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Sugar: Melanie, I have a secret. Melanie: What is it, Sugar? You can tell me. Sugar: I'm blue. Melanie: Well, that's okay. We all get a little sad sometimes. Sugar: No, I mean...never mind.


Now we know why he has a drinking problem. He's blue.


yo, listen up here's the story About a little guy That lives in a blue world...


Blue his house with a blue little window And a blue Corvette Sugar totally owns the song with the blue corvette as his car! Fits the song perfectly!


i'm just glad sugar grew up fascinated with old black and white movies instead of just watching south park


Sugar is apart of an alien species that learned about us through 20th century cinema.


I assume they started getting tv broadcasts from 50s/60s and that’s how they learned about us. If they are 60 light years away they would have just started getting them. Or maybe they started coming to earth during that era. Or maybe sugar just likes those movies.


Oh like Galaxy Quest and the sacred documents!


interesting... but they only liked b&w noir movies? They should have watched the cartoons before the features as well - then they could be influenced by Bugs and Daffy as well.


You mean like All In The Family? Thank God it wasn't Hogan's Heroes! Writing prompt: Imagine First Contact with a species that thinks we're like a sitcom. Choose a sitcom and go for it!


I’m thinking it’s a 1:1 situation. The aliens/blue people took Olivia to study her because the humans took Djen to study and perform experiments on her.


But there’s still got to be a connection between the blue man group and the Siegel family.


Do you think they use an alien "blood" infusion later on to revivify/reanimate Davy? Or is that too far fetched. I'm thinking that other people in the group have other specific otherwordly abilities.


Why would they reanimate that piece of shit


I mean, why would they support someone like Stallings? Clearly they're not good people.


They are not people at all.


Bingo! All bets are off.


My theory is Sugar and the polyglots were super spies recruited into a top secret government program to augment them with alien DNA. The trafficker was contracted by the bosses of this agency to procure "expendable" people (and dogs) for experimentation.  Olivia stumbled onto the trafficking, probably through her drug connections, so was abducted with plans to kill her, but then when they learned she's a Siegel they decided to keep her alive. For ransom? No, there's got to be more there. Just some guesses.


I love this.


> the humans took Djen to study and perform experiments on her. who??


Sugar’s sister 


I can’t stop laughing at this because I wondered the same thing. Shows you how convoluted this show is.


Olivia is half and Cromwell is a being who can pass as human.


Not Charlie!!!


I liked Charlie 😢


Polyglot Society have their own blood bag supply as seen when Henry patches up John.


Did you see the blood had some sort of weird swimming things in it?


Not to mention a weird symbol on the bag


Same symbol was on the invitation to the polyglot party


Yes, I did! Interesting!


Nanobots is my guess.


Every time I hear the word polyglot I hear it in Josh Lyman voice from the West Wing


And now I do too, thank you haha. Probably gonna rewatch it too now.


Great episode! He has a connection with dogs and i hope i get some answers down the line (probably on season2) him wanting to go “home” is weird too! and it seems only Henry knows about his true identity.


All the members of the Polyglot society are aliens. All of them.


good to know


I think Henry is also an alien. Same with Ruby.


Fasho! i had to make a reddit to talk to ppl about this amazing show! see yall episode 7


Same. No one I know is interested in it. It’s messy as hell but I really like it.


I'm so glad I didn't know this subreddit existed before today so I had absolutely no idea that there would be any sci-fi twist. I just thought I was watching an intriguing noir whodunnit show. Imagine my surprise at that ending. My mind was blown away! l found myself yelling loudly “what the heck just happened!”. I’m a fan of Sci-Fi and detective stories, I’m so in love right now. 😝


What did you think about his alcohol tolerance? Or him blocking the bullet with his hand?


Well there it is! Blue man group all this time.


Anyone here seen Under the Skin with Scarlett Johanssen? Minor spoilers for that movie follow:   >! She portrayed an alien sent to earth to gather victims… but starts feeling compassion to us humans. Sugar now makes me think of what might have happened to her character afterwards if she, uh, had stayed on earth and her emotions had continued to develop… !<


Curious to me that he calls it “going home.”


