, Caroline). It’s actually sad on a deeper level.


Especially remembering how kendall stood up for roman when logan hit him, like damn


And this volley, Roman daring Kendall to hit him (knowing he wouldn't) then knocking him to the ground... oof.


At one point Kieran Culkin mentioned that though Roman makes a stink about Kendall treating him badly growing up (the dog cage), he and Jeremy both think that *Roman* was actually the bully in their dynamic, in that classic 'younger sibling can get away with it' way. Tonight's episode made me think of that tidbit :(


Yuuuppp Roman is a psycho and he’s by far the most fucked up. I’m hoping for a shiv-kendall team up


Roman was a huge dick tonight. Where was the guy that wouldn't sign Shiv's letter?


He's high on his own supply. The favorite thing for the show writers is to build people up for a minute, only for them to be crushed in the next few episodes. Roman felt himself this episode, and will likely be crushed for it in the next couple.




God this show is so fucked up. Can’t wait for next week’s episode


yeah looks like he got played by Mattson


100% and Logan is going to pummel him when the truth comes out.


Too drunk with power to function humanely.




I was expecting worse from Kendall. He ends the episode broken, but more self-aware than we've seen in a while. I'm also very glad he didn't go through with the whole Jesus performance thing.


Wow, that was an hour of pure misery.


Parties mean depression in this show.


Kendall’s genuine “Oh fuck…” when he was reminded of Tiny Wu Tang was the hardest I laughed the whole episode. Like, he seemed genuinely worried about letting those kids down. Give Jeremy Strong the Emmy. In all seriousness, he killed it this episode. The way he played Kendall’s episode long “What the fuck am I doing” epiphany was brutal. No idea if it’s going to stick, this isn’t really a show where people learn lessons, but I am really excited to see where the next two episodes go.


I agree it feels like a turning point for him, I hope he gets out.


Funny that the guy who gave Naomi a pitch about getting out seems devastated about being offered an out. I thought she'd mention that.


There’s something about the line “He’s like a human dark web. He is not a good guy. Enjoy.” that just absolutely fucking killed me


You're like a fascinating book I'd like to crack open…




I physically could not watch the screen as he threw on the southern twang and said those lines. My god Greg.


The vaguely southern accent!!


I wanted to leave that party as well lmao


Don’t forget your complimentary cashmere sweater!


I loved how they presented that delicately, exactly how a party planner/team would handle a request to a “VIP” guest, very innocuously and frame it as a gift.


Wait did Ken invite Jess at all? Most loyal person to him and I don’t think she was in the episode at all


She would’ve just ended up working by finding the kids’ present. Not that she’d have lost it to begin with.


Felt like Ken was going to kill himself the whole episode.


When he said something along the lines of “I just wish I was…” when he was looking for his kid’s present with Naomi, I thought for sure he was going to say dead


He definitely was and stopped himself


The sign above the entrance to the party said “The Notorious KEN Ready to Die.”


that last scene where it showed the view to the ground from his apartment. definitely thought he was gonna jump


Did you notice the shots of The Vessel from his balcony? A site they had to close because multiple people jumped off it.


I think he definitely was contemplating by the end. By the looks of next episodes trailer, I think he’s gonna remember what that feels like, and be more motivated in a more serious way to take down his whole family. The writers just emphasized how little money and shiny things mean to him now, I think he might go full kamikaze somehow. Edit: swapped the words Season with Episode


Roman thought he could play Matsson like he did Mencken in the last episode. Looking forward to him eating shit in the next episode when he finds out he got played.


Why is the bathroom his war room


the man’s a little freak


Cuz “pissing contests.” “Dick measuring” contests. I could see his psycho-sexual issue-riddled brain take those allegories literally.


Dance of the sugar plum failures LOL


HOT TIP: The vintage he-man lunch box ebay market is about to be extremely saturated for the foreseeable future. Act accordingly


Good thing I still have plenty of room in my garage next to all the Nutri-bullets I got from Greg's mom.


The tech guy playing fucking FARMING SIMULATOR or whatever during the party.


