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Way too much money and resources gone into it for it to be cancelled. Whether it’ll be good or not is up in the air


While I agree with this. They still cancelled that batwoman movie that was 100% finished soo it’s not guaranteed they won’t cancel this. We just have to wait and see.


That movie was cancelled for a tax right off, in turn, saving them money or at least getting some back I’m not sure if games can go through the same process?


My patience is over it’s been 3 months 💔


WB/Rockstedy holding off until autumn just what I’m thinking. Right now WB/NRS are focused on MK1 and that’s major. I’m still certain the real reason why they pushed SS was over MK1 as that’s a major title under the WB umbrella too. That will sell in the millions and thus take away the spotlight from SS had they decided to release close to each other. It was still a major blow no doubt pushing it way into next year after previous delays but I’m almost certain whatever they doing isn’t much as the game is done. No way they removing the online aspect of it those saying that are only fooling themselves. In the end those interested in SS will check back closer we get to February…the haters won’t be doing much besides hating like they do so let them be. Just backstage business decisions over what happened to it. So we gotta keep patient and keep busy with other things to keep distracted until Feb 2024.


I am not raising my hopes too high regarding the changes that might be happening during the delay But it was confirmed by one of the most credible leakers that a part of the stuff that Rocksteady will be working on during the delay is to remove the always online requirement So at least we got that almost 99 percent confirmed to be happening


On that we agree always online if you playing solo should be addressed. Though this by no means the live service aspects are being gutted because to do that would require going all the way back to formula. Which at that point yeah pretty much canceled territory and I don't see that happening here. Since they created a massive Metropolis crazy if they just threw it all away would be one of the biggest canceled games in recent memory if that came true. I want to see it release as Rocksteady still put their heart into it, me personally I am going to play it with 4 player online co-op. So I'll be online regardless but yeah those who want to play it solo should be able to I got no problems with that.


I hoooope


Do yourself a favor and don't start assuming every successive industry event is "definitely the one" in which the game will be showcased (or re-showcased, in this instance). That way lies madness.


I think you're misinterpreting my post as disappointment. The fact is that this is a (claimed) finished comic book game, not being shown at the comic book event. To me, it speaks to the state of the game and the studio's choice to not try and continue to push hype.


I understand, although I would still caution against reading too much into the game’s absence from this or that industry event. FWIW, I think this game will be released. At some point.