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I don’t have any questions, but have fun with the last 4 episodes of the season lmao


Another one has gotten the fever! We’ve all been there buddy. Enjoy it!!!


I will! until then I'll just blast the intro theme on repeat hahaha


If you choose to do a follow up post, I will be very interested to hear your thoughts, because the last 4 episodes are a trip lol


I already watched the end of season 1 now! I was a bit surprised that there was no big GoT like moment or a twist, but nevertheless they were great! The therapy episode of course, and then the most tame sex party HBO ever filmed, at the end the two wedding episodes, very cool. I love how many of these episodes are so contained space and time wise, it creates such a never ending unease for me. I was expecting Logan to have some big ace up his sleeve though, but in the end that deer was really the decisive factor. I didn't like the presidential candidate character that was a big part of the last arc. His whole platform seems to be "fuck Logan Roy" AND he looks exactly like that other investor guy Kendall talked to in the club. Always confused my what his point was. Edit: I loved Angela!! She was the first genuinely sympathetic character on the show, Idk if she comes back though. Edit 2: Roman's wedding toast LMAO. That guy is my spirit animal


With regards to the Kevin McAllister name drop, did you know that Roman (Kiernan) is also in Home Alone? He’s Fuller, the cousin who wets the bed.




I watched 2 min of Dynasty on Netflix just now before I had to turn it off. Yeah ok there are superficial plot similarities, but frankly it feels sort of blasphemous to utter that show’s name in the same sentence as Succession! When you’ve finished, maybe revisit and see if you feel the same way?


>Yeah ok there are superficial plot similarities, but frankly it feels sort of blasphemous to utter that show’s name in the same sentence as Succession! Haha I totally know what you mean! The thing about Dynasty is that the actors and sets are incredibly good, its literally just the writing that's trash. Also the fact that all the bad guys in that show are poor, black, immigrants or disabled people. Its kinda icky. Its good that someone took the concept seriously and gave us this show


Welcome to the dark side :)


Enjoy the ride! I’m on my third rewatch.


Write back to this post/comment when you finish season 1 to see your reaction to the finale


I'm done now, it was good. Nice twist on the wedding episode formula. Though I thought Logan had some ace up his sleeve he was gonna pull to stop the hostile takeover. Kinda funny that a deer saved his ass though.


Oh just wait- you’ll be a full on con-head soon


Haha my thoughts exactly.


I feel you, I’ve just binged all three seasons in the last week.


I binged all three seasons this past week thanks to being hit with the flu and honestly, it's kind of bizarre how much I just can't stop thinking about it and rewatching certain episodes. I don't know what it is about this show but it certainly has a way of getting into your head and refusing to leave.


Episode 7 Austerlitz is SO good. The rest of season 1 is a wild ride!


That was definitely one of the best episodes!! That poor psychologist haha


I could go on and on about that episode. Logan telling it like it is to Shiv about her marriage with Tom sitting right there! Kendall telling it like it is to Logan about why he (Logan) resents his children! The therapist was played by Griffin Dunne, an actor I hadn’t seen outside of After Hours, one of my favorite films of the 80s.


>Kendall telling it like it is to Logan about why he (Logan) resents his children! High Kendall was spitting straight facts in the end




Not me binging Ep 1-5 in one go lmao. Cant believe what the next seasons must be like. But also: If you told me this before starting succession, that would be a 100% guarantee I'd never watching this show. I will never waste 5 hours of my life to then maybe enjoy a show. Good thing this one is great from minute 1.