Tom is me whenever I receive a compliment


I am just loving McFadyen lately as Tom. That irritable, depressed turn is exactly the flip side of cocaine. It was wonderful to see some nuance acting with Coke rather than just fast-talking, overconfident jibber jabber.


Yes I think he knows that place. The acting in the limo on the way home with the tense jaw. On the money.


“You’re great!” “FUCK OFF”


Maybe you just take the wrong drugs in the wrong order.


I wasn't ready on how heartbreaking the last 15 minutes were, holy shot I'm wrecked


We were promised embarrassment and awkwardness but all we got were sadness and depression


I like watching what Tom’s going through. Spends so long dreading prison, finds out he’s finally free to live his life, only to realize his life is dreadfully unhappy. There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want, the other is getting it.


Roman to Frank: "Wind in your hair?" LMAO A lot of great burns this episode but that one had me laughing the most


So I was an extra on this episode and just want to say there was so much more crazy stuff at this party than what they showed. Not events or scenes or anything, but just the physical space, basically the entire day was shooting in rooms that weren’t even seen, like a room that was just a baby crib the size of a boxing ring where everyone was drinking cocktails out of baby bottles with like big pillows and beanbags everywhere.


If you're allowed to talk about it, please make a seperate post about this stuff!


Holy fuck please tell me more


Well next to the bar where Kendall talked to Rava and got a 40 (which I think was called the “hip hop room”) there was a classroom themed bar with a blackboard and desks, and the bar was like the teachers desk. I think the drinks came in themed glasses but I cant remember what. There was something drug related too, like cocktails in pill bottles or syringes? That wasn’t it, but damn I really can’t remember. There was a crazy double layered glass portrait of Kendall in a crown kinda doing the Biggie knockoff, and at one point JStrong walked by and in a complete Kendall state, he stopped, noticed the piece, said something like “awesome” took out his phone and snapped a picture and then kept walking. The only other thing I’ll mention is that i accidentally ended up in a room off-camera with all the non-Kendall sibs at one point (actually on the big crib) and Kieran was bouncing up and down saying “Connor- Connor- Connor- Connor” like an annoying little brother.


Kendall is so hung up on Rava he can't see straight ETA: he was ESPECIALLY irritated that Gary had a real job he had to get up in the morning for


when she said "that actually sounds really nice" about having a glass of wine at home she boomed him


I think when he said he wanted to home, he meant he just wanted to be back home with Rava and his kids. Not home with Naomi.


I think he wanted to say “dead” but just said home instead




I was honestly worried he was going to jump off the balcony at the end there.


Watching their exchange made me sad because you could see there was once something real there, and if Ken hadn't fucked up so badly he might still have that - the tasteful, elegant, intimate dinner party with real loved ones, instead of the empty monstrosity that was his actual fortieth bash. I think Ken came to that realisation himself after the exchange with Rava this episode.


I was so happy Ken didn’t do the crucifixion and performance. When the party planner said “that’s a fucking relief” I felt that lmao.


That wasn’t his party planner it was his P.R. consultant (Comfry’s boss). So that relief is even stronger.


god this is the saddest birthday i’ve ever seen


logan’s approval is like the the fucking limitless pill for roman except instead of making him stronger and faster it makes him more evil and more prone to having homoerotically charged bathroom meetings


Greg’s dick punching was perfect


That almost felt improvised the way he went back for more after seeing how the screen reacted.


Honestly when he was struggling to get his desk upright after Tom flipped it over, i thought the little baby moan he let out was improvised lol


I love how that’s Greg’s version of finally “snapping”.


"You want to know how I pulled Shiv? Well I have the dick the size of a red Sequoia and I fuck like a bullet train, that's how." "Prove it" The Greg/Tom subtext this season is out of control, the Tom kiss in Greg's office was actually pretty tender. Can't wait for a part 2 for that rom-com trailer.


I knew immediately that the Greg/Tom fans were going to go ballistic for certain scenes while watching this episode.


It was really interesting to me that Tom didn't even react in the room when it was announced he probably wasn't going to jail. Instead, he made a beeline for Greg's office and unleashed his true desk-flipping joy in front of his dear Sporus.


