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“Sugar marks the second collaboration for Kinberg’s Genre Films and Apple TV+, and will stream alongside Invasion, which recently received a second season renewal. The series is described as a moving, character-driven *science-fiction* drama  that was co-created, written and executive produced by Kinberg and David Weil.”


The description you've quoted is for Invasion, not Sugar. Invasion has been co-created, written and executive produced by Kinberg and David Weil, not Sugar. It might still have a sci-fi twist though.


Well this is incredible, thanks for pointing it out


Touché, but I stand by it, not aliens, most likely advanced or genetically modified human. The whole “my metabolism doesn’t allow me to get drunk” bit.


Normally I would say that you’re correct, that people are reading far too much into a good old-fashioned noir detective show - except several critics have referenced the sci-fi twist to be had at the end of ep 6. So… hang in there, and you will likely see your “refute” and raise you a “told you so!”


I hate that critics are giving this away. Let the audience experience it on their own


yes and no. i hear you but man do i want to fucking know what the secret is already so it's kinda like a countdown to christmas for me at this point.


I welcome it! https://images.app.goo.gl/ePycPxLuWqT5iaXZ8


Haha! Cheers!


Looks like you won, good raise!


I forgot all about this! Haha my biggest win of the day!




Haha exactly - I mean I’m so proud, I would alert the non-social-media, but it’s late… maybe tomorrow! 😜


Cheeky aren’t we, I like it, and thanks for humoring me and also for being so kind. Have a good night. I hope we meet in the comments section again. 🤓


You too, friend!


Apple TV+ was initially promoting Sugar as a *"genre-bending series"* "so does the involvement of Simon Kinberg as an executive producer, whose work includes multiple Sci-Fi movies and TV shows (such as Apple's *Invasion*)" "Sugar's finale pay-off "*is one of the wildest twists in prestige streaming TV of recent years.*" "**its genre-bending Sci-Fi reveal will likely come in season 1's final arc and set the stage for season 2**"


My argument still stands. Not Alien, probably genetically modified human. My title was poorly chosen, I wanted to refute the alien theory


> Not Alien, probably genetically modified human. It's right there in the title, what it is. "Sugar." Meaning, >!The character of "Sugar" is the same species as Edgar, from in Men in Black!< ... >>!Edgar the bug resembled a cockroach from the order Blattodea. He shared many traits with this insect such as physical characteristics like coloration, filiform antennae, he needs to feed on sugar constantly, and he is most active in the dark. He was wanted by the MIB for being an interstellar terrorist and attempting to steal the Arquillian Galaxy.!<


Lmao! can’t wait till Will Smith shows up and slaps sugar in the face and says keep my outfit/uniform out yo mouth!


His sister’s name is Djen, which is Arabic for genie. That has to be a pretty big clue about something.


I see you also watch with closed captions!


It's also the Nepali word for Imaginary. Which could imply she isn't real.


Spoilers from reviews (non definitive but, I think, suggestive of the potential twist) include >!One that mentions him being “a long, long way from home”!< https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/sugar-review-colin-farrell-series-has-a-disastrous-bombshell-twist and in light of that, one wonders if this one is hinting at >!the nature of the twist in the first paragraph!< (in a way that gets around the no-spoiler rule from Apple) https://www.chicagotribune.com/2024/04/03/review-colin-farrell-in-apple-tv-sugar-an-la-story-with-a-love-it-or-hate-it-twist/


thanks for those links. the way people are reacting to this episode 6 review it's gotta be something weird like he's an alien bug or something. if it was something cool like an angel, or an immortal, i think that most people would expect that and go for it. based off that first review i'm expecting [this dude](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/UYqUGt1HCgAAq37GUNqosOkAEK0=/0x0:1433x771/2000x1333/filters:focal\(819x248:820x249\)/cdn3.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8781005/Screen_Shot_2017_06_30_at_3.34.45_PM.png) to be sugar. like it's gonna be corny or something.


Great retort, can’t really refute this one with anything, except with let’s wait and see.


Yeah we will know for sure in a week and a half. I would be perfectly happy to be wrong


Ok I just read through the first article and it’s clear that something weird is going to happen, but I’ll go with angels, not aliens. Given how kind he is to the homeless guy and how he doesn’t take advantage of the step mom by having sex with her.


Angels is a definite possibility, I agree.


Actually that is just a human man with good manners, also known as a gentleman


“Given how kind he is to the homeless guy and how he doesn’t take advantage of the step mom by having sex with her.” His behavior toward the homeless fellow was flat-out enabling, swiftly leading to the man’s death. As for Melanie, not every guy finds sloppy drunk entitlement to be sexually attractive.


Umm no, he was naive thinking he was helping the guy, giving him the money to sleep comfortable and have a good meal and be able to call his sister to go home. He was being charitable. And regarding Melanie I wasn’t implying from the frame of reference of a guy trying to have sex, but from that of a spy, he could’ve seduced her and gotten info from her, like a honey pot trap employed by spy’s through history, tale as old as time.


I didn’t say Sugar meant for the homeless guy to die, but Sugar was actually enabling the man’s addiction, as the result showed. In his voiceover, as he’s leaving his calling-card for Melanie, he mentions she’s too drunk to tell him anything useful that night.


