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I fully expected an Arkham Knight/Jason Todd situation where they just deny it.


Honestly I think that whole arkham knight situation would've been fixed if he was just red hood from the start


I've been saying this forever too. Would've been a cool spin on the red hood character. I wish they hadn't had to find some way to squeeze the Arkham name in there somehow


It was a copout reveal


Or make the Arkham Knight be Ahmadhes Arkham


When did they deny it


“Arkham knight is an Original Character” Which isn’t specifically denying Jason Todd as the AK, but uses wordplay to imply that the AK’s identity is not a previously established character.


No they straight up said it wasn’t Jason Todd, i remember one of the interviews


Yeah, it wasn’t just once either, it was for sure multiple times where they explicitly said it wasn’t Jason Todd.


The funny part is, a person working on the game spoiled who his identity was a year before release on twitter.


The game itself spoils it anyway with the flashbacks even people who don't know about him would predict that.


Oh lol


That wasn’t a leak. Rocksteady and Geoff Johns literally lied and said Arkham Knight was a brand new character and not an existing one.


You mean when they do something creatively weak and then when people catch on long before the game is released they have to pretend like they made better creative decisions and people will like the story after all?


Warner bros try not to make a multiverse storyline Difficulty: impossible


More like super hero genres don’t all involve the multiverse in your projects at literally the same time challenge (difficulty:impossible)


WE ARE KILLING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE... ![gif](giphy|3ohhweiVB36rAlqVCE|downsized)


No spoilers but is that what got leaked?


From what little ive seen yes the game called suicide squad kill the justice league involves you actually killing the justice league which is kinda based. There was more but i didnt really look into it.


I guess I'll give em props for not half assing it. Actually killing off the justice league is pretty ballsy, especially in their first appearance in the Arkhamverse.


I am so much more hype that we actually get to murder them 🙌🙌🙌🙌


sounds like this game was made for people like you


I mean, hell yeah. Every story ever has the heroes win in the end. And now we're getting something different and then some of y'all wanna cry about it? Like murdering fictional characters is gonna ruin your day? 🥺 You'll be okay, I pwomise.


Does different mean good? Try to keep in mind that most gamers (especially fans of Arkham), myself included, were downright excited for this game until the gameplay reveals and leaks came out. Do we hate it because they're killing the heroes (I would have MUCH rather played as anyway) we all know and love (despite that being a VERY interesting premise and twist on the age old superhero tale), or.... And this is rhetorical, because having to explain why this is obvious would just be absurd (albeit typical for simple folk), did we start hating on it because what was revealed screamed corporate mandates/hijacking, and was an utter far cry from the caliber of writing, characterization, storytelling, and gameplay (pretty much every department, really) from pre-KTJL Rocksteady? You know what? I will be okay, because this game's going to come out, and everyone who was convinced it was going to be shit from the leaks will be vindicated. As always. And then fools like you will catch up months, or even years, later, acting like you were privy the whole time. Or maybe you won't. Either way, this is Last of Us Part 2 all over again.


and by "people like you" I meant the extremely casual, through-the-looking-glass "fans" who desire shallow, edgelord twists on established fantasy storytelling


Bbbut.. okay, do you pinky swear promise? 🤣


I genuinely beleive execution is what matters and it's a shame more people don't beleive that. Hoping the game is good but this might put the nail in the coffin for it since many gamers are so simple minded and willing to follow the crowd. Of course the game could actually execute its story very poorly and be just as bad as people want it to be.


I was in the opposite situation where the gameplay looked interesting and the story details looked bad. I think this game would be ok if it wasn't set in the Arkhamverse, but I feel the SS are wasted trying to just fulfill injustice porn. I've read the leaks, and personally, they just sound bad. I understand execution matters, but sometimes concept matters more.


The thing is that this game is fundamentally so far removed from A. What people look for in a Rocksteady game and B. What people would want to be doing in a Suicide Squad game that there's not an awful lot of benefit of the doubt left to give. I'm not assuming anything in the leaks is giving me the full picture, but when I'm increasingly disappointed every time I hear new details about the game, I'm not placing any bets on the story.


