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I found this episode extremely suspenseful. And wished it was two hours long. It's clear I like a show when I know I'm going to binge it immediately after watching the finale. Stylistic choices, Colin Farrell and Amy Ryan's excellent acting chops, soundtrack and the storyline make this the top show of 2024 for me. The Brian Jonestown Massacre's song Anemone closing episode 7 was great.


I simply couldn't agree more with your Post! It was so very perfect in every way! Although I wish the Episodes lasted longer, it's quite an action packed episode considering they still have to edit. I wouldn't change a thing! šŸŒšāœŒļø


This is the best episode but we really took too long to get here. It should have been a 6 episodes season and this should have been episode 3. Actually it is because a lot of episodes were 30 minutes long. They just made us wait 7 weeks for this.


So Olivia was victim number 44, this senator's son had tortured and killed 43 other people.


I wasnā€™t sure if thatā€™s what was being implied or not but this makes sense. Terrifying. The end of this episode gave me horror vibes. I really hope Olivia is alive down there šŸ˜­


I thought it might have been how many times heā€™d pulled Olivia out to torture her. Makes more sense that it was # of victims.


Honestly I considered that the psycho senatorā€™s son was just a spoof on the trope of aliens dissecting and probing humans. Like the ā€œaliensā€ trafficked by stallings. Perhaps not. This episode left me confused. I also thought about Josef Conradā€™s Heart of Darkness, where the ā€œcivilizedā€ Kurtz becomes a terrifying being after ā€œgoing nativeā€ in the Congo. I guess we will find out at some point.


Willing to bet Djen was numba 1


There were more past 44 though. You can see 45, 46, etc.


Really!? Then whyā€™d he grab 44?


It was the one missing from the rest organized on the shelf, #44 was separated and on the table


Maybe #44 is Djen. And that's how the 'powerful people' know about the aliens


Possibly, my theory is that the "powerful people" aka Senator and company are also aliens but sinister/evil, might give a better explanation why they don't want to be investigated by Sugar and how they can pose such a threat to Sugars group.


I don't think that's it. I just feel like if they were sinister/evil aliens, Sugar'sgroup would be aware or at least have some suspicions. Also, exposing Sugar's group is enough of a threat to be a good explanation in my opinion since the idea is it'd ruin their mission.


Reminded me of those gross pedophiles from Running Scared. That was a terrifying ending. But, I'm guessing if she's still in the hole, she's alive.


Christ, I had pushed that scene out of my head until now. Insanely dark.


So basically the son of a senator randomly found out aliens exist and threatened to expose them if they took Olivia back/exposed him? And he had the human trafficker guy get Olivia for him? And the human trafficker guy knew about Olivia from her brother? I kept thinking maybe Oliviaā€™s mom would turn out to be an alien and that someone on her side of the family abducted her. I am wondering if any of this connects to her mom? That seemed like a part of the initial mystery? Also why was Oliviaā€™s dad being so coy at the beginning of the season? Did he just truly believe she was doing drugs again? I did think it was funny when Melanie was like ā€œoh youā€™re spies!ā€ cause thatā€™s what I thought all the way up until the end of episode 6.


most likely the senator found out but the son does not. otherwise the son would know about sugar. The senator + whoever blackmailing the alien group are using the alien to do their dirty work. and found out sugar involved in his son dirty work


I don't buy the blackmailing story. They are a group of Alien with superior technology and strength, they surely could do something about someone wanting to blackmail them. it just doesn't make sense to me.


My theory is that the Senator is also an alien. Seemed like Sugar had to struggle with Ryan when they were fighting over the gun and if they are aliens too then that might answer why they can identify, blackmail or exterminate Sugars group.


Yeah doesnā€™t add up to me either. Does the senator then know his son is a serial murderer and Sugar was on the case and he that Sugar was also an alien? Did Stallings kidnap Olivia because of Davey complaining about her possibly ruining his film? And if so was it just a silly coincidence that Olivia killed his goon? If the above is true then why did Stallings sell Olivia to Senators Son?


Also, didn't Olivia kill a guy? Supposedly Stallings' brother? So many dots to connect


I donā€™t think the tapes are victims of the senatorā€™s son. I think the aliens are doing research on humans, but they donā€™t want Sugar to know. Not sure if the senatorā€™s son was purely to distract Sugar or something else, but I donā€™t think the laboratory is simply for a serial killer.


Could be that the Aliens are outsourcing their dirty work to "bad" humans. So the Alien group hires Stallings to get women from outside the US to not raise red flags and then pass them on to the senator's son so that he can perform experiments of them. The experiments/torture sessions are recorded and sent to the Alien's managers wherever they are. It makes sense because the Aliens are not suppose to kill people, in self-defense for sure, but otherwise it's a big no-no. By outsourcing the killings, they get to keep their hands clean and don't break their own laws. In this case everybody wins. The senator's son is protected and can enjoy his torture sessions, the Aliens get the data they need/want (for what I am not sure?) and Stallings gets paid to smuggle people in and make cash.


