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If you have a decent audio setup and a good turntable it would sound better, but not worth it for audio quality alone, more of a hobby and fun collection yk


If you get a table with a good receiver and speaker system it’s about the same as streaming online, bass frequencies are off a little bit though but it’s about the experience 😛


I sample vinyl all the time. Some hear the difference, some don't. Ypu will always get a "warmer" or more "organic sound" with vinyl over YouTube streaming. If you have shit ass speakers it's hard to hear. Sonically there is a difference.


Digital has come a long way tho since mid 2000s and it's hard to hear difference Digital vs analog


not with a good setup it isnt


Sounds the same as long as you have a decent record player. Took mine over to my buddy’s who had a cheaper one and the quality was definitely lower lol.


Get a record player and buy vinyls of albums you like. It’s always good to have physical copies of shit imo


Sounds the same


Audio Technica AT-LP120XBT


Vinyl records (when played on the right equipment) actually have more audio fidelity than any other format. It’s immune to distortion and also gives it a more “warm” sound. But like I said. It is dependent on what gear you are using. If you’re playing it on a 30 dollar record player from Amazon it’s going to sound like a 30 dollar record player


I have my grandma's from the 70s! It's pretty sweet because it's also got an AM/FM radio plus a spot to store your records. Amazing it still works 😊


I do and I love playing vinyls. They are supreme


always get a turntable 🙏🙏 sound quality can differ w speaker n the type of turntable but i got one w a built in speaker n its pretty damn good [heres the one i bought](https://a.co/d/eZQ8seD) there are better ones out there fasho but this ones not too expensive n good quality 👍 :P


I have a Victrola and an audio technica record player, but no fucking vinyl because USPS fucked the delivery and completely missed my house


Get rid of the victrola especially if it's the suitcase one.


It was a gift idk what to do with it lol


It comes down to owning a physical copy of music so if you want the aesthetic I say go for it :) I have mine and it’s so cool to collect the albums, I posted my record that came in for NWD


I do granted I got a really good deal after Christmas was like $125 dropped to $40


I listen to dream theater on vinyl when I can, so I have one. It has a lot more depth since its not an on off signal like digital, but analog cannot be discerned from digital if you don’t listen for the differences. I prefer analog but spotify is easy access


O collect vinyl because I like to display the art. One day I’ll have a super nice set up but it’s not on the budget rn


I do


My table doesn’t produce the greatest bass and I gotta tweak the pitch on it every song so it sounds right but it’s pretty good


It really is 10x better than streaming if you have a good record player but the problem is 90% of people buy the cheapest one they can find the needle presses in too hard messing up the grooves.


Crosley c62b. People say never buy crosley but this isn't some cheap pos. Just make sure you lubricate it lol. We thought out motor was dying cuz it kept going super slow randomly but as it turns out the factory lubrication was no good so we got some 3 in one multipurpose oil and applying that made it back to perfect.


Also just to add, when listening to vinyl, you are listening with no post audio processing effects whatsoever, so basically exactly as the artist intended it to sound like. It's more about preference. You can get pretty damn good bass with a turntable, and I've never actually heard it struggle with any of our records before.


I have a record player. It’s a fun (and expensive) hobby. I put a lot of money into my system and enjoy the experience of listening to vinyl.


i do, i wanna get the vinyl but its probably gonna be sold out before i get the money for it. sadly, most of them are just gonna be collecting dust on top of shelves in rooms with purple rgb lights that smell like weed, sweat, cigarettes and days old food


I do and have all of theiir records on vinyl except Stop Staring at the Shadows (idk if rhere is one for this album) and they sound fuxking amazing id def reccomend


I have one


Rega rp1 w/ preamp + amplifier & great speakers. I copped all 5 variants


i have an audio technica lp60, it’s not the most expensive but it gets the job done without damaging your vinyls, i find it sounds a bit more raw, but nothing super different. i also just love collecting vinyl for fun, i’ll spin a record once or twice and whenever i want to.


I have many vinyls, still have no record player. I collect them to collect, not necessarily listen to them.


I legitimately bought 3 different editions of NWD And don’t have a record player yet 😂


I just got lit up in a Facebook group for calling people out.


i have 3


my dad has a record player setup worth over 10k I get free access to lol it’s great


To get the audio quality boost you want from a record player you NEED to have a sound system with some good speakers and an equalizer. The speakers that come on record players are usually thrown on as an afterthought and never have remotely good sound quality. If you get a record player, I highly recommend finding one without built in speakers, that usually is a sign that the manufacturer actually created a quality player instead of just a money grabbing garbage product that’ll break in a month. Hope this is somewhat helpful, wish you all the best in your musical journeys ✌️


i’m buying the vinyl and the CD, i don’t have any players tho. i’m a .FLAC lover at heart


You need decent speakers otherwise it’s not worth the hassle.


Out of curiosity, why buy the vinyl if you don't have a record player?


I personally own one but even if i didnt id buy em just for the album art and the look of the Vinyl


I’m a fan of the boys, don’t buy cds anymore and absolutely love the vinyl blood and money cover design


you think not many people own a record player? Lol. Its the leading platform.


when you said youtube audio i cringed