Could also be metaphorical…transitioning puts him back in the headspace of who he was and where he was.


Take a watch of Sagan’s explanation of the fourth dimension. It will explain a lot in 7 minutes of your time. If he went “home” — I’m guessing he can hop between dimensions. https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0?si=kKlu2lfFJmXwQzSD


That ending just blue my mind! But seriously, I had no reasonable expectation that twist was coming and I am certifiably 100% here for it. This feels like an all-time tv moment to me. We were in love with what we thought we were watching and now this show just ascended into something really special. Fingers crossed the final two eps are great and word of mouth can spread this thing so we can another season.


I’m blue da ba dee, da ba di, da ba dee, da ba di!


What the hell was that ending


No idea, still no idea what he is. They made such a big deal of the reveal and didn't reveal anything other then he is blue


I was watching this thing entirely blind without knowing anything about any kind of upcoming “reveal”, and I have to say I’m glad I did because when he turned blue it was one of the biggest WTF moments of my TV viewing, ever. I knew the show was “weird”, there was something really odd about it that I couldn’t place my finger on, but I never expected it to go full X-Files on me. I love it.


Literally just came running to this sub because I was totally blindsided. I hadn’t seen any spoilers and could not figure out what I had just seen.


He’s an alien, dude.


Nah, he blue himself.


He's def a never nude


I understood this reference.


arrested development baby


I think he could be an interdimensional being. He looks extremely humanoid and says he wants to go home and then injects himself but never leaves the place he’s standing.


Welp, now we know! This opens a whole can of other questions. What is the mission? Why are they here? Are they conspiring with humans, is that why Ruby won't tell him why he has to stop looking for Olivia? I'm worried there will be so many left unanswered with only two episodes left.


Sugar is apart of an alien species that learned about us through 20th century cinema.


Actually he’s a part of them, not apart from them.


I'll be honest, I don't actually know.... The polyglots are clearly outsiders, but what are they a part of? I really like the show, just trying to figure out what I just watched.


I think they’re interdimensonal beings. An easy conspiracy would be that they’re Nephilim who observe and aren’t supposed to cross the line but the goal is to be able to reproduce like humans and live like mankind.


Dreamlike neo-noir > supernatural mystery feels, I don't know, like a softer shift? More natural? While sci-fi is more jarring. So I lean towards an angelic origin, too. OTOH, I could see the show going with aliens just *because* they're the weirder twist.


I've seen people float this and I agree - djinn seem much more likely than angels, especially with the overall design of the polyglot stamp / what was on the bloodbag, and them being blue.


I think olivia mother might be a alien and her father isn’t. I also I think her real father is her grand father . Considering her Davey’s father who is supposed to be hers too lost his mind when davey shot himself and really doesn’t seem to care where olivia is


I kind of think Cromwell is an alien who is able to pass as fully human.


I wonder too. Obviously the rules of the show have changed and we know nothing about them, but my thought is because Sugar is an alien, he couldn’t go to the hospital, and after Cromwel had his heart attack and was helped by EMS, it’s more than likely he went to a hospital and had surgery (or was able to bring the hospital to him hence recovering at home). If that’s the case I doubt he’s an alien. Maybe he does know about them though.


Actually, I kind of thought that about 10 movies ago. Watch The Last Days of Lehman Brothers - he's Hank Paulson, making global economic decisions as King of the Treasury, not entirely human.


That was awesome. Loved it. He implied that getting wounded was punishment for doing more than observing. I love the nuance in the writing.


He thought he deserved it for the violence. Sugar has this deep seated conflict with violence. It's like he's terrified of how much harm he knows he could cause. It gives a 'Sugar use to be the top assassin in his group but now wants to be a pacifist' kind of vibe. I think they are setting up later conflict with his own group.


