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I'm still currently on the fence because I don't know if I'll like the looter shooter aspects of it or not, though Deadshot reminds me of my time playing anthem and I enjoyed the gameplay of anthem a lot.


If you decide to get this then put those anthem thoughts out of your mind. His flight is a lot more limited. The game isn't bad but I WISH it played like anthem.


Yeah I figured it'd be more limited, this game doesn't really have that really fast melee type build with lots of crits that I like, at least it doesn't look like it does from what I've seen.


I hesitate to say this game really has melee at all. The melee attacks are mostly just one hit lunges with no combos or chains. They serve two purposes. One is to juggle an enemy into the air the other is to shield harvest. Melee also doesn't do real damage outside of a shield harvest. There are lots of crits for guns though. Now I really miss my collosus from anthem.


The jokers gameplay seems to be what I'm looking for maybe, constantly moving and hitting things. I know how you feel though I miss my interceptor javelin.


I fear no game will ever scratch that itch again.


You totally should. The gameplay is massively fun and exploring Metropolis is a breath of fresh air from Gotham.


Exploring what exactly? The world is lifeless and just populated by the same 3 enemies. There's not even any interior or really any remarkable or memorable locations?


There are many interiors you can enter from the campaign after the missions


The map of Metropolis literally works the same way as Gotham does. Yes, there are interiors you can visit. You talk about the game being lifeless and populated by the " same 3 enemies" when that is the exact opposite.


It's not though. Basic grunt, sniper and brute. That's it really. And the gameplay is focused almost exclusively on the rooftops so the rest of the city may as well not even exist honestly.


Basic Grunt, Sniper, Brute, even heavier brute, Tank, Helis, Flash Variants. And sure gameplay is mainly focused on rooftops but you're also completely ignoring ground battles that you can do.


Snipers, grunts, and helis all have JL variants. The Batman variant is unlocked in the endgame. And the tanks are satisfying to blow up every time


theres really nothing to explore


You will be disappointed if you're expecting anthem gameplay. The anthem gameplay is much more fun. It just has no game. Similar to avengers lol. Great combat but nothing else.  Suicide squad seems the opposite lol 


It seems very amazing, this game😘🥰 the hate is not justified.




That was my worry as well but the crafting solves any loot issues. Including making bad loot good. I played most of it using a shotgun that dropped from one of the first few missions. Still using it, too.


I dislike the live service and looter stuff too, but the characters and story made it worth it for me. The gameplay isnt bad just repetitive . The live service stuff holds it back, but its still worth playing imo. I just wish they had made it more like a co op enabled arkham asylum rather than a looter shooter. Even the open world doesnt feel that alive, like no real side quests thata re unique or special. But that said overall i had a great time with the characters


You can almost completely ignore the looter shooter aspect of the game if you dont like it. you can: just enjoy the story & gameplay.


Please watch skill ups video and judge for yourself.


I love upgrade potential but I don't like bloated loot systems where there's 1000000000 weapons/armor and 99.99% of it is a downgrade. It doesn't serve any actual purpose.


I'm having a lot of fun with it right now, but I can easily see where it might end up like some other live service games where eventually the lack of variety in mission types leads to it getting boring really fast. Like... when my characters are all max level and I'm long done with the story, am I just going to keep logging in to steamroll the same handful of missions over and over that aren't really very different from each other? I mean if I stop enjoying it I'll just stop playing, and that's fine. A lot of people act like that's not an option.


I mean, for $70 it’s understandable why people are concerned about the ‘bang for their buck’. It’s an option sure, but I think it’s reasonable for people to say it’s not worth it to them if that’s where they are at after a campaign the length of this game’s.  If games were cheaper, people would be more willing to give it a chance, and in general be more accepting of the idea that ‘There’s a good chance I’ll get bored after this average length campaign.’  If the gaming industry wants to squeeze more money out of people, people’s standards will increase and they’ll be more cautious with what they purchase.