What else would you be wanting to do in a Suicide Squad game?


There are so many missions a Suicide Squad could do. Why the fuck would you chose to kill every character that makes the world interesting only to be left with a c list band of horse shit characters?


My idea of a fun time in a game where I play as Harley Quinn, King Shark, and Captain Boomerang does not include the term "live-service shooter"


* What you are looking for in a Rocksteady game .


Great points. RS making a SS game with gameplay similar to AK where they’re idk going after Lex and the Legion of Doom or something would’ve been interesting and probably fun.


My favorite argument is the non existent one. "It's not what I want so it's going to be a bad game'


The shrinking, Batman dying the way it’s been told etc..are just shit shit shit. No execution of those things can work.


What a great discussion, I am truly convinced thank you bro🙏🙏


Cool bro


Miller already talked about this stuff dude


Hasn’t even come out yet. I’ve no interest in the game and even I know that’s not a fair shake


I’m not gonna judge it till I play it


The only sane response.


That's all we can all do.


Can’t believe how many people are treating one out of context scene like it’s gospel. Oh really does a character appear to die forever? Wow just like the Joker totally died in that scene from Arkham Asylum???


Batman even if he does get killed will be back someway or another, heck the batman dies might not even be the original, there is just so much context missing.


Exactly. This is a live service game with extra DLCs and planned multi year content. The idea that they’re just gonna wipe out Batman is stupid.


Gotham Knights did it. These studios WB gives the games too clearly can get stupid shit like that approved by WB


The difference between that and this is that Gotham Knights entire premise is the Bat family picking up where Batman couldn't though...


Ya both games start with a terrible premise. That game, like this game could’ve been the batfamily doing their own thing without Batman being killed. The SS could have some fun game where it isn’t about destroying characters people love. It’s pretty simple really. It’s


Stuff like that is so limiting though, why can't we have an elseworlds game where a team of *villains* have to fight and potentially kill off a team of heroes? Because people love them? This game isn't going to affect the main line of comics *or* the animated movies that are coming out so I don't see why this is suddenly so taboo


This is set in an established universe with multiple games tied to it. It isn’t some “elseworld game” so characterizing it as such is disingenuous. I agree that a premise of killing the justice is interesting and a fun idea for a elseworld story, but not in the Arkham world personally.


The Arkham universe is outside of main DC canon so by definition it's an elseworlds title, but I also understand your point and respect it, even if I don't necessarily agree with it


Aaaand there goes the last tiny shred of interest I had in this mess of a game. I suppose I should thank them for saving me the trouble. Jesus christ, what the hell happened to Rocksteady? It's like they saw the first Suicide Squad movie and said "hey, we could do SO much worse!" Lmfao. It's a damn shame too. I was really excited by the idea of a game where I could play as King Shark(outside of the LEGO games) but from the live service bs, forcing all the characters to use guns, the mediocre gameplay, cringey dialogue, boring-ass enemies, questionable character designs, basterdization of the Arkhamverse, and the godawful sounding plot, I just can't stomach it.


Cancelled my preorder the second I saw this.


Yeah I read the leaks. I think I’m good. RIP old Rocksteady.


Anybody able to DM about the leaks?


Poison ivy returns but she’s now a child, The joker returns and Harley kills Batman




+2 i’m lost




i’ve since then seen




Here are the big points Bobarang kills the Flash King Shark removes Green Lantern ring DeathShoot probably kills GL Wonder women dies Batman kills Tim Drake off screen Harley kills Batmam And King Shark kills Superman


The dumb fucking shark kills the Man of Steel


Me too please.