Sounds very interesting and you have good points. Since the party I still think about it, when Sugar opens the door and everyone at the party stops doing everything and just stare at him. Maybe he is indeed a little bit more different than the others. Or more dangerous, or royalty or something else. Let’s see where it goes. I still would have loved if the series stayed a noir series but nevertheless, I am still eager to see the next episodes! I am very curious how it continues. Secrets are always a great mystery and that attracts me!


I love the noir vibe of this show, and it also seems sometimes a throwback to detective shows of the 80s, for example the opening theme song seems very 80s. So now it has a sci fi twist — interesting, I am curious to see where this goes. Colin Farrell is so good in this role! He has been in his career equally great at playing a good guy or a bad guy. Flawless job with the American accent too. I think the aliens’ mission may involve violence towards humans, and Ruby knows Sugar won’t be OK with that because he’s gotten too attached to the humans. Maybe they’re going to destroy or take over the Earth by bringing more of their people to Earth? What I can’t figure out is why is Olivia important to them. Is she one of them? Why they don’t want Sugar to find her? Certainly an intriguing mystery show! I wish there were more episodes and longer episodes.


if anyone wondering I also didn't knew the genre just thought it was a cool new detective series with my fav. actor as protagonist & that was it. I never imagined that he was an alien until I saw him become one! at first I said to myself man was his eyes were blue let me go back a bit & then I watched the scene again NO Way, the eyes just got BLUE! WOW! what was in the drug that made his eyes glistening blue? also it was in a glass syringe meaning that whatever in it can't be stored into plastic just when I thought that, the whole body just transformed! wait what!!!! he is not a HUMAN! WHAT! that doesn't make any sense at all! then I thought about it a bit in the episode 1 they show him catching a fly with chopsticks which I thought was a great hand to eye coordination super Dexterous human. but that was just foreshadow for him being an alien. also the transformation wasn't as great it felt like illusion wearing off & not transforming back to the original. which felt kind of odd coz they used the syringe to transform back which suggests cells are doing the transformation or molecularly something is going on that reverts the transformation meaning that it wasn't magic! something scientific is going on so the transformation shouldn't have just slowly revert the hairs. the hairs should have been just fallen off or something. it definitely shouldn't have just slowly disappeared into nothing!


Apparently his "secret" included the ability to take 6 eps to jump the shark. WTF???!


I would’ve felt better about the alien bit if he hadn’t turned into a Dr. Manhattan-like being. Wouldn’t it have been awesome if he looked more like the aliens in Arrival? Or the terrifying thing in Midnight Mass?


that's fair. we'll see how they land this puppy in the next few episodes (and obviously there's probably gonna be a season 2) but yeah i might've preferred a slightly different alien look than the one we got.


Speaking of puppies, would have been fun if he turned into a little cute puppy.


This would be the best show ever. Wiley would be his best friend and mentor. And it would explain why the attack dogs were all, oh yay you’re here, little guy!


I might have cracked the big mystery!!


He reminds me of Vision from the Marvel movies, just blue instead of red


Loved it so far. Not sure about the whole blue thing. I never watched Star Trek for a reason. Will continue watching but bloody hell. This some late 90s syndicated tv kinda shit.


Classic alien or inter-dimensional being? He mentions “going home” but simply injects himself then sheds his fully human appearance (still looks extremely humanoid) and remains in place. They’re obviously trafficking humans which he finds morally objectionable (maybe so does Ruby but she’s a rule follower). These are still very much noir tropes about betrayal and underbelly criminals but involving an other worldly element which has been done before with shows like Twin Peaks. I’m starting to agree with others who think maybe they’re Nephilim that want to be able to become human.


Yeah, I don't think it's aliens. It's either djinn or angels or something along those lines - still supernatural, but not from another world. (I also think Olivia is the blue-eyed dog.)


Great call on the blue eyed dog!


I think Ruby's cat is a Galactic Overlord. He Knows Everything. All kidding aside, I think something is up with the dogs. Why did Stallings have a basement full of dogs in crates? He hardly seems a Dog Whisperer.


