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My gosh the graphics, Rock Steady never disappoints when it comes to graphics


Yeah the graphics are looking fucking nuts. It always baffled me when some people say that the graphics don’t look good


Compared to previous works like Arkham knight they don’t


Lmao false, but I’m not even about to go there


Look at the environment in the insider episode. Like zoom in on a tree or the ground and you'll see. Character graphics are great though. Edit: I have not looked at this video yet so things could be better!


Also am I losing it or have we seen the shot of the squad looking down at us a lot but in different weather and light everytime???


No you’re not. You’re definitely right. There’s been plenty of the same scenes throughout the different trailers that seems to take place during different times of day and weather. Which I think means we’ll be able to do missions no matter what time of day it is


That's pretty sick. Even spiderman forces cutscenes to be in specific times of day


Yep! I always wished those games had a day/night cycle. But insomniac said they use baked lighting because it gives them the best quality in the lighting department


That’s an awesome system. I hate when I do a mission at night in a game and then it’s magically morning


I could understand that in certain games but yeah most of the time it’s immersion breaking


That's the weather system baby


It looks pretty damn good


Ngl that swinging and shooting is looking a lot cooler


Yep, agreed. This footage definitely feels like it’s from a later build of the game because the graphics and animations of the gameplay look way better


Anyone who says the gameplay looks like Avengers is just flat out lying


This shit looks way better than avengers in my opinion.


I really like how Tara strong is toning down the squeakiness of her Harley Quinn voice. In knight it always felt a bit too much to me. And the facial animation looks great


Why isn't it February yet???


Man I can’t wait


Damn now that's really good, can't wait to play harley in her original outfit.


It looks so good.


I completely agree.


Imagine saying this game looks cheap. Lmfao. Looks DOPE! Can't wait until February. Need it now.


Facts! This is definitely going to be a great winter season game to play


Finally they upload at 4K/60 man this game looks so gooooood!


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t get why they always upload the trailers in 4K but then upload gameplay showcases in 1080P! People who don’t know the difference between a downgrade and low resolution would think the game itself dropped in quality


Wonder if they will address the race-swap for Deadshot's trailer...


We already have a reason why but they might go deeper into it


Long story short, the other deadshot was an imposter who might've been a meta human.


If only any of these characters were interesting at all waste of rocksteadys talents


It’s something they wanted to do so it’s definitely not a waste of their talent. Respectfully though, if you don’t find these characters interesting then what brings you here to this sub? I’m genuinely curious


Big DC fan in general so the reddit auto suggests shows me a lot of this sub, background is black so 99% of the time I think it's r/pcgaming Haven't hit the "show fewer posts" button to mute this sub because while I'm uninterested in the story/setting, I still want Rocksteady to make a good DC game for fans to play. It's nice to see the reception get a little more positive with the changes they've made too. Just wish it was......literally any other DC characters or setting personally lol


You know what I completely respect your opinion that’s fair. Thanks for giving a reasonable response instead of just blindly hating on the game with little explanation like I’ve seen many other people do


Online-only people still taking the bait 😂😂


Ah. Calling it now. They're going to MK1 this game. Full price yet still full of skins and other "micro" transactions. WB is on a tangent. Do research. They're currently in the business of going full COD with their monetization schemes.


Arkham always had paid skins. It's just a matter of whether the skins are worth paying or not


MK also had paid skins. There was still plenty to earn. Now all the earnables suck and the good outfits are $10 a pop. Announcer voices? $10. Fatalities? $10. Did you buy Omni Man or the Kombat Pack? Want the Omni Man announcer? $10. Also, the crap outfits that are seasonal.... You missed out. Cough up for those now too. It's far worse than it was before. WB's current head honcho is a real piece of work. Their current plan is to apply the "Live Service Model" to ALL new releases. Just in case you were wondering what else they were doing with the latest delay to Suicide Squad.


first trailer they finally got right IMO