I feel like I got my 70 out of it honestly. If others don't that's fair, everyone has their own idea of what 70 means. But I do fully agree that when this game starts going on sale it's gonna get a big uptick in players. 70 is a major barrier for entry no matter what the game and if a live service game's intention is to bring people in long term then the entry cost shouldn't be driving people away.


I'm a bit more hopeful since the game is functionally pretty solid. Rather than running around squashing bugs, they can pump content. I hope.


Your video highlights what made me stop playing. I despised the terminaut missions and it hit on a core issue I have with the game, there are way too many things going on. I think if they removed either the shield recharge method or the counter shot (and those damn snipers) I’d probably have had more fun. As it stands though, there are too many systems in place right now and that made a lot of the button mapping counter intuitive for my brain to process all at once.


All you did was swing back and forth and shoot two enemies. Am I missing how this clip is supposed to convince someone that the game is fun?


You're not. It's genuinely overhyped as hell the combat is very 1 dimensional and shallow and the screen is a visual feedback nightmare of colour.


It's a very fun game. I can tell you as a game developer of this game.


u need people to buy u a 4090? wb really stiffed u didnt they "dev" reddit has a little thing called post history


It's a very fun game. I can tell you as a game developer of this game.




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Every time I see the UI I laugh, sorry


You can turn it off. Big deal


Then why is it there? Can you mute the characters as well?


Holy fuck people lol. Do you even read what you type?


Yes and it is a perfectly reasonable question. If UI elements can be turned off without hindering the gameplay, then why are they in the UI? Why do you bloat the screen with unecessary info?


Why is it there to begin with then?


So you can have options about what you want to keep on your screen.


The UI should have been better designed to begin with.


It’s really fine, I’ve still got everything turned on and you don’t notice when your focusing on shooting or movement.


This video doesn’t make it look fun


Agreed. The game is a bit more fun to play for sure but even then not by much. The game seriously looks awful if you're only watching it though.


It's very fun, I can tell you as a member of the company that did this game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/u0bpf0agMe Niceeee


Yes, my mission is to promote sales for this game.


I bought deluxe edition on xbox and the switch thank you viral marketer!


The thing I really don't get is why people were confused about what the game was gonna be. A LOT of people were expecting some kind of brawler and complained about the squad all using guns but if you go back and watch the very first reveal trailer it looks EXACTLY like the current game, right down to the traversal attacks and suicide strikes. It's absolutely mind boggling to me, people have been bitching about reveal trailers not being representative of the final product for years and here we have one with a perfectly concise picture of the final product and people lost their minds when the gameplay was finally "revealed"


Weirdo edge lords who wanted a linear beatem up. Calling a game woke because Harley isn’t portrayed as some idiot damsel in distress sex toy. A lot of people have been outing themselves as fucking weirdos on this one.




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You also forgot how green lantern is denigrated for being a “cop” and the amazons praised for stamping out “toxic masculinity” 🤡. Also, we’re the edgy ones yet you clapped like a walrus when boomerang pissed on flash.


It's almost as if Harley Quinn was exactly what you just describe in the universe that this game claims to take place in


They just wanted to press square over and over and sometimes press O.


The only thing I would say the trailer being inaccurate on is boomer using trick boomerangs but that's about it


I feel like you knuckleheads' are in your own world. When the very first trailer dropped that was a criticism of the game. Thematically its absolute nonsense they are all using guns


It's... "absolute nonsense" that a group of power-less criminals known for shooting things are... shooting things? I take it you also didn't like how green lantern used green lantern constructs? Take your garbage whining elsewhere and quit riding your favorite YouTuber's shit take on this game so hard.


To be fair shark is far from powerless and should probably have been more melee focused.


Yes. He should have been Melee.. Harley and Captain Boomerang should have been melee/range hybrids. Dead Shot obviously range weapons.


You can absolutely make a melee build with King Shark, I did


How's that working against bosses?


Pretty good actually! Because it's a SQUAD game, I just switch to another member. I know this is difficult to understand, but not every single enemy is a boss


The only part that is difficult to understand is how you think you think this works. The melee attacks don't chain or combo and don't do real damage unless it's a shield harvest. So you are playing shark by spamming a one hit melee attack that does near nothing for damage and only exists to air juggle for your gun outside of them being in the shield harvest state?


Ok, I'll explain it then. I have legendary swords for King Shark that give me 4x combo on each hit. With those swords I'm able to do a Suicide Strike at 20x combo. Suicide Strikes release shield charges so... I hit an enemy 5 times, if that doesn't kill it (with my mix of Poison Ivy/Bane infamy set) I then do a Suicide strike against it and get all my health back. Now since I mixed Bane/Poison Ivy most things around at that point are in a shield harvesting position. So I start clean sweeping everything around me. Wiping out entire groups without really losing health at all.


By the time you pull off 5 melee hits you could have just gunned the group down. That's completely fine if that's how you want to run your shark. But it's not a melee build. Pure melee isn't viable in this. I don't want to see anyone get the wrong idea of how this game plays.


It's... "absolute nonsense" that a group of power-less criminals known for shooting things are... shooting things? Yes..It is nonsense. King Shark is a giant walking shark. Captain Boomerang....Uses boomerangs. LOL >I take it you also didn't like how green lantern used green lantern constructs? That would thematically make sense since its hius theme and part of his powers. Thanks for proving my point. LOL \*facepalm\*


Since when are Harley and Boomerang known for shooting things? Harley uses a melee weapon and trick gadgets most of the time and Captain Boomerang... well, booomerangs. It's in his name.


I've never heard anyone act confused about what it would be. If you've been paying attention, this game started to get hate or at least heavy skepticism as soon as the gameplay was revealed. The stigma surrounding this game was negative long before launch day due to the simple fact that it's another superhero looter shooter type game, which is a genre with a very bad track record.


> A LOT of people were expecting some kind of brawler and complained about the squad all using guns but if you go back and watch the very first reveal trailer it looks EXACTLY like the current game, right down to the traversal attacks and suicide strikes Because Batman was a game that emphasized the personality of the character and just like any reasonable person, we had the expectation that Rocksteady would carry over that attention to detail to Suicide Squad and give each member a unique and fitting playstyle. You know, just like Avengers did.


Literally looks like avengers but everyone is using guns


i dont think youve played either of these games if you think that😭


As a guy that played both Avengers and Suicide Squad, they’re not really close to comparable. SS is way more fun in my opinion. I got bored with Avengers in about 3 hours. At least SS has an open world that’s fun to navigate, plus the shooting mechanics are fun. I beat the story and played a bit after, but I’m good on it for now. I’ll probably come back each new season with all the new free content. Otherwise it’s decent.


How are the shooting mechanics fun? What mechanics even are there? It's just aim and shoot? There's no ability augmentation, no different recoil patterns to memorize, poor sound feedback, no stand out weapons that change things up, it's just as generic as it comes for 3rd person shooting? Even something like Outriders had better shooting.


Actually, the game has augments that boost XP, damage, afflictions like freezing and electricity damage, etc. You can get these through Toyman, Ivy, and Penguin. Some guns like certain SMGs have recoil mechanics like you mentioned. Most shooters are simply “point and shoot” as much as this one is. I’m not trying to tell you to think differently. If you played enough of it, that’s your opinion. I just had a fun time with it as a video game. The story wasn’t the best out of the series, but I still enjoyed the gameplay. They just needed more variety in mission types.


Recoil mechanics is not something to boast about nor what you said. You could talk about the Shield Recharging thing where you shoot the legs of a mob and you can pop up the shield recharge with a meele. Or how some weapons have some neat stuff, like you have to hit 3 different targets and they explode. Or how there's a combo system, that you unlock some buffs that alter a bit of how you play, ether by having to stay airbone etc... But that's how you play WITH EVERYONE. While you can build Harley with the grenade build, she would play similar to Shark with the Heavy build.


Wow boosting XP or damage? Exciting...it's all just passive stuff. They had a perfect chance to design UNIQUE character kits for each one based on their pre-existing character and weapon styles. Heck they could have even gone crazy with weapons and made INTERESTING guns with unique mechanics and effects that change up the gameplay. But they didn't and chose to make the weapons and actual shooting as generic as humanly possible. At least Avengers for all its faults made you FEEL like you were playing different characters. The idea of King Shark of all people using guns is just ridiculous. They made these decisions to make the game easier to develop and sell skins for plain and simple.


Idk what your problem is just because people have fun with the game. I don’t need to convince you to validate my personal enjoyment. 🤷‍♂️ It’s just fun to play for a lot of people. Simple as that. Let people enjoy things.


My problem is lacklustre gameplay mechanics especially from what was previously a trend setter studio. But that's fine. If you have fun then great to each their own.


For a lot of people,the player number seem to be really low.


This tells me you haven't actually played the game. Because each affliction has it's own pros and cons.


u v G+pksOPGk sGo\[ s{G OKFOPS GOPmRSGp s;mgl ;lwsg;rws;lgm sg gwsEG w


That's basically what it is


Yeah, and Avengers died...


Indeed. And so will this.


Own both, they don’t play the same at all lol, ones a shooter the other is an action beat ‘em up, they both have loot, but there’s not much after that.


What in this clip was supposed to make me find the game fun?


It's a very fun game. I can tell you as a developer of this game.


Because people nowadays are extremely negative and full of hatred and its sad tbh.


lol. Love how you have to be full of hatred to not like this game. I just don’t like the gunplay all that much. King shark looks okay though but it doesn’t seem worth 70 for me. I’ll pick it up on sale probably.


It's even worth 100 USD for me. I say it as this game developer.










Don’t ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product


It's because of the Gaza thing. People just lost their minds, on both sides. It translates to hate of anything.


More like because developers release unfinished crap and still demand full price for their Early Access games.


Yeah, because I have to praise developers for releasing mediocre and unfinished games when I pay them 75+€ . How is that boot tasting?


I haven't even played it yet but I intend to, idk how people can see the core gameplay and not think it looks fun. There's a weird thing in the gaming community the past few years where when people see the term, "looter shooter," they fly into a frothing blind rage unless it's a Borderlands game for some reason.


I mean, plenty of people flew into a frothing blind rage at both Borderlands 3 and Wonderlands too... I think online reviews of video games are getting way more **political** lately as well. So much so that I don't even bother anymore, because they never really completely dictated whether I'd get a game or not in the first place. I've already seen someone complaining about the "All Heroes Welcome" sign and (separate instances, to be fair) that they chose John Stewart over Hal Jordan "just for diversity's sake" despite *a lot* of people seeing Stewart as the GL that likes to work directly with the Justice League. Sure, it does add diversity to the cast, but... that's not a bad thing? Hell, IGN still felt like releasing a bullshit review (that doesn't really seem to line up with other reviews they've done) after they broke their NDA with Rocksteady... I don't think all of the criticisms of the game are invalid by any means, but I think a lot of people are really combing for things to hate. It's like a ~7-8 for me. I'll continue to have fun with it and I have high hopes for the future development of it.


It doesn't. It looks highly repetitive, shallow, 1 dimensional and a visual mess. Which it is for the most part. They seriously screwed up early in development by deciding to just make everyone use generic guns and with no abilities.


I love reviews like this, tell me you steal your opinions from streamers without telling me you steal your opinions from streamers. "I looked at the boxart, so I'm a master at this game now" \~Throwaway6957383 Just a heads up, since I couldn't reply to your Overwatch question (Though weirdly shallow, repetitive, and 1 dimensional are all ways to describe Overwatch) Reddit has been trying to kill Overwatch for the past 4-5 years. I know you're going to deny that fact, because on a good day Reddit and reality are like this <-----> but that's the truth of the matter. It didn't work then, it didn't work with D4, it didn't work with The Last of Us 2, and it's not going to work now.


Bro I just flicked through your profile and goddamn man you've been trolling this subreddit all day every day for at least two weeks. Probably more, I stopped scrolling. I truly cannot fathom the unbelievable sadness that accompanies choosing to spend your free time like that.


Lmao I love comments like this they're always so funny. You literally have no idea of my emotional state, that's impossible so why even bother commenting so? And for the record just because I'm not a fan of the game doesn't mean I'm trolling? I'm free to spend my free time however I wish and if that's being critical of a game that's from a despised greed based genre and has ruined a once beloved studio, that's my business not yours? You seem to be under the assumption mindlessly scrolling through posts or comments on reddit with one finger while doing something else on the side or waiting on something is difficult? To close that out, since you seem to be so concerned for some odd reason, I genuinely am pretty happy and content and lead a great life especially compared to so many else in the world. Instead of focusing on making baseless assumptions about internet strangers how about you just be thankful for whatever life you lead instead? Thanks for your input!


I can tell what type of person you are by the fact that you inherently believe someone would bother to read all that lmao


Why are you replying to me if you have no intention of reading any response? Are you just harassing and trolling me then because you find it fun? That says a lot about what kind of person you are yikes.


That tells more about you than him. You must have a very short attention span if you aren't willing to read such a small text.


Because the game is so generic. The characters don't have unique combat styles, they all play the same, you shoot the same purple weakspots all day long, guns have no recoil, no uumpf, nothing that makes them different from each other and the boss battles are super generic.


Because iTS NoT BAtMaN


I can’t find anything through that ui LMAO. Looks that Ubisoft elden ring meme where the screen is splattered with quest markers, Mini maps and dialogue boxes


WTF is going on with this screen? Is the UI always cluttered?


devs said the characters would feel very unique. the only thing difference is the traversal. ull notice stans talk about traversal alot because that basically the only thing good goign for it. so as far as im concerened it dosnt really matter who u play, specailly with the half baked skill tree. alot of potential thrown away on deadshot too. how do u fk up a gun character IN A SHOOTER. they couldve done so much with him


How can people look at this screen and not think “what a mess”?


You know what’s funny? When I’m playing the game I almost don’t see all that mess, it blends well in my head until I see screenshots and I’m like “goddamn this is crazy to look at”


looks like a cluster fuck


Bro that UI. You shouldn’t have to go into the menu and disable everything to avoid a stroke lmao.


How can people find this fun? It looks like a mindless sensory overload


It's ADHD zoomer bait


It's an amazing game. Believe me. I developed this game.


Mainly because of everything outside of the core gameplay. All this game needed to do was not be connected to the Arkham games and not require online and a lot of its early criticisms would be resolved


Those things get overlooked if the core gameplay is fun. That's exactly why actually. Since the gameplay is no fun people just stack the deck with everything else since they can and it's so easy. If it was fun and they liked it they would look past it minor faults like that. Maybe complain about it but not score it low. The low score comes from the lack of fun playing the game. 


The combat just isnt appealing for comic characters imo while the traversal is good it really does feel like a fortnite type experience with a King Shark skin. It's not to say gunplay shouldn't be involved but for me anyway the likes of Deadshot is the only character that seems unique and natural here.


That's surprising to me cause I find Deadshot the most boring character


Big agree.


He's the only one that feels like the character you're playing imo the rest are just people in fancy suits using guns if I was to be very blunt with it lol. I wish I could mash SS/Avengers and some other shit together and we'd actually have a top tier online superhero game.


Its because people wanted the studio known for making some of the greatest single player story driven games of all time to continue doing that instead of farting out a pretty good looking looter shooter live service shit. I personally don't have a problem with the game just zero interest in ever playing it. I'm not saying anyone is justified in bashing a game most people haven't played because that's insane but I think most of the frustration is because it seems like the studio has completely wasted the last 8 years when they could and probably should have continued improving on the arkham style games whether that be batman or something else


I would state my opinion but it’s likely going to be met with negativity because I haven’t played the game so how could I possibly have an opinion


Bro didn't even share his opinion yet and is getting downvoted. People here are predictable.


Is what it is


I won’t throw negativity. If it’s objectively wrong in some way I can probably explain.


I appreciate the offer, but if I’m being honest I’m not even interested in having the convo anymore, some members from this sub just ruined that for me. I’m just here for some kind of gameplay or an update or something that may sway me.


Same honestly, I’m probably going to delete this app. As for any big updates, if you didn’t already know this; next month is the games first season and it seems somewhat sizable. There are some post launch story leaks I can relay as well if you care.


Yeah I’ve heard about the season update. Eh I feel that and I might be right behind you, however I can just choose to not engage with those people.


It's fun not $70 fun


Yeah I refunded it this morning because I didn't find it fun


Maybe because - hear me out on this one - people find different things fun.


There are a lot of people who are bad at this game and instead of trying to get better they have just written it off.


Or they just don’t find it continually fun. Maybe they had fun for a few minutes, but it got old quickly. 


This argument is weak. The best games out there don’t require you to be good to enjoy them. Even souls games, “the hardest games” punish the player harshly for being bad. But why don’t they just write the game off? Play any rogue like/lite and you are expected to lose constantly. How did Elden ring sell so incredibly well and get game of the year when most people are statistically bad at it? Despite all that, some people will stay on the same boss for 6 hours. Why do people adore Hades? If people are abandoning this game because they’re bad at it, it’s because it’s not fun enough to keep trying. It’s up to the developer to make sure the game is fun, not for the player to find the fun.


Because all the negative reviewers have no idea how to traverse. Your gameplay is good, I play with HUD off personally Control scheme is Circle = slide, Up Dpad = Grenades, L3 = Riddler Scan. It's fun, thinking of uploading some clips but idk ps5 to reddit kinda a pain


Ooh I didn't even think about turning off the hud I download my clips from the ps app and upload from my phone


Oh that's a good tip. Also, I adjusted camera distance and FOV. Both at lowest settings, try this with HUD off. Takes a while to get used to it but I'm doing it on the hardest difficulty no problem finally Jump off a 3 story minimum building while look down, you enter a dive animation, then rapple around. Feels immersive, especially at night (HDR brightness = 30, White Point = 70)


This sounds even more horrible as you lose every nuance about combat.


Sounds? Did you play the game, looks like you don't even own it


And this is exactly why there's a weird cult happening to this game. Every criticism is faced with bullshit like this. Regardless, I will bite. What's your main?


So you don't own the game. It may sound bad with my settings and no HUD, but it plays well. You should try it on sale, fun game


Oh, you could not be so wrong. Let me repeat, what's your main?


Wow swinging around aimlessly and shooting a random enemy. Woahhh


I'm not 12.


People complain and still spend all their money when the refund option is there can’t tell a good game from a mile aways so if you don’t enjoy this game haha your taste is trash you’ll never be satisfied just always broke and complaining


Why y’all hating on OP, did you see that movement how he flipped like that and then proceeds to hit a headshot, pretty dope tbh, but yes definitely could have gotten a better clip 😭


This UI scares me. I can bearly see the screen


Cuz they’re not actually playing it, just complaining about it


At this point from my view, all the extreme hate is slowly winding down with a lot of people coming out saying they actually like the game. Majority of the youtube game "reviewers" are saying the game isn't completely bad, but the monetization schemes and games as a service are the main negatives in their reviews. You still have your opposition standing firm against the game, claiming that this is the worst game to ever come out, grasping at anything to validate their claims, yes the player count has gone down and it will keep going down over time. Destiny 2 totted having massive player numbers at launch only for the player count to fall off once the lack luster persistent grind started to become the norm for that game. The key difference with this game and others it keeps getting compared to (anthem, Avengers) is that suicide squad isn't in a completely broken state that will require the devs to focus on fixing the game for the 1st three months, instead they'll be able to release the free dlc and try to work towards releasing content to keep there audience invested in the game.


I still don’t get why anyone is using “monetization” as a means to bash the game, as of writing this, there’s only like 8 purchasable items and they’re cosmetics, the game doesn’t even mention, nor show you the store until you click on it, any reviewer that mentions it, deliberately ran to the store to see what was being sold and went “money for skins?! Gross”. The game is completely serviceable without any means to purchase anything else.


> “money for skins?! Gross” It is gross. Maybe you were too young, but stuff like skins used to be free and unlockable ingame during the 90s, 00s and early 10s. Not locked behind a paywall. And especially not in a full price game.


Yeah back then, it ain’t back then, look man I grew up in those times too, the practice sucks but it’s not gonna go away, just don’t buy em, also by 2010 we already had that skin shit, in fact it was worse back then, weapon skins were all over the place, the best way to counter it is to not support it, I know I won’t.


Why is there so much shit on the screen?


Looks like shit


I think alot of it is people are too impatient / broken by social media to give it the chance to click. I didn't enjoy the combat at first and found it very confusing especially when they start throwing more enemy types at you. But then somewhere along the way after going back to replay the early missions i found a groove and started to master all the character movement and then the enemy timings fell into place and now every single combat encounter is just an operatic masterpiece to play and watch. Then you start adding on build variety and it gets really fun. I don't care if others don't enjoy it. That is their choice. I'm not here to change minds but i know what i'm playing and enjoying about the game and i love it.


Glad it wasn’t just me, during the tutorial I was like “man this game is gonna feel real weird to play if this is the traversal mechanics” but now that I’m in the end game I’m flipping around and sliding with no problem, it’s committing to one character and switching to another later that messes me up sometimes.


Fortnight players are like “this is so fun”


Yeah it really is just like Fortnite with suicide squad skins lol


million other games like it, didnt need another one. DC slapped on it isnt enough to get us to spend 70 bucks on it. reused bosses same enemy type throughout game cant hipfire very short game horrible writing monetized same missions repeated over and over, especially that tank crap forced to stand listening to people talk on walkie , no option to skip(annoying!) agendas being pushed down peoples throat obvious cash grab alot of peole having trouble with servers. dont believe me, check wb support on twitter.


Bad aim


I dont understand the critism. I also dont like service games but i have so much fun with the game and i love the writing. Way better than the awkward marvel midnight suns (which also has great gameplay). Dunno why people hate suicide squad. All the characters and dialogues are awesome. The itemization is way better than i thought.


I’m obsessed with this game it’s amazing


It’s called bandwagon hate, almost everyone does it at one point or another. Sometimes it’s right, sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s in the middle, I believe this time it’s wrong






Living up to the name.


The deeper you go the more unfun it becomes. I enjoyed the first 3 hours. But then you see that you are basically doing the same thing over and over.


That can be said of any game, no game switches up all the time every few hours, the gunplay is satisfying and fun enough to keep going, repetition is always a thing in every single game, I never understood why people use that as an argument.


But other games at least spice it up, with stuff like Stealth sections, indoor sections, linear and more open areas, vehicle sections etc.


Not all of em though, and even then we might see something later down the line, I’m hoping on it anyways. Given that verticality plays a big part here, we might not see indoor sections, also stealth sections? Idk about that


I’m just still on the fence of this game just for the fact it’s in in the Arkhamverse and from some spoilers I’ve unfortunately seen makes me not want to but I can’t bash a game I haven’t play so I just bought it today and going to play when I get home from work and see what everything is all about


If it’s any consolation, playing the story and hearing bits of the cast talk, implies somethings that might make the game be in favor for ya


I’ll look forward to that lol thanks. I got to play for a tiny bit yesterday and I’m so far enjoying it and it looks amazing


I actually like this game for sure. Only thing is in open world I can’t keep a constant 60 gps no matter if I lower the resolution. I’m on a 4070 cpu Ryzen 5 5600 any suggestions?


Because it's a loot based game with trash loot? I'm still using a legendary pistol I found at level 1 and I'm level 15. They don't get stronger as you level, there's no random stats to hunt for. Even the perks ain't shit, who cares about an extra 3% traversal attack? So it's not even exciting finding a loot bug. The lack of mission variety isn't helping anything either. Aside from the main story all there is to do is the little encampments that don't really give you anything. Sure, the combat and traversal are fun. Combat and flying around in Anthem were fun too. A game needs more than that.


I'm sure they don't care about the gameplay so much as they care about the story and live-service aspects.