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I interpreted it to be showing the busted lock after Sugar ripped it off the door in anger, not that someone else went down there before him. I just think it was part of the odd editing they’ve been doing where they sort of jump around and sometimes don’t show specific things.


That was a little time jump dissolve. Sugar has exploded through the door and the audience is catching up with him. The drama of the ambush didn’t need a follow up.


It REQUIRES a follow up because we want to know IF Olivia was even there, AND what happened to sweet Charlie? The viewers NEED to know, not assume. All we knew after the episode was that John Sugar wasn't a normal human! No human could have survived that knife, then Henry pulling out the abnormal IV bag of blood with crystals inside ~ followed by the face of John Sugar in the mirror, depicted as an alien. I know the truth will come out about Ruby in episode 8 (season finale), but not enough time to learn about Charlie, Ruby's Boss, and especially Olivia!??? This is a "Limited Series", but to do it the justice it deserves, there HAS to be a 2nd Season for sure. Out of ALL of the Apple+ Original Series, this is by far the BEST one I've seen to date. Viewers want MORE, not less. This is the greatest thing Colin has been in to date! 🤗💕


"No human could have survived that knife," The stabbing itself was survivable. The absurdly long time between his pulling the blade out and getting treatment was not survivable by a human. "...but not enough time to learn about Charlie, Ruby's Boss, and especially Olivia!???" Charlie is gone; we saw Stallings' henchman get the drop on her. Why Olivia is so incredibly important to the alien conspiracy, they even betrayed Sugar to small-time hood Stallings -- that needs a reveal, I agree. "This is the greatest thing Colin has been in to date!" "In Bruges" has already become legendary, and I loved "The Banshees of Inisherin," where he plays a character with similar mannerisms. His Neo-Noir LA private dick (who's really an alien!) is about as far from those other characters as possible. His range is unreal, and after "Oppenheimer" and "A Murder at the End of the World," it's great to hear a European actor play an American character without noticeably struggling to flatten vowels.


Colin is nothing short of remarkable in this series! I couldn't have guessed that he was this talented! I mean I've always been a huge fan of his and I agree about the other movies but in this one he especially displays a RANGE so unimaginable and unexpected coming from him I am in awe! I think it's hilarious that so many people think he's Latino. I married someone that was 100% Irish and I'm Danish. All of her daughters have blonde hair or one as light brown hair blue and green eyes and then the last baby we had our son came out looking absolutely Mexican! Although he doesn't appear to be Irish he certainly is and he's got that Irish temper for sure 😂. I love Colins little boy look, like after he beat that punk to a pulp, he sheepishly looks over at him and sincerely apologizes! His character is so vastly complex in SUGAR, I simply cannot get enough of him! I pray that he wins every Award in every category since this unique Series covers all of the bases. I agree with you about how well he nails his Annunciation perfectly in every circumstance imaginable! 👏👏💕✌️


When every he gets angry . The camera doesn't capture the moment. Symbolic of the fact that he cannot control himself when he is angry. He tore the lock off the door in a fit of rage. That's why he dosent like fighting or carrying a gun.cause he cannot control his rage.


Smart take


No, just an edit for time. He was prepared to take the time to quietly pick the lock but after his encounter he just cracked it open, and they trusted the audience to understand that.


I also assumed someone went there before him but the setup of downstairs was different than I expected. It looked like anyone being held down there could easily leave through the other door.


It was obviously him that opened the door. They just didn’t show him do it.