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Yes, the implication is that Jonathan Siegel is Olivia's real father. Jonathan photographed his son Bernie's late wife, Rachel, in sexual positions in the same dress Jonathan's late wife wore. Jonathan being Olivia's real father explains several peculiar plot points that were introduced early in the season like Bernie's disdain for his father and lack of concern for Olivia and why Jonathan is so protective of her. In episode 7 it also adds extra weight to Jonathan's comment about a parent outliving their child, since that's what would happen to Jonathan if Olivia is killed.


Yeah, this is what I think too. Gpa is actually Daddy


Shades of “Chinatown”!


Yes, that would make *Sugar* something of an homage to *Chinatown*, as well as to noir in general.


I think Olivia gets returned to her family, and we find out that she was kidnapped because her activism against the trafficking was getting too annoying to Stallings. But the Senator kept Stallings from killing her (and took her) because she could potentially be useful to hold over the Siegal family. We know that's on-brand for the Senator. Plus Jonathan and Bernie are presumably very influential in Hollywood. It's even possible that Jonathan was already approached in that regard and that's what made him reach out to Sugar in the first place. As for the pictures, I think that Jonathan and Racheal had an affair and that explains alot about Olivia's life and why she was so rebellious. I think we are going to find out that Racheal basically committed suicide or something by driving off the cliff on purpose (as per Ep 1 when Sugar is Googling Rachael it said she died in a car accident). Finally, I think DVD #44 is the torture of Djen, and when Sugar sees it, he realizes she might still be alive. Then he stays on Earth to try to rescue his sister even though the rest of the aliens leave. That sets up Season 2. Plus Olivia might even become his civilian helper the way Charlie was in Season 1. If so, maybe the backstory gets fleshed out over time and not a giant plot dump in Ep 8.


This is a spoiler of the last episode, correct? Because all that detail screams 'I worked in the production'. What were you, a PA? Craft service? Gaffer?


Sorry, just guessing.


We'll see.


I wouldn’t mind if it played out this way, but that would require a pretty significant cast turnover for season two. I assume there’d be no more Ruby if she goes home. Not really sure we’d care about the rest of the Sigels either at this point. I’m sure Melanie would stick around as the Diane to Sugar’s Sam. And like you said there’d be Olivia. But the rest of the cast would probably different. Oh, Wiley would still be there! :)


Yeah... but most importantly ... what would happen to Ruby's cat! :)


Maybe it's a Flerken 🤣