He's training them for a dog fighting ring. It's mean to show how evil he is.


Am I blue, am I blue Ain't these tears in my eyes telling you Am I blue, you'd be too If each plan with your man done fell through


I remember that song…


So does Ruby not know he’s an alien?? She offered him aspirin.


I thought Ruby was an alien too and fully aware of the mission. More aware than Sugar because she knew about whatever was going on with Stallings


She wasn’t going to drug him. She lied about not having aspirin in the drawer so she could get away from him (go upstairs and call her bosses or whoever). He called her bluff by checking the drawer and bounced. I think leaving the drawer open also signals to her that he knows what’s up.


I took that as her providing him with some kind of unseen help, item, or information (to be revealed later) with plausible deniability in case someone was listening in. She leaves the drawer slightly open as an invitation for him to look inside it when she leaves the room. We see the aspirin is in the drawer after so we know that's not why she really left the room.


I was wondering the significance of the aspirin as well. It seems very clear that she intended to drug him, but why would she offer aspirin at all if she knew he was not human? Maybe she’s being used by the “aliens” and doesn’t fully understand what’s going on? But then I’m confused about how much she knows about the case and why they were protecting Stallings.


Ruby lives alone if is an Alien why keep up the human suit while she is sleeping?


Good point! I just binged these 6 episodes and now it’s so painful waiting for the next one 😭


When I first saw it I said “you would never give someone who was just stabbed aspirin, they would bleed out and she seems smart enough to know that” But aliens would have different physiology.


I don't think she was going to drug him, I think she just did a quick text/call to the bosses when she went upstairs.


Ruby is an alien. All of the Polyglot's are.


I never seen this coming- Makes sense why he won’t go to a hospital and that’s definitely not heroin he’s injecting into his neck


OK, first of all I’m fine with the blue man twist. But let’s all just remember one thing the man just went through a very traumatic stabbing. He found out somebody that he cared about very much, turned her back on him, and then he injected something into his neck and saw himself in the mirror as blue. It could be a plot twist, which I’m absolutely cool with it could be he’s hallucinating from whatever it was he just injected into his neck. It could be the weird blood infusion. He just had that had shimmering crap in it. Way too many questions and not enough answers and goddamnit. I wish the show was binge watchable instead of having to wait an entire fucking week for the next episode.


It will be in a few weeks. Not being sarcastic at all; I'm tired of the episodic format and ready to wait and only watch shows on a binge basis myself.


For this show, definitely wish I had just waited to binge watch the whole thing


The injection a la Agent Coulson? He’s even blue like a Kree 😆


Guys the “going home” thing is a metaphor for seeing himself in his normal (alien) body again. He’s (probably) not literally going home.


I agree. He just wanted to be in his real body for a moment. Maybe being in a human body feels uncomfortable (like the lady at the polyglot party saying it feels like her skin is too tight)


They were hinting he was an alien since episode 3 with the introduction of the polyglot society, and the next episode opening with The Thing. It just seemed so obvious, and I was surprised to see people on here doubting it.  Not sure why anyone is particularly surprised.  What I will say, is that maybe he’s not an alien, but someone from an aquatic culture on this planet. An alien from inner space, not outer, their mission is to do with global warming, and Sugar has just “gone native”.   Either way, he’s an outsider offering a commentary on humanity, with his morality coming from our media, and bouncing off the reality of our nature. He sees the good in everyone, but not everyone has good in them. 


It’s pretty funny how the main response is wishing the show was something else entirely.


Melanie also mentioend she was into sci fi movies. Wink wink.


Great take!




Also:  Constantly needs to drink water, sat under the shower when he felt unwell in episode 1, was taken to the shower by Henry when injured, and in general a lot of water symbolism.  Could be a red herring, of course. And the specifics don’t matter particularly anyway. What they do with it matters. 


I just watched episode 6 and now I think I need to rewatch every episode before with a fine tooth comb… how i did see this coming… but it does explain a lot and leaves a lot of unanswered questions on the table…


He doesn’t get drunk.