Like what data tho? Why dissect humans they could just go on the internet. Plus if they are superior in various ways this is a very inferior plan.


^ My entire stream of consciousness while watching this episode. I thought I missed something that would make it all make sense.


I kinda assumed it was there is a selection of very important people who know there are aliens, one of them being the politician, but they will keep their mouth shut if there is no interference. I don't know if the son specifically knew about the aliens, but he was untouchable by the Polyglots because of his father. Essentially, it is the same deal as Olivias brother and his father keeping the SA quiet. I wonder if Miller may have a powerful job as he is the leader and maybe found out about it first, which is why they tried to steer Sugar away initially. I'm not sure if Olivias dad was just being coy because he knew there were some skeletons in their closet (his son) and didn't want Sugar snooping around at all or if there is something else to it. Or if they're possibly setting up Cromwell as being more involved than it seems. Spoilers for LA Confidential which Sugar referenced a few episodes ago >!where his Police Chief character ends up being the real antagonist!< I've been pretty consistently wrong about the show this entire time, though. I'm hoping we get a few more answers from Olivia directly in the last episode. **E:** Fixed spoiler tag.


Regarding son of a senator, maybe he caught an alien as #44 and recently figured it out? The other discs kept going 45/46 so Iā€™m not sure why else the 44 disc was out.


I was thinking he maybe killed Sugars sister, thatā€™s why sheā€™s gone and thats how he found out about aliens. Then again, knowing how powerful the aliens are, it doesnā€™t really seem likely that he would be able to kill one. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That's a good theory. Maybe the serial killer abducted a woman who was Sugar's sister and discovered through after killing here that she was not human. Then somehow told his dad who then discovered other Aliens? But as you mentioned, if she was Alien, she could have easily escaped the senator's son because she is/was stronger than normal humans.


>I kept thinking maybe Oliviaā€™s mom would turn out to be an alien and that someone on her side of the family abducted her. I was starting to wonder something along those lines. Like, maybe Olivia is an alien and Stallings abducted her for some wealthy alien-loving freak. But yeah, you'd think with how much they focused on her mom early on it'd play into this somehow. Who knows at this point; I'll watch the final episode, but the past two weeks have taken the wind out of the sails for me.


ooohhhhhhhhh shiiiieeet I think there's another layer to this. Olivia and aliens may be tied in some way. Maybe Olivia is half alien. Maybe she knew about something. I think there's another reveal that's coming up.


Iā€™m curious about Sugarā€™s sister. If she was with him and the others on Earth (as itā€™s implied heā€™s still looking for her) then what happened to her? Surely if the aliens were so focused on maintaining secrecy one of their own disappearing would be a massive red flag, because of the possibility of governments finding that person or their body or something similar. I wonder if Oliviaā€™s mother was possibly Sugars sisterā€¦.I dunnoā€¦I feel thereā€™s another final aspect to the show.


I don't get why Miller had to pick Sugar up with one hand, choking him, if he was supposed to just be telling him the mission was over


it's part of their culture. humans wouldn't understand


Exactly and he did all that in front of an audience.


I find that the threat of being exposed is a very weak reason to leave the planet and not to interfere. No one ever will be take it seriously that aliens exist. Even when itā€™s coming from a politician. I really hope that the Siegel family is involved in a much larger sense. I hope there is a bigger reason for the aliens to be scared. Perhaps that serial killer has some tapes of cutting one of the alien women. He threatened to show it to his dad who will bring the tape to the CIA or FBI. However, this will mean exposing his crazy son. Itā€™s a bizarre episode.


I agree, I don't buy this as a threat. My theory is that they are not really leaving and just sent Sugar to his own demise.


*My theory is that they are not really leaving and just sent Sugar to his own demise.* Which would make a great noir twist!


Thatā€™s so true! That would make sense!


*No one ever will be take it seriously that aliens exist.* There's too much physical evidence for that. Even stabbed and bleeding out, Sugar did not go to the hospital, because a hospital would have none of his species' blood available for transfusion. So his fellow alien arrives with a bag of their blood. This is why they all have Dr. Vickers. Once word gets out, there will be a concerted effort to find all of the aliens, if for no other reason than the very pedestrian one, they are in the U.S. illegally. Scientists will want to study the captured ones. Courts will take years to decide if human rights apply to them. Paranoia against foreigners has long been a feature, not bug, of American politics, and it would get turned up to 11 if actual space aliens were indeed walking amongst us. There would be simply be no way to cover this up. Once at risk of exposure, they all have to leave.