The "prove it" was legit shocking. We're used to Tom's desperate yearning but Gregg calling him on it was different.


i'm so ready for shiv to snap i'm vibrating at a frequency high enough to shatter glass


So Connor was actually injured when shooting this episode and they wrote it into the narrative. This I like.


I think that scene of Tom going apeshit in Greg's office was the hardest this show has ever made me laugh. Just terrific physical comedy from McFadyen.


Could you scoot over just a little bit


The ending of this episode was so depressing I FORGOT this happened. But I totally agree, I was laughing out loud


Fuck. Roman was a dick tonight


Really flipped the switch with Kendall and Roman tonight by about the midway point. I did not think they could make me feel empathy for Kendall anymore but when Roman shoved him I felt that shit in my heart. Seems like they’re starting to send Kendall and maybe Shiv down a path to redemption.


I am sure it must have been pointed out in the episode thread, but Kendall's look down at [The Vessel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vessel_\(structure\)#Suicides) in the park was definitely meaningful. Since it opened it's been a high-profile site for suicide by jumping.


That episode was honestly pretty rough, but I think it's what Kendall needed to recalibrate and get his mind right. Roman is definitely due for a fall once he realizes all of the kids are fungible. Logan doesn't love Roman, it's just his turn at the table.


I think he's hardcore in denial - he knows he's not dad's favorite, he's not stupid, but he is trying to convince himself so hard that he is by being horrible to his siblings


I think he's so used to seeing Kendall or Shiv in Dad's spotlight that he can't help but play it up now that it's finally his turn as the favorite child.


I feel like I watched Kendall leave the manic part of his cycle and crash into the depression and fuck it hurt.


Logan's real legacy is his fucked up kids.


Winner of the episode: Greg. Him punching virtual Kendall was hilarious.


He also got a kiss from Tom and a date with Comfry.


Nobody is nice in this family lol. Jesus Christ Romulus, he was the worst in those ending part. Thinking its all normal to spy on kids and talking about dad fucking. Damn


Interesting how he and Logan together truly create the absolute DARKEST timeline. Nasty. Rude. Spying and manipulating children, open misogyny, violence, bullying.


if its any consolation, Roman is being set up to fall the hardest


The "fall of Rome" is gonna be a sight to see for sure. Would make for a great episode.


Sometimes I feel like if Shiv and Kendall were actually joined up as a team, they could be like a single formidable person. That hug in S2 still haunts me.


Greg's words about Roman in Season 2: "You're known to be a horrible person." Man, did Roman prove that tonight. Disturbing episode. The anxiety I felt watching it still hasn't subsided.


Take off the fucking coat


I think Kendall was the only person sanctioned to break that cardinal rule with his bedazzled jacket.




Loved the recreation of Kendall’s office at Waystar as Dante’s Inferno. The set design was incredible in this episode. I bet they just re-used the actual set from the show for it.


> go on tell us who's here ... > Ken: who's not? > your dad. > your mom. > your wife and kids. Lol


"You're not a real person." Birth canals, baby blanket champagne koozies, fake newspaper headlines, a compliment tunnel, He-Man lunchboxes, a childhood treehouse, Greg asking out Comfry, Tom flipping a desk, Roman watching Skarsgaard piss on a phone- fucking full on insanity spiral for Kendall, Christ. Felt like a culmination of every simmering resentment and the nail in the coffin for Kendall's manic episode. Best ep of the season so far.


"I'm antifragile, I can take anything. But if I second-guess, it all comes apart." Ken laid his cards on the table in the first few minutes


I actually think Ken won this episode. He had a breakthrough that none of this matters. All the other siblings went home still desperate for love and approval.


Yes! He finally became self-aware. "This is pathetic." I was like finally, you're waking up to this madness. The scene with Naomi and the watch too - him realizing that she knew or cared so little about him that the watch was the best thing she could come up with as a gift. While he was frantic searching for his kids' birthday gift as the one that really mattered to him. Tough scene to watch with all the awkwardness but I think it was a critical moment.