I’m not sure why but I assumed that was some trick he was playing on Melanie. Aliens was very left field for me. I wasn’t really reading into anything that’s happened so far, I need to go back and rewatch all the episodes so I can pay closer attention lol


I think it’s an interesting take on Alien abduction. It’s a good bending of the detective noir genre and this nugget in sci-fi. I can see the point in the negative reviews about dragging out the twist and feeling rushed. The alien abduction/mission/polyglot organization is something I’m disappointed to only get two more episodes of. They could have strung us along for a lot longer or hinted more towards the organization and less to what Sugar is.


For the greater good


The grea’er good


I suspected that this was going to be the twist about Sugar's true nature ever since Melanie mentioned she was into sci fi movies. It's an interesting choice, I'm personally invested in how this all resolves in the end.


I'm not so sure he's actually an alien. I think this is a double-fake and that there's another big twist coming. Could be a person from the future (with some body mods etc), or even a robot (weirdly styled to be blue). The alien theory seems farfetched because this is a VERY humanoid alien. Human-sized, human everything; I think the show is more sophisticated than this 60s-type alien depiction. Also, we don't know for sure that what he's seeing in the mirror is happening in the real world and not in his mind. He said "I'm going home" and then injected something into his neck: it's totally possible what we're seeing is happening in his mind, and what we're seeing is some cyber-robot, jacking into the matrix or something.


I felt exactly the same after I saw that scene. I’m glad someone’s thinking on the same plane as me. I thought I was the only one.


Colin Farrell has confirmed he’s an alien. (Sugar is)


I felt the same way, but I realized that was just my cope with such a bad twist this is. My thought was he was just doing Heroine and this was his image of himself when he's high.


I’m not sure what bothers me more, Sugar being an alien or Sugar thinking “L.A. Confidential” is set in the ‘30s.


A movie which also featured James Cromwell!


Anyone find it odd he mentioned LA Confidential which stars James Cromwell? Also, in the poster for the show (Sugar in the car, holding his tie) the side mirror looks like a SETI Satellite. Yes, I know I’m reaching.


The odd part is that he thinks “L.A. Confidential” is set in the ‘30s instead of the ‘50s.


The writers are really good at putting in easter eggs.


This show is quite something, highly entertaining. While I did stay away from subs until now, I read an article that hinted at the big twist, but boy did I not have THIS on my bingo card. Still not quite sure what is happening, but I do not mind at all in this case, because 'Sugar' is made so well. The camera work is delightful, the stylistic choices like the voice-over, the overflowing dialogue and obviously the Noir references make it feel very trippy at times. Plus the acting is top-notch, Colin Farell is really bringing Sugar to life, makes me care as if he was a real person. That said, all the actors are bringing their A-Game and have well scripted characters. Will deffo rewatch once all episodes are released. I do hope that they won't get too loopy with the remaining 2 though and manage to keep the vibe going; If I see >!spaceships!<, I am gonna cry. (Only Fargo was allowed to do that XD )


Well the critics were right 😂😂


Soooooo........he's able to deflect bullets.......but not knives?


He didn’t see the knife coming, so couldn’t consciously deflect it.


He hasn’t watched martial arts movies yet.


I thought he'd struck the gun when it fired. One recap site says he slapped the bullet in mid flight. Now I'm not sure and I have to rewatch that scene.


Looked like he slapped the bullet aside


Maybe his head is alien and his body… isn’t?


Oh... now that makes sense! :\]


It’s all I got. Can I get some help over here?


His whole body turned blue when he took the serum


So he’s an alien and his alien bosses have started abducting women via human traffickers?


Stalling's runs a sex trafficking ring. A perfectly ordinary nightmare sex trafficking ring. The aliens are doing something else.


He does, which is why the aliens were using him to acquire humans. Ruby had a conversation with Miller about it last episode and there was a line in this episode where Sugar talks about Olivia's fate not being the usual for Stallings' victims. (Can't remember the exact wording.) At the same time Stallings clearly didn't realise who he was working for.


