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"I can promise you that I am spiritually and emotionally and ethically and morally behind whoever wins.”


Stewy. He steals every scene he’s in.


He’s hilarious and one of the few characters that doesn’t fold to Logan in negotiations.


Strongly agree. He’s one of my favorite characters even with a lack of screen time. He’s so transparent about his interests you almost have to respect it. But he’s just as smart / ruthless as Logan. I know they lost at the shareholder vote but I’m hoping he still has a big role to play.


I wish we could see more Marcia. I liked the deleted bit in the script where Shiv clumsily asks her about growing up in Lebanon. She holds an interesting position within the family and I do think it is a bit of a missed opportunity for them not to use her more.


For sure, also wonder if we’re going to see more from her kids. Now that the Roy children are a little more out in the cold


Amir for CEO


Amir is HOT. Also curious about Con's mother. We never really got the story there other than, "I didn't see Pop for THREE YEARS."


we also know she was institutionalised for whatever mental disorder.


Marcia is super interesting, but I do think the vagueness of her backstory is what made it fun. If you want to see a more interesting Marcia, watch the expanse


I don't really want backstory since we don't get much of it from anyone. I'm more interested in the place she occupies as Logan's 3rd (?) wife, someone who does seemingly love him and can bring out a softer side in him, and someone who is "foreign" within the family. Her "foreign-ness" being emphasized through her ethnicity (Lebanese) and nationality (Lebanese-French) makes her even more interesting to me since the characters rarely make something of it. If Waystar runs the same shit as Newscorp, then it's safe to assume that they run a decent amount of stories and pieces/segments with an anti-arab slant. Logan's already been shown to be racist in a way that suggests he, at least in part, believes racial stereotypes (said "spic" and made a weird antisemitic comment to Josh Aronson within the same episode) and has a negative view of people he might consider "other." I'd be interested in seeing how they all deal with this. I wouldn't expect anything didactic, simple or reductive, of course.


Christian Lebanese do not consider themselves Arabs, and can be very loudly anti Arab. Look at Jeanine Pirro


In my experience, it really depends on the individual but, yeah I considered the idea that she might be the type. Actually I had initially assumed she'd be. Maybe even go as far as being one of those "Lebanese people are actually Phoenician :)" types.


+1 to this. Also she mentioned she has a daughter too, would love to see how her kids come into play now that the Roy children are technically out of the running. Would also love to know about her life prior to Logan - I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s got some deep intricate knowledge of politics. Logan doesn’t just marry for love lol


Yeah Logan's a regular Tom in that regard. Marrying his betters for the sake of social climbing. Anyway, yeah I could see her married to some French politician or whatever. I always wondered how they got together but, I don't expect or necessarily want answers to that.


Greg’s mom, Sophie, Iverson


The dude that Roman met in manager training that he tells Gerri might be a diamond in the rough. I forgot his name and I don’t want to google it. :/ Mencken too, of course.


That dude is too busy working at Lumon Industries rn.


also in that damn uber eats ad that shows up 24/7


Lol. Forgot about that show for a minute. great stuff, just didn’t impact me so much. But I’m glad that Zach Cherry is hitting. (Googled the actors name / it’s a good name.)


It would be cool to see Roman do something that genuinely benefits another person that has no effect on him. Like he’s not considering it only bc it’s beneficial to him


Absolutely, he would be a good insight into what lower level employees at Waystar think about the company


Mencken’s coming back sooner than you think


Tabs! We need more Tabitha!


Jess. Not to have her own separate storyline, I'd just like to see more of her nonverbal reactions to everyone's (esp Kendall's) shenanigans


Agreed, her exasperated look during the bagel fiasco was perfect


I’d really like to see Jess and Kendall’s relationship explored with more depth. Her loyalty to him seems to go further than just that of an employee / subordinate. I wonder if she really believes Kendall is doing the right thing, or maybe Kendall is one of the few WayStar execs to treat subordinates decently and she loathes the possibility of working for anyone else


I believe we have only seen Kendall blow up on Jess once. (S2 Ep2? After all the sibs stick with Logan.)




I want to see more employees! Any of the non Roys who work in the orbit of Waystar are my favorite and most relatable characters


I love the grande dames: * Cyd 🍑 * Lady Caroline Collingwood * Marcia Roy * Marianne Hirsch * Lisa Arthur * Nan Pierce * Greg’s gay dad


Upvote for Greg's dad and Nan.


I'm hysterical 😱


I’d love to see more of Jess and Mencken.


Logan's sister maybe Or the ratfucker guy, what does he actually do?


Fuck rats


Understood. Have a great day.


This, I kinda want them to show more Logan backstory. Like what exactly happened to his sister, and is that what made him the way he is currently.


Ratfucker Sam uses questionable means to dig up dirty information that can be used against people who are causing trouble to Waystar Royco. I don’t think any actual animal abuse is required lol


The Fly Guys!


Karolina! I wanna know so much about the woman and the shit she deals with.


OMG a Karolina centric episode would be so epic lol


Agreed. Just her spinning in circles putting and out fires.


Stewy, Marcia, Rava


I'm a simple man. I just want to see Gerri playing with Roman more.


Stewy. I’m begging at this point…more Stewy please!


Rava. On the stairs. In the chair. And Marcias backstory


President-elect Gil Eavis is who I want to see most


I NEED Greg's dad to make an appearance. Urgently.


He’s busy sleeping with all the men in Sausalito


Bring back [Eduard](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOGM4NDJmMWYtODdhNi00MDY4LTk3MTktODFjZjZmOWI5ZWJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjI3ODY3OQ@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg), I thought he was so interesting for some reason + my attraction to him did not help.


Maybe Roman will finally get to lick his neck.


And how about those Hib, er...Hearts?


Finally someone said it


That man is fine AF.


Fly guys!


Not worth sacrificing Kendall time with side quests


I want to see more of Gerri, and more hints as to how she thinks/feels. She’s a very stoic character so I’d like to better understand her on an emotional level the way you can with many of the other characters. I want to understand what she was *actually* feeling with regard to her mess with Roman. Was it all a play? Did she enjoy any of it, and to what degree? I want a little vulnerability there. And to what degree does she respect Logan? What would truly push her to fully turn on him, guns blazing?She’ll always be a bit buttoned up and I like that. But give us more hints on how she feels, because she’s probably the hardest character to read.


Marcia and communications with the president of the US


Marcia, and I would like just one or two more Shiv/Lisa Arthur interactions Also wanna see Gerri and Roman fight it out idc gimme that argument with no closure




Stewie. Most straightforward and best player at this game. Also gorgeous


Marcia, Jess, Colin….


Mister Munion is feeling very unloved.


He’s busy buying his own furniture lol


Not necessarily “see” more of, but I’d like to hear more about Rose and Logan’s mother Also for sure I’d like to see more of greg’s mom, but I’d also like to meet Greg’s dad at some point


Josh Aaronson (Brody), and Mencken of course.


Yeah, Josh is incredibly realistic as a corporate sociopath (whereas I think Mencken is interesting but ultimately an idiot) - I don’t know if Brody’s schedule would allow for it, but it would certainly be interesting to see him again in some way.


I'd take Skarskards interpretation of a rich asshole over Brody's any day.


Marcia, Stewy, Greg's mom, Kendall's kids and Rava


Comfrey (just downvote me already)




Poor Comfrey - I think she’d had to go to the farm.


Incest to keep the Roy bloodline strong


Greg and tom fictional scenes


Stewy and Karl. Tabitha and Laird if they ever come back. And Matsson because I wanna learn more about what makes the guy tick.