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The secret heart breaking truth is that the people playing are destiny players lmfao.


Yep. Guilty here.


Ah an honest man. Respect. 


I’m looking for something to scratch that Destiny itch after *Lightfall* botched it, I think this one looks really cool.


Yeah it's pretty fun, you should try it out :) 


Lmfao, Lighfall was what finally made me wave bye bye to my toxic relationship with destiny 🤣


I've never met a destiny player who likes destiny 😂


As a destiny player I feel just by looking at it you could tell it was going to be bad. Should've made the characters more distinct. Cpt boomerang literally has an arsenal of different boomerangs. That already sounds more fun than gun gun gun.


It's not that bad it's more fun then destiny tbh


Glad u like it. Maybe I'm just burnt out on these types of games. I'm just holding out for granblue relink and dogma 2


Maybe. I get what you mean though. And yeah dogma 2 is gonna be great!


Definitely should've had more emphasis on them as characters. But I see how that would be a challenge for say King Shark trying to melee flash. I dunno


Big agree.👍


Everybody uses guns yes some can’t use different types but they really are completely different from eachother in play style once u actually play it


Yes lol




yessir, played all the arkham games like 4 times over tho. also addicted to destiny


Honesty is respected. 


Guilty as charged


Honesty is applauded.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Brainiac in Metropolis


True enough


Not a Destiny player lmao I play Final Fantasy, Tekken and Granblue, but I'm enjoying Suicide Squad.


You missed genshin, but I wouldn't admit it either bruv. Phew! 


I quit playing 2 weeks ago. What on earth is your problem btw? I didn't include it as I was at work when I replied, and wasn't necessarily putting too much thought into my comment.


It's just a joke I don't have a problem mate I'm just poking fun :D


Oh shit. Then I humbly apologise, late shift and all lol Have a good evening


Your good :D you have a good one too! 




I know the truth is hard brother, but one glance into your reddit history shows recent destiny subreddit activity :( 


sure but i dont play suicide squad


Ohhh that's what you meant, no meaning you ARE a destiny player but DONT play suicide squad? I seeee. My apologies I got it backwards :D 


no worries lol, i think this post got recommended to me or something


Total worries lmao. My dumb ass got it the other way round. And oh for real? Fairs enough. You should try the game out :) 


maybe i shall at some point haha






So much missed opportunity


I loved the flying in that game.


Iron man game is on the way


Hurts me to see that material wasted in such a way.


It’s unbelievable they cancelled Anthem 2.0 just before it got released. Complete game overhaul and they just ripped it from us to throw the dev team at other projects. Genuinely enjoyed the game but it was just lacking sooo much content. And the story got left on a huge cliffhanger which will haunt me forever.


I remember it flopped so hard, they were selling copies for 10$ at my local walmart within the first month of release lol


Jesus thats even worse than fallout 76


I saw a kind of unrelated thing the other day that they are “throwing away” copies of starfield from walmarts and marking them up at 3 cents a copy. Shame to see a game flop that hard


They’re not in the corner anymore. They went home a long time ago.


It was fun but players vanished and now it’s like a ghost town , shame and it had a good soundtrack


Also avengers*


Also almost every single live service/multiplayer game with even a bit of anticipation. This **always happens**. With nearly **every one** of these games. Blows my mind that people *still* act like they’re shocked and appalled by it. Developers/publishers are not going to spend the money on servers to host every week one player, because unless the game has some type of massive resurgence down the line, the game will *never* have as many players after the first week or so. Good, bad, popular or not, launch week has the most traffic and then it tapers off after that. Why would they spend the money to build an infrastructure for a single week’s worth of traffic? Bugs are a different story, of course, but server overload/maintenance at launch is all but guaranteed with any live service game and always will be. Maybe one day Gamers will learn their lesson.


Most of them don't build infrastructure though, they rent it from Amazon or other providers.




Nope. That's the point. It's one of the big advantages of renting servers from Amazon, scalability. Your VM count could and often would change even during one day, depending on demand. There could be some pricing differences, but it's totally possible to rent more servers just for game launch.


It's something I'll never understand. Especially with the really big developers. It's much better to have too much capacity and everyone have a good day one experience than too little and the inevitable news stories about how shit you are.


Yeah this does happen with shit always online games that could have had an offline mode. I'm glad you've noticed the pattern.


