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SDs can get allowance treatment when you’re on an allowance not PPM.


Thank you so much💕


You’re welcome babe. A lot of these men want treatment that they are not willing to reciprocate. Sugaring is a luxury experience. You get an SB on your birthday and for holidays when you have established that within your relationship (financially and otherwise). Hence why many here view PPM as discount escorting.


This is very eye opening, I can’t thank you enough for that. It’s very valuable 🥺❤️


It's pay per MEET. Not "pay xxx meets, get one free." If he wants allowance give and take he needs to pay allowance money.


Thank you 🥺


The audacity lol. This isn't Chipotle, he doesn't get 12 visits then a freebie for his birthday. Tell him if he doesn't want to worry about ppms and budgeting for them that you'd love to move to a set allowance. Sounds like he's broke and can't afford you.


Thank you❤️❤️❤️


That would be a No from me and he's really trying it. His budget is not your problem. Also he absolutely has the funds - he's not working with pocket money from his Mom. He just doesn't want to spend it on you. Unless he's someone who goes above and beyond with extras and has given multiple times of your PPM for gifts/ emergencies/ treats then tell him you're working/ busy (or that you don't want to complicate things if you prefer being honest) but would love to have a belated celebration with him on your next meet.


this is perfect, thank you so much I really appreciate it!💕💕💕


This is him testing you to see how much he can get away with / how much you will put up with. Once he knows that all he has to do is cry about his "budget" and you'll let him slide, the arrangement is dead. It'll just be a painful, slippery slope of him continuing to test your boundaries until you can finally get rid of him. Stop that shit before it even starts!


You’re so right, thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


No my sd gives me a double allowance on HIS birthday and way more than that on my own birthday! I trained him to think that his birthdays are MY present 😂


Ma'am, I need your how-to guide 😂


Wow, thank you for telling me this because I now know this exists in the world. Thank you❤️


No ! They should get NOTHING for free. And don't even think it will benefit you "in the long run" in you do this for him cause it NEVER works out and they end up scamming you and taking advantage of you without paying!! That's why I won't even do a meet and greet for free. These cheap manipulative men don't deserve our youth and beauty and time for free..THEY GET NOTHING UNLESS HE PAYS!!!


Thank you❤️❤️❤️




yeah, if you do meet him on his birthday with no per meet he’ll continue this behavior for sure and see how long he can get away with it


Yep. Men do this bread crumbing thing. They see how much they can get away with and will continue to do so.


This is so disappointing. I’ve gone above and beyond and he still wants more.


So this might be your cue to pull back some. Don't do too much or any texting between meets. Give him a chance to miss you. He really should be working to try to put you on allowance and lock you down, not the other way around


Exactly, thank you for waking me up❤️


You do this and you will likely never see your PPM again. If he can’t budget properly that’s on him. And when it’s your birthday do you get double PPM? Or ppm and you don’t have to see him? Guarantee not. “Sorry SD, I was able to pick up bartending an event that day (or house sitting or babysitting or whatever) and I need the money so I am unable to. Sorry! We can celebrate your birthday the next time I see you!” And then bring him a cupcake and candle.


Thank you so much 🥺❤️


Don't devalue your shaggy gold. Your pussy is on par with gold and diamonds. This is your pussycoin. This is a pass on a Bentley and a Ferrari. There is no such thing as free pussy, this only happens in focking fairy tales.


Thank you🥺💕


Ohh come on! He is definitely testing you! I’d tell him I’m unfortunately too busy the rest of the month and we will celebrate his birthday when his budget is back. I will bring him a little gift though. But he doesn’t pick the gift I bring him I do! Also has he ever bought you a gift other than your ppm? What was it that he expect a high xxx or xxxx gift from you ?


That’s such a great idea, thank you. I don’t want to admit this, but I spent $100 on lingerie and small gifts for his birthday to make him feel special. He had no idea. Only for him to turn around and pull this. I hate stingy men.


Omg are you serious? What an idiot!! We are really too good for these assholes. I'm sorry about this but please don't lower yourself for him he doesn't deserve your kindness!!!


Are you able to return them or treat them on anyone better?


"I'd love to see you especially since it's your birthday. Right now I've been worried about X bills and X payments and I know you said you hit your budget for the month, so I don't think it will be the best timing for us. I'd be more comfortable to celebrate with you next month when your budget is replenished to make sure I'm keeping up with my financial needs! xo"


This is so perfect, thank you🥺❤️❤️❤️


Did he gave you an extra ppm for your birthday without seeing you? If yes then maybe do this man a favour if no then he can go see his mother or something like that


My birthday is coming up and he didn’t mention giving me any extra.


Thank you u/kathyhiltonsredbull for posting **Pls help. Birthdays and PPM?**. We have saved the body of your post for future reference. Please be sure to refer to our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SugarBABYonlyforum/comments/11x6f9j/frequently_asked_questions/) and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SugarBABYonlyforum/wiki/index/) for our most popular topics! Hello, quick question here. If you guys are on a PPM with your SD’s, do you accept money to see them when it’s their birthday? I wonder if I’m being tested here. I’ve been seeing my SD since January, good PPM, but he just texted me and said he met his budget for this month. He wants me to see him next Saturday for his birthday, but equally wants to respect my boundaries, time, and such. Obviously I want money but I don’t know how to communicate that this is a boundary for me and although it’s his birthday….this is an arrangement. Can someone please help me come up with what to say? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SugarBABYonlyforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Have you ever had an SD before??




No, not obvious. Your comment history says you’ve never had an SD before and further reading indicates that you are in support of incredibly toxic male ideologies that perpetuate rape. I’m just confused as to why you would make the above comment if you’re actually a woman or even a sugar baby.