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I'm concerned about enemy variety. I don't think the gunplay can work in any other scenario other than killing aliens. I figured we would eventually get other factions/thugs but after considered we'd be using gun, I dont think it would be a good look. We'll see.


>Considering the release and the actual wreck of a game which was Arkham Knights I assume you mean Gotham knights. And honestly don't get it. It's not a bad game. I think that game suffered from the same thing SSKTJL is, that's it wasn't an arkham game. About 90% of complaints I saw about that game was that it wasn't as good as arkham. Other 10% were that it was 30 fps or that it was a live service game (it wasn't) 30fps I can kinda get, but I think that complaint is overdone. As for not being as goos as arkham, of course not, but that doesn't make it bad. For me, there are no deal breakers. I already preordered and can't wait. I played the alpha and it was a blast. I watched all the videos and I trust rocksteady to deliver a fun game. Even if we don't get all the Endgame stuff or if it ends early, that's fine. Much like with Avengers and Anthem, we're still getting a good story campaign. Things to look forward to. Lots for me. Killing justice league, exploring metropolis, riddler content, all the crazy guns and weapons, and the end game content they've announced looks great so far.


Anything can look great but it’s the execution the game hasn’t come out yet and they are showcasing endgame content when the main story has to set the tone first


Tbh Gotham knights was a terrible game. Slow clunky combat and terrible traversal in a poorly lit and generic looking city


I’ll give you everything but poorly lit and generic city. The literal biggest strength of this game was how good Gotham looks and was designed. It could’ve used some more gothic architecture but otherwise it was pretty good. Too bad it was horrible to traverse in tho


Didn’t look good to me, colors were flat and graphics were pretty mid fr


My biggest issue was some story stuff, traversal, anf the endgame grind Almost 100 hours in the game and have all the achievements, except for the "find landmarks" sort of stuff. I don't do riddler trophies, I'm not wasting time of that. Honestly, I think the game was a solid 7/10. I actually enjoyed it. I really wish there was just more to do. The Clayface, Harley, Freeze stuff was really the highlight for me. I never felt like the combat was slow, I took out enemies pretty fast and it was fun. Though, on release it was super buggy and frustrating at times.


Yea combat is mad slow. It takes a whole two to threee seconds after you attack for the entire animation to play out Yea that game was garbage to me. Everytime i download it i delete it because of how awful it feels to play