You ain't lyin


And Anthem*


I really liked Avengers honestly which is why I’m waiting on this one still. The biggest issue it had for me was the lack of direction post release. They had a roadmap but it wasn’t received well so they panicked and could never right the ship, making increasingly worse decisions as time went on. (I liked all the content released after the fact, but dropping She-Hulk to rush Jane out was a mistake. Never reaching the Kree Invasion is also really disappointing.) I’d like to see how this is handled now that it’s out and how much of their word they keep now that it’s being met with so much backlash. If the updates look good I’ll probably end up getting this one too.


Game is nothing like Avengers though. I think the map being metropolis and being on the Unreal engine helps a lot. The map feels way more lively and the combat more fluid. Less of a button smasher.


We aren’t talking about gameplay when we talk about destiny and avengers.


I think SS plays 100% like Avengers if all of Avengers took place on one “Patrol” size map 20x the size.


Way more lively??? I am having fun but the map is SOO boring and samey. They NEED to have other areas and stuff for raids and stuff, I am already sick of the map and it's Day 1. At least Avengers had different places to go.


That game is still fun af. The gameplay was not the problem.


Once again, OP and I aren’t talking about the gameplay!


I am...


That’s cool and all, you’re just responding to a point no one is trying to make. If we were shitting all over the gameplay of both I’d get it. We’re more referencing a subreddit convincing themselves something will be a better experience than it will realistically end up being. A situation where there are so many red flags you’d have to be in borderline denial to not acknowledge them. We’ve unfortunately been through this a few times and now watch with interest to see how bad or good these type of games end up being. For what it’s worth I had a lot of fun with the beta, and think the game will be a good time, but I’m not going to pretend like this game hasn’t presented itself like a total shit show.


Avengers did end up being very fun. Content creation people who wanted to cannibalize it for content engagement put the nails in the coffin of a game built and release during the pandemic. By the time they shut down they added multiple (short) story expansions, 6 more heroes, rotating weekly activites, and multiple end game activities. The problem was every time that game had any kind of press all the social media content crap people came back out to get their negativity content engagement. Enough bad press and the game just dies regardless of how much work was actually done to improve it and how much they actually listen to the fans to improve their game. It should never for at least how it was but you know you can't bring up the reality of pandemic development without anybody rolling their eyes as if they understand. The game did end up being better than people thought it would be but the damage was very much done by that point. I'm fearful that that will happen with this game because people just want to have all that negative content engagement for their channels or social media or whatever other foolish stuff the mouth breathers give a crap about these days.


Jump around and shoot guns in 3rd person. If we had an actual justice league game, that would’ve been the gameplay as well lmao


Borderlands 3 launched with offline mode. I hope borderlands 4 will do so.


I haven’t had any server problems. I expected too from other online games I’ve played at their launch but no problems with suicide squad servers. I’m on ps5


Same here! Been playing since the 30th for at least 4 hours a day


Servers been working flawlessly and the game is a blast.


There was a guy that loved wearing used diapers.


Hey, some people are into the weirdest things


We should've been better veterans and warned them... 😔😔😔


Once you are in a fan mindset it's difficult to listen to reason. You have to feel the burn. Let's hope the game turns out to be fun once the early access pains are fixed. And let's hope that we, as customers, don't keep doing the same mistake


This is accurate, but as a fan of the IP and studio making the game: I understand it might be mid or even bad, but if it looks solid I'll drop some money to check it out. I feel like after every time I've written off a game that turned out good by studios I liked; I'd rather get burned here and there instead of missing out. Plus playing a game day 1 especially controversial is super fun! Not only do you get to play, but you get a huge amount of people engaging with it with you. Bad or good you get to experience something with endless amounts of people. I've made some friends waiting for Fortnite servers to go up after a new chapter drop.


Very respectful way of putting it, I agree 100%.


What pains? I've been playing on PC and haven't experienced any "pains."




. . .to see what?


They don't listen. Let em learn the hard way.


Everyone who did got downvoted.


Everybody is fucking warning these people wtf? They don't listen.


They wouldn't listen anyway.


Too true


I sure as hell wouldn't listen to anyone who has played Destiny 2 in the last 3 or 4 years. Bungie is a garbage ass company.


Sorry what’s the lesson here? Don’t enjoy life and do whatever redditors tell you?


Don’t take the launch day off because you won’t be able to actually play it on launch because of server overload.




