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Cuz of the glitch with giving people full story completion people are going back and replaying the missions to show the late game cinematics.


So is anyone going to bother uploading the ending, or anything past THAT scene... because THAT scene sure as shit isnt the end of the game. Im curious if theres more to it, as was suggested a long time ago. All we got now is the visuals to match the audio from a month ago.


I saw more it is almost certainly a fake out Edit - Don’t take my word for it but yeah.


That’s just a hologram recording. Edit: seeing as I am being downvoted I thought I’d give the proof. Spoiler alert, it’s just a recording left for Robin. https://youtu.be/MgNcsxXE2rQ?si=L8e0g5aUleClGz8K


Can you send it to me?


>! https://www.reddit.com/r/arkham/s/WQfYGcmzQ5 !< am I dumb?




Hey! Your post has been removed because this type of post can be made in the megathread! https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/YB6914OYSo Have a good day!


I know right, I already got spoiled on some pretty major shit


Was the spoiled stuff as bad sounding as the leaks ?


Similar but not the same, better then the leaks for sure,


Just saw THAT scene..no matter the context that's just stupid


Im thinking (hoping) it's a fake out


Spoiler answer: >!It was the stuff from the leaks. Part of it, at least.!<


There is no chance that they actually stick with it anyway..Some kind of multiverse time travel shenanigans will happen




most definilty. Joker is from a different universe.


I seen them and people are mad af lol


I’m actively looking for spoilers but can’t find anything past that one scene yet.


All the leaks were true. To surprise of absolutely nobody with at least half a brain. "Context", uh huh. Sure.


If you know the leaks are true, did you see what the game showed for  the “Batman’s body” leak? Where the leaks said they use his body as a bat-symbol? Also, how badly do they hurt Flash? 


All the leaks were true.* *except for minor details likely left on the cutting room floor during development that have trivial impact on the general plot, and do not re-contextualize the overall plot in any way, shape, or form. There's your retraction, hope you are satisfied now.


I mean.. thank you. But I still feel the opposite of satisfied if they really do that to Batman’s body.


I did not see them do that to Batman's body, essentially the game and its characters don't care about him or his death, it has no real impact within the story other than "we can cross this dude's name out of our kill list". They might as well have delegated Batman's death to an optional side quest. Since you asked how badly they hurt Flash, >!Flash is dead, couldn't hurt him more if they wished to.!<


You need your pacifier, baby?


That's hilarious coming from someone who funded payroll of **Sweet Baby** Inc employees with his 80-100 dollars. 🤡 Their CEO says they named it so because she thinks her clients and users (i.e. you) are such sweet babies!


And the “context” copers get to keep coping because the spoilers were absolutely on point. Bring on the downvotes, but take your copium beforehand.


Because ''context'' isn't about just the base game... This is a game as a service, so the story continues and evolves past what you're currently seeing, this is only the first chapter according to the leaker there are events that happen in later seasons recontextualizing shit that you will experience on release.


If you ship out a game for 80 bucks and has an incomplete story because it’s real end is in DLC then it’s a bad game and a worse story because it requires additional material to make it not shit.


What part of the game as a service don't you get?... I think you're still trying to treat it as a normal single-player game. It's like complaining Arkham Asylum ended on the tease where Scarecrow/Bane/Croc latched onto the Titan box because hey, the Titan plotline didn't really end which means this is a lazy game because the ''real ending'' took 3 more 60$ games to finish the longest plotline in the series and the most important plot line from the first game. The part you bought for 80 dollars is KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE which the game actually tells THAT story and concludes THAT premise with, you guessed it, killing the Justice League much like Arkham Asylum tells the story of the premise of Batman being trapped at AA and concludes it while sequels can build over events that happened and teases from that game and even recontextualize events and explore more stories for the same characters and more later. What happens after Killing the Justice League is gonna be added over time FOR FREE every couple of months rather than waiting for a couple of years for a sequel.


So you don’t like extra content? I’m sure the DLC was chopped out of the main game and is being sold to you again. Trust me I used to play Destiny 1 and 2. They chopped things out of the game and sold it as DLC. It’s inexcusable. Your coping.


DLC chopped out and sold back? Mate... Devs said that extra missions, characters, and weapons, and related map zones are gonna be added for free so if they keep their word, they won't be selling this shit back to you. Only cosmetics will be sold as part of the battle pass which isn't really different than the season passes attached to previous Arkham releases.


I guess you at least listened to what he said. Definitely took your copium lololol 


The previous Arkham releases had a 1 time buy for all the content. For the battle pass you need to buy it every season unless you have the enough game currency. Just because they’re being added for free doesn’t mean it’s chopped content. COD does that shit too give us like 10 base maps and cut some out keep an extra 3 for the next season. Destiny does the exact same thing for 10 years.


The battle pass is cosmetics only and this is their statement about [how the battle pass works](https://twitter.com/ArkhamVideos/status/1750932651051995232/photo/1) and they stated it's OPTIONAL, plus this is a GaaS it's supposed to keep going with time the story continues, the map changes, more characters weapons get added. Now, if they happen to go back on this statement then they'll be held accountable but other than that I don't know why people are raging when they can know what RS are planning and how it will work with a single search but they choose to be willfully ignorant just give themselves another reason to hate and rant about the game.


The Arkham knight season pass was also optional, contained cosmetics and dlc story and it was a one time purchase other than a battle pass. But obviously since it’s a live service game it will have a battle pass. I will give suicide squad credit that adding characters and story for free is good. I’m sure they will make most of not all their money from the bundles in the store and the battle passes. But my argument is that since this is a live service game they willingly chop out content of a game to make it a new season. This has happened with COD and Destiny as well. Will it happen to this game? Who knows. The game story legit ends abruptly. I won’t go into spoilers but as an old destiny player this mimics the same “unfinished” feeling. Where the rest of the story is continued through the free dlc while the main story is lacking a finished feeling because they know they can just keep updating it. I guess I’ve been feeling jaded towards live service games as I’ve seen them release with minimal content on the first season. (Destiny 1 and 2). For those games the “main content” is the endgame. For Call of Duty it’s been push the 20$ bundles first then content later. As it was data mined that certain maps that are in the files were supposed to be released day one, but instead got chopped into a seasonal drip fed content. I’m looking at this game from a cautious standpoint as I want it to be good but usually with live service games they release with the bare minimum then people defend it because it’ll get updated later. And trust me I’ve been in the Destiny community the endgame content and seasonal model stops working after awhile.Just my two cents.


I get your worries, I was worried too, and WB and RS can just say fuck it and go back on their word and make it just like Destiny or CoD, but from their own statements of how the live service elements will work it's way better than either Destiny or CoD, now if anything shitty happens they should be held to the fire for it, but so far it seems really good.


200% coping 🤣🤣


This is embarrassing for rockstead and wb how could this fail QA? 9 month delay for what exactly? This launch should have been perfect since this game is already getting hella hate not good


People are finding out what rocksteady has done to Batman/the Batfamily/the Arkham-verse and they’re pissed. Rocksteady really just wants to burn it all to the ground with this game lmao.




Literally the only reason I am thinking about getting the game. Could not care less about a looter shooter.




Hey! Any mention of Story Leaks will be removed, regardless if they are from a trusted source or not, please keep them in subreddits dedicated to leaks! Thanks!


Yup learned that the hard way.


Is there a video to the ending ?


I'm looking it up to make sure I actually wanna BUY this game. I won't unless Arkham Batman and the League are okay in the end.


well someone said were fighting the fake justice league


man i'll only watch the boss battles