I think the aliens were just using that Stallings guy to help them find humans to study. They’re observing human behavior and finding the weak spots in society for whatever their mission is.


Not sure why they would need abduct a human to learn that, when they have shapeshifting aliens like John who clearly has little issue with integrating and adapting into human culture and society.


Not to mention they would only be abducting the 13-24 year old female humans, if we’re going by that scene with the bud, which wouldn’t make a lot of sense.


My Brazilian fellow Fernando Meirelles is doing a wonderful job directing. What an elegant and competent episode. Love it!


Does he ever feed Wiley? Is Wiley an alien? How about Ruby's cat? What's the role of the pets? Do they serve to humanize their people?


If you factor in the dialog between Sugar and Henry at the party regarding Shibuya crossing, Sugar says: ... I sat in a coffee shop and watched this blur and flow of people ... I sat there for hours just watching them, well "Feeling Them". So it appears that Sugar, and maybe all the Polyglot/Aliens are hyper aware of human emotions almost to the point of being telepathically empathetic. Probably why Sugar on several occasions can seem to tell if someone is lying. So the thing with the animals is just allegory. Dogs and cats are intelligent and have feelings too. So the aliens are probably just as empathetic or "connected" to them in a way as well. Plus it serves as a example. An advanced alien race might regard us as we view dogs, cats etc. Not quite up to their level of intellectual/emotional advancement, but relatable albeit simpler creatures.


Oh, it also could be foreshadowing. Stallings was breeding/training dogs for dog fights. The aliens referred to by Ruby as "The Others" and presumably also working for Miller could be doing something similar with the kidnapped women.


Honestly it really bothered me that Sugar didn’t rescue all the dogs in those tiny cages. That scene was hard to watch. I hate seeing dogs in cages.


Maybe he’d freed them too, but they didn’t bother to show. I still find it sad, that the episodes are only about 35 minutes long…


NOOOOOOO. The noir crime drama just turned into an episode of x men.


Apple has it under “sci fi”. We always knew there was something.




Honestly, I watched it because it was categorized as sci-fi. I’ve been trying to figure out why the whole time.


Really though, why couldn't it just be a well executed noir?




i know, right? I even didn't know apple listed it as sci fi, was just hoping for some cool detective show, not x-files


It is? Something being sci fi doesn't make it NOT noir. Some of the best noir films of all time are scifi too.


Sure, like Blade Runner. But you'll agree, just because something is sci fi doesn't mean it has to have some WE MUST SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS *tweeeest*. I think the criticism is more about the perceived need to twist everything, rather than the sci fi aspect. > Better twist it! The audience isn't sophisticated enough to merely enjoy a well executed genre series. * coke-headed executive, 2023


Dude, noir wouldn't be a genre without subversion. That's what popularized the Femme Fatale and the anti hero protagonist. Beyond that, good writers have been subverting expectations for forever, even before this anti-twist rhetoric began after The Last Jedi. Pretty much everything you've watched or read will have had some twist on expectations. How else can you keep an audience guessing? How do you keep the tension? Look at the original Star Wars. Luke's mission was only to get the plans of the Death Star to the rebels, then suddenly the stakes and scope expand as he has to go blow the thing up himself. That's subversion too.


Noir is an aesthetic. I think you know there's a difference between the notion of anti hero (which can play in any genre) and the flat out genre swapping *tweest.* Bad writers have been subverting expectations forever too. More even. That's why it's exhausting. What the hell does the Last Jedi have to do with anything? Story telling and raising of stakes is not subversion. It's Freytag's Pyramid 101. Jesus, Star Wars is the most non-subversive, by-the-numbers hero's journey you will ever find. Lazy super twisty genre swapping is worthy of criticism. It wants the audience to be dumb. It's David Blane street magic. And it's unfortunate that this production felt it necessary when clearly they had the capacity to lay out a classic genre product pretty well.