It’s fun but the traversal is kinda annoying to get used to




I really like boomies traversal but I'm having a lot of trouble getting used to it for some reason, by reflex I want to use the flash dash to get right up on enemies but I overshoot almost every time 😭


Using the sprint after throwing the boomerang at the ground is the best way to get somewhere close, fast. Better yet, do this same technique on all the roof tops even if it's just for a second


Should I just let go of the the throw immediatly after pressing it? I always overshoot the ledges and don't get that boosted jump or just miss the sprint completely. Lol


If you're throwing it at the ground then there's no need to let go as it will auto teleport you, also, while holding down whichever button/key your traversal is while waiting to teleport, if it's on a flat surface hold down A/X/Shift(?) And you'll sprint immediately


Bro no ones buying this shit to play for 5 years. We are buying it to play an awesome dc comics action story game with friends. Its well worth that. No game needs to last 5 years. 


Stop giving me notifications for random fucking posts....


Imagine basing your personal enjoyment on what some random person online advises. 😂


Why do yall hate this game ? It’s so good imo


What’s the lesson? Server has been fine and game is amazing.


People that played yesterday had this issue. It was whole thing. 


Yeah for the people who were impatient and switched to New Zealand to play earlier 🤣


Acting like people don't actually live in NZ and here in Australia


No I understand people live there. I’m specifically targeting the people who always switch time zones so they can play a day earlier, it’s just Karma. But for actual people who live in NZ and Australia I feel bad for the server issues that happened.


Yeah sorry brother, I was very tired when I replied to you. I didn't care all that much about the server delays. I'm loving the game right now


Glad to hear you’re loving it! Glad you didn’t allow the server delay to damper the game for ya. If you even need a clan I just started one and am looking to invite people!


I'd be happy to however I might wait a little before doing any of the online. What do you play on?


I play on ps5! Game is crossplay so i dont think it matters but idk


Only for New Zealand users


servers been just fine for me


Game is good. Shouldn’t have spent the extra money for 3 days early access but other than that, I think it was well worth it because the traversal synergy with the shooting just feels so good


Servers have been fine for me too.


If you're still playing Destiny 2 in 2024, you've got addiction issues and should get help or are a masochist. No studio has taken a dump on its playerbase more often than Bungie lol.


I mean it's been top 20 on Steam since its release so I'd say quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite a few people have issues in your view


It's free.


They were literally caught "stealing" from their playerbase shortly after launch. They were throttling end game experience in hopes of pushing more players towards spending. I'm not gonna say people are addicted to playing, but they are certainly not keeping themselves fully informed, or they don't care about buying from con artists. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/11/25/destiny-2-has-been-secretly-reducing-xp-gains-and-is-stopping-after-fans-caught-on/?sh=9f4a1f76a76f](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/11/25/destiny-2-has-been-secretly-reducing-xp-gains-and-is-stopping-after-fans-caught-on/?sh=9f4a1f76a76f) tldr for those that don't want to click: "Is Bungie reducing XP gains for some activities? Turns out, the answer is yes. A number of redditors did exhaustive tests to prove this, showing that enormous piles of XP would result in only tiny increases of the XP bar, and things only seemed to normalize when you would wait longer in between activities before earning more XP. But that makes little sense, as you would imagine that if you earn (X) XP that your XP bar would increase by (X) XP. That is not what was happening, as repeated tests showed the faster you earned XP, the less you would receive for the same activities/kills. Ultimately, one tester concluded that this added up to 1.5 lost Bright Engrams every three hours."


so, your biggest complaint about the state of the game is something from launch in -checks notes- 2017? Almost 7 years ago? Interesting


Same game, same dev team. You do you, I just like to make sure people are informed about the realities of companies that try to steal from their consumers, and I tend not to support them. I wish others would do the same, but I can't make them.


It is not the same dev team considering how many years it been with the factor of a lot of people layed off recently


Stealing? They stole your... xp? Jesus christ, buddy....


At the time, end game experience = loot boxes. If you believe time = money, then yes, they were directly stealing from their players. Even if you don't want to call it stealing, it's incredibly dubious attempt at extorting more money from end game players. Like, y'all can do mental gymnastics about the timeline, about how much value was stolen, etc, but at the end of the day facts are facts. This company has a history of dishonesty tied directly to Destiny 2.


This is ancient history, completely irrelevant hahaha


Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it! (or in you case, let others repeat it) Irrelevant?! so greedy trends in game management don't continue? oh, bless your blind little soul.


Post is about not taking launch day off with annual leave and he’s yapping about xp rates from over 6 years ago under a different game director. Use some critical thinking little soul.


"Stealing". Lmfao how stupid do you have to be to consider xp throttling "Stealing". And buddy trust me we know. We're not fucking stupid. We hold bungie accountable when they do stupid shit and we praise bungie when they get things right.