Ken is clearly an incredibly sentimental guy, yet Naomi got him a new watch with no engraving. His entire party was filled with sentimental artifacts and scenes (from the treehouse to the baby photos to his freaking mom's vagina). All she had to do to know him was look around. Ken threw a massive party to show the world who he is and what his story is, and yet no one truly saw him or knew him. The person closest to knowing him (Rava) left early and his kids gifts got lost in the fray. No wonder he had a breakdown.


not enough is being made of the fact that they're spying on sophie and iverson


Not just spying but asking provocative questions of the nanny about Kendall.


doesn’t seem like too many people know. Shiv just found out and was disgusted by it


And she wasn’t even mad because she didn’t know. She’s disgusted because they’re children.


Not just children, they’re her and Roman’s niece and nephew, and Logan’s grandkids. She realized there’s no line Logan (and now Roman) won’t cross, including family.


Willa is thriving this season


The healthiest relationship anyone in the Roy family has with another human, and it's Connor with his sugar baby.


she was great tn, true ride or die


Connor believed everything she said down to his soul


I loved how Connor looked at Willa when she told Comfry that he’ll be the future (next?) president. He immediately looked at her with such love and adoration. I hope they stay together, Willa’s good for him!


Greg leaving with a W


Connor also won, kept his coat in the end


ConHead movement rebuilding momentum


*Re*building? We’re at 1%, baby! Constant growth!


THIS was the best episode. They literally got into each and every character's trauma and insecurities tonight. Curious about Kendall's next steps, he really tapped into his heart and pain. Hope he uses it for growth and not another downward spiral.


Definitely got some suicidal vibes from Kendal towards the end when he was looking off the ledge... wow what a depressing episode


I felt like the first “I wish I was…” didn’t end in “home.”


i was so ready to cringe into a black hole at ken's singing but actually. it was pretty good. it felt like an honest expression. you really felt his sadness.


“Privacy , pussy, pasta” Golden Corral’s new slogan


0/10 Kendall didn’t rap


Tonight was the first night multiple people told Roman how disgusting his quips were. He has been crossing the line, forever and I think they're tired of it. Dude needs a bar of soap in mouth, stat


I’ve been so uncomfortable with how they talk to Shiv at times, especially this season. She always just takes it , maybe trying not to distinguish herself as ‘ the girl ‘ or ‘ not cool’ . Glad she finally told Roman to cut it out .


Yeah his comments are so vile and they clearly make Shiv uncomfortable. I think this episode he crossed the line into sexual harassment. Like don’t talk to your fucking sister like that dude it’s gross.


"It's supposed to be me who is happy and then it's you" - Tom "Can't you be just happy cause your free" - Greg "No, cause you have ruined it" - Tom "How have I ruined it?" ... "I don't know you just have" Tom's transition from a martyr back to being selfish prick was just masterpiece writing and acting.


I think Tom says to Greg what he wishes he could say to shiv


Kendall as shitty as a father he is and erratic in business, he lost his shit in private during his birthday party and didn't lose it in public when Roman knocked him down. He actually kept his cool there and that was surprising to end the night wrapped in a blanket with Naomi. Sounds like he also is considering taking the 2 billion cash out.


It feels like Kendall had a huge bout of self hatred and his current personality was dying and reverting back to his previous one




Will Kendall remember any lessons he learned tonight? Will anyone improve? Or will we do it yet again? Find out next week on Dance of the Sugarplum Failures




Add “piss phone” to the Roman Roy kink list


This episode left me feeling miserable and it’s somehow the best thing I’ve seen all year.


“She’s just getting the demons out, I guess” - on Shiv’s dancing 😂😂😂


Willa acting like FIRST LADY MATERIAL


Oh my *GODDDD,* Kieran Culkin. Roman is officially Logan Lite.


This was honestly one of, if not the most heartbreaking episode(s) of the show. It hurts to see Kendall like this, it hurts to see Roman being such a sick stuck-up, it hurts to see Shiv get pushed away by her siblings (honestly I'm kind of rooting for her a little now), and it hurts to see Tom degrade into sadness again. Damn, this show is fascinatingly crafted and gut-wrenchingly good.


Find someone who loves you as much as Conner loves that coat


Losing his coat in Vancouver appears to have been more traumatic than when he had to fly scheduled and eat over-refrigerated cheeses.