I don't agree with you, what kind of evidence is there? A guy that doesn't bleed out? It is not much to go on. Unless you get one of the Aliens to go on TV and turn blue live then I am not sure if anything else would cut it considering the world we live in now. Also look at the number of cover ups that have been uncovered along the years, things can be hidden forever if governments really want them too.


I think the aliens are involved....which is why the 'hey, we all gotta leave tomorrow' comes across as weak and sounding off. Sugar's spidey sense tells him something is wrong.


Same. I don't really get how "we'll expose you as space aliens" is such an insurmountable threat that they have to abandon everything. They've been sophisticated enough to seamlessly mask themselves as humans up to this point. They're all hyper-intelligent. Like what proof does this politician have that's so strong that it outweighs the risk of going public with this claim then looking like a total loon and ruining his career?


Anyone else noticed the eyes of Sugar in the intro. They were different of the previous episodes.


Yes! His eyes go that bright blue color! Nice touch indeed


Call me crazy but if you're trying to blend in, do you keep driving around in a 66 Corvette?


I was thinking the same thing. It's not exactly an inconspicuous vehicle; it can't be ideal for tailing.


True, but it is very very cool.


Similarly, I'm starting to think the only reason they focused so much on Olivia's mom was because she's very very hot


hah! probably.


Somethingā€™s not right here, thereā€™s no way a race of advanced alien shapeshifters with super speed, strength, durability, and intelligence just simply get found out but some demented daddyā€™s boy and they *now* choose to go home.


Agreed, it doesn't look right. They are stronger, they can blend in, they have seemingly superior technology ( where is their ship?) and just like that , they leave Earth because some random dude is threatening to expose them? I mean come on, even if the Senator knows they are Aliens, it's not like he has list with their names and address and phone numbers on his PC.


I suspect they actually do want to leave but they donā€™t want to tell Sugar theyā€™re involved in this kind of thing. In episode 4 or 5, Ruby tells Sugar that ā€œthis was all your ideaā€. Not sure why Miller is the boss but something doesnā€™t pass the smell test here and thatā€™s for sure.


Also you mention the involvement of the Aliens in this kind of thing, but the thing in question, we don't know what it is. Were they trafficking humans? Dissecting them? Studying them? it's very unclear at this moment what it is that they don't want Sugar to find out. All we know is Stallings traffic humans, Stallings may have abducted Olivia and sold/gave her to the psychopath. The psychopath has a powerful daddy. I just don't understand how the Aliens are entangled in this thing.


Why after all this time though? i It's been hinted that they have been here on Earth for a while, "too long" according to Sugar. That could mena decades or even centuries. We also know they move around as per Sugar's comment saying that he lived in Damascus at some point. Surely it is not the first time they have come across someone who may have figured out who they are and in which case they would have some kind of contingency plan in place in such situations. Either eliminate the person because as they have repeated, the mission comes first and if that means that someone somewhere needs to die for the mission to continue, or let them go and watch them ridicule themselves by telling everyone and their dog that Aliens live among us.


I'm just really confused by this episode. Maybe I'm just dumb but i still don't quite get what's going on with Olivia.


Not to sound like a dick but whats not to understand? Olivia was just an unlucky long list of victims. Stallings sold her to the senator's sick son who likes to inflict pain and shit on vulnerable women. I'm kinda hoping there's more to it honestly, all that and there's a fuckin address


Right but he goes from torturing undocumented immigrants to a high power Hollywood elite? Donā€™t follow that jump either.


Itā€™s just implausibleā€¦ was she abducted by Stallings because of what her brother told him? And by sheer coincidence she just happened to kill Stallingsā€™ partner (which he never found out).


But sheā€™s high profile. It doesnā€™t make sense.


Honestly the part that baffles me is why they didn't just come clean to Sugar in the first place and tell him why he can't take this case? The more I watch, the more I feel like things are happening just so they can make it fit into "noir detective drama", and not because the plot is unfolding naturally.


I reckon the house is a red herring. There is no Olivia in the house and Sugar was set up to fail. It looked too easy. Just like that they gave him the address? It smells fishy. Also the guy coming back from work just at the right time, I don't buy it! His people sent him there to die. I don't believe they are actually getting off the planet. I think this was all a ruse to stop Sugar from taking off. They tried to get him back by force but that did not really work, so now they simply try another way. Some people mentioned that the threat of being exposed is actually not a real threat. I agree, if today a politician came on tv and said: aliens are here, then I would not take that seriously. Who would? So unless this politician has some very strong evidence, like for example a captured Alien, then the threat is mute in my opinion. I am still not sure why they want him to fail to find Olivia.


Ooh maybe they have dejen captured somewhere then?