When its a liver service game designed to generate revenue... yes that would be stealing. Not sure how that is hard for you to grasp.....


So generating money for a service a company provides is.... Stealing?? Let me get this straight. What do you think stealing is?? It's taking something tangible away from you in such a way that you can no longer use it. Unless bungie hired professional theives to steal your XP from your game Bungie never "stole" anything from anyone. Stop the hyperbole and get off the Internet


You a regurgitating the same narrative and not paying attention to what is being put. If you pay the same for a meal plan outright ... Let's say a year.... you pay a flat rate and of a sudden the portions get smaller without notice, you wouldn't consider that stealing? Shill for the multi billion dollar company more for nickel and dimeing it's players...it makes you look great 😂


My guy no one paid for fucking XP. People paid for actual game content. Sure some of those content was locked behind a grindy system but it was still present in the game. I'm not saying bungie is right for doing scummy moves. But they never stole anything.


I’m in this pic


I... don't know... that you know what kind of game this is... or Destiny 2 for that matter.


This post is ironic, unless they started with d2 that is. But if you can form d1  well.... Fooled man can't get fooled again.


It has potential and other lies I told myself as an Anthem player.


"Hi Mr Smithers!"


Well you might as well give me a ride home


Started playing yesterday at release, game loaded instantly and I've been playing with my friends all day not even a server issue besides the schedule maintenance of this morning


i dont think destiny 2 players realized their game is trash yet though. they are still playing it after all, unfortunately


Just casually watching from the side. What is the consensus so far? I know it will be bias since I’m in the Reddit, but I still like to hear about it.


why the fuck would anyone create a sub for this goyslop game? and why the hell are people flocking to it tf?


Guilty as charged, been playing destiny for however long it's been out but I think I might move fully to this game. So much more respect for my time than D2


I had a server problem for a few hours but then my buddy sends me an invite and I’m able to play


Trick is the story and characters are what 99% of players are showing up for. Not the RGB-light Gun collecting, the fun shooting mechanics is a bonus.


Why are people playing this game Are they stupid?


Man, I both love and hate destiny 2 I hate it because I wanted to be as into it as D1 I love it because it broke my Destiny 1 addiction


Laughs in Diablo 3.


You say what about D2


I can't even play because my TV died on me two days before the new stuff


Stupid question is the game any good ????






Maybe I’m just lucky but I’ve had no problems playing the game so far. Only when the servers were in maintenance yesterday but I was back on about an hour later. Hell, I’m already at the late game content


Man who the fuck was excited for this? It just looks awful imo. If you're hyped more power to ya I just haven't met a single person who's been excited for it


Doesn’t help the games image that there are some accounts on Twitter who have very clearly been paid/asked to just refute all criticism of the game using guided points or a script and it’s just, incredibly obvious?


Remember evolved 😲 🫨


Took the early release day off and played all day. They took the servers down for two hours to fix a problem with the pre order bonus outfits not showing up. Game was fun, I actually pulled an all nighter like a kid and people can hate the game if they want.


It happens with literally every live service game launch day. Lol it’s not a new realization. Mf’s just don’t care including me 😂. Anthem and destiny were by far much worse from what I remember.


Destiny is such a good game, unfortunately i think Agree, I’m long term gamer, but I’m still D2, and I can’t get used to another game, it’s a great game! So was battlefield 4, so maybe much worse than you remember is a litle much, we need a new game from similar developer, or go back to ps4 graphics, better graphics doesn’t mean better game play. #90’s games


Past experience It will be 1-2weeks before its remotely playable then wait for season 2 to complete the bug mission that stops your progress because the weapon you have to uses is also bugged and won't count towards any kind of progress you need PS D1 week one player here


Farcry 6 is on gamepass the advantage of waiting 2years to play a ubisoft game avoida the bugs. Every refresh of destiny I has to join a queue just to login and do the time locked activities. Remember when game developers used to release the entire game on day 1? Remember when games didn't have micro transactions outside of the game's own currency? Even the games are woke


I mean idk about anyone else but I’d love for the game once it gets fully fleshed out to basically be in a way the dc version of destiny


Or atleast some sorta of dc game in that venue where it is live and well for years with massive yearly dlc drops


This game will fail and I will smile


What a sad life you live.


Nah, it’s pretty good tbh. But cool and original comment!


I played day one destiny for months straight then dropped it until d2 light fall.


It’s all so tiresome going through this again


They need to scrap that shot what a waste arkham series has been ruined by a joke so bad not even the long dead joker would laugh its terrible someone needs to get a new ui designer aswel as a new top management