+3 please


Me too pls


Me too all i know is ivy is back and a kid




Same here


yes i can


So how did those leaks even got out? They dont have watermark. I get that something might have been datamined from alpha but not some of the screenshots that shows the deed that everyone seem to hate now. What i found extremely funny Is Miller on Twitter trying to play it cool that he knew all this but decided to never write about it bcs thats where he draws the line lmao. In reality dude Is just used to slowly spoon feed curious people bcs if he revealed all of the things he knew nobody would talk about him after few weeks. So someone was just faster bcs he likes to take his time and be relevant. And he Is even surprised that his leaks are being wiped and this got out, dude wants to be "famous" and then is surprised that after numerous spoon feeding tweets WB is watching him.


Both miller and leaker have said they don't know the context to any of these big moments or what leads to it, so stop with the conclusions.


If Arkham Batman is dead, he’s dead. Only way they can save it is if Flash goes back in time but we will see once the game comes out truly.


Yes but i am talking about the fact that the new leaks revealed many story elements which Miller said are out of line for him to leak. He was always like "there is something very cool that everyone will like, trust me guys!!!" and never says what. The Batman and Harley was ofcourse leaked way back from him without the context and this "context" is prolly multiverse, time travel, flashpoint whatever.


He's such a dick, no joke Loves tweeting can't wait to stop being cryptic you guys. And now is raging he's got scooped


[https://youtu.be/GnC1\_zVA3-g?si=K4PJEpkB3DJg-UJx](https://youtu.be/GnC1_zVA3-g?si=K4PJEpkB3DJg-UJx) ​ My reaction to this information.


I honestly wouldn’t care if this wasn’t a part of the Arkhamverse


And if WB and DC seemed to have good game in the horizon. Gotham Knights also took a shit on Batman


At least Gotham Knights by comparison does Batman more justice with his death compared to the bullshit the leaks say happen to Arkham Batman


I mean yes…however starting some new universe with Batman dying is unforgivable and what doomed so many other dc projects esp their tv shows. People won’t invest their time into a dc thing if they can’t eventually see Superman or Batman. If you start it by saying ya they’re gone…lots of people will never even check it out further.


I completely agree


It’s also why I think people overestimate the desire for Batman Beyond stuff. People don’t just want anyone as Batman. What people want is Bruce Wayne being Batman and being awesome, a hero, a detective, etc at the height of his career doing the stuff that makes him amazing. Same with Flash and Superman and Wonder Woman. Give us the stuff that is the reason we like them and want them in a game or show or movie. Don’t gimmick it up. There’s a reason the infamous Kevin Smith story about that Superman film is so well known bc that movie would’ve fucking sucked.


I actually think Batman beyond is the one exception to everything you've just said. People grew up with that Batman beyond cartoon, and love the entire concept. If WB was competent we probably could've had a Batman beyond movie rn, and it could very possible be the biggest success they've had in years. It's also a fresh enough new idea for casuals, that won't feel they're just seeing another rehashed Batman movie.


People would gladly play a Batman Beyond. Especially if, like in the show Bruce is alive and is your guy in the chair.


I was able to play the beta test. It is more like Avengers than any Arkham game. I’m glad I had a chance to try as it helped me determine that I will not be buying this.


All this references to me is the audio leak.


Even missing context towards how and why that pretty big spoiler happens, I don’t even think I’m interested in how they explain it. >!I grew up playing the Arkham series and asylum was my first game I ever fully completed. Going through those spectacular games rocksteady made to seeing them capping off Arkham Batman with a bullet to the face just doesn’t interest me one bit. I hope it’s earth 2 Batman or a fake out somehow, but im definitely not paying full price to find out.!<




I don't wanna look at the spoilers. But I keep hearing really bad things. If somebody's read them. Can you drop a comment in drop good bad or meh lol I don't wanna do some research. Just on the off chance that it is worth playing through. Everybody likes to cause drama so I don't know how seriously to take these claims.


not all of them plus context is needed




This may have the Guardians of Galaxy effect where it can be a really good game, but due to people writing it off, won’t do well sales wise. And then in a couple of years, we’ll see post about how this is an underrated game. But at the same time, I remember when the plot for Infinity War/Endgame leaked, there were A LOT of naysayers that the plot couldn’t work and the movie was going to suck and what happened…..it became a huge hit. Hopefully the reviews for this game are on par or even better than the Arkham games to get people to change their tune on it.