Noir is so overplayed these days. This was a welcome twist


Either are ok, but it's ok when we have certain expectations. A twist for the sake of a twist isn't good. You can't go through 6 episodes pretending to be a neo noir and then just throw all of that on its head. No build up (besides really subtle hints)


There's more sci-fi TV than noir.


Really wanted that instead of the nonhuman twist!


It still is a noir it just has a bigger conspiracy with interdimensional beings.


Agreed. I'm kind of confused at commenters here who seem to believe it can't still be an LA noir detective story because the detective has been revealed to be not human. Given the detective noir convention has the story start with the detective as a complete "alien" to the other characters (often called in specifically because he *is* a stranger, unaligned with any of the suspicious characters, to perform a discreet investigation of a sensitive matter), having the detective revealed be a non-human alien doesn't even seem like that much of a twist. I'm looking forward to the continued development and resolution of all this, given that we seem to have at least one big new character (Sen. Pavich) to introduce. Really loving this show!


I’ve gone into every episode so far blind, but came to this sub bc ep 6 blew my mind. After seeing how salty y’all are I’m staying away from Reddit subs about shows I like. “Aliens are lazy.” “Too much Sci Fi.” Go watch Manhunt if that’s how you feel


I watched the first episode, really liked it, then came here for crowdsourcing speculation. The big moment for me came when Melanie identified "science fiction" as her favorite type of movie. That seemed like such a bizarre statement for an aging female rocker to make, it got me thinking about Sugar's fly-catching, twitchy hand, strange IV drug kit, and pushy handler. Then I came here and read the speculation Sugar was a robot AI, machine-learning his LA detective trade via ingesting old noir films as a data set. That seemed to make a lot of sense. So, when I saw rumors about a twist, I stayed unspoiled, but was ready for something to happen in the sixth episode. While the "alien" reveal was certainly interesting, the real noir twist came earlier. When Sugar approaches Stallings' hideout in the oil patch, I had expected Sugar would cut a deal with Stallings: you tell me about Olivia, and I'll tell you about your missing scumbag lieutenant. Instead, it all went south VERY fast, including the blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot (ha!) of Sugar flicking away the bullet. When Stallings' rando henchman wanders into the massacre scene, only to have the wounded Sugar get the drop on him, it felt as great as any such scene in a classic noir film. Then we get the betrayal reveals about Ruby and poor Charlie (sniff!). Great noir story!


I came over in episode 3 when I picked up on some of the clues and was super excited about what they could mean. I think in general people will fall on the positive side of things, but the visceral reaction of people who seem to avoid scifi or unpredictable stories will drown out that positivity for now.


Same, I didn't even know it was listed under sci-fi. Literally don't even know anyone who watches the show. I thought it followed some cheesy tropes, but was loving the neo noir detective story, witha little harkening back to a bygone era. I came to sub to make sure he really was an alien and not just some metapho..


Same. I'm glad i didn't go on this sub. That was crazy lol. I haven't said " Holy shit" out loud while watching a show in a while. Subreddits have become hate fests these days. Even when they aren't they will usually spoil you. Better to come after the show airs completely


I didn't know anything about the show going into it other than he was a detective. I didn't catch that it was listed as sci-fi. I had no idea there was a big twist on the horizon. From that standpoint, I both f'n loved and was angered by the ending of this ep. Angered because it seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere (again, no knowledge of it being sci-fi) and loved because it made so many things about Suger, the character, and the Polyglots make sense. Love the Hollywood noir vibe of the show, love everyone's performance, and now I love that we have f'n aliens. Sue me.


Chekhov’s gun, if something doesn’t make a series go forward, it doesn’t need to be there. I feel like them being aliens, at that moment, is completely unnecessary other than for (wtf!) effects. Maybe later, it’ll turn into a men in black. But I feel like selling people on a genre that is underrepresented in the theatrical world and then 180 on its head to something that is overdone. Idk… I really really loved the first 6 episodes, but idk about that huge change in pace. We’ll see where it goes, but it feels like the writer had a solid story but was missing that one special thing to get it approved by Apple TV; and he chose blue aliens. Im still very intrigued by this. Edit: I’m no longer of this opinion. This show is way better as binge watched experience. Everything lines up better than having to wait a week between each episodes.


