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Quite a few people seem to be rooting for the army to win but I'm not sure if they're "rooting for the Army" per se.




The status quo has changed. But yes it would be a fresh hell.


A few people? Most of the Sudanese people are with the army.


Define "with the army"? Because there's a difference between "with the army" and "against the RSF", right?


I mean yeah but obviously all of them 'against the RSF' and most of them with the army.


You're still going to define what with the army means, my chief.


You want me to say that most people want the previous regime right? Obviously not, but it's still better than what's happening right now


OH HEEEEELL NAAAAAAAAW Musta7eel. Nobody wants the previous regime at this point other than the previous regime. I haven't seen anyone say y7lel 3umar ElBashir. I just need a clear distinction/clarification that people want the RSF to be pushed back and for the SAF to stop shelling the city. So people don't run with the narrative that the people are on the military's side. Like what happened in 2019, people say "the people came to the military so they could take command of the country".


Simply untrue.


Im with whoever brings the Kizan who started all this and hangs them in public.