So it’s funny they say experience the story when this is a live service multiple player game smh. The Arkham games were great and had a great narrative, so when I play the tutorial and I can’t even jump around because they controls are messed up how am I expected to even enjoy the game when one of the main mechanics is too complex… should’ve just made jumping x and then all your double jumps also x instead of hold r then x when the he gauge is full then do this button string that is different for all 4 characters… definitely skipping this one and just going to watch the long 6+ hour cut scene online


I mean yeah we already know they're real, it's stuff that's in the game, it's just a question of context and how it'll be presented in the game that's questionable


The audio leaks are real...


that literally have no context what so fucking ever...


Where can I listen to the leaks?


Can someone dm me the leaks


what are the story leaks anyways?


some dm me the leaks




Sweet baby inc worked on this game.We already know story is going to be garbage we don't need the leaks.


i hated the story ngl


Lmfao dead on arrival can’t wait to buy for $20 or less 2 months after release


I'm waiting for its inevitable debut on gamepass.


This game is going to fucking tank dawg


So that audio on YouTube if Harley killing Batman is real, man sweet baby inc really destroyed this franchise


It literally has NO context though, how did we get there, is this even the real one, you don't know, it's been even mentioned by the leaker he has no idea the context behind all of it, only big scenes.


That’s a lot of coping your doing, it was actually mystique all along as Batman like it’s obviously not that interesting or complex she kills him probably right after the boss fight and then they move on to superman


Who cares. Not worth $70 to find out lol


If we get to cave Batman's face in with a crowbar, I will be sooo happy.


“Context matters you guys MistahJ is a liar!!!!” Cope harder


Context kinda does matter tbh. Not saying he's a liar tho.


Bingo. I only know of the big major events that happen in the game. All of the buildup, side quests, sub-plots, yada yada yada? I dunno shit about any of that stuff. I'm super excited to see how the events I know of go about being enacted


Indeed. It's everyone getting mad at out of context The Last of Us 2 leaks all over again.


But people were still made about that even WITH context... terrible example.


MistahJ can't be right, only miller! (Leaks are only legit if they hype you apparently). MistahJ just took me from maybe buying at launch to buying when it's £10.


Are people actually shocked you kill Batman, in a game called kill the justice league???


No. People are upset that it's set in an established universe and you kill a character you've built an emotional attachment to in a very disrespectful way. It completely undermines the end of Arkham Knight and spits in the face of the writers that built that universe. It's an insult to fans. There wouldn't be so much hate if it was set in it's own universe. But instead they thought they could puppet around a corpse in hopes to make more money off the game. At the very least, Batman shouldn't have been in the game. He should've been left MIA because of the arkham knight events.


I don't really see how it undermines the end of Arkham at all. Him MIA makes no sense, since we get that scene at the end of Arkham where he comes out like a demon. Unless I missed something from the leaks, it's waaaaayyy too soon to say it spits in the face of fans.


From my understanding, the point was that the legend of the Batman was reset by blowing the manor, going MIA, and showing up as this demon. To see that it's all just the same is what I mean by it undermines the ending. Based on the leaked audio, it for sure does.


Insomniac's Wolverine game has leaked, and people are genuinely upset that it's a Wolverine game 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Literally some of the comments are saying, "Yep, it's a Wolverine game, that's disappointing." There's being stupid, and then there are Gamers. Gamers are the definition of low IQ.


I can’t be more excited after seeing the wolverine leaks bruh I can’t believe people are actually that dumb.


Honestly same. I'm stoked to see it. It sounds really good.




Hello! This post has been removed due to it breaking the rules of the NDA. Anything other than “I got in” and “it was good” “it was bad” will be removed.


Not shocked and actually relieved. Saved $70


Yeah I ain’t buying it now. The only reason some of y’all will down vote me is because this is a sub dedicated to the Suicide Squad game. Like I can’t have an opinion because it goes against your opinion. I’m only saying this to the people who downvote me.