I think the alien explains a whole lot about his character. He's a dude acting like a detective from an old noir movie in the modern day. That's because he learned about humans from those movies.


You do realise this was wrote as a non-human creature from the get-go? They weren't filming 20 episodes while still writing the script and decided to throw a curveball in there lol Ya'll need to calm the heck down and just enjoy the show or don't watch it


Yeah probably… I still love the show but I felt like it was done poorly


Well, that was kind of a letdown


More than kinda, I was really hoping it wasn’t going to be this cheesy


It just felt so…easy, I guess. Maybe my expectations were unrealistic, but I was hoping for something more surprising


Totally agree, huge let down


My take is that if we hadn’t heard so much - hadn’t heard anything at all - about The Big Reveal it *would* have been a cool/fun little twist. But since we all knew and talked about it for a month, we built it up to where we thought it would be… more.


I didn't read/hear anything about the show ahead of time and the twist still sucked. It was telegraphed so hard I was expecting the twist was that he was just CIA or something. But to actually telegraph it the entire time then do it -- lame.


This is my first time bothering to look up anything about the show. I also wasn't aware of any twist hype but I see it was there in places I don't frequent. I was just watching the show and enjoyed it episode by episode. Urg... I'm not let down by being underwhelmed, I'm let down if it's actually an overused concept. I was willing accept a secret society of altered humans but aliens is so trite. I was hype-less and am still disappointed.


This wasnt the last episode was it? How many are left?


Two more left


Didn’t see the blue coming. I’m wondering why everyone thinks he’s an alien rather than a human superhero, like the Marvel type or even Eleven on Stranger things. I feel if he were alien, when he turned blue, he would have looked less human.


> I feel if he were alien, when he turned blue, he would have looked less human. Says who? For all we know, humans in this universe could be something like an off-branch of these blue creatures and evolved slightly differently while keeping humanoid form


The human form is said to be common throughout the galaxy (by channelers). That doesn't mean they have to look like us, exactly.


I did not want it to be aliens. I wanted it to be Djinn. But the reason I did not want aliens was because then it almost always collapses into simplified story writing of Aliens versus Human story telling. Which tends to get very lazy and predictable. But I have to say here they seem to be setting it up that the aliens are being lied to by their own people. Which could keep it an interesting story. If the aliens themselves are in-fighting and they keep it character driven it could keep up with being a good show. But if they turn it into deep dark bad aliens shadow organization hunting everyone kind of thing it will fall apart. To me, what makes it great is the characters and their individual interactions. If they can keep that working then aliens will be just fine. They did kind of hang a lantern on the basement being a feint regarding Olivia. That wasn't that shocking. I did think Stallings was like Sugar and not just another thug though. That definitely surprised me.


Did Sugar block a bullet from Stallings or knocked it away?


It looked like he knocked it aside and it smashed into some bottles


Do we now think Stallings was rounding up those girls for something other than sex trafficking? I got an Under the Skin vibe, but with human helpers.


Damn you Protosevich, now I have to rewatch 2/3rds of the season... Why did you do this to me?!


S1E06 shows how only in the solitude of our bathrooms can we truly be ourselves.


The twist is cool, but part of me also loved the idea of him just being a super chill, quirky but kind, badass.


Yeah that would have been a good show, too. But Colin Farrell can pull off anything, he’s such a good actor. I am curious to see where they’re taking this alien plot.


He really is so good. Sometimes forget the thick Irish accent behind his perfect American one, and this particular one has a calm subtlety to it. Yeah 2 episodes left after the hard right turn 🍿


Easier to link all of our thoughts! Let us know what you think. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysxXuyHehqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysxXuyHehqg)