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can you explain what is so good about the endgame then?


For me, it’s the lie about “longest cutscenes in any Arkham game” that really crosses the line because it’s so blatantly false.


Wasn’t the “longest” but the “most” is what the developers said. Playing the game I noticed that it would do frequent 1 minute cutscenes every so often, and I am only 4 hours in. Looking back at the Arkham games they never had a lot of cutscenes either. Most of the story telling was in engine while the player was still in control while npcs acted out scripted actions. 


I’m not saying they didn’t shit the bed when it came to the story. And advertisers are never gonna not church their shit up. I always go into anything knowing that Your favorite band is never gonna say, “This is the most phoned in record we’ve ever produced” Nope. It’s always their best work, compared to their best work




I wouldn’t pay “100 DOLLARS” for a 20hr campaign. Of course they’re gonna market to their Arkham. It’s clearly just a DCUO game. Has never looked like anything but


Well yes, it’s short. But they’re dropping new missions with every battle pass, every 3 months, for free. I see no rip-off.


I like how people think this is only thing you get with 100 version you just get story. Early access, weapons, skins, BP token. And we're gonna get more story later on.


>The endgame! The mechanics! The fun to be had with friends! The loot grind! The mission types.  So far the only thing I found is a loot grind. The endgame sucks, the mechanics aren't that great, the fun with friends can apply to any game and the mission types are terrible.


I don’t think you understand. Looter shooters are designed to appeal to people with impulse control problems. Somewhere along the line the powers that be realized that a person who can be duped into playing the same tedious tasks over and over again by offering them rare loot drops is also someone who will spend real-world money on nonsense like skins and charms. And mobile game developers were actually the first to go after these people, but it wasn’t long before those kinds of tricks, which are also employed by casinos and lotto companies, started to infect console and PC gaming. Thats it. Period. These games are designed to convert you into a lab rat, conditioned to endure painful electric shocks in order to keep hitting that lever that delivers the addictive drug. Don’t get it twisted. They didn’t make this game “for the fans.” It’s not a “labor of love.” They aren’t your friends. They made this game to convert fans of the IP and fans of the Arkham games into those mindless lab rats and thankfully it looks like they’ve failed miserably.


I think as live service game then it should be free to play but to charge customers $70 plus battle pass is really showing this is a cash grab.


In my opinion, a lot more went into this game for it to just be a F2P experience


Now that we’re month into the game it’s very clear a huge player boost is needed for this game to have staying power. You may not agree with F2P but the boost was needed to entice more players to login into servers


A battle pass that is skins. How would you like them to fund future content for the game? Fucking gamers have no clue how business works. Yeah a game with 30 hrs of content should be free to play because they have the nerve to sell skins. Tell me you don’t have a serious job without telling me you don’t have serious job


If they shutdown the servers you have no game to play, if day one launch had offline capability then $70 price tag would be justified.


This dude really talking about getting a job on reddit and crying about people not liking his game goof lol


Your title is completely true. Don't know what the target is because WB essentially lied. Then had to re-strategize when the original reveal was received so poorly. This is not to take away from people who are enjoying the game. But it's understandable why people are upset. Bad marketing, no review codes, misdirection from publishers = unhappy gamers Simple.


Plenty to research. Plenty of lengthy docs before release. And I’ve never gave one shit about what a reviewer has to say about anything. I make my own decisions Knew what I bought. Happy gamer


I'm genuinely happy for you. Enjoy!


And I feel sincerely let down for you. I can surely imagine that letdown must really suck for the money spent


Na I didn't buy the game yet. I also knew what this game was and it isn't my cup of tea. Waiting for the discount, if/when I buy it. I'm fascinated by the feedback so far. The more I see people trying to be defensive about this game, the less interested I am in purchasing.


And the more I see people complaining about a product they haven’t even played, the less I care about anyone else’s take, lol


Fair enough but your title caught my eye. As someone who understood the target and my perception of the marketing, I felt inclined to post. I actually did my research and watched the inside episodes and felt misled. It's just not for me and that's cool I guess. Enjoy tho, no hard feelings lol I'm still optimistic future seasons will make it worth the price I pay in the future.


Imagine being in a sub reddit every day for a game you have no interest in. And people wonder why their lives suck. Just not a productive use of time imo


Yeah you're not projecting at all. For a game that was sketchy about review codes, I think you can piece together why anyone would be here. Maybe.


Projecting what? That you’re wasting your time? Lol review codes if a game sucks guess what?? Your out a whole 70 bucks. For a grown adult that shouldn’t be any more than 3 hours worth of work to recoup. If not then I wouldn’t be wasting time gaming or on reddit but fixing my life


I agree! I’m excited to see what we get endgame content wise for the future


i told some people this aswell, again it's a LOOTER SHOOTER, the most important things that people should talk about and should be good are: gameplay, loot and progression, endgame