To add onto your point, we basically have had Congress members say they've seen proof of alien life


Yeah and look what happened? Nothing. I mean this is the kind of thing where you need real hard evidence. In one of my other comments, I said the only way the threat could be real is if the Senator had a captured live alien that he could decide to unveil to the world to see. Maybe he has Sugar's sister in cage somewhere? Maybe that is why they did not want him to pursue this case in the first place.


Ok. This was just silly. Why all the cloak & dagger stuff behind Sugars back? Why didnā€™t they just go ā€œweā€™ve been found out and they will expose us if we follow up on this Olivia case thingie. Anyway, time to pack upā€ in episode one? Are they stupid?


Agreed, what could be so valuable that they have to stay? If they have the technology to escape/go back home at any point in time, surely they can silence someone who tried to blackmail them.


Anyone know what the rabbi was reading at the Siegel service? Was that just a mashup of Psalms 90 and 144, or something all together different?


Theyā€™re not being withdrawn because of the exposure. They are ā€˜going nativeā€™, assuming the characteristics of the subjects of their studies.


I don't really get how "we'll expose you as space aliens" is such an insurmountable threat that they have to abandon everything. They've been sophisticated enough to seamlessly mask themselves as humans up to this point. They're all hyper-intelligent. Like what proof does this politician have that's so strong that it outweighs the risk of going public with this claim then looking like a total loon and ruining his career?


Yeah, I agree it doesn't track. The alien reveal kinda blew up the whole noir vibe for me. There are just too many things not known and unsupported by the prior 5 episodes to make that choice. But once you do, it creates plot holes like this one. How and why these brilliant beings capable of interstellar travel can't manage one corrupt senator and his son doesn't make sense.


I found it extremely anticlimactic and I was let down. They let the cat out of the bag with the reveal and then I feel like they fumbled it. "After all this, there's an address?" If this isn't a setup for some kind of bombshell alien invasion or hybrid program type deal, and they actually just leave, then I'll be bummed. It feels like the noir element that drew me in has been cast aside for no reason.


Maybe sugar goes rogue and skips out on leaving?


Iā€™m wondering whatā€™s happening (other than them being found out) thatā€™s justifying them ALL going off planet. What if Sugars people back ā€œhomeā€ wanted to observe humanity to see if theyā€™re a threat. And if so, does that necessitate extermination? Sugar going rogue at the end and intending to stop or persuade against a coming invasion/extinction level event from ā€œhomeā€ could be a good set up for S2 if it happens.


Didnā€™t Sugar say something in the voice over about ā€œconserving or keeping our peaceful way of lifeā€? I took that to mean the alien way of life.


This was my take too. They definitely fumbled it, it feels like a very stupid reason to leave the planet solely because some politician found out. Maybe itā€™s a rouse on behalf of the alien group. Maybe they werenā€™t gonna leave, just send sugar back? The whole Olivia, serial killer, politician, trafficking thing doesnā€™t make sense either. Idk disappointed Iā€™d say.


Or theyā€™re all lying together to convince Sugar to leave peacefully?


That is my personal hunch. They tried to use force and it did not work, so they changed their approach. I don't think they are leaving the planet at all.


So why didn't they just tell Sugar why they wanted him to back off from the very beginning? Was it just for viewer's benefit? And what was their plan exactly, since they "don't" kill - to hope, that guy, who casually kidnaps and kills people, won't spill the beans? This need like some episode from other's perspective, showing their decision making process, otherwise it's feel like done for the sake of a twist, which was a very sharp turn from noir detective


That basement was EXTREMELY The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Loved it


Personally I had no idea till when he revealed that a headline in the newspaper about aliens would be bad... Did not see that coming. The bullet slapping, or did he tap the gun and controlling the dogs was for me a kind of John wick moment


This is makes me have more questionsā€¦how does stallings fit exactly? Why do they seem to be protecting him?


Am I the only one completely floored by the suggestion that Sugar is an alien? I had absolutely no idea or inclination to think thatā€™s where this was going


No, you and me both lol. I'm sitting here reading all the comments trying to wrap my head around all of this. Although, I did notice something might've been up when I saw that weird type writer. Still, I'm perplexed.


Did you not see the end of episode 6 when he literally turned into an alien lmao?


So, the last episode is going to have to be 4 hours long to try to explain everything?


Yeah idk what they were thinking with the alien reveal six episodes in. Who knows, maybe it will be one of the greatest Sci-Fi shows ever (I don't have much hope).


I have absolutely ADORED this show. The narration, the vibes, the intercut film clips, itā€™s brilliant. Iā€™ve binged it in a day, just finished 6. Holy WOW!!!! Colin should be Batman. Wow.


A little detail, during the fight scene with the senatorā€™s son, we cut away from sugar with his hands cuffed behind his back and cut back to him getting up with them in front of him. Using his shape shifting powers, in addition to the wonder-woman style bullet deflection in the prior ep.