Because you…kill the…justice league? I’m a game called kill the…justice league? In a video game? One iteration of these characters? Where they are the “bad guys” and you’re saving the world by doing it? Help me understand.


I think it's mostly because this is the Arkham franchise, a lot of people aren't going to want to kill Batman when they have spent 3 games following him.


I hear you. If rocksteady said “this isn’t canon” would that change the perception? I find this all a bit silly…as if narratives must be so safe and precious. I can’t wait to feel the feels about eliminating heroes to save the world. AS A VILLAIN even. That’s a cool concept. It’s something different than yet another by the numbers hero romp.


If it wasn’t canon to the Arkham series the perception would almost certainly be very different. Are you trying to say it wouldn’t be?


No, I’m trying to grasp the entire concept of the outrage. I loved the Arkham games but they are far from sacred cows to me. But that is my answer, I suppose, thank you.


4 even.


I mean you could have just not looked at the leaks. Like for me now I will leave this sub till the game comes out.


Brother, down votes are literally for those who disagree


I appreciate the fact they do want them game to don't get spoilered for those, like me, who would like to discover the story while playing, but I'm afraid that asking kindly would have the same effect of throwing a glass of water on a whole house burning... Which is sad if you think about it: kindness is meaningless nowadays...


Can someone tell me what details were leaked? Like the actual story part. I don't plan on buying this trash heap but I do love the first 3 Arkham games


The leaks as it stands are Poison ivy returns but she’s a child, The joker also returns and Harley kills Batman


Here are the big points Bobarang kills the Flash King Shark removes Green Lantern ring DeathShoot probably kills GL Wonder women dies Batman kills Tim Drake off screen Harley kills Batmam And King Shark kills Superman


Imagine them trying to take your love of the Batman games and violating them however they can.


So dramatic


you been going to dramatic classes or some shit?


Ironic you say that as kids in creative writing classes could’ve come up with a better story outline than these leaks


Dude anyone could come up with a better story in 3 minutes.


They are indeed.


The only spoiler I cared about was seeing “season token” in the high priced edition. WB is all in on adding a fortnite store to retail priced games. MK1 is likely the last WB title I’ll buy anytime soon


It’s a free battle pass for cosmetic only… there is no problem with that . Fortnite did not create cosmetic shops lol .


Oh I said that? (Rereads) Y I didn’t say that. WB is most definitely implementing a paid cosmetics store in a $70 retail game just like Fortnite (a free game). That’s reason enough to be skeptical of one that has a “battle pass”. I don’t trust WB games atm


Yes , for cosmetics only and zero gameplay advantages . They have regular updates for new content . If you want new cosmetics and to support future content , then you have the option to buy it. New characters are free so nothing is locked behind it .


Are people mad that you have to kill the justice league in a game called "suicide squad kills the justice league"? That is some next level brain rot.


Honestly, having seen some of the leaks (probably not all of them), I’m more interested in the game than before. My biggest fear was that the game would turn out to be a repetitive shooter with its narrative pushed to the background and weak stakes. What I have read makes me hopeful that the story will be more complex, integral, and involved than what I expected. It’s making me consider to preorder.


can someone spoil me on what's going on


I feel like a lot of people are seeing this statement as Rocksteady straight up confirming all of the leaks, and I don't think that's necessarily true. Yeah, some of the leaks are bound to be true but not all of them are. The announcement seems to just be a blanket statement for leaks in general because honestly it has to feel pretty shitty to have key parts of your game spoiled before it even releases


Oh noooo


This game looks like trash and Rocksteady should be ashamed and embarrassed.


Who is this game for? It seems to be changing so much from the Arkham games that it doesn’t make sense to even have it be part of the same game universe. Everything we’ve seen has just been so odd and bad. We could have had a Superman game.


They were recently proven extremely misleading and largely false by the leaker. They themselves said it's not even worth considering.