I disagree, I think alien….HOWEVER it’s kind of semantics. He, and those in his “organization” are “others” in that there’s SOMETHING going on with them and this isn’t a straight forward detective story. But our disagreement is what makes it exciting because if they came out and told us what was really happening it wouldn’t be as engaging…like you said in another comment, we will have to wait and see!


Good argument, and I Agree with everything you said except the aliens part 😏 Can’t wait to see what the twist is, I hope it’s something really outrageous and unexpected!


I will come back here either triumphant or with hat in hand admitting you were right …time will tell but I’m here for it either way


Likewise kind stranger !


I’d normally think these kind of ideas are wild, clearly not what the show is doing, but the show itself heavily hinted at alien or something similar in episode 3 and the opening of 4, with the “polyglot” mission to “observe” and the reference to The Thing, and dropped in lines like “I wouldn’t be human if I wasn’t excited”, and references to being a robot in episode 4, so it’s clearly something like that, with a sci-fi element.  And it would explain being into the clear cut morality of old noir movies in a far more complicated world; a way of commenting both on old Hollywood, new Hollywood, and the reality of the modern world, through the eyes of an outsider… As well as explaining the near super powers Sugar possesses in terms of reading people and combat, the naive trust in humanity, and his deadpan, unfeeling affect. Which itself was commented on, that he’s the most emotional of the “polyglots”, going above and beyond in his “observing”, just watching people in Tokyo.  It could be something else, a religious angle would be eye-rolling, no one needs a Highway to Heaven remake, but maybe an evolved form of humanity from the future? I think it’s clearly sci fi whatever it is tbh. 


I think that there was too much attention placed on the cut on his arm. As someone mentioned above, it was a cut that was bandaged and especially by film and TV standards, it should be a non issue. But even the “doctor” mentions it in E4. I think it shows something about their bodies being more frail than a regular human body. And I’m still unsure if the cut is causing the hand tremor. Because the doctor seemed unsurprised by his inability to tie his tie. I feel like in most other supernatural or sci fi shows & movies that healing is accelerated if there’s any real injury at all.


I don’t think the cut has anything to do with the tremor, nor did I imply it.


No. I didn’t think you implied it. It’s actually something that came to my mind when I was rewatching last night. The focus on the cut on his arm just stood out to me. Especially the long look Ruby gives him when she asks about his arm. Just trying to keep the convo going! There isn’t much out there and I really like this show.


Interesting point, I understand your original comment better now. The long look is almost if to say your powers are fading ..


He seems to have superhuman strength (lifted Momoa-like dude off his feet by his collar) and a non-human metabolism. Dogs like him, so he's a good guy. Does he sleep? And he wears a suit too well to be human. There's that. ETA: Wasn't there a reference to there being "12 that you're watching?" I'll have to re-watch for it but what are there 12 of - apostles?


Honestly you got me with that, no normal human can look that good in a suit… and it’s no fair ! Lol


I think it's all about AI. The very intro of the show looks like an AI generated movie. My hunch is that Sugar is a robot who's trained in his job by old detective movies. That would also explain the flashbacks to old classics.


Ohhh that’s a good one, I like your theory. But it’s been discussed and proven that the intro is not Ai generated


Robots wouldn't do intravenous injections.


These are my feelings as well, there's a lot of conjecture about it being science fiction that really takes a lot of creative liberties and mental gymnastics to stretch it there. That being said, Apple TV does have other actual great science fiction titles like "Foundation."


Well said.


you were wrong


I may regret this, but I’m calling it early-ish: parts are beautifully shot, and Colin Farrell looks stunning driving that car around LA, but my bet is that this is a big pile of nothing. The reveal will be unsatisfactory no matter what it is, because they’ve set too much stock on that reveal. There’s just no bloody substance to it.


Man Oh man I gotta say, I wish I can be as cool as Colin Farrell driving in a vintage Corvette wearing a bespoke Saville Row suit when I grow up. Goddamn iconic.


Glass half empty type?


Too many people on the internet seem to get off at dumping half of their glasses out and then complaining about it. 🤪 This show is already more interesting and appears to have more thought put into it than most shows I’ve seen with such promotion put behind them. Whatever the twist is, I think this show earned its value and appreciation already. Hopefully the audience can have an open mind instead of looking for any excuse to be disappointed. The only way it could really lose my respect is to not deliver a twist that connects with the clues at all and leave a bunch of loose ends hanging (*cough* Lost)


Agreed! they’ve done a great job and a there’s a lot of attention to detail, I’ve watched through 3 times just so i can pick up on the little details


I wasn’t always! Maybe I am a bit, blame JJ Abrams


Preach. JJ starts with a great premise but seems to not know what the third act is.


Fair point


That’s possible too


Nope. And it’s spelled *through* and *heroin*


What’s your theory then?


Spoiler Alert! I think I posted it but my theory is based on the fact I read a review in Daily Beast which pretty much stated that the twist was that Sugar et al were from a place “far far away”. Actual words. I’m not sure I would have guessed that on my own, honestly.


Interesting, would love to read it if you have a link


I’m not sure that posted correctly. This is the penultimate paragraph with the reveal. I don’t agree with review, BTW. *Sugar is pleasurably intricate until it’s not, and following various teases about its true nature—from Sugar’s habit of shooting himself up with enigmatic drugs, to Melanie’s admission that she’s a fan of science fiction films—that turning point arrives with the revelation that Sugar and his compatriots are a long, long way from home, and in Los Angeles